
ADENAIKE Adeyemi Sunday 


Short Profile

Dr. ADENAIKE, Adeyemi Sunday is a Lecturer I in the Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics of Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. He holds a First Class Honours Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture, with option in Animal Breeding and Genetics from Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria and also completed his Master’s Programme in Animal Breeding and Genetics (Animal Biotechnology option) in the same University with Distinction. He completed my Ph.D Programme in 2014 in Animal Breeding and Genetics (Animal Biotechnology option). He is very familiar with quantitative and population genetics, molecular genomics, statistical genomics, basic bioinformatics and very comfortable working at the interphase of quantitative and molecular genetics. He is very good in the use of Statistical Analysis System (SAS), SPSS, Excel, Winbugs (for Bayesian analysis) and R software in analysis of genomic data as well as general data using both Window and Linux operating systems.

He has submitted sequences to Genbank with Accession number: (KY494915 – KY494922 for TNFRSF1A) and Zyxin (GenBank accession No. KY560190 – KY560196). These genes are genes he sequenced in his Ph.D work.

Area of Bioinformatics he has run analyses include: Single nucleotide Polymorphism detection, multiple sequences Alignment, Phylogeny tree, Secondary and Tertiary structure prediction, Annotation of sequences using Map viewer, Primer design using Primer3. He uses the following bioinformatics very well DNAsp, MEGA, Clustal W and X, Bioedit, NCBI ORF Finder, Panther, Primer 3 and Mr. Bayes.

The long-term goal of his research activities is to identify genes that influence immune response and disease resistance of chickens to avian pathogens. He is currently into investigating the genetics of resistance to Salmonella disease, an economically important disease of chickens. Collaborative studies with senior colleagues are also underway to evaluate coccidiosis, a protozoan disease of the chicken intestinal tract. His emphasis is on the major histocompatibility complex, a gene complex whose products influence T lymphocyte function, as well as other chicken genes throughout the genome. I am studying MHC Class II (BLB) gene in chicken, He has looked at its expression using RT-PCR and wish to study many MHC genes through Gene enrichment analysis and Pathway analysis. He routinely uses SNP markers to genotype chickens and search for genes affecting immune response and disease resistance.

Ph.D (Animal Biotech.)  Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State 2011-2014
M. Agric. (Animal Biotech.)  University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State 2010-2011
B. Agric. (Hons.) (First Class Honours)  University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State 2003-2009

a) Completed
i. The Reproductive performance of West African Dwarf goats reared under intensive
and extensive management system.
ii. Coccidiosis tolerance and Genetic diversity of Nigerian indigenous chickens.
b) Research in Progress
Molecular characterization of Major Histocompatibility alleles in Nigerian locally adapted
turkeys and its association with immune response.

  1. TETFUND Institution Based Research intervention award for 2015 – as lead Researcher
  2. TETFUND Institution Based Research intervention award for 2014 – as Co-Researcher
  3. Vice-Chancellor’s prize for the best research proposal at International Foundation for Science (IFS) grant application write-shop organized by Directorate of Grants Management, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. January, 2014.
  4. TETFUND Institution Based Research intervention award for 2013 – as Co-Researcher
  5. Postgraduate Tuition Scholarship for First Class Students in the University 2010-2011
  6. University of Agriculture Graduate Fellowship, 2010
  7. Senate Award for First Class Students for the Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, 2009
  8. Academically Excellent Student in Redeemed Christian Fellowship, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. 2007/2008 academic session.
  9. Best Graduating Student in Redeemed Christian Fellowship, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. 2007/2008 academic session.
  • Member, Animal Science Association of Nigeria. (ASAN)
  1. Nigerian Society for Animal Production. Annual Conference. Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, March 20th-24th, 2016.
  2. World’s Poultry Science Association, Nigeria Branch.4th Nigeria International Poultry Summit, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. Ogun State. February 17th -21st, 2013.
  3. Animal Science Association of Nigeria. Annual Conference. Kogi State University, Anyigba, Kogi State.September 12th-15th, 2011.
  4. Adenaike, A.S., S.O. Sunday, M. Wheto, M.A. Adeleke and C.O.N. Ikeobi (2011). Allelic variation and its effect on Alpha 1 casein gene in goat milk. Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of Animal Science Association of Nigeria (ASAN), A.O. Aduku, T. Oluwagbemi and S.O. Aribido (Eds.) 2-4. Published by ASAN.

(A)     Project/Dissertation/Thesis

  1. Adenaike, A.S. (2009): Pre-weaning weight of West African Dwarf goat under intensive and extensive management system. B. Agric. Project, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, 41pp
  2. Adenaike, A.S. (2011): Bioinformatics analyses of Kappa Casein gene in twenty four mammalian species. M. Agric. Dissertation, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, 106pp.
  3. Adenaike, A.S. (2014): Genetics of Coccidiosis Tolerance and Diversity of Its Positional Candidate genes in Nigerian Local and Exotic Chickens. Ph.D. Thesis. Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, 177pp.

Journal Articles in Print
1f. Adenaike, A.S. and Bemji, M.N. (2011): Effects of environmental factors on birth weight and weaning weights of West African Dwarf goats under intensive management and extensive management system. Advances in Agricultural Biotechnology 1:9-14. Published by Advances in Agricultural Biotechnology, New Zealand.

2. Abolude, A.T., Olowofeso, O., Peters, S.O., Ozoje, M.O., Smith, O.F. and Adenaike, A.S. (2012): Phylogenetics of Elongation Factor-G Mitochondrial Protein Gene (GFM1) in ten selected species. Journal of Agricultural Science and Environmental. 11(1) 99-103. Published by Journal of Agriculture Science and Environmental, Nigeria. Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria.

3f. Bemji, M.N., Ogunjimi, A.A., Ode, A.J., Okediji, S.R., Akinwunmi, A.T.,Sanyaolu, T.O., Salawudeen, B.S., Kelani, B.A., Ogunsola, A.O., Agunbiade, M.O., Adenaike, A.S. and Ogundiyi, A.I. (2013): Prevalence of coat colour phenotypes in West African Dwarf Sheep reared by small holder farmers in South Western Nigeria. American Journal of Experimental Agriculture. 2(4):587-596. Published by Science Domain International, U.S.A.

4f. Durosaro, S.O., Oyetade, M.S., Ilori, B.M., Adenaike, A.S., Olowofeso, O., Wheto, M., Amusan, S.A., Osho, S.O. and Ozoje, M.O. (2013): Estimation of Body weight of Nigeria Local Turkeys from Zoometrical Measurement at 4, 8 and 12 Weeks of age. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research (Bio-Tech and Genetics). 13(1): 10-14. Published by Global Journal Inc. (USA). Available online at https://globaljournals.org/GJSFR-Volume 13/1

5Adenaike, A.S., Peters, S.O, Fafiolu, A.O., Lawal, R.A., Wheto, M. and Ikeobi, C.O.N. (2013). Bioinformatics analyses of kappa casein gene in mammalian livestock. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production 40 :(2) 1-12. Published by the Nigerian Society for Animal Production, Nigeria.

6fAdenaike A.S., Osisanya T.O., Ogunsola, O.D., Asine, A.O., Wheto, M., Ogunlakin, A.D. and Ikeobi, C.O.N. (2013): Combining ability of growth traits and inheritance in three breeds of rabbit. Journal of Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare 3(13): 102-107. Published by International for Biology, Agriculture and Healthcare, U.S.A.

7. Amusan, S.A., Ikeobi, C.O.N., Adebambo, A.O., Agaviezor, B.O., Wheto Mathew., Durosaro, S.O., Adenaike, A.S., Ilori, B.M., Adedeji, T.A., and Adebambo, Olufunmilayo (2013). Effect of chicken genotype on growth performance and feed consumption in the development of broiler lines. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production 40 (2), 1-6. Published by Nigerian Society for Animal Production, Nigeria.

8f. John S. Decampos, Christian O. N. Ikeobi, Olajide Olowofeso, Olusiji F. Smith, Matthew A. Adeleke, Matthew Wheto, David O. Ogunlakin, Abubakar A. Mohammed, Timothy M. Sanni, Babatunde A. Ogunfuye, Raman A. Lawal, Adeyemi S. Adenaike, Samuel A. Amusan. (2013). Effects of coat colour genes on body measurements, heat tolerance traits and haematological paramaters in West African Dwarf Sheep. Open Journal of Genetics 3, 280-284. Published by Scientific Research, U.S.A.

9*. Wheto, M., Ilori, B.M., Sanda, A.J. Adeleke, M.A., Durosaro, S.O., Adenaike, A.S. Adebambo, A.O, Ikeobi, C.O.N., Onagbesan, O.M, Ozoje, M.O. and Adebambo, O.A. 2015. Morphological characterization and evaluation of heat tolerance traits in Nigerian goat breeds. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production 42 (2), 1-13. Published by Nigerian Society for Animal Production, Nigeria.

10*Adenaike, A.S., Akinlabi, I.O., Akinola, A.O. Ewaoluwagbemiga, E.O., Ogundero, A.E., Tijani, A.G. and Ikeobi, C.O.N. (2016). Sex identification of Nigerian indigenous chicks using Auto-sexing methods. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production 43 (1), 21-26. Published by Nigerian Society for Animal Production, Nigeria.

11f*. Shittu, O.B., Adelaja, O.M., Obuotor, T.M., Sam-Wobo, S.O. and Adenaike, A.S. (2016). PCR-Internal Transcribed Spacer (ITS) gene sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of clinical and environmental Aspergillus species associated with HIV-TB co infected patients in a hospital in Abeokuta, southwestern Nigeria. African Health Sciences 16 (1), 141-148. http://dx.doi.org/10.4314/ahs.v16i1.19. Published by the Makerere University school of Medicine, Kampala, Uganda.

12*. Wheto, M. Adeleke, M.A., Ilori, B.M., Durosaro, S.O., Sanda, A.J., Adenaike, A.S., Adebambo, A.O., Akano, K., Ikeobi, C.O.N. and Adebambo, O.A. (2016). Growth hormone gene polymorphism and it’s effect on carcass characteristics in improved Nigerian indigenous chicken. Nigeria Poultry Science Journal 12:29-34. World Poultry Science Association- Nigeria branch, Nigeria.

13*. Bello-ibiyemi, A.A., Wheto, M., Adenaike, A.S., Decampos, J.S., Ogunlakin, D.O., Atunnise, M., Shola, S. and Ikeobic, C.O.N. (2016). Principal component regression of the morphostructural traits of West African dwarf sheep. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production 43(2) 62-71. Published by the Nigerian Society for Animal Production, Nigeria.

14f*. Adenaike, A. S., Mabunmi, A. O., Takeet, M.I., O.D. Adenaike and Ikeobi, C.O.N. (2016) Genetic differences in the body weight and haematological traits of Nigerian indigenous chickens infected with Eimeria tenella. Tropical Animal Health and Production 48 (7) 1443- 1447. Published by Springer in Britain.

15f*. Okpeku, M., Peters, S.O., Imumorin, I.G., Caires, K.C., Sharma, V.K., Wheto, M., Taman, R., AdenaikeA.S., Ozoje, M.O. and Thangaraj, K. (2016). Mitochondrial DNA hypervariable region 1diversity in Nigerian goats. Animal Genetic Resources 59, 47–54. Published by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Italy.

16f*. Adenaike A.S., Akpan, U and Ikeobi C.O.N. (2016). Principal components regression of body measurements in five strains of locally adapted chickens in Nigeria. Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa 64(1) 107-117. Published by African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources, Kenya.

17f*. Durosaro, S.O., Ilori, B.M., Raheem, K.O.,  Adenaike,  A.S.,  Olowofeso,  O.,  Adebambo, A.O., Ajibike, A.B. and Ozoje, M.O. (2016): Genetic parameter estimates for growth traits at different ages in Nigerian  indigenous  turkeys.  Bulletin  of  Animal Health and Production in Africa,  64(3):  307-318.  African  Union  Inter-African  Bureau  for  Animal Resources (IBAR) Publication, Kenya. ISSN0378-9721.

18*. Sonubi, A.E., Adenaike, A.S., Dauda, A.A., Alao, T.P., Shonubi, B.O., Iyiola, O.A., Abayomi, T.J. and Ikeobi C.O.N. (2017). Bayesian Principal component analysis of Nigerian indigenous normal feather chickens’ body linear measurements. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production 44 (1) 10-20. Published by the Nigerian Society for Animal Production, Nigeria.

19f*. Adenaike, A.S., Akpan, U., Udoh, J.E., Wheto, M., Durosaro, S. O. Sanda, A. J. and Ikeobi, C.O.N. (2017). Comparative evaluation of growth functions in three broiler strains of Nigerian chickens. Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agriculture Science 40 (4): 611 – 620. Published in Malaysia.

20f*Iyiola, O.A., Adenaike A.S., Alao, T.P., Shonubi, B.O., Dauda, A.A., Shonubi, A.E., Abayomi T.J. and Ikeobi C.O.N. (2017). Modelling growth curves of Nigerian indigenous normal feather chicken using Bayesian nonlinear model. Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa, 65(2): 271-275. African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources (IBAR) Publication, Kenya. ISSN0378-9721.

21. Wheto, M., Adenaike, A.S., Sanda, A.J., Ilori, B.M., Akano, K., Sanni, T., Olowofeso, O., Ikeobi, C.O.N. and Adebambo, O.A. (2017). Association between Insulin-like Growth Factor-

(IGF-1) gene polymorphism and carcass traits in improved Nigerian indigenous Chickens.

Nigerian Journal of Biotechnology 33:125-130.

22f*Agbalaya, K.K., Adenaike, A.S., Wheto, M., Olurode, S.A., Smith, O.F., Talabi, A.O. and Ikeobi, C.O.N. (2018). Single nucleotide  polymorphisms  in  two  TLR  genes  and  their effects on trypanosomosis traits in Muturu and White Fulani cattle challenged with Trypanosoma vivax in Nigeria. Bulletin of  Animal Health  and  Production  in  Africa,  66(1): 111-118. African Union Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources (IBAR)  Publication, Kenya. ISSN0378-9721.

23f*. Adenaike, A.S., Peters, S.O., Adeleke, M.A., Fafiolu, A.O., Takeet, M.I. and C.O.N. Ikeobi (2018). Use of discriminant analysis for the evaluation of coccidiosis resistance parameters in chickens raised in hot humid tropical environment. Tropical Animal Health and Production 50:1161-1166. Published by Springer in Britain. (DOI: 10.1007/s11250-018- 1547-1).
vi) Edited Conference Proceedings

  1. Adenaike, A.S. and Bemji, M.N. (2011): Effects of environmental factors on birth and weaning weights of west Dwarf goats under intensive management system. Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of Nigerian Society for Animal Production held at Merit House/Raw material Research and Development council, Abuja, Nigeria. 642-644.
  2. Akinfenwa, M.O., Peters, S.O., Adenaike, A.S., Obetoh, J.O. and C.O.N. Ikeobi. (2011): Bioinformatics analyses of Insulin-like growth factor1 (IGF-1) in five mammalian species. Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of Animal Science Association of Nigeria held at Kogi State University Anyigba, Kogi state, Nigeria. 19-21.
  3. Obetoh, J.O., Akinfenwa, M.O., Sunday, S.O., Adenaike, A.S. and Ikeobi, C.O.N. (2011): Comparative analyses and structural modeling of sequences of Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) in four poultry species. Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of Animal Science Association of Nigeria held at Kogi State University Anyigba, Kogi state, Nigeria. 45-48.
  4. Adenaike, A.S., Peters, S.O., Wheto, M., Adeleke, M. A. and Ikeobi, C.O.N. (2011). Allelic variation and it’s Effect on Alpha 1 Casein Gene in Goat Milk. Proceedings of the16th Annual Conference of the Animal Science Association of Nigeria held at Kogi State University Anyigba, Kogi state, Nigeria. 2-4.
  5. Adenuga, O.A., Adenaike, A.S., Wheto, M., Amusan, S.A., Durosaro, S.O., Adenaike, O.D., Peters, S.O. and Ikeobi, C.O.N. (2012). Sequence analysis of Major Histocompatibility complex class II DRB I and II genes in domestic animals. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of Animal Science Association of Nigeria. 41-43.
  6. Adenaike, A.S., Adenuga, O.A., Durosaro, S.O, Adenaike, O.D., Peters, S.O. and Ikeobi, C.O.N. (2012). Identification and Analysis of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms and Insertions/Deletions in Expressed Sequence Tag of Chicken Zyxin and TNFRSFIA genes. Proceedings of the 17th Annual Conference of Animal Science Association of Nigeria. 44- 47.
  7. Wheto, M., Adebambo, O.A., Peters, S.O., Durosaro, S.O., Adenaike, A.S., Amusan, A.S., Lawal, R.A. and Ikeobi, C.O.N. (2012). Effect of genotype and sex on the carcass characteristics of improved local chicken for meat production. Proceedings of 36th Annual Conference of Genetics Society of Nigeria held at University of Calabar, Calabar, Cross- Rivers state, Nigeria. 10-13.
  8. Durosaro, S.O., Adejumo, S.A., Ilori, B.M., Adenaike, A.S., Wheto, M., Amusan, S.A. and Ozoje, M.O. (2012). Effects of genotype and plumage colour on heat tolerance among turkeys in the first 20 weeks of life. Proceedings of 36th Annual Conference of Genetics Society of Nigeria held at University of Calabar, Calabar, Cross-Rivers state, Nigeria. 21-24.

32*Wheto, M. Adeleke, M.A., Adebambo, A.O., Durosaro, S.O., Sanda, A.J., Adenaike, A.S., Ikeobi, C.O.N. and Adebambo, O.A. (2015). Growth hormone gene polymorphism and its effect on carcass traits of normal feathered indigenous chicken. Proceedings of Nigeria International poultry summit held at University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Kwara State, Nigeria. 10-14.

33*. Adenaike, A.S., Ojerinde, T.E., Agbalaya, K.K. and Ikeobi C.O.N. (2015). Polymorphism of Tumour necrotic factor receptor super familly 1 A gene in Nigerian indigenous naked neck chickens. Proceedings of the 20th Annual Conference of Animal Science Association of Nigeria (4th ASAN-NIAS JAM) held at University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo state, Nigeria 6- 9.

34*Ogunfuye, B.A., Ikeobi, C.O.N., Smith, O.F., Adeleke, M.A., Adebambo, A.O., Wheto, M., Ogunlakin, D.O., Mohammed A.A., Decampos J.S. and Adenaike, A.S. (2016). Evaluation of serum protein polymorphisms in West Africa Dwarf and Red Sokoto goats in South-West, Nigeria. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference of Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NJAP), held at Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. 818-820.

35*. Irivboje, Y.I., Adenaike, A.S., Peters, S.O., Fafiolu, A.O. and Ikeobi, C.O.N. (2016). Comparative analysis of Interferon Alpha gene in Sokoto Gudali and White Fulani cattle breeds in Nigeria. Proceedings of the 41st Annual Conference of Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NJAP), held at Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. 18-21.

f Foreign journal articles and conference proceedings

*Journal articles and conference proceedings added after upgrading to the post of Lecturer II in 2014

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