B.Sc (Nsukka), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Ilorin)
(1) Growth and rate of sprouting in cassava seed-cutting as affected by stem cutting lengths and planting media.
(2) Sprouting of yam sets in different planting media and pre-sprouting performance on the field.
(3) Studies on dormancy and presowing treatments in Black Tamarind, Dalium guineensis (Wild).
(4) Influence of some physical and environment factors on the germination of seeds of two savannah tree legumes.
(5) The effect of presowing treatments on the germination of seeds of two multipurpose savannah tree legumes.
Certificate of merit (For best Paper Published) The Indian society of Seed Technology (ISST) 1993
Agboola, D. A: Membership of Professional Bodies
Member: Forestry Association of Nigeria (O. M. 33)
Member: Botanical Society of Nigeria
Member: Science Association of Nigeria
Member: American Society for Economic Botany (202 794 EBOT)
Member: Agricultural Societies of Nigeria
Member: African Crop Science Society
Member: Indian Society of Tree Scientist
Member: International Society of Tropical Foresters (ISTF) (046226)
Member: Indian Society of Seed Technology
(a) AGBOOLA, D. A. (1989): Preliminary studies on dormancy and germination of seeds of some economic tropical forest tree species. Paper delivered at the 3rd Annual Conference of tree Botanical Society of Nigeria, University of Lagos. 5th – 9th March, 1989.
(b) AGBOOLA, D. A. (1990): The effect of storage condition and depth on the viability and germination of seeds of some Tropical forest tree species. Paper delivered at the 4th Annual Conference of the Botanical Society of Nigeria, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, 4th – 8th March, 1990.
(c) AGBOOLA, D. A. (1991): The effect of soil types and pH on the germination of seeds of some tropical forest tree species. Paper delivered at the 5th Annual Conference of the Botanical Society of Nigeria, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, 24th – 28th March, 1991.
(d) AGBOOLA, D. A. (1992a): The effect of defoliation on growth of seedlings of some tropical forest species. Paper delivered at the 6th Annual Conference of the Botanical Society of Nigeria. University of Jos, Jos 29th March – 1st April, 1992.
(e) AGBOOLA, D. A. (1992b): The effect of seed sizes on seed germination and seedling growth in six tropical forest tree species. Paper delivered at the 6th Annual Conference of the Botanical Society of Nigeria, University of Jos, Jos 29th March – 1st April, 1992
(f) AGBOOLA, D. A. (1995a): The effect of some growth hormones and thiourea on the germination of seeds of some tropical forest tree species. Paper delivered at the 8th Annual Conference of the Botanical Society of Nigeria, Ahmadu Bello University.
(g) AGBOOLA, D. A. (1995b): Studies on Dormancy and germination of seeds of Prosopis africana (Guil & Perr) TAUB. Paper delivered at the 8th Annual Conference of the Botanical Society of Nigeria, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria.
(h) AGBOOLA, D. A. (1998): Germination and hormonal responses in seeds of three tropical tree species. Paper delivered at the 9th Annual Conference of the Botanical Society of Nigeria. University of Ilorin, Ilorin 26th July, 1998.
(i) AGBOOLA, D. A. (1998): Studies on dormancy and seed germination in three weeds of species of tropical waste land. Paper delivered at the 9th Annual Conference of the Botanical Society of Nigeria. University of Ilorin, Ilorin 26th July, 1998.
(j) AGBOOLA, D. A. (2001): Prosopis africana: stem, roots and seeds in the economy in the Guinea Savannah of Nigeria. Paper delivered at the 35th Annual Conference of the Agricultural Society of Nigeria. University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria 16th – 18th September, 2001.
(k) AGBOOLA, D. A. (2001): Studies on the physiology of Tithonia diversifolia (Hemls). A. Gray. The Mexican sunflower. Paper delivered at the 29th Annual Conference of Weed Society of Nigeria 4th November 2001. National Agricultural Extension Research and Liaison Services (NAERLS) Ahmadu Bello University, Samaru, Zaria, Nigeria.
(l) Ebofin, A. O. and AGBOOLA, D. A. (2002): Studies and effect of some growth hormones in the seed germination and seedling growth of some trees of the Guinea Savannah. Paper delivered at the 11th Annual Conferences of the Botanical Society of Nigeria. 10th – 13th March. University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria.
(m) Ebofin, A. O. and AGBOOLA, D. A. (2002): Studies and effect of seed size and seedling growth of some Savannah tree species. Paper delivered at the 11th Annual Conferences of he Botanical Society of Nigeria. 10th – 13th March. University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria.
(n) Ebofin, A. O. and AGBOOLA, D. A. (2003): In vitro studies on seed germination in four savannah tree legumes. 12th Annual conference of the Botanical Society. October 20th 2003, University of Lagos.
(o) AGBOOLA, D. A., Ebofin, A. O., Ayodele, M. S., Aduradola, A. M. (2004): The influence of some physical and environmental factors on the germination of seeds of two savannah tree legumes. Paper presented at the 13th Annual conference of the Botanical Society of Nigeria, Abubakar Tafawa Balewa University, Bauchi, Nigeria 26th – 30th September, 2004.
(p) AGBOOLA, D. A., Ebofin, A. O., Ayodele, M. S., Aduradola, A. M. (2004): The effects of presowing treatments on the germination of seeds of two savannah tree legumes. Paper presented at the 13th Annual conference of the Botanical Society of Nigeria 26th – 30th September, 2004.
(q) Ajiboye, A. A., Ebofin, A. O., M. O. Atayese, M. O. Adedire, AGBOOLA, D. A. (2006): Some aspect of the seed germination and seedling growth of two multipurpose savanna trees. Paper presented at 2nd International Conference as Science and Development. College of Natural Sciences, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta 10th – 13th October.
(r) Ajiboye, A. A., Ebofin, A. O., M. O. Atayese, M. O., Adedire, AGBOOLA, D. A. and M. Kadiri (2008): Effect of scarification on the germination of Dialium guineensis and Prosopis africana. Paper presented at 2nd International Conference as Science and Development, College of Natural Sciences, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta 10th – 13th October.
(1) AGBOOLA, D. A. (1990): The effect of some anti transpirants concentrations on 2-4 months old seedling and seedling galls formations of Milicia excelsa. India Journal of Plant Physiology 33(4): 294-299.
(2) AGBOOLA, D. A. (1991): The effect of storage condition on the viability of Chlorophora excelsa seeds. Nigerian Journal of Natural Sciences 6(1 & 2): 49-53.
(3) AGBOOLA, D. A. and E. O. Etejere (1991a): Effect of relative humidity during seed storage on longevity of seeds of six forest tree species. Nigerian Journal of Botany 4: 23-32.
(4) AGBOOLA, D. A. and E. O. Etejere (1991b): Studies on seed dormancy of selected economic tropical forest tree species. Nigerian Journal of Botany 4: 115-126.
(5) AGBOOLA, D. A. , E. O. Etejere and M. O. Fawole (1993): Effect of orientation and soil types on germination of seeds of some tropical forest tree species. Seed Research 21(1): 13-20.
(6) AGBOOLA, D. A. (1995): The effect of different sources of Nitrogen on growth and cation content of 3 months old seedling of six tropical tree species. The Malaysian Forester 58(3): 82-92.
(7) AGBOOLA, D. A. (1995): The effect of seed sixes on germination, seedling growth and dry matter accumulation in some tropical tree species. The Malaysian Forester 58(3) 82-92.
(8) AGBOOLA, D. A. (1995): Studies on dormancy and germination of seeds of Prosopis africana (Guil & Perr) Taub. Nigerian Journal of Botany 8: 47-55.
(9) AGBOOLA, D. A. (1996): Effect of storage humidity on seed longevity and sowing depth on seed germination of Prosopis africana (Guill and Perr). Taub. Bangladesh Journal of Forest Science 25(1 & 2): 65-70.
(10) AGBOOLA, D. A. (1996): Studies of effect of seed size on germination and seedling growth of tropical tree species. Journal of Tropical Forest Sciences 9(1): 44-51.
(11) AGBOOLA, D. A. (1996): Studies on the effect of varying osmotic pressures on water inhibition of seeds of some tropical high forest tree species. India Forester 122(11): 987-991.
(12) AGBOOLA, D. A. (1996): Effect of seed pretreatment on the germination of seeds of some varieties of soya beans. Madras Agricultural Journal 83(4) 212-217.
(13) Kadiri, M., F. Mukhtar and D. A. AGBOOLA (1998): Responses of some Nigerian vegetables to plant growth regulator treatments. Revista DE Biologia Tropical 44(3) 23-28.
(14) AGBOOLA, D. A., M. Kadiri (1998): Chemical analysis of seeds: Determination of cation composition, total nitrogen and crude protein in seeds of Prosopis africana (Guill & Perr) Taub. Journal of Tropical Forestry 14(11) 104-106.
(15) AGBOOLA, D. A. (1998): The effect of saline solution and salt stress on the germination of seeds of some tropical forest tree species. Revista De Biologia Tropical 46(4): 1107-1113.
(16) AGBOOLA, D. A. and M. O. Adedire (1998): Responses of treated dormant seeds of three tropical tree species to germination promoters. Nigeria Journal of Botany 11: 103-110.
(17) AGBOOLA, D. A. (1998): Dormancy and seed germination in some weeds of tropical wastelands. Nigerian Journal of Botany 11: 79-87.
(18) AGBOOLA, D. A. (1999): The effect of defoliation and inorganic fertilizers on the growth of some tropical tree seedlings. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 11(4): 672-679.
(19) AGBOOLA, D. A. (2000): Studies on the germination inhibitors in the fruits of four tropical tree species. Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 6(1): 27-30.
(20) FASIDI, I. O., TSAMANI, T., KADIRI, M. AND AGBOOLA, D. A. (2000): Dormancy types and water uptake in seeds of Parkia biglobosa (JACQ)) Br. DON. Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences 1(1): 14-20.
(21) FASIDI, I. O., TSAMANI, T., KADIRI, M. AND AGBOOLA, D. A. (2002): Studies on growth inhibitors and promoters in a dormant and germinating seed of Parkia biglobosa. Nigerian Journal of Botany. 13: 89-95.
(22) AGBOOLA, D. A. (2002): The effect of plant growth hormones and thiourea on seed germination of Ceiba pentandra and Termilia superba ASSET: B1(1) 39-46.
(23) AGBOOLA, D. A. (2002): The effect of fruit fermentation and some pretreatment on the germination of seeds of Spondias mombin (linn.) ASSET B1(1) 47-52.
(24) AGBOOLA, D. A. (2003): Germination of seeds of four tropical wed species in response to treatment with some herbicides and gibberellic acid during germination. Nigerian Journal of Botany 16: 56-63.
(25) Obaremi, O., Obembe, O. and AGBOOLA, D. A. (2002): Effects of pretreatments on the germination of seeds of Occicumm gratissimum (lameaceae) Seed Research 30(2): 315-317.
(26) Ebofin, A. O., AGBOOLA, D. A., Ayodele, M. S. and Aduradola, A. M. (2002): Effects of seed sizes and seedling growth of some Savannah tree legumes ASSET A3(2): 109-113.
(27) AGBOOLA, D. A. (2002): Prosopis africana, stem, roots and seeds in the economy of the Guinea Savannah of Nigeria. Economic Botany 58 (Supplement): 34-42.
(28) Ebofin, A. O., AGBOOLA, D. A., Ayodele, M. S. and Aduradola, A. M. (2004): Effect of some growth hormones on seed germination and seedling growth of some savannah tree legumes. Nigerian Journal of Botany 16: 64-75.
(29) AGBOOLA, D. A., W. F. Idowu and M. Kadiri (2004): Studies on seed germination and seedling growth of Tithonia diversifolia (Hemsl.) A. Gray, The Mexican sunflower. Environtropica 1(2): 62-72.
(30) AGBOOLA, D. A., A. O. Ebofin, A. M. Aduradola and A. A. Ajiboye (2004): Effect of presowing treatments on seed germination of two savanna tree legumes. Journal of Tropical Forestry 20 (I & II): 17-24.
(31) Ajiboye,A.A, Ebofin A.O, M A Atayese, M.Oadedire, AGBOOLA, D.A and M.Kadiri (2005):Dormancy Studies and Proximate Analysis in Dialium guineensis and Prosopis africana. The Parkistan Journal of Forestry, 55 (2) 153-165
(32) AGBOOLA, D. A. (2006): The influence of some physical and environmental factors on the germination of seeds of some multipurpose savanna tree species. Ecology, Environment and Conservation, Vol. 4.
(33) Ajiboye, A. A., Ebofin, A. O., Atayese, M. O. and AGBOOLA, D. A. (2007): Effects of presowing treatments and ectomycorrhiza on seed germination and seedling growth of two multipurpose savanna tree legumes, Dialium guineensis and Prosopis africana. Advances in Science and Technology (1): 1-8.
(34) Ajiboye, A. A. and AGBOOLA, D. A. (2008): Effects of seed size and phytohormone on the germination of seeds of two forest tree species, Prosopis africana (Guill) and Dialium guineensis (Wild). Proceedings of Third Conference on Science and National Development 3: 145-150.
(35) Oladoye, A.O ,Ola-Adams,B.A, Adedire, M.O, Adedire, and AGBOOLA, D.A. (2008): Nutrient Dynamics and Litter Decomposition in Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) De Wit Plantation in the Nigerian Derived Savanna. West Arican Journal of Applied Ecology. 13: 131-141.
(36) Ajiboye, A. A. and AGBOOLA, D. A. (2009): Effect of some chemical scarification on seed germination of some savanna tree legumes. Journals of Research in Biosciences 6: 1597-801.
(37) Ajiboye, A. A., M. O, Atayese and D. A. Agboola (2009): Effect of presowing treatments on seed germination and percentage starch content levels in Tamarindus indica, Prosopis africana and Albizia lebbeck. Journal of Applied Sciences Research, 5(10): 1515-1519.
(38) Ajiboye, A. A. and AGBOOLA, D. A. (2009): Dormancy and Seed germination in Parkia biglobossa (jacq).R.Br.Ex.Don. Nigerian Journal of Botany, 22(2).
(39) Ajiboye, A. A. and AGBOOLA, D. A. and Atayese M.O (2009): Effect of some acid scarification and arbuscular mycorrhizal (Glomus mossae) inoculation on seed germination and seedling growth of Tamarindus indica (L). Science Focus,14(4)502-506.
(40) Ajiboye, A. A. and AGBOOLA, D. A. and Atayese M.O (2010): Seed Germination and Peroxidase analysis of some valuable Savanna Tree Seed Species. Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, 11 (1): 430-435.
(41) Adesegun,D.A, Oladoye,A.O, Ola-Adams,B.A, and AGBOOLA, D.A.(2010): Effects of Spacing on Litterfall in Plantation of Tectona grandis (Lin.F.) in Abeokuta,Ogun State Nigeria.Obeche Journal 28 (2): 82-87.
(42) AGBOOLA D.A (2010) Waking the seed from slumber. Recipe for successful germinability: 28th Inaugural Lecture University of Agriculture, Abeokuta Nigeria Pp1-68.
(43) Ajiboye A.A. and D.A. AGBOOLA (2011): Some aspect of dormancy studies and Vitamin D content in four tree species seeds. Australian Journal of Basic and applied science 5 (9): 1-5.
(44) Ajiboye A.A, Ajiboye M.D and D.A AGBOOLA(2011):Influence of oven dry heat(40Oc) treatment on germination of savannah tree seeds species:Tamarindus indica, Albizia lebeck, parkia biglobosa and prosopis Africana in Nigeria.International journal of plant science 2(9):276-280.
AGBOOLA, D. A. (2003): Essentials of plant physiology for tertiary levels. Excellence Press and Publishers Ltd., Abeokuta. ISBN 978 – 35943 3-8.
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