
ADEYEYE Emmanuel Abiodun 

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Short Profile

Dr. Emmanuel Abiodun Adeyeye accomplished his educational carrier in Agriculture with Bachelor of Agriculture (B. Agric), Masters of Agriculture (M. Agric) and Doctoral degree (Ph.D) from Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. He had over 15 years of experience in Agricultural practices. With his wealth of experience, he had worked in various organizations both private and government. He was involved in various project executions (from inception to completion). He was part of the management team of Metrovet Nigeria Limited, Ado-Ekiti. He was in-charge of the feed mill as manager in 2005. In 2006 he was retained as consultant when he got appointment with another organization. He worked as Fisheries officer with Fisheries Department, Ministry of Agriculture, Ekiti-State where he was actively involved in fish hatchery and extension activities. He was the officer in-charge of the team that planted 50 hectares of oil palm plantation in 2010 for Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNNAB). He was the Team lead for the palm oil processing unit of FUNAAB in 2015. He took over the leadership of piggery and rabbitry units of FUNAAB in 2017. He was the Team lead for the rearing and management of turkey and broilers in FUNAAB in 2018 and 2019 respectively. Presently, he is a lecturer in the Department of Animal Nutrition, College of Animal Science and Livestock Production, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta.His research interest is in alternative feeds for monogastric animal nutrition. Dr Adeyeye has three journals and two edited proceedings to his credit.  He attended many conferences and trainings such as Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP), OWERRI, 43rd Annual Conference of NSAP, 18-22, March, 2018. ASAN/NIAS joint Annual Conference, University of PortHacourt, Nigeria, 18-22 September, 2016. Academic retreat on University ethics, Pedagogy and Examination Matters organized by FUNAAB. Team work, dynamism and corporate excellence are is pursuit. Highest standard of efficiency, competence and integrity are his watch word.

a. Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Monogastric Animal Nutrition 2014
b. Masters in Agriculture (M. Agric) in Animal Nutrition 2004
c. Bachelor of Agriculture (B. Agric) in Animal Nutrition 1998
d. Diploma (Data Processing & Info Technology) (Kano) 1999.

Alternative non-conventional feed ingredients in monogastric animal nutrition.

Federal Government Scholarship award, Post Graduate 2003

i. Member, Nigerian Institute of Animal Science (NIAS)
ii. Member, Animal Science Association of Nigeria (ASAN)
iii. Member, World Poultry Science Association (WPSA)

(i) 43rd Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP) Held from 18th -22nd of March, 2018 at Federal University of Technology, Owerri (FUTO).
(ii) 5th ASAN-NIAS Joint Annual Meeting. Port Harcourt. September 18-22, 2016.
(iii) . 3rd Nigeria International Poultry Summit held at Dheb Michael Events & Halls, Olomore, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. February 22-26, 2009.

(i). Journal Articles in print
1. Oso. A. O, Fafiolu, A. O, Adeyeye, E. AandOlademeji, A. W (2019).Effect of oil extraction methods and enzyme supplementation on metabolisable energy values of sunflower seed meal for growing turkeys.Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa. 67 (2): 197. Inter-African Bureau for Animal Resources, IBAR Publication.
2. Adeyeye, E. A; Oduguwa, O. O; Igbasan, F.A and Onwuka, C. F.I (2009).In vitro comparison of phytases from two microbial sources.Journal of Natural Science, Engineering and Technology.8 (1): 42-51. Publised by the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta.P. M. B 2240, Abeokuta, Nigeria.
3. Adeyeye, E. A; Igbasan.F. A; Oduguwa, O. O and Onwuka, C. F.I (2009).Comparative effect of including Microbial phytase in Broiler diet on their performance and serum indices.Journal of Researches in Agricultural Sciences.2 (1&2): 17-21. Published by University of Ado-Ekiti
(ii).Edited Conference Proceedings
1. Adeyeye, E. A; Oduguwa, O. O; Südekum,K-H; Jegede, A. V; Idowu. O. M. O; Olowofeso. O; and Pirgozliev. V. (2012). Haematological and serum biochemistry of exotic and the Nigerian indigenous turkey poults fed diets containing shrimp waste-meal. Proceedings of the spring meeting of the World’s Poultry Science Association (WPSA). P. M. Hocking and M. G. Macleod (Eds) British Poultry Abstracts 8(1): 41-43. Published by Taylor & Francis
2. Adeyeye, E. A; Oduguwa, O. O; Jegede, A. V; Fafiolu. A. O, Oso, A. O, Südekum,K-H and Pirgozliev. V (2012). Effects of replacing dietary fish meal with shrimp waste-meal on the performance of exotic and the Nigerian indigenous turkey poults. Proceedings of the spring meeting of the World’s Poultry Science Association (WPSA). P. M. Hocking and M. G. Macleod (Eds) British Poultry Abstracts 8(1): 43-44. Published by Taylor & Francis

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