
ADEMOLU Kehinde Olutoyin 

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Short Profile

Dr. Kehinde Olutoyin Ademolu was born in Somolu Lagos State, married and a native of Sagamu in Ogun State. He attended Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta between 1993 and 2008 culminating in the acquistion of B.Sc (Hons) Zoology, MSc Animal Physiology and PhD Animal Physiology. He started his working life as at 2003-2006: Assistant Lecturer, 2006-2009: Lecturer II, 2009-2012: Lecturer I, 2012-2015: Senior Lecturer, Visiting Senior Lecturer, 2015-till date: Reader. He received commendation letter from the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. O.B. Oyewole on successfully anchoring the 2nd International Conference on Giant African Land Snail, July 2013. His research interest includes; Investigation into the physiology of giant African land snails and fresh water snails, assessment of the growth and development of variegated grasshopper, Zonocerus variegatus (L) with a view towards its control, Examination of the daily activities of American cockroaches, American periplanets and Entomophargy as a means of getting cheaper protein source. He has over 50 publications in both local and international journals.

B.Sc; M.Sc., Ph.D. (Abk)


  • The     microbial   flora   assessment   of   all   instar   stages   of   variegated grasshopper, Zonocerus variegatus
  • Enzymatic   activities   in   the   gut   regions   of   variegated   grasshopper, Zonocerus variegatus during post embryonic development
  • Biochemical  analysis  of  the  haemolymph  of  normal  and  albino  Giant African Land Snails
  • Effects  of  mating  on  the  tissues  of  variegated  grasshopper,  Zonocerus variegatus

In progress

  • Biochemical  analysis  of  the  tissues  of  Giant  African  Land  Snails  during aestivation
  • Anti microbial properties of the haemolymph of Giant African Land Snails
  • Influence of reproductive activities on the accessory organs of variegated grasshopper, Zonocerus variegatus
  • Hormonal assay of the snails’ tissues during different reproductive phases
  • Validation   of   traditional   utilization   of   snails’   parts   by   laboratory experiments
  • Digestive  physiology  of  fresh  water  snails  :  Lanistes  libycus  and  Pila africana

HOD Department of Pure and Applied Zoology Dec 1,2023 to Nov 30, 2026
Acting Programme Leader (JUPEB) INHURD, FUNAAB

  1. Zoological Society of Nigeria   (ZSN)
  2. Entomological Society of Nigeria (ESN)
  3. International Society for Pest Information (ISPI)
  4. Research Network on Giant African Land Snail (NETGALS)
  5. Nigerian Society for Plant Protection (NSPP)
  1. 7th       International  Conference/workshop  on  Giant  African  Land  Snails  (GALS) organized  by  Network  on  Giant  African  Land  Snails  (NetGALS),  held  at  the Institute  of  Agricultural  Research  and  Training,  Moor  Plantation,  Ibadan,  Oyo State.   3rd   – 7th   June, 2018.
  2. 43rd    Annual   Conference   of   Nigerian   Society   for   Plant   Protection   (NSPP), University of Ibadan, Oyo State. April 22nd-26th, 2018 .
  3. 6th       International Conference/workshop on  Giant African  Land  Snails (GALS). Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State. 4th  – 7th June, 2017.
  4. 51st Annual Conference of Entomological Society of Nigeria (ESN), University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Kwara State. October 10th-13th, 2016.
  5. 5th    International Conference on Giant African Land Snails (GALS).   University of Calabar, Calabar, Cross River State. 5th  – 8th   June, 2016.
  6. 50th  Annual Conference of Entomological Society of Nigeria (ESN), University of Lagos, Akoka, Lagos State. October 6th-9th, 2015.
  7. 4th        International  Conference  on  Giant  African  Land  Snails  (GALS).  Nnamdi Azikwe University, Awka, Anambra State. 1st- 4th  June, 2015.
  8. 49th  Annual Conference of Entomological Society of Nigeria (ESN),University of Abuja, FCT, Abuja. October 7th-10th, 2014
  9. 3rd         International  Conference  on  Giant  African  Land  Snails  (GALS). Federal College of Education, Abeokuta, Ogun State. 1st  -4th June, 2014
  10. 48th    Annual   Conference   of   Science   Association   of   Nigeria   (SAN).Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State. 9th-14th June ,2013
  11. 2nd    International  Conference  on  Giant  African  Land  Snails  (GALS).Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State. 2nd-5th June,2013.
  12. 1st      International  Conference  on  Giant  African    Land  Snails  (GALS).  Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State. 12th-15th  February, 2012
  13. 7th   Annual  Conference  of  Zoological  Society  of  Nigeria  (ZSN).  University  of Ibadan, Oyo State. December 4th-7th, 2011
  14. 42nd       Annual  Conference  of  the  Entomological  Society  of  Nigeria  (ESN), University of Ibadan, Oyo State. October 3rd  -7th, 2011.
  15. 41st  Annual Conference of the Entomological Society of Nigeria (ESN),WUSTO, Ondo Town, Ondo State. October 4-7, 2010.
  16. 3rd    International Conference on Science and National Development organized College  of  Natural  Sciences,  University  of   Agriculture,  Abeokuta  (November,2008).
  17. 39th    Annual   Conference   of   the   Entomological   Society   of   Nigeria   (ESN), Umuahia, Abia State. 5th  -8th  October, 2008.
  18. 38th  Annual  Conference  of  the  Entomological  Society  of  Nigeria  (ESN),  OAU, Ile-Ife, Osun State. October 7-10, 2007.
  19. 2nd       International  Conference  on  Science  and  National  Development  organized College   of   Natural   Sciences,   University   of   Agriculture,   Abeokuta   (10-13 October,2006).
  20. 1st     International  Conference  on  Science  and  National  Development  organizedCollege   of   Natural   Sciences,   University   of     Agriculture,   Abeokuta   (25-28 October,2004).

(a) Dissertation

i     Ademolu, K.O. (2008). Physiological Studies on variegated Grasshopper

Zonocerus  variegatus  (L)  During  Post  Embryonic  Development  (Ph.D Thesis submitted to Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta.)

ii    Ademolu, K.O. (2002). Effect of different Nitrogen sources on the growth performance,  Haemolymph  mineral  composition  and  nutritive  value  of African  Giant  Land  Snail  (Archachatina  marginata)  (M.Sc.  Dissertation submitted to University of Agriculture, Abeokuta.)

iii   Ademolu,  K.O.  (1998).  Physical  and  Chemical  Analysis  of  Earthworms in some locations in Abeokuta (B.Sc. Dissertation  submitted to University of Agriculture, Abeokuta )

(b) Articles/Papers in Learned Journals

1          Ademolu,   K.O;   Idowu,   A.B   and   Agbelusi,   O.M.   (2006)   Effect   of Stocking Density on the Growth and Haemolymph Biochemical value of Archachatina marginata. Tropical veterinarian 24 (1&2):6-10.Published by   Faculty   of   Veterinary   Medicine,   University   of   Ibadan,   Nigeria. Available online at http:/

2          Ademolu,  K.O;  Idowu,  A.B  and  Amusan,  A.A.S.  (2007).  Chemical Analysis    of    Tissues    of    Zonocerus    variegatus    (L)    (Orthoptera: Pygomorphidae)   During   Post   Embryonic   Development   in   Abeokuta, South-Western,  Nigeria.  Nigerian  Journal  of  Entomology.  24:27-34. Published  by  Entomological  Society  of   Nigeria.  Available   online  at http:/

3          Jayeola, O.A; Ademolu, K.O; Ogunjinmi, A.A and Meduna, A.L (2007).

Effect  of  disturbance  on  egg  laying  Pattern  and  Hatchability  of  Feral Helmet  Guinea  Fowl  (Numida  meleagris  galleata  pallas  )  egg.  The Zoologist .5:54-59. Published by Zoological Society of Nigeria. Available on-line at http:/ajol info/index

4          Ademolu,    K.O,    Idowu,    A.B,    Mafiana,    C.F    and    Osinowo,O.A (2007).Performance, proximate and mineral analysis of African giant land snail  (Archachatina  marginata  )  fed     on  different  nitrogen  sources. Tropical   veterinarian      25   (4)   :124-131.   Published   by   Faculty   of Veterinary  Medicine,  University  of  Ibadan,  Nigeria.  Available  online  at http:/

5          Idowu,  A.B,  O.D  Babalola,  K.O  Ademolu  (2007).  Potentials  of  Albizia saman  pod  as  feed    for  the  Albino  Rats  (Spragne  dawley).  Tropical veterinarian.     25  (4):   116-123.  Published  by  Faculty  of   Veterinary Medicine,    University    of    Ibadan,    Nigeria.    Available    online    at http:/

6          Idowu,  A.B,  Somide,  O.M  and  Ademolu,  K.O  (2008).  Comparative

Analysis  of  the  chemical  composition of  the  haemolymph,  flesh  and  the

microflora  content  of  the  guts  of  some  African  land  snails  in  Abeokuta, Nigeria.   Tropical veterinarian  26(1&2): 20-29  Published by Faculty of Veterinary  Medicine,  University  of  Ibadan,  Nigeria.  Available  online  at http:/

7          Ademolu, K.O; Idowu,A.B and Jayeola,O.A (2008). Reproductive Tract assessment of Three Common African Land Snails.  Tropical Journal of Animal Science. 10: 81-83. Published by Animal Science Association of Nigeria (ASAN)

8          Ademolu,   K.O;   Idowu,   A.B   and   Jayeola,   O.A   (2009).   Changes   in haemolymph   biochemical   values   during   different   growth   phases   in African   Giant Land Snail (Archachatina marginata) Swainson. Nigerian Journal  of  Animal  Production  36  (1):  161-166.  Published  by  Nigeria Society     of     Animal     Production     (NSAP).     Available     online     at http:/

†9        Ademolu,  K.O,  Idowu,  A.B  and  Olatunde,  G.O  (2009).  Morphometrics and enzymes activities  in the femoral muscles of variegated grasshopper, Zonocerus     variegates     (Orthoptera:     Pygomorphidae)     during     post embryonic   development.   International   Journal   of   Tropical   Insect Science  29:53-56.    Published  by  Cambridge  University  Press,  London. Available online at http:/journals

10        Jayeola, O.A; Onadeko, S.A; Ademolu, K.O and Awofeso, O.M (2009).

Prediction   of   body   weight   from   body   measurement   in   Cane   Rat:

Thryonomys  swinderianus   (Temminck,  1827).  The  Zoologist  7:168-175

Published by Zoological Society of Nigeria. Available on-line at http:/ajol info/index

†11      Ademolu,  K.O;  Fakeye,  O.D;  Dedeke,  G.A  and  Idowu,  A.B  (2009) Activities of glycosidases in the foot muscles of African giant land snail A. marginata  during  aestivation.  Ethiopia  Journal  of  Biological  Sciences

8(2):165-170.  Published  by  Biological  Society  of  Ethiopia.  Available online at http:/ajol info/index.php/ejbs

†12      Ademolu,   K.O;   Idowu,   A.B   and   Olatunde,   G.O   (2010).   Hemocyte populations   in   Zonocerus   variegatus   (L)   (Orthotera:Pyrgomorhidae) during  post  embryonic  development.  Acta  Entomological  Sinica   53(4)

:470-473.   Published   by   Institute   of   Zoology,   Chinese   Academy   of Science,   Beijing,   China.   Available   online   at   http:/ article/to load article

†13      Ademolu, K.O; Idowu, A.B and Olatunde, G.O (2010). Nutritional value Assessment     of     Variegated     Grasshopper,     Zonocerus     variegatus (Acridoidea:   Pyrgomorphidae)   During   Post   Embryonic   Development. African   Entomology   18   (2)   :360-364.   Published   by   Entomological Society of South Africa. Available online at http:/

14        Ademolu,  K.O;  Oguntayo,O.O;  Idowu,  A.B  and  Dedeke,  G.A  (2010).

Variations  in  tissues  metabolites  and  gut  microbial  flora  of  adult  male

Zonocerus variegatus (L) (Orthoptera: Pyrgomorphidae) during starvation.

Biological and Environmental Sciences Journal for the Tropics (BEST)

8(1):188-193.  Published  by  Department  of  Biological  Sciences,  Bayero

University Kano, Nigeria.

†15      Ademolu,  K.O;  Jayeola,  O.A;  Idowu,  A.B  and  Elemide,  I.O  (2011).

Circadian variation in the locomotor, feeding pattern and active periods of two land snails species (Archachatina marginata and Achatina achatina). Archivos de Zooctenia. 60 (232):1323-1326 Published by Spanish Society of    Genetic    Resources    of    Animals,    Spain.    Available    online    at http:/

†16      Ademolu, K.O and Idowu, A.B  (2011) Activity of  digestive enzymes in Zonocerus  variegatus   (Orthoptera:  pyrgomorphidae)   gut  homogenates during post embryonic development . International Journal of Tropical Insect     Science     31:29-33.     Published     by     Cambridge     University Press,London.                       Available                       online                       at http:/

† 17     Ademolu,  K.O  and  Idowu,  A.B (2011).  Occurrence  and  distribution   of microflora  in  the  gut     regions  of  variegated  Grasshopper  Zonocerus variegatus (Orthoptera :Pyrgomorphidae) during development. Zoological Studies   50(4):   409-415.   Published   by   Biodiversity   Research   Centre, Academia     Sinica,     Taiwan.     Available     online     at     http:/     zool

†18      Ademolu, K.O; Balogun, A.A and Idowu, A.B (2011). Growth and ionic composition   of   the   antennae   of   variegated   grasshopper,   Zonocerus variegatus  (L.,  1758)  (Orthoptera:  Pygomorphidae).  Munis  Entomology and  Zoology.  6(2)  :920-924.  Published  by Department  of  Biology,  Gazi University, Turkey.  Available  online at http:/

†19      Ademolu,  K.O;  Jayeola,  O.A;  Dedeke,  G.A  and  Idowu,  A.B  (2011).

Comparative   analysis   of   the   growth   performance   and   haemolymph biochemical properties of normal and albino giant land snail-Archachatina marginata.    Ethiopian    Journal    of    Environmental    Studies    and Management . 4(2):101-106. Published by Department of Geography and Environmental  Studies, Bahir  Dar  University,  Ethiopia.  Available  online at http:/

†20      Ademolu,   K.O;   Idowu,   A.B   and   Oke,   A.O      (2011).   Impact   of reproductive activities on the tissues of Zonocerus variegatus grasshopper adult  (Orthoptera:  Pygomorphidae).  Florida  Entomologist.  94  (4):993-

  1. Published by Florida Society of Entomology, U.S.A. Available online at http:/

21        Ademolu,  K.O;  Idowu,A.B;  Jayeola,  O.A;Osunsina,  I;  Dedeke,  G.A; Oluwafemi,  F  and  Ibie,  E  (2012).  Influence  of  different  management

systems  on  gut  microbes  and  chemical  constituents  of  Giant  land  snail (Archachatina   marginata).   Nigerian   Journal   of   Animal   Production (NJAP)   39   (11):179-186.   Published   by   Nigeria   Society   of   Animal Production (NSAP). Available online at  http:/

†22      Ademolu,  K.O;  Idowu,  A.B  and  Oke,  O.A  (2013),  Life  Cycle  and Morphometric  studies  of  variegated  grasshopper  Zonocerus  variegatus (Linnaeus,   1758).   Munis   Entomology   and     Zoology   8   (1):375-381. Published by Department of Biology, Gazi University, Turkey.  Available online at http:/

†23      Ademolu, K.O; Fakeye, O.D; Dedeke, G.A; Ajayi, O.A and Idowu, A.B. (2013).  Digestive  Enzymes  in  African  Giant  Land  Snail  (Archachatina marginata)  during  aestivation.    Archivos  de  Zooctenia  62(237):73-77. Published  by  Spanish  Society  of  Genetic  Resources  of  Animals,  Spain. Available  online at http:/

†24      Ademolu, K.O; Akanmu,E.T; Dedeke, G.A and Jayeola, O.A (2013).   A preliminary chemical and structural analysis on the albumen gland of three snail species found in Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria.  Pertanika Journal of  Tropical  Agricultural  Science  36  (1):35-42.  Published  by  Universiti PutraMalaysia. Available online at

†25      Ademolu,  K.O;  Taiwo,  B.E;  Jayeola,  O.A  and  Ajayi,  O.A  (2013).  Egg laying pattern and albumen gland composition of Archachatina marginata during  different  growth  phases.  Archivos  de  Zooctenia   62  (240):  603-

  1. Published by Spanish Society of Genetic Resources of Animals, Spain. Available on line at http:/

†26      Ademolu, K.O; Idowu, A.B; Onabiyi,O and Oke, O.A. (2013). The roles of food plants on the dispersion activities of the  variegated  grasshopper, Zonocerus    variegatus    (L)    (Orthoptera:    Pyrgomorphidae).    African Entomology  21(1):41-44.  Published  by  Entomological  Society  of  South Africa. Available online at http:/

27        Ademolu, K.O (2013). Sexual dimorphism in somatic tissues’ response to copulation  in  Adult   Zonocerus  variegatus   (L).   Nigerian   Journal  of Entomology.      30:164-169.   Published   by   Entomological   Society   of Nigeria. Available online at http:/

†28      Oke, O.A; Ehien, O.O   and Ademolu, K.O (2014). Effects of Dermestes maculatus (DeGeer, 1774) on smoked African catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell,  1822)   during  storage.  African  Entomology  .  22(1):  110-114. Published by Entomological Society of South Africa. Available online at http:/

†29      Idowu,  A.B;  Ademolu,  K.O.  and  Bamidele,  J.A  (2014).   Nutrition  and heavy   metal   levels   in   the   mound   termite,   Macrotermes   bellicosus (Smeathman) (Isoptera: Termitidae) at three sites under varying land use

in Abeokuta, southwestern Nigeria. African Entomology 22(1): 156-162. Published by Entomological Society of South  Africa. Available online at http:/

†30      Lawal,  O.A;   Ademolu,  K.O;  Aina,   S.A.  and   Abiade,  A.N.   (2014).

Influence  of  nesting  habitats  on  the  gut  enzymes  activity  and  heavy metals   composition   of   Apis   mellifera   andersonii   L   (Hymenoptera: Apidae).    African    Entomology.    22    (1):    163-166.    Published    by Entomological     Society     of     South     Africa.     Available     online     at http:/

†31      Bamidele,J.A;  Idowu,  A.B;  Ademolu,  K.O.  and  Atayese,  A.O.  (2014).

Microbial   diversity   and   digestive   enzyme   activities   in   the   gut   of earthworms found in sawmill industries in Abeokuta, Nigeria. Revista de Biologia Tropical . 62 (3):1241-1249. Published by Universidad de Costa Rica. Available online at www. Biologiatropical

32        Ademolu,   K.O   (2014).   Effect   of   tentaclectomy   on   the   growth   and reproductive  performance  of  Giant  African  Land  snail,  Archachatina marginata.   Nigerian   Journal   of   Animal   Science.   16   (1):152-156. Published by Animal Science Association of Nigeria (ASAN). Available online at

33        Aladesida,A.A;  Dedeke,  G.A;  Ademolu,  K.O  and  Museliu,  F  (2014). Nutrient  Analysis  of  three  earthworm  cast-types  collected  from  Ikenne, Ogun  State,  Nigeria.  (formally  ASSET)  Journal  of  Natural  Sciences, Engineering and Technology. 13:36-43 . Published by Federal University of       Agriculture,       Abeokuta,       Nigeria.       Available       online       at

†34      Ademolu, K.O. (2015). Contribution of Pawpaw (Carica papaya) plant to the  performance  of  land  snail  (Archachatina  marginata).  Archivos  de Zooctenia.  64  (245):79-81.  Published  by  Spanish  Society  of  Genetic Resources       of       Animals,       Spain.       Available             online       at http:/

†35      Ademolu,  K.O;  Akintola,M.Y;Olanloye,A.O  and  Adelabu,B.A.  (2015). Traditional utilization and biochemical composition of six mollusc shells in Nigeria. Revista de Biologia Tropical63 (2): 459-464.  Published    by Universidad      de      Costa      Rica.      Available      online      at      www.

36        Bamidele, J.A;  Idowu, A.B; Ademolu, K.O; Agbaje, A.A. and Ajayi,  O.A. (2015).   Concentrations   of   steroids   in   the   Giant   African   land   snail (Archachatina   marginata)   at   different   reproductive   phases.   Journal   of Molluscan  Research  1:  46-51.  Published  by  Research  Network  on  Giant African Land Snail (NETGALS). Available online at  www.netgals. org

†37      Bamidele,   J.A.,   Idowu,   A.B.,   Ademolu,   K.O.,   Akinloye,   O.A.   and Bamgbola,  A.  A.  (2015).  Heavy  metal  accumulation  and  biochemical

evaluation  of  earthworms  from  sawmills  in  Abeokuta,  South-Western Nigeria. Revista de Biologia Tropical.   63 (4):1213-1221.   Published by Universidad        de         Costa        Rica.         Available        online        at

38        Pitan O. R., Kehinde, A. T., Osipitan, A. A.,Ademolu, K. O. and Lawal O.A       (2015).   Laboratory Evaluation of Insecticidal Activities of Some Botanicals  against  Four  Insect  Pests  of  Honey  Bees  (Apis  mellifera  L. Journal of Applied      Agricultural and Apicultural Research   11:172-182. Published by Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Ladoke Akintola  University, Ogbomoso, Nigeria.Available online at www.

*39      Idowu, A.B; Ademolu, K.O and Bamidele, J.A. (2015). Concentration of heavy   metals   in   tissues   of   6th    instar   nymphs   and   adult   variegated grasshopper   (Zonocerus   variegatus   L)   (Orthoptera:   Pygomorphidae) collected from different locations in Abeokuta, Nigeria.  Nigeria Journal Entomology 31:123-128. Published by Entomological Society of Nigeria. Available online at http:/

*40      Ademolu, K.O; Idowu, A.B; Olabode, O.A; Olalonye, O; Adelabu, A.B and  Atayese,  O.  (2015).  Effect  of  sterilized  cassava  leaves  (Manihot esculenta)    on    growth    and    nutritional    value    of    adult    variegated grasshopper,  Zonocerus  variegatus  (L).  Biological  and  Environmental Sciences  Journal  for  the  Tropics  (BEST)  12(3):117-121.  Published  by Department of Biological Sciences, Bayero University Kano, Nigeria.

*†41    Dedeke,  G.A;Owagboriaye,  F.O;Adebambo,  A.O.  and   Ademolu,K.O. (2016).  Earthworm  metallothionein    production  as  biomarker  of  heavy metal   pollution   in   abattoir   soil.      Applied   Soil   Ecology   104:42-47. Published by Elseviers. Available online at

*†42    Bamidele,  J.A;  Idowu,A.B;  Ademolu,  K.O.  and  Bankole,  S.O.  (2016).

Diversity,   abundance   and   tissue   mineral   composition   of   indigenous earthworm  species  of  sawmills  of  Abeokuta,  South  Western,  Nigeria. Munis Entomology and Zoology 11(1):63-67.   Published by Department of    Biology,    Gazi    University,    Turkey.        Available        online    at http:/

*†43    Surakat, O.A; Samwobo, S.O; Ademolu, K.O; Shittu, O; Adeleke, M.A; Abimbola, W.A,; Adekunle, N.O. and Mafiana, C.F. (2016). Cytospecies composition   of   Simulium   damnosum   complex   (Diptera:   Simuliidae breeding  in  Oyan  River,  Southwestern  Nigeria.  African  Entomology

24(1): 24-29    .  Published  by  Entomological  Society  of  South  Africa. Available online at http:/

*44      Surakat, O.A; Sam-Wobo, S.O; Ademolu, K.O; Bankole, S.O; Adeleke, M.A; Adekunle, N.O; Awoyale, A.K, Egbeobaunwaye, E; Akinsanya, A; Kuforiji,  A  and  Aremu,  S.  (2016).  Implications  of  human  migration  on onchocerciasis prevalence in Ogun State, South-western Nigeria. Nigerian Journal  of  Parasitology 37(1):  78-80.  Published  by Nigerian  Society of Parasitology and Public Health (NSPP).

*†45    Owagboriaye, F; Dedeke, G.A; Ademolu, K.O.(2016). Glutathionione-S- transferase  production  in  earthworm  (  Annelida:Eudrilidae)  as  a  tool  for heavy  metal  pollution  assessment  in  abattoir  soil.  Revista  de  Biologia Tropical64  (2):  779-789.  Published  by  Universidad  de  Costa  Rica. Available online at

*46      Esue, S.E; Ademolu, K.O; Jayeola, O.A; Olanloye, A.O and Idowu, A.B. (2016).  Impact  of  soil  substrate  replacement  regime  on  foot  muscle carbohydrases activities and gut microbial load of giant African land snail (Archachatina  marginata).  Journal  of  Molluscan  Research.  2:  61-66. Published by Research Network on Giant  African Land Snail  (NETGALS). Available online at

*†47    Ademolu,   K.O.;   Olaniyi,   P;   Ebenso,   I.   and   Idowu,   A.B.(2016).

Morphometrics and mineral composition of shell whorls in three species of giant African land snails from Abeokuta, Nigeria. Folia Malacologica

24(2):81-84.  Published  by  the  Associaciation  of  Polish  Malacologists, Poland. Available on

*†48.   Ademolu,  K.O;  Fantola,  F.O;  Bamidele,  J.A  ;Dedeke,  G.A.  and  Idowu, A.B.  (2016).  Formation  and  composition  of  epiphragm  in  three  giant African   land   snails   (Archachatina   marginata,   Achatina   fulica   and Achatina achatina). Ruthenica 26 (3&4):  165-169. Published by  Russian Malacology Society, Moscow, Russia. Available on

*49      Ademolu,   K.O.   and   Oyinloye,   N.A.   (2016).   Composition,   enzymes analysis  and  retraction  time  of  columellar  muscles  of  giant  African  land snails (Archachatina marginata) in response to external stimuli. Nigerian Journal of Animal Science  18 (2):329-335. Published by Animal Science Association       of       Nigeria       (ASAN).       Available       online       at

*50.     Odedara, O.O; Ademolu, K.O. and Ayo-John, E.I. (2016). Prevalence of rice yellow mottle virus (RYMV) on rice plants grown in selected farms in Ogun state: Preliminary results. Nigerian Journal of Biotechnology. 31:

96-102. Published by Nigerian Society of Biotechnology. Available online at

*†51    Abdul,  W.O;  Adekoya,  E.O;  Ademolu,  K.O.;  Omoniyi,  I.T.,  Odulate, D.O;   Akindokun,   T.E.   and   Olajide,   A.E.   (2016).   The   effect   of environmental parameters on zooplankton assemblages in tropical coastal estuary,  south-west,  Nigeria.  Egyptian  Journal  of  Aquatic  Research.

42:281-287.      Published      by      Elseviers.      Available      online      at

*†52.   Ademolu,  K.O;  Olusunmade,  E;  Adelabu  B.A.  and  Idowu,  A.B.(2016).

Sexual differences in destructive capability and midgut enzyme activities in  adult  variegated  grasshopper,  Zonocerus  variegatus  (Linnaeus,1758) (Orthoptera:Pyrgomorphidae).  Polish  Journal  of  Entomology  86:27-34.

Published  by  Polish  Entomological  Society,  Lublin,  Poland.  Available online at

*53.      Osipitan,   A.A.,   Bamgbose,A.O.,Ademolu,   K.O.   and   Ewedairo,   B.I. (2016).  Evaluation  of  Entomopathogenic  Fungus  (Beauveria  bassiana (Bals).Vuill)  for  the  Management  of  Termite  (Macrotermes  bellicosus) (Isoptera: Termitidae). Nigerian Journal of Plant Protection 30:106-117. Published by the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection.

*†54    Ademolu, K.O; Ojo, V.O; Bamidele, J.A; Adelabu, A.B and Idowu, A.B. (2017). Feeding pattern and gut enzymes activities of Giant African Land Snails  (Archachatina  marginata)  during  growth  phases.  Archivos  de Zooctenia  66(253):267-278.  Published  by  Spanish  Society  of  Genetic Resources        of        Animals,        Spain.        Available        online        at http:/

*55      Idowu, A.B and Ademolu, K.O. (2017).Accumulation of heavy metals in the  soil  and  giant  African  land  snail  (Archachatina  marginata)  from different locations in Ijebu-Ode, Nigeria. Journal of Molluscan Research

3:13-17.Published  by  Research  Network  on  Giant  African  Land  Snails

(NetGALS). Available online at

*†56    Owagboriaye,  F.O;  Dedeke,  G.A;  Ademolu,  K.O;  Olujimi,O.O.  and Aladesida,A.A.  (2017).  Reproductive  Toxicity  of  Roundup  Herbicide exposure in male albino rat.  Experimental and Toxicological Pathology

69: 461-468. Published by Elsevier. Available online at

*†57    Ademolu,  K.O;  Joda,  O.A.  and  Osipitan,  A.A.  (2017).  Responses  of somatic   tissues   of   developmental   stages   of   variegated   grasshopper, Zonocerus variegatus (L)(Orthoptera: Pygomorphidae) to starvation. Acta Entomologica    Slovenica.    25(2):191-198.    Published    by    Slovenian Entomological Society. Available online at

*†58   Ademolu,  K.O;  Salami,  S.E;  Iyeh,  C.I;  Aladesida,  A.A,  Joda,  A.O.  and Osipitan,A.A.   (2017).   Gender   variations   in   nutritive   value   of   adult Variegated     Grasshooper,     Zonocerus     variegatus     (L)     (Orthoptera: Pygomorphidae). Journal of Kansas Entomological Society . 90(2):117-

  1. Published by  Kansas  State  Entomological  Society,  USA.  Available online at

*†59    Ademolu,  K.O;  Onadeko,  D.F;  Aladesida,  A.A;  Odedara,  O.O.  and Adelabu, A.B. (2017). Nutritional value and health status of Giant African Land  snail  (Archachatina  marginata)  from  three  different  sales  points. Ethiopian   Journal   of   Applied   Science   and   Technology.   8(2):   1-5. Published  by  Jimma  University,  College  of  Agricultural  and  Veterinary Medicine, Ethiopia. Available online at

*60.     Ademolu, K.O; Onadeko, D.E; Akinnusi. F.A.O; Mshelbwala, F.M; and Oropo,  A.  (2017).  Nutritional  value  of  the  visceral  mass  of  three  giant African land snails (Archachatina marginata, Achatina achatina, Achatina

fulica).   Nigerian   Journal   of   Animal   Production   44   (4):   133-138

Published by Nigerian Society of Animal Production  (NSAP). Available online at  http:/

*†61    Bamidele, J.A; Ademolu, K.O; Idowu, A.B; Aladesida, A.A and Oladele, A.O.  (2018).  Biochemical  and  nutritional  composition  of  giant  African land snail (Archachatina marginata) from South-West, Nigeria. Pertanika Journal  of  Tropical  Agricultural  Science.  41(1):  127-136  Published  by Universiti          Putra          Malaysia.          Available          online          at

*†62    Ademolu,  K.O;  Agbeje,  S;  Joda,  A.O;  Osipitan,  A.A.  and  Idowu,  A.B. (2018).  Circadian  variation  in  metabolites  and  enzyme  activities  in  the femoral and thoracic muscles of adult variegated grasshopper, Zonocerus variegatus    (Linnaeus,    1758)    (Orthoptera:    Pyrgomorphidae).    Polish Journal of Entomology. 87 (1): 77-84. Published by Polish Entomological Society,           Lublin,           Poland.           Available           online           at

*63      Ajibola,   E.S.,Rahman,   S.A.,   Ademolu,   K.O.,   Biobaku,   K.T.   and Okwelum,  N.  (2018).  Preliminary  investigation  of  the  effects  of  crude extract of snail mucin  from the Giant African  Land Snail (Archachatina marginata) on heart functions. Journal of Molluscan Research 4:11-16. Published    by   Research    Network    on    Giant    African    Land    Snails (NetGALS). Available online at www.netgals .org

*†64    Surakat,O.A.,   Sam-Wobo,   S.O.,   Santos,   T,   Faulx,   D.,   Golden,   A, Ademolu,K.O.,  Yokobe,  L.,  Adeleke,  M.A.,  Bankole,  S.O.,  Adekunle, N.A.,  Abimbola,  W.A.  and  Mafiana,  C.F.  (2018).  Seroprevalence  of onchocerciasis  in  Ogun  State,  Nigeria  after  ten  years  of  mass  drug administration  with  ivermectin.  Southern  African  Journal  of  Infectious Diseases 33(3):65-71. Published by Taylor and Francis. Available online at

*          Publications after the last promotion

†          Foreign / International journals




65        Ademolu,  K.O  and  Idowu,  A.B  (2004).  Effect  of  Starvation  on  some aspects  of  physiology  of  Zonocerus  Variegatus.  Proceedings  of    First International Conference on Science and National Development organized by  College  of  Natural  Sciences,  University  of  Agriculture,  Abeokuta, Pp75-79. Eromosele, I.C and Popoola, T.O.S (eds). Published by College of Natural Sciences, FUNAAB.

66        Ademolu,  K.O  and  Idowu,  A.B  and  Dansu,  B.M  (2006).  Morphometric Analysis  of  Zonocerus  variegatus  during  post  Embryonic  Development. Proceedings   of   the   Second   Conference   on   Science   and   National Development  organized  by  College  of  Natural  Sciences,  University  of Agriculture,  Abeokuta,  October  10th-13th,  2006.  Pp150-152.  Eromosele,

I.C and Popoola, T.O.S (eds) . Published by College of Natural Sciences, FUNAAB.

67        Ademolu,  K.O;  Oyinloye,  N.A.  and  Aladesida,  A.A.  (2014).  Enzymes activities  in  the  columella  and  foot  muscles  of  three  species  of  giant African  land  snails.  Proceedings  of  the  3rd   International  Conference  on Giant African Land Snails (GALS), Abeokuta 1st-4th   June,2014. Pp 79-82. Abiona, J.A and Osunsina, I.O (eds). Published by Research Network on Giant African Land Snail (NETGALS).

68        Ademolu, K.O; Solomon, O.R; Bamidele, J.A. and Idowu, A.B. (2015).

Circadian  variation  in  digestive  enzymes  and  reproductive  hormones activities    of    giant    African    land    snail    (Archachatina    marginata). Proceedings of  the 4th   International Conference on Giant African  Land Snails (GALS), Nnamdi Azikwe University, Awka, Anambra State. 1st- 4th June,2015. Pp 91-97. Okonkwo,J.C, Ebenebe,C.I. and Okonkwo,I.F. (eds). Published    by    Research    Network    on    Giant    African    Land    Snail (NETGALS).

69        Ademolu,   K.O.,   Oropo,   A.O.,   Orok,   E.E.   Akinnusi,   F.A.O.   and Aladesida,  A.A.  (2017).  Biochemical  analysis  of  the  columellar  muscles of Black-skinned  and albino giant African land snails. Proceedings of the

6th       International  Conference  on  Giant  African  Land  Snails  (GALS), Federal  University  of  Technology,  Akure,  Ondo  State.  4th   -7th,  2017. Fagbenro O.A and Ejidike, B.N. (eds). Published by Research Network on Giant African Land Snail (NETGALS).

70        Onadeko,  D.,  Abiona,  J.A.,  Dedeke,  G.A.,  and  Ademolu,  K.O.  (2018).

Nutritional  composition  of  the  Giant  African  Land  Snail  (Archachatina marginata)  from  four  locations  in  Ogun  State.  Proceedings  of  the  7th International Conference on Giant African Land Snails (GALS), Institute of  Agricultural  Reasearch  and  Training,  Moor  Plantation,  Ibadan,  Oyo State.  3rd    –  7th   June,  2018.  Pp  33-42.  Omole,  J.A.,  Ademolu,  K.O., Makanjuola,  B.A  and  Omotosho,  S.O.  (eds).  Published  by  Research Network on Giant African Land Snail (NETGALS).

*          Publications after the last promotion

†          Foreign / International journals

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