
ADEWOLE Michael 

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Short Profile

Prof GBADEBO Adewole Michael, is a Geologist, Environmental Scientist and a University Lecturer. He holds B.Sc (Hons) Geology from University of PortHarcourt (1987); M.Sc Applied Geology (Sedimentary/Petroleum Option) from Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife; Ph.D in Applied Geochemistry from University of Ibadan (2007) and Post Graduate Diploma in Groundwater Exploration, Water Resources Exploitation and Conservation, from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel (2007). As a fresh graduate from the University, he worked briefly as a Geologist with Oil servicing and Mining companies before joining the University as a Lecturer in 1995. Between 1995 and 1998, he worked as a lecturer and researcher in the Geology Departments of Ogun State University, Ago-Iwoye; Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile- Ife and Federal University of Technology, Akure Nigeria. Due to his strong interest in Environmental Geology and Geochemistry, Dr. Gbadebo picked up appointment with Environmental Management and Toxicology Department of Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta in 1999 (being the only University in Nigeria that offers degree programme in Environmental Science at undergraduate level), where he works till date and teaches courses like Ecological Disasters and Control, Waste Management, Environmental Global Issues and Environmental Geosciences etc. Prof. Gbadebo has also served as an associate lecturer in the Geology Departments of Crawford University, Igbesa and Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, where he taught courses like Geology of Africa, Basin Analysis, Palynology and Micropaleontology and Environmental Geology e.t.c . Prof. Gbadebo is widely travelled and enjoyed travel grants and supports from international bodies like ‘ICOBTE; ‘IWGMG’; ’UNESCO’; ‘Exxon MOBIL in USA’; ‘MASHAV’ e.t.c for academic interactions and has also visited countries like Sweden (2003); Edinburgh (2004); Salt Lake City, Utta – USA (2005); Israel (2007); California, USA (2008) e.t.c. He has played and still playing supervisory role to graduate students -23 Master and 7 PhD research students. He has over 40 publications to his credit. Prof. Gbadebo welcomes collaboration from interested and competent scientists and researchers from any part of the world.

AREA OF SPECIALIZATION : Environmental Geology and Applied Geochemistry

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem                  –    2007

Ph.D. (Ib)., University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria                  –    2007

M.Sc. (Ife), Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria        –    1995

B.Sc (Portharcourt), University of Port-Harcourt, Nigeria                    –    1987

  2. Geochemistry of Rocks, Soil and Water from the Landslide Area in Okeigbo, Ondo State, Nigeria.
  3. Assessment of Radionuclide in the Soil and Rock of Quarry sites in Southwest Area of Nigeria.
  4. Hydrogeochemistry and Balneological Potential of thermal springs/groundwater in                Southwestern Nigeria.


My broad research interest involves application of geology to environmental sciences (i.e Environmental Geology) with emphasis on applied geochemistry (i.e Environmental Geochemistry) using geological materials (i.e rocks, soils, sediments, water, e.t.c), environmental and biological samples (i.e blood and urine)

  •  Geochemical studies of oil field brines using their chemical characteristics and genetic affinities; Environmental assessment of petroleum hydrocarbon, petroleum residue (spent oil) ; naturally seeping hydrocarbon (bitumen) and oil based drilling wastes (i.e cuttings and muds) (i.e Organic Geochemistry).
  •  Geochemical evaluation of radionuclides’ provenance and radiation monitoring in active and abandoned granitic/gneissic and limestone quarries (i.e Isotope Geochemistry).
  •  Hydrogoechemical studies of rural and urban water quality from different geological terrains .Balenological assessment of geothermal water using geochemical approach (i.e Hydrogeochemistry/Balenology).
  •  Trace metal geochemical studies (iodine, selenium, Fluoride e.t.c) of environmental samples and their associated diseases in different geological media (i.e Environmental Geochemistry & Health).
  •  Baseline geochemical studies/survey of pedological materials from southern part of Nigeria using topographic sheets (i.e Inorganic Geochemistry).
  •  Geochemical studies of trace metals in coastal and other wetland areas of southwestern Nigeria (Lagos,Ogun and Ondo States) using soil and sediment analysis (i.e Inorganic Geochemistry).
  • Post Graduate Scholarship (Federal Government of Nigeria)– 1990 – 1991
  • ICOBTE Scholarship to attend Conference in Sweden  – June 2003
  • IWGMG Scholarship to attend Conference in Edinburgh, U.K.                                            –    Sept. 2003
  • UNESCO Scholarship to attend International Geological Congress (IGC) in Florence, Italy – August 2004
  • Exxon Mobil Award to Attend Geological Society of America (GSA)
  • Annual Meeting and Exposition in Salt Lake City, Utah – October 2005
  • MASHAV Scholarship –    April 2007
  • UNESCO Sponsorship to attend International Association on Hydrogeology in Irvine, California, USA – Dec. 2008
  • Member, Council of Nigerian Mining Engineers and Geologists (COMEG)
  • Member, Nigerian Mining and Geologists Society (NMGS)
  • Member, Nigerian Association of Hydrogeologist (NAH)
  • Member, International Working Group of Medical Geology (IWGMG)
  • Member, International Society of Trace Element Geochemistry (ISTEB)
  • Member, International Geological Congress (IGC)
  • Member, Geological Society of America (GSA)
  1. Yemi-Akegbejo-Samson and Gbadebo, A. M. (2000) – Nutrient fluxes between land and ocean and effects of human induce activities: case study of Ondo State Coastal Wetlands: A paper presented at the 1st African Global Change Workshop on river catchment coastal sea interaction and critical loads. AfriBASINS. I.R.S Arthurton;H.H Kremer;E, Odada;S.Salomons and V.I MarshallCrossland (eds), UNEP – Nairobi, Kenya, 158-162.
  2. Bolaji, G.A.; Awokola, A.; Gbadebo, A.M. and Martins, O. (2000) – Movement of minerals and nutrients from river basins in South Western Nigeria into Atlantic Ocean: A paper presented at the Afribasins I. . I.R.S Arthurton;H.H Kremer;E, Odada;S.Salomons and V.I MarshallCrossland (eds), UNEP – Nairobi, Kenya,163-167.
  3. Gbadebo, A. M.; Shotuyo, A. L.A. and Adelara, J.A. (2004) – Impact of Changes in Land Use System on Rodent Population and Species Diversity: A case study of University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Soil Science Society of Nigeria, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. 110 – 115.
  4. Ufoegbene G.C. and Gbadebo, A.M. (2004) – Delineation of the Flooding and the Basin of River Armatai using Spot Imagery. Proceedings of a Conference on Climate and water Resources in the 21st Century: Challenges for Food Security and Health, University of Agriculture Abeokuta, Nigeria.  edited by editorial committee , Nigerian Meteorological Society, 10-13.
  5. Gbadebo, A.M. (2005) – Arsenic Pollution in Aquifers Located within the Limestone areas of Ogun State, Nigeria. Proceedings of the Pre-Congress Workshop “Natural Arsenic in Groundwater (BWO 06)”, 32nd International Geological Congress , Florence, Italy. Natural Arsenic in Groundwater: Occurrence, Remediation and Management – Bundschuh, Bhattacharya and Chandrasekharam (eds) Taylor and Francis Group, London, 85 -92. ISBN 04 1536 700X., 
  6. Adeofun C.O. Achi H.A. and Gbadebo, A.M. (2011). Assessing the awareness level of indigenous environmental issues among secondary and tertiary institution students in Ogun State. Environmental Research and Challenges of Sustainable development in Nigeria- Salami, A.T and Orimoogunje, O.O.I (eds) O.A.U Press,368-384.
  7. Mustapha A.O., Alatise, O.O., Okeyode,I.C., Makinde, V., Akinyemi, O.D., Akinboro, F.G., Rabiu, A.J., Dawodu, G.A., Gbadebo, A.M., Olaoye, M.A., Okedeyi, A.S., and Al-Azmi, D.(2013) Temporal variations in radon and meteorological parameters in a masonry dwelling in Abeokuta Nigeria Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM VII) Beijing, China organized by International Atomic Energy Agency,April 22 – 26, 2013,

Thesis/ Dissertation
1.    GBADEBO, A. M.(1987)-   Engineering  and Mineralogical Characteristics of Tidal Flat Clays in Parts   of Niger Delta Unpublished  B.Sc. Thesis, Geology Department, University of Post- Harcourt, Port-Harcourt, Nigeria, 130p.

  1. GBADEBO, A. M. (1993)-  Biostratigraphy  and Paleoecology of Meren A. and Meren B wills, Niger Delta, Nigeria. Unpublished M.Sc. Thesis, Department of Geology, Obafemi  Awolowo  University, Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria, 221p.
  2. GBADEBO, A. M. (2007)-  Geochemical Characterization of Rock, Soil and Dust Around Ewekoro Cement Factory Southwestern Nigeria. Unpublished Ph.D.  Thesis, Department of Geology, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria.

Articles in Learned Journals

  1. Amajor, L.C. and Gbadebo, A.M. (1992) – Oil Field Brines of Meteoric and Connate

origin in the Eastern Niger Delta. Journal of Petroleum Geology, 15(4):481-488. Published by Scientific Press Ltd, UK. Available online at

  1.    Ojo, L. O. and Gbadebo, A.M. (2001) – Physical Properties of Soils in Erosion Sites in Abeokuta Metropolis.  The Nigerian Journal of Forestry 31(1 & 2):71-76.Published by The Forestry Association of Nigeria. ISBN978-2408-08-9
  1.  Gbadebo, A.M. (2002) – Evaluation of Engineering and Industrial Potentials of Tidal               Flat Clays in Parts of Niger Delta, Nigeria.  Nigerian Journal of Engineering Research  and   Development 1 (3): 20-27. Published by Department of Mechanical  Engineering, Federal University of Technology, Akure (FUTA) ISSN 1596-471X
  1.      Yemi Akegbejo-Samsons, Gbadebo, A. M., and G. A. Bolaji (2002) – Integrated Water      Management and Food Security in Nigeria: Current Issues, Problems and Projects, Water Resources.  Journal of the Nigerian Association of Hydrogeologists Vol. 13, 26-32.Published by The Nigerian Association of Hydrogeologist. ISSN 0795-6495
  1.    Gbadebo, A.M.  And Oyesanya, T.M. (2005): Assessment of Iodine Deficiency and Goiter Incidence in Parts of Yewa Area of Ogun State. Journal of Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 27(5-6):491 – 499. Published by Springers Heidel, Germany. Available online at
  1.      Gbadebo, A.M. and Bankole, O.D. (2007): Analysis of Potentially Toxic Metals in

Airborne Cement Dust around Sagamu, Southwestern Nigeria, Journal of Applied Sciences, 7(1):35 – 40. Published by the Department of Environmental Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS)  Surabaya, and Indonesian Society of Sanitary and Environmental Engineers (IATPI) Jakarta.Indonesia. Available  at

  1.    Idowu O.A., Martins O., Gbadebo, A.M.  (2007) – Hydraulic and Hydrochemical          characteristics of the Phreatic basement aquifers in parts of South Western Nigeria. Journal of mining and geology.vol.43 . Published by the Nigeria Mining and Geosciences Society, Nigeria.
  1.    Adekunle, I.M., Adetunji, M.T., Gbadebo, A.M., and Banjoko, O.B. (2007): Assessment of Groundwater Quality in a typical Rural settlement in Southwest Nigeria. Intenational Journal of  Environmental Research  and Public Health. 4(4):307318Published by IJERPH Editorial Office Klybeckstrasse 64, 4057 Basel, Switzerland. Available online at  .
  1.      Adeofun, C.O., Gbadebo, A.M., Oladejo, L.O. and Awokola, O.S. (2008): Effect of dredging activities on the physico-chemical, flora and fauna characteristics of Ogunpa and Ogun rivers, southwestern Nigeria. Botswana Journal of  Agricultural and Applied Sciences. 4(2):168-175. Published by Botswana College of Agriculture, Gaborone, Botswana. Available online at
  1.    Gbadebo, A.M., Taiwo, A.M., and Ola, O.B. (2009): Effects of Crude Oil and spent oil on Clarias gariepinus: A typical marine fish. American Journal of Environmental Sciences, 5(6):753-758. Published by Science Publication New York, USA Available at
  1.  Awomeso, J.A., Ufoegbune, G.C., Gbadebo, A.M., Balogun, G.O., and Eruola, A.O. : (2009). Towards effective planning, design and monitoring of dams in Nigeria. Journal of Agricultural Sciences and Environment. Published by Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. Available online at /article/view/1076/1031 ISSN 1595-9694 9(2): 45-63.
  1.     Gbadebo, A.M., (2010): Environmental implications of bitumen seep induced pollution in parts of Ogun state, southwestern Nigeria. Environmental Earth Sciences (formerly Environmental Geology) 59(7):1507-1514. Published by Springer Verlang Berlin Heidelberg, Germany. Available online at  www.springer.com12665
  1.  Gbadebo, A.M. and Amos, A.J., (2010): Assessment of radionuclide pollutants in Bedroccks and soils from Ewekoro cement factory, Southwest Nigeria. Asian Journal of Applied Sciences. 3(2): 135-144. Published by Knowledgia Review, Malaysia
  1.  Gbadebo, A.M.,  Ayedun, H. and Okedeyi A.S. (2010): Assessment of radiation level within around stonebridge quarry site, km 22, Lagos Ibadan Expressway, Southwest Nigeria. Environmental Research Journal. 4(3):229-234. Published by Scientific Research Publishing Company, China. Available online at
  1.      Awomeso, J.A., Taiwo, A.M., Gbadebo, A.M., and Arimoro, A.O. (2010): Waste Disposal and Pollution Management in Urban Areas: A workable remedy for the Environment in Developing Countries. American Journal of Environmental Science 6(1):26-32. Published by Science Publication New York, USA Available at
  1.     Gbadebo, A.M., Taiwo, A.M and Eghele, U. (2010). Environmental Aspect of Oil and  Water-  Based  Drilling Muds and cuttings from Dibi and Ewan offshore wells, Niger delta, Nigeria. African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. 4(5):284-292. Published by Academic Journal, USA Available at
  1.      Gbadebo, A.M., Taiwo, A.M., and U. Eghele (2010): Environmental impacts of drilling mud and cutting wastes from the Igbokoda onshore oil wells, southwestern Nigeria. Indian Journal of Science and Technology. 3(5): 504-510. Published by Indian Society for Education and Environment. Available online at
  1.    Gbadebo, A.M. and Akinhanmi T.F. (2010): Gender Issues in Management and use of   Groundwater Resources: A case study of Abeokuta Metropolis. Journal of Applied Sciences in Environmental sanitation. 5(2):191-199. Published by the Department of Environmental Engineering, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya, and Indonesian Society of Sanitary and Environmental Engineers (IATPI) Jakarta.Indonesia. Available online at /ases18v5n2y2010.pdf
  1.     Gbadebo, A.M. (2010): Natural Radionuclide Distribution in the rocks and soils of abandoned of Quarry Sites, Abeokuta, Southwestern Nigeria. Asian Journal of Applied Sciences. 4(2):176-185. Published by Knowledgia Review, Malaysia Available online at
  1.  Taiwo, A.M., Gbadebo, A.M. and Awomeso J.A. (2010): Potability of selected brands of bottled water in Abeokuta, Nigeria. Journal of Applied sciences and Environmental Management.  4(3)47-52. Published by University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria. Available online at
  1.  Awomeso, J.A., Gbadebo, A.M., Taiwo, A.M., and Obayomi, O. (2010): Hydrochemical characteristics of springs in Oke-Igbo, Ondo State, Nigeria. Journal of Applied Sciences and Environmental Management. ISSN 1119-8362. 14(3):114-119. Published by University of PortHarcourt, Nigeria. Available online at
  1.  Gbadebo, A.M., Babalola, O.O. and Ajigboteso, F.L.: (2010). Selenium Concentration in food and blood of residents of Abeokuta Metropolis, southwestern Nigeria. Journal of Geochemical Exploration. 107 (2) :  175-179. Published by Elsevier Inc.11011 Richmond Avenue, Suite 450, Houston TX 77042 USA.Available online at  www. elsevier .com/com/locate/geoexp. doi : 10.1016/j.gexpo.2010.05.002
  1.     Gbadebo, A.M. and Nwufor ( 2010). Iodine Concentration in blood and urine samples of   goiter and non-goitre patients in parts of Ogun State, South western Nigeria. Journal of Geochemical  Exploration 107 (2) :  169-174.Published by Elsevier Inc. 11011 Richmond Avenue, Suite 450, Houston TX 77042 USA. Available online at  www. elsevier .com/com/locate/geoexp.doi : 10.1016/j.gexpo.2010.10.005
  1.     Awomeso J.A.  Taiwo A.M. Gbadebo, A.M.  and Adenowo J.A. (2010). Studies on the pollution of water bodies by textile industrial effluents in Lagos, Nigeria. Journal of Applied Sciences in Environmental Sanitation 5(4) : 337-343.Published by Department of Environmental Engineering, Sepuluh, Nopember Institute of Technology, Surabaya & Indonesia Society of Sanitary and Engineers, Jakarta. Available online at
  1.  Gbadebo, A.M. J.A. Oyedepo and A.M. Taiwo(2010): Variability of Nitrate in Groundwater in  some parts of Southwestern Nigeria. The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology 11 (2) : 572-584. Published by Akamai University, USA. Available online at  http//www.akamai university. us/PJST.htm
  1. Gbadebo, A.M. and Taiwo A.M. (2011): Geochemical Characterization of Phreatic Aquifers in Area of Sango, Southwestern Nigeria. World Applied Sciences Journal 12(6) : 815-821, Published by IDOSI (International Digital Organization for Scientific Information) Publications L.L.C., Dubai, UAE. Available online at 1992-6197.

 27      Osibanjo Oladele , Daso  Adegbenro P.  and Gbadebo,  Adewole  M. (2011). Impacts of Industries on surface water quality of River Ona and River Alaro in Oluyole industrial estate, Ibadan Nigeria. African Journal of Biotechnology. 10(4) : 696-702. Published by academic journals, USA. Available online at  http// ISSN 1684-5315

  1.     Okedeyi A.S., Gbadebo, A.M.,  Arowolo T.A. and Mustapha A.O (2012). Measurement of Gamma radioactivity level in bedrocks and soils of quarry sites in Ogun State, South-Western Nigeria. Research Journal of Physics. 6(2) 59-65. Published by Canadian Science Publishing (NRC Research Press)  65 Auriga Drive, Suite 203  Ottawa, ON K2E 7W6 ‎ Canada. Available online at

 29      Okedeyi, A.S; Gbadebo, A.M; Arowolo,T.A and Tchokossa,P (2012).Gamma radioactivity level of rocks and soil and their corresponding external exposure in Navy quarry site Abeokuta, Southwestern, Nigeria. Journal of Applied Science.5(7) 506-513 . Published by Asian Network of Scientific Information, Pakistan  Available online at

  1.  Okedeyi, A.S; Gbadebo, A.M; Arowolo, T.A, Mustapha A.O and Tchokossa, P (2012).Measurement of Gamma-emitting Radionuclides in Rocks and Soils of Saunder Quarry Site, Abeokuta North, Nigeria. Journal of Applied Science .12(20)2178-2181. Published by Asian Network of Scientific Information, Pakistan.  Available online at
  1.  Gbadebo, A.M. and M.D. Adenuga (2012): Effect of Crude Oil on the Emergence and Growth of Cowpea in Two Soil Varieties from Abeokuta, Southwestern Nigeria. Asian Journal of Applied Sciences 5 (4): 232-239. Published by Knowledgia Review, Malaysia Available online at
  1.  Gbadebo, A.M. (2012). Groundwater Fluoride Content and Dental fluorosis in Southwestern  Nigeria. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. Published be Springer Netherland. Available online at 34(5) 597-604.ISSN 0269-4042/
  1.  Oke, O.A. and Gbadebo, A.M. (2012). Survey and Collection of Insect Species Associated    with Water Hyacinth on Ogun River, Nigeria. International Journal of Agriculture and Forestry 2 (2): 6-9. Published by  Scientific & Academic Publishing Company, 1200 resemead  Blvd, STED#105, CA, 91731, USA. Available online at
  2. Ekwue Y. A; Gbadebo, A. M; Arowolo T. A and Adesodun J. K.(2012).   Assessment

of metal contamination in soil and plants from abandoned secondary and primary goldmines in Osun State    , Nigeria .Journal of Soil Science and Environmental Management Vol. 3(11), pp. 262-274, Published by academic journals, USA. Available online at  http// DOI: 10.5897/JSSEM11.116 ISSN 2141-2391 ©2011 Academic Journals

 35    Gbadebo, A.M; Taiwo, A.M; Ayedun, H and Adeola, A.J.(2012) Geochemical Analysis Of Groundwater Quality In Agbara And Environs. Applied Ecology And Environmental Research 10(3): 375-384.Published by ALOKI Applied Ecological Research and Forensic Institute Ltd. Supported by Landscape Architecture and Landscape Ecology PhD School of the Corvinus University of Budapest and adaptation to Climate Change Research  Group of the Corvinus University Budapest, Bulgaria. Available online at

  1.  Achi H.A, Adeofun C.O, Ufoegbune G.C., Gbadebo, A.M. and Oyedepo J.A. (2012). Disposal Sites and Transport Routes Selection using Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing in Abeokuta. Global Journal of Human Social Science Geography & Environmental Geosciences.12(12)14-23. Published by Global Journal Inc., Cambridge (Massachusetts), USA. Available online at Online ISSN:2249-460X & Print ISSN: 0975-587X
  1.  Achi H.A, Adeofun C.O, Gbadebo, A.M., Ufoegbune G.C., and Oyedepo J.A. (2012).An Assesment of Solid Waste Management Practices in Abeokuta, Southwest Nigeria. Journal of Biological and Chemical Research.29(2)177-187. Published by International Organization of Scientific Research, New Delhi, India.   Available at

 38     Gbadebo, A.M., Kehinde, I.A., and Adedeji, O.H. (2012).Participatory Roles of Women in Quarrying Activities in Abeokuta Metropolis, Global Journal of Human Social Science Sociology, Economics and Political Sciences.12(13)13-26. Published by Global Journal Inc., Cambridge (Massachusetts), USA. Available online at Online ISSN:2249-460X /Print ISSN: 0975-587X

 39    Awomeso, J.A; Gbadebo, A. M; Ufoegbune, G.C, Taiwo, A. M; Ogunniyi, I.M; and Eruola,       A.O(2012).  Effects of Urbanization and Industrialization on River Ona in Eleyele Catchment Area of Ibadan, Southwest Nigeria. Global Journal of Human Social Science Geography & Environmental Geosciences.12(11)51-58.Published by Global Journal Inc., Cambridge (Massachusetts), USA. Available online at

 40    Badmus, B.S; Akinyemi, O.D; Gbadebo, A.M, Babatunde, P; Olurin, O.T and Ganiyu,

S.A (2013). Compositional Trend in the Specks of Tantalite, Tourmaline and Beryl Hosted within Complex Basement Rocks Using Geophysical and Geochemical Methods of Exploration. IOSR Journal of Applied Physics(IOSR-JAP) 3(4) 24-33 .Published by International Organization of Scientific Research, New Delhi, India. Available online at

  1.  Badmus, B.S., Akinyemi, O.D., Gbadebo, A.M., Babatunde, P., Ganiyu, S.A., and

Olurin,O.T. (2013) Geochemical Investigation of Gemstone Specks with complex  Basement Rock of Iwajowa Area of Oyo State, Southwestern Nigeria. Journal of Nature and Science 2013;11(8):89-93.Published by International Organization of Scientific Research, New Delhi, India. Available online at

  1.  Diayi, A. and Gbadebo, M. (2013)  Metal Concentration In the water and bedrock Of Ogun       River, Nigeria. Journal of Environmental  Research. 35(1):55-65. Published by Elsevier Inc.  11011 Richmond Avenue, Suite 450, Houston TX 77042 USA. Available online at www. elsevier .com/com/locate/geoexp. ISSN:0125-6939
  1.  Gbadebo, A.M. and Ekwue, Y. A. (2013)-Heavy Metals contamination in Tailings and Rock samples from an abandoned Goldmine in Southwestern, Nigeria. Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Assessment . Published by Center for Research on Sustainable Forests, University of Maine, USA. Available online at ISSN 0167-6369. Environ Monit Assess

 44       Gbadebo, A.M.; Taiwo, A.M. and Adeola, A.J. (2013)-Assessment of dissolved silica                   content of Groundwater from  southwestern Nigeria. Journal of Human Ecology 43(3)

273-279, Published by KRE-publishers, Kamla-Raj, Enterprises, India.Available online at[8].pmd.pdf

 45   Anslem D. , Ojo, L.O., Gbadebo, A.M. and Idabor, V.N. (2013)- Physicochemical and  microbial analysis of tap water, Well water and sachet water from parts of Abeokuta south Local government area in Nigeria. Journal of Environmental  Research 35 (2): 13-22 Published by Elsevier Inc. 11011 Richmond Avenue, Suite 450, Houston TX 77042 USA. Available online at www. elsevier .com/com/locate/geoexp.ISSN:0125-6940

 46    Anslem D., Gbadebo, A.M., Adekunle, I.M. and Awomeso J.A. (2013)- Metal concentrations in sediments of the Ogun river, Nigeria. Journal of Environmental  Research 35 (2): 23-31. Published by Elsevier Inc. 11011 Richmond Avenue, Suite 450, Houston TX 77042 USA. Available online at www. elsevier .com/com/locate/geoexp. ISSN:0125-6940.

  1.  Okedeyi,  A.S; Gbadebo, A.M and Mustapha A.O. (2014). Effects of physical and chemical properties of natural radionuclides level in soil of quarry sites in Ogun State, Nigeria. Journal of Applied Sciences. 14 (7): 691-696. ISSN 1812-5654/DOI:10.3923/jas.2014.691.696.
  1.   Diayi, M.A. and Gbadebo, A.M. (2014). Pollution assessment of sediment metals from the middle region of the Ogun River, Nigeria. Journal of Environmental Science and Water Resources 3 (5):104-109. ISSN 22770704. Published by Wudpecker Journals.
  1.  Gbadebo, A. M., Ayedun, H. and Moses, A. I. (2015). Hydrogeochemical assessment of groundwater in Iwo, Ikonifin and Ife-Odan, Osun and Oyo states, Southwest Nigeria. Environmental Earth Sciences73(7): 3633-3642.
  1.  Ayedun, H., Gbadebo, A. M., Idowu, O. A. and Arowolo, T. A. (2015). Toxic elements in groundwater of Lagos and Ogun States, Southwest, Nigeria and their human health risk assessment. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment187 (6): 1-17.
  1.  Taiwo, A. M., Gbadebo, A. M., Oyedepo, J. A., Ojekunle, Z. O., Alo, O. M., Oyeniran,
  1. A.,& Taiwo, O. T. (2016). Bioremediation of industrially contaminated soil using compost and plant technology. Journal of Hazardous Materials304: 166-172.
  1. Ayedun, H., Arowolo, T. A;  Gbadebo, A. M. and Idowu, O. A. (2016). Evaluation of rare earth elements in groundwater of Lagos and Ogun States, Southwestern, Nigeria. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 38(3)  .1007/s10653-016-9839-8

Book Article or Chapter

  1. Gbadebo, A.M. (2007) – Arsenic Concentrations in Selected Soils around Abeokuta,

Southwestern Nigeria. “Arsenic in Soil and Groundwater : Biogeochemical Interactions” a Volume in the Elsevier Book Series, Trace Metals and other Contaminants in the

           Environment  edited by P.Bhattacharya, A.B. Mukherjeee, R. Zevenhoven, and R.H.

 Leoppert. Vol 9, pp 257-268. Published by Elsevier, Amsterdam. ISBN 978-0-  444-51820-0, ISSN 0927-5215.

  1. Gbadebo, A.M.and Taiwo, A.M. (2015). Heavy metal studies of commonly consumed food crops (maize, sorghum, potato, yam and cassava) in southwestern Nigeria. Scientific Research and Essays (In Press)
  1. Yemi-Akegbejo-Samson and Gbadebo, A. M. (2000) – Nutrient fluxes between land and ocean and effects of human induce activities: case study of Ondo State Coastal Wetlands: A paper presented at the 1st African Global Change Workshop on river catchment coastal sea interaction and critical loads. AfriBASINS. I.R.S Arthurton;H.H Kremer;E, Odada;S.Salomons and V.I MarshallCrossland (eds), UNEP – Nairobi, Kenya, 158-162.
  1.  Bolaji, G.A.; Awokola, A.; Gbadebo, A.M. and Martins, O. (2000) – Movement of minerals and nutrients from river basins in South Western Nigeria into Atlantic Ocean: A paper presented at the Afribasins I. . I.R.S Arthurton;H.H Kremer;E, Odada;S.Salomons and V.I MarshallCrossland (eds), UNEP – Nairobi, Kenya,163-167.
  1.  Gbadebo, A. M.; Shotuyo, A. L.A. and Adelara, J.A. (2004) – Impact of Changes in Land Use System on Rodent Population and Species Diversity: A case study of University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the Soil Science Society of Nigeria, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. 110 – 115.

 58     Ufoegbene G.C. and Gbadebo, A.M. (2004) – Delineation of the Flooding and the Basin of River Armatai using Spot Imagery. Proceedings of a Conference on Climate and water Resources in the 21st Century: Challenges for Food Security and Health, University of Agriculture Abeokuta, Nigeria.  edited by editorial committee , Nigerian Meteorological Society, 10-13.

 59     Gbadebo, A.M. (2005) – Arsenic Pollution in Aquifers Located within the Limestone areas of Ogun State, Nigeria. Proceedings of the Pre-Congress Workshop “Natural Arsenic in Groundwater (BWO 06)”, 32nd International Geological Congress , Florence, Italy. Natural Arsenic in Groundwater: Occurrence, Remediation and Management – Bundschuh, Bhattacharya and Chandrasekharam (eds) Taylor and Francis Group, London, 85 -92. ISBN 04 1536 700X.,

 60    Adeofun C.O. Achi H.A. and Gbadebo, A.M. (2011). Assessing the awareness level of indigenous environmental issues among secondary and tertiary institution students in Ogun State. Environmental Research and Challenges of Sustainable development in Nigeria– Salami, A.T and Orimoogunje, O.O.I (eds) O.A.U Press,368-384.

 61   Mustapha A.O., Alatise, O.O., Okeyode,I.C., Makinde, V., Akinyemi, O.D., Akinboro, F.G., Rabiu, A.J., Dawodu, G.A., Gbadebo, A.M., Olaoye, M.A., Okedeyi, A.S., and Al-Azmi, D.(2013) Temporal variations in radon and meteorological parameters in a masonry dwelling in Abeokuta Nigeria Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Naturally Occurring Radioactive Material (NORM VII) Beijing, China organized by International Atomic Energy Agency,April 22 – 26, 2013,

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