
DEDEKE Gabriel Adewumi 

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Short Profile

Dr. Gabriel Adewunmi Dedeke is a Reader/Associate Professor of Animal Eco-Physiology at the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB), Nigeria and his career has spanned a period of 21years. He obtained his PhD, Zoology from the Department Plant Science and Applied Zoology, Olabisi Onabanjo University (formerly Ogun State University), Ago Iwoye in 2009.  He teaches general biology, core Zoology and applied zoology courses at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He has several studies to his credit in the field of earthworm ecology and environmental physiology.

His research interests include such areas as Animal ecological and physiological interactions with their environment; Environmental Biology/Conservation; Animal Biomarker response to environmental perturbation and stress; Animal Biodiversity Conservation and Ethnozoology. His current research is on the ecological and physiological implication of night light on animals. He has supervised over 90 undergraduate projects and 20 postgraduate projects. He was an expert assessor for a PhD Thesis on Heavy Metal Remediation Potential of a tropical Wetland Earthworm, Libyodrilusviolaceus (Beddard), Department of Cell Biology and Genetics, University of Lagos (10th Dec., 2014).

He was the Field Supervisor for a Master’s Thesis Review of Wildlife Trade and Compliance to the CITES Convention in Nigeria at Universidad Internacional De Andalucia, Spain sponsored through the USAID-funded West Africa Biodiversity Climate Change (WABICC) Programme in collaboration with the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the ECOWAS Commission. He had been involved in the review of existing and development of new curriculum at Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago Iwoye, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta and Covenant University, Ota. Dr. Dedeke is a Reviewer for The Zoologist (Journal of the Network on Giant African Land Snail-NetGALS) and Nigerian Journal of Parasitology. He is a member of Society of Toxicology and Chemistry –SETAC (Europe), Society for Conservation Biology- SCB (UK), Zoological Society of Nigeria- ZSN, Science Association of Nigeria – SAN; member of Council, Science Association of Nigeria (2014-2016) and FUNAAB Organic Agriculture Group; He has attended several trainings and presented scientific papers at national and international conferences.

He was the overall best graduating student of the Department of Biological Sciences, Ogun State University, Ago-Iwoye (1992); He received a Vice-Chancellor’s Grant (OOU) (2007); IFSERAR Research Grant Award for Vermiculture Research, University of Agriculture (2011); He has received commendations from the Plant Science and Applied Zoology Student Association (OOU) as the Most Approachable Lecturer in the Department (2007); from the Biological Science Students Association (BIOSSA), FUNAAB as the Most Hard Working Lecturer in the Department of Biological Sciences (2010). He received the University commendation, FUNAAB, for his role in the success of the 48th Annual Conference of the Science Association of Nigeria, the 2nd International Conference on Giant African Land Snail and the 1st Undergraduate Scientific Poster Presentation of the Department of Biological Sciences, FUNAAB (2013); Appreciation and Commendation by the University Management for Dedication and Commitment to service and dynamism put into effective leadership and co-ordination during his tenure as the Deputy Director, Institute of Human Resources Development, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta from April 29, 2014 to April 28, 2016 (November 13, 2017).

He was the Chairman of the Ogun Varsity Chriatian Alumni Fellowship (OVCAF) – 2012-2016; Secretary, Property Owners and Residents Association (PORA), Ajebo Road Housing Estate- 2014-2016; Member, Basketball Association, Ogun State – 2014-2016. He is an avid reader, lover of different genre of music, writer, lover of outdoors and nature. Dr. Gabriel Adewunmi Dedeke and his wife Dr. Olabisi Florence Dedeke live in Abeokuta, with their three children.

B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.,


  1. Impact of acute starvation stress on the physiology of African Giant Land Snail in the dry season. Completed in 2014
  2. Growth performance of Giant African Land Snails (GALS), Archachatina marginata, cultured on mixture of earthworm cast media. Completed in 2015

In Progress

  1. Impact of light spectral on growth and physiology of African Giant Land Snail reared in plastic culture bins
  2. Impact of light spectral on growth and physiology of Clarias gariepinus reared in plastic culture tanks
  1. Physiological impact of light at night (LAN) on albino rat, Rattus norvegicus
  1. Overall Best Graduating Student, Department of Biological Sciences, Ogun  State University,Ago                                           1992
  2. Merit Award – Olabisi Onabanjo University Chapel 2006
  3. Vice Chancellor’s Grant for PhD research (OOU) 2007
  4. IFSERAR Research Grant Award for Vermiculture Research, University of Agriculture. Abeokuta                               2011
  1. Member, The Wildlife Society, USA
  2. Member, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)
  3. Member, Society for Conservation Biology (SCB), Washington DC, USAID 77586
  4. Member, Zoological Society of Nigeria
  5. Member, Science Association of Nigeria
  6. Member, Organic Agriculture Group, FUNAAB
  7. Elected Member of Council, Science Association of Nigeria (2014-2016)
  8. Coordinator, Biodiversity Watch, FUNAAB
  1. 8th International  Biotechnology  Conference,  Exhibition  and  Workshop  (IBCE&W 2018)  by  Department  of  Biological  Sciences,  Covenant  University,  Ota,  Nigeria. 11th  – 13th March, 2018

Papers Read

  • The potential of visible light spectra as control measure of Mosquito, the vector of Plasmodium
  • The Use of Glyphosate-Based Roundup® Herbicides in Nigeria: A Call for Concern
  • Physico-chemistry and Metal Pollution Indices in Sediments along Selected Points of Ogun River in Abeokuta, Ogun State.
  • Effects of Artificial Light Spectra on Dopamine and Serotonin activities in Wistar Albino Rat
  • Histological Changes in the Lungs of Juvenile Wistar Albino Rats following exposure to Indoor Dust via Inhalation
  • Effect of light spectra on the survival and activities of bean weevil (Callosobruchus maculatus).
  • Effects of light spectra on the activities of testosterone, corticosterone and oxidative status of testes of Albino rats (Rattus norvegicus)                                                                                                                                          II. Maiden Bioscience   Annual   Conference   of   College   of   Biosciences,   Federal University   of   Agriculture,   Abeokuta.   Harnessing   Bioscience   for   Economic Development. 15th – 17th  August, 2017

Paper Presented

  1. Earthworm Diversity and Abundance in Southwest Nigeria: Implication for Horticultural Practices.

III.       Stakeholders’  Workshop  on  Wildlife  Trafficking  in  Nigeria  organized  by  Nigerian Conservation  Foundation  (NCF)-Save  the  Vulture  Campaign.,  Royal  Pavillion Hotel, Ibara, Abeokuta, Ogun State., 2nd August, 2017.

Presented the Lead Paper:-

  1. Decline in Vulture; consequences on Human and other Wildlife Survival. 51st Annual  Conference  of  Science  Association  of  Nigeria  (SAN).  The  key  to Renewable    Energy,    Green    Environment,    Empowerment    and    Sustainable Development.,  Covenant  University,  Canaanland,  Ota,  Ogun  State.,  9-13th   July, 2017

Paper Presented:-

iii.       Impact of Monochromatic lights on the growth performance and digestive enzymes of Albino rat.

  1. 6th Annual  International  Conference/Workshop  of  Research  Network  on  Giant

African Land Snails (NetGALS). Snail: Harnessing Bio-resources for Food Security and National Development., Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State., 4-7th  June, 2017

Paper Presented:-

  1. Growth Performance and Proximate Composition of Archachatina marginata Exposed to Monochromatic Lights.
  2. 7th International  Biotechnology  Conference,  Exhibition  &  Workshop.  Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria., Global Economic Recession: The Place of Biotechnology; 15th – 17th  March, 2017

Papers Presented:-

  1. The Impact of lights of varying wavelengths on the haematological profile, plasma electrolytes and growth performance in albino rats (Rattus norvegicus)
  2. Hepatorenal functions of albino rat (Rattus norvegicus) exposed to different monochromatic lights

vii.      Cast Biomass production and growth response in the earthworm

Eudrilus eugeniae exposed to monochromatic lights

VII.     7th  Society for Toxicology and Chemistry World Congress. SETAC North America

37th  Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, USA., Fostering Environmental Science for an Ever-Changing World., 6-10 November, 2016.

Poster Presented:-

viii.      Hepatotoxicity of gasoline vapour inhalation in albino rat

III.     11th   Annual  Conference  of  Zoological  Society  of  Nigeria  (ZSN).,  University  of Nigeria, Nsukka., Zoology in Sustainable Biosecurity., 9-11 November, 2016

Paper Read:-

  1. Mineral concentrations, Acetylcholinesterase and Melatonin activities in Giant African Land Snail exposed to monochromatic lights
  2. 3rd North  American  Congress  for  Conservation  Biology  organized  by  Society  for Conservation  Biology,  Madison,  Wisconsin,  USA.  Communicating  Science  for Conservation Biology. 17-20 July, 2016

Poster Presented:-

  1. Development and Appraisal of a New Biodiversity Loss and Conservation Game (BLACOG) on Students’ Knowledge, Attitude and Perception of Biodiversity Conservation
  2. 7th Society  of  Environmental  Toxicology  and  Chemistry  Africa  Conference,  Club Mykonos,  Langebaan,  South  Africa.  Identifying  Knowledge  Gaps  and  Research Priorities  in  Africa:  A  Pivot  for  Sustainable  Environmental  Development.  5–  9 October, 2015.

Poster Presented:-

  1. Antioxidant Enzyme Acitivity and DNA Profile in two Limicolous Earthworm and Freshwater Snail from Ogun River, Nigeria as Bioindicator of Heavy metal Pollution.
  2. 9th Annual Conference of Zoological Society of Nigeria (ZSN): Wildlife, Zoonoses,

Environmental Management and Food Security in a Developing World, Department of Zoology, University of Ibadan, 30th  November-3rd  December, 2014

Papers Read:-

xii.      Glutathione-S-transferase production in earthworm as tool assessment of heavy metal pollution in abattoir soil.

xiii.      Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in earthworms collected from abattoir soils as a measure of pollution

VIII.  47th Science Association Nigeria Conference. Landmark University, Omu   Aran, Kwara State, Nigeria. August 26th – 30th, 2012

Paper Read:-

xiv.     The Earthworm, Alma millsoni as a possible bioindicator of    heavy metalpollution in limicolous environments.

  1. 1st International  Conference  on  Giant  African  Land  Snails:  Snail  Production  for Sustainable  Development  and  Good  Health.  IFSERAR,  Federal  University  of Agriculture, Abeokuta. 12th – 15th  February, 2012

Paper Read:-

  1. Antimicrobial properties of the haemolymph of three species of African Giant Land Snails (Archachatina marginata, Achatina achatina and Achatina fulica) found in Abeokuta, Ogun State.
  2. 7th Annual Conference of Zoological Society of Nigeria (ZSN): Biotechnology and Zoology in a Developing Economy. Department of Zoology, University of Ibadan. 4th  -7th  December, 2011

Paper Read:-

xvi.     Nutrient analysis of three earthworm cast-types collected form southwest Nigeria.

  1. Environmental Management Conference: Managing Coastal and Wetland Areas of Nigeria. University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. 12th   – 15th  September, 2011.

Papers Read:-

xvii.     Impact of Human Urine Contamination on Soil Biota.

xviii.    Distribution and Effect of some heavy metals in selected organs and tissues of Albino rats exposed to vehicular exhaust fumes.

xix.     Earthworm as Bioindicator of heavy metal pollution around Lafarge, WAPCO Cement Factory, Ewekoro, Nigeria.

XII.   36thConference of Nigerian Society for Animal Production. 13-16th March,  2011, Abuja, Nigeria.

Paper Read:-

  1. Comparative physicochemical properties of normal and albino Giant landsnail-Archachatina marginata.

XII.   6th  Conference of Zoological Society of Nigeria, Sixty years of Zoology in Nigeria:  The Past, Present and Future. University of Ibadan. 1- 5 March,2010.

Paper Read:-

xxi.     Proximate composition of four earthworm species Hyperiodrilus africanus, Eudrilus eugeniae, Libyodrilus violaceus and Alma millsoni from Nigeria.

XIII.   Second International Conference on Sustainable Development. Universite Nationale du Benin, Cotonou, Republic of Benin. November 24-27, 2009

Paper Read:-

xxii.     Amino acid profile of four earthworm species from Nigeria

XIV. 43rd  Annual Conference of The Science Association of Nigeria (2007). Federal University of Tech. Akure, Ondo State.

Paper Read:-

xxiii.    Mineral Analysis of four species of earthworms from Nigeria Hyperiodrilus africanus, Eudrilus eugeniae, Libyodrilus violaceus and Alma millsoni.

  1. 38th Annual Conference of The Science Association of Nigeria. Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago-Iwoye,, Ogun State.

Papers Read:-

xxiv.    Partitioning of muscle mass in African clawed toad.

xxv.    Earthworm cast characteristics under bahama grass and the question of why earthworm cast.


(1)      Dedeke, G.A (2009). “Nutritional Analysis of four earthworm species and evaluation of Eudrilus eugeniae and Libyodrilus violaceus as dietary supplement in Clarias gariepinus fingerling nutrition” Unpublished Ph.D. Thesis, submitted to the Department of Plant Science and Applied Zoology, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ogun State, Nigeria.

(2)       Dedeke, G.A (1995). “Preservative Capacity of Honey on West African Dwarf Buck Semen stored under ambient temperature” Unpublished M.Sc Dissertation, submitted to the Departmentt of Animal Science, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria.

(3)      Dedeke, G.A (1992). “Some Herpetofauna Record of Ago-Iwoye”. B.Sc. Dissertation, submitted to the Department of Biological Sciences, Ogun State University.


  1. Dedeke, G.  A  and  Egbunike,  G.N  (2002)Effect  of  honey  on  West  African Dwarf  Buck  Semen,  stored  under  ambient  condition  in  citrate-glycine  and Illinois variable temperature buffers.  Bioscience Research Communications 14(4):   419-423.   Published   by   Nigerian   Society   of   Experimental   Biology (NISEB).
  1. Sodeinde, O.A.,  Dedeke,  G.  A.,  Oniyide,O.O.,  Adejumo,  A.S  and  Adekoya, O.M(2002).Hematological  values  of  helmeted  turtle,  hinged-back  tortoise  and monitor  lizard.   Bioscience   Research  Communications   14  (4):  425-429. Published by Nigerian Society of Experimental Biology (NISEB).
  2. Owa, S.O., Dedeke, G.A., Morafa, S.O.A. and Yeye, J.A (2003). Abundance of earthworm in Nigerian ecological zones: Implication in sustaining fertilizer-free soil fertility.   African   Zoology   Journal   38(2):   235-244.   Published   by   the Zoological  Society  of  Southern  Africa.  Available  at  www.research  2004  .uct. science/depts/zoo/output.php
  3. Banjo, A.D., Lawal.,O.A., Owolana, O.A., Olubanjo, O.A., Ashidi,J.S., Dedeke, G.A., Soewu, D.A., Owa,S.O., and Sobowale, O.A(2003). An Ethno-zoological survey of  insects  and  their  allies  among  the  Remos  (Ogun  State)  South Western Nigeria. Indilinga: Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems 2(1):61-68Published  by  University  of  Zululand  (UZ)  Foundation,  South  Africa.  N Avaliable at:
  1. Owa,S.O., Moreyibi,  H.O.,  Dedeke,  G.A.,  Olojo,  F.O.,  and  Fasunwon,  O.O. (2004).  Earthworm  Created  micro-environment  around  roots  of  lowland  rice. Journal   of   Science,   Engineering   and   Technology   11(1):   5261-5270. Published  by  Department  of  Electrical  and  Computer  Engineering,  Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria. ISSN 1117
  2. Owa, S.O.,     Moreyibi,     H.O.,     Morafa,     S.O.A     and     Dedeke,     G.A. (2004).Contribution of Earthworms to soil Temperature and its physicochemical implication  on  crops.  Journal  of  Science,  Engineering  and  Technology 11(1):   5343-5350.   Published   by   Department   of   Electrical   and   Computer Engineering, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria. ISSN 1117
  1. Dedeke, G.A.,  Soewu,  D.A.,  Lawal,  O.Aand  Ola,  M  (2006).  Pilot  Survey  of Ethnozoological  utilization  of  Vertebrates  in  Southwestern  Nigeria.  Indilinga: Journal   of   Indigenous   Knowledge   Systems   5(1):87-96.Published   by University  of  Zululand  (UZ)  Foundation,  South  Africa.  Avaliable  online  at:
  2. Dedeke, G.A  and  Abayomi,  F.  (2006).  Ethnozoological  Trade  and  Practices among  the  Ijebu  people  of  Southwestern  Nigeria:  and  the  Impact  on  some Mammalian species. Indilinga: Journal of Indigenous Knowledge Systems 5(2):175-187.  Published  by  University  of  Zululand  (UZ)  Foundation,  South Africa. Avaliable online at:
  1. †Ademolu, K.O., Fakeye, O.D., Dedeke, G.A. and Idowu, A.B. (2009). Activities of glycosidases in the foot of African Giant Land Snail, Archachatina marginata during aestivation. Ethiopian Journal of Biological Sciences. 8(2): 165-170. Published by Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia.

10.Dedeke,      G.A.,      Omemu,      O.,      Aladesida,      A.A.,      and      Museliu, F.(2010).Comparative  Microbial  analysis  of  earthworm  casts  collected  from Ikenne,  Ogun  State.   Ethiopian  Journal  of  Environmental  Studies  and Management.   3(3):57-63.   Published   by   Department   of   Geography   and Environmental Studies, Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia.

11.Ademolu,   K.O.,  Oguntayo,   O.O.,  Idowu,  B.A.  and   Dedeke,  G.A.   (2011). Variations   in   tissues   metabolites   and   gut   microbial   flora   of   adult   male Zonocerus   variegatus   (L)   (Orthoptera:   Pyrgomorphidae)   during   starvation. Biological and Environmental Sciences Journal for the Tropics 8(1): 188- Published by  Department  of  Biological  Sciences,  Bayero  University, Nigeria.

12.Ademolu,  K.O.,  Jayeola,  O.  A.,  Dedeke,  G.  A.  and  Idowu,  A.  B.  (2011). Comparative analysis of the growth performance and haemolymph biochemical properties of normal and albino giant land snail – Archachatina   marginata. Ethiopian  Journal  of  Environmental  Studies  and  Management  4(2):  101-106 Published by Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia.

13.Dedeke,  G.A.  (2012)Proximate  Composition  of  Four  Earthworm  Species commonly   found   in   Ago-Iwoye,   Nigeria.   Biological   and   Environmental Sciences  Journal  for  the  Tropics  (BEST)  9(2):  85  –  87.  Published  by Department of Biological Sciences, Bayero University, Nigeria.

14.Ademolu,   K.O.,   Idowu,   A.B.,   Jayeola,O.A.,   Osunsina,   I.,   Dedeke,   G.A., Oluwafemi, F. and Ibie, E.(2012). Influence of Different Management Systems on Gut Microbes and Chemical Constituents of Giant Land Snail (Archachatina marginata). Nigerian Journal of Animal Production 39(2):179-186. Published by Nigerian Society for Animal Production.

15.Ademolu,  K.O.,  Akanmu,  E.T.,  Dedeke,  G.A.  and  Jayeola,  O.A.  (2013).  A Preliminary  Chemical  Analysis  of  the  Albumen  Gland  of  three  Snail  species found  in  Abeokuta,  Ogun  State,  Nigeria.   Pertanika  Journal  of  Tropical Agricultural Science 36(1): 35-42. Published by University of Putra, Malaysia.

16.Ademolu,  K.O.,  Fakeye,  O.D.,  Dedeke,  G.A.,  Ajayi,  O.A.  and  Idowu,  A.B. (2013) Digestive enzymes in African Giant Land Snail (Archachatina marginata) during  aestivation.  Archivos  de  zootecnia  62(237):  73  -77.  Published  by Department of Animal Production, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cordoba, Spain.

17.Adekunle,  N.O.,  Sam-Wobo,  S.O.,  Dedeke,  G.A.,  Ojo,  D.A.,  Abimbola, W.A., Adeleke, M.A. and Surakat, O.A. (2014). Evaluation of Rapid Methods  in Malaria Diagnosis from Persons attending Health Facilities, Ogun State,Nigeria. Nigerian  Journal  of Parasitology  35(1-2):  19-25.  Published  by  Parasitology and Public Health Society of Nigeria.

18.Aladesida,  A.A.,  Dedeke,  G.A.,  Ademolu,  K. and  Museliu,  F.  (2014):  Nutrient Analysis  of  Three  Earthworm  Cast-Types  collected  from  Ikenne,  Ogun  State, Nigeria  Journal  of  Natural  Sciences,  Engineering  and  Technology  13(1): 36-43. Published by Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta.

19.Dedeke,  G.A.,  Babatunde,  O.  and  Aladesida,  A.A.  (2015).  Earthworm  cast biomass   under   three   managed   ecosystems:   implication   for   soil   fertility. Ethiopian  Journal  of  Environmental  Studies  and  Management  8(4):  464-470. Published by Department of Geography and Environmental Studies, Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia.

20.*Ugbaja,  R.N.,  Owoeye,  F.D.,  Akinloye,  O.A.  and  Dedeke,  G.A.  (2015):  An Evaluation of Sorghum bicolor (Linn) Moench Leaf Sheath Extract in High Fat Diet-Induced Obese Rats Ife Journal of Science 17(3):667-682. Published by Faculty of Science, Obafemi Awolowo University.

21.*Owagboriaye,F.O.,   Dedeke,   G.A.,   Ademolu,   K.O.   and   Adebambo,   A.O. (2015).Bioaccumulation of heavy metals in earthworms collected from abattoir soils  as  a  measure  of  pollution,  The  Zoologist.  13:36-42.  Published  by Zoological Society of Nigeria (ZSN).

22.†*Dedeke,   G.A.,   Owagboriaye,   F.O.,   Ademolu,   K.O.   and   Adebambo, A.O.(2016):  Earthworm  Metallothionein  Production  as  Biomarker  of  Heavy Metal Pollution in Abattoir soil, Applied Soil Ecology.104: 42-47. Published by Elsevier and available at Science Direct.

23.†*Owagboriaye, F.O., Dedeke, G.A. and Ademolu, K.O. (2016) Glutathione-S- Transferase Productions in Earthworm (Annelida; Eudrilidae) as tool for Heavy Metal  Pollution  Assessment  in  Abattoir  Soil,  Revista  de  Biologia  Tropical (International  Journal  of  Tropical  Biology  and  Conservation)  64(2):  779-789 Published by Universidad de Costa Rica.

24.†*Ademolu, K.O., Fantola, F.O., Bamidele, J.A., Dedeke, G.A. and Idowu, B.A. (2016).  Formation  and  Composition  of  epiphragm  in  three  giant  African  land snails   (Archachatina   marginata,   Achatina   fulica   and   Achatina   achatina), Ruthenica.  26(3-4):165-169.  Published  by  A.N.Severtzov  Institute  of  Ecology and Evolution of Russian Academy of Sciences.

25.*Dedeke,  G.A.,  Okulaja,  Y.,  Ogunnaike,  M.,  Awesu,  A.  and  Kehinde,  F.O. (2017). Haemolymph Electrolytes, Acetylcholinesterase and Melatonin Activities of  Giant  African  Land  Snail  (GALS)  (Archachatina  marginata)  exposed  to Monochromatic Lights. Journal of Molluscan Research 3:81-90. Published by Research Network on Giant African Land Snails (NetGALS).

26.†*Owagboriaye,  F.  O.,  Dedeke,  G.  A.,  Ademolu,  A.O.,  Olarenwaju,  O.  O., Ashidi,  J.  S.  and  Aladesida,  A.A.  (2017).  Reproductive  toxicity  of  Roundup herbicide   exposure   in   male   albino   rat.   Journal   of   Experimental   and Toxicologic Pathology 69(7):461-468. Published by Elsevier and available at Science Direct.

27.†*Owagboriaye,  F.  O.,  Dedeke,  G.  A.,  Ashidi,  J.  S.,  Aladesida,  A.A.  and Olooto,  W.E.  (2017).  Hepatotoxicity  and  Genotoxicity  of  Gasoline  Fumes  in Albino Rats.  Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 6:253-259.    Published    by    Elsevier    and    available    at    Science    Direct.

28.*Owagboriaye, F.O., Dedeke, G. A., Bamidele, J.A., Adeyemi, I. and Hunkowe, B.O. (2017). Assessment of liver dysfunction in albino rats exposed to gasoline fume. African Journal of Science and Nature 4:12-19. Published by Faculty of Science, Olabisi Onabanjo University

29.†*Mogaji, H.O., Dedeke, G.A., Jaiyeola, O.A., Adeniran, A.A., Olabinke, D.B., Oluwole, A.S., Abe, E.M., Adeaga, D.O., Yusuff, Q.A. and Ekpo, U.F. (2017). A preliminary   survey   of   school-based   water,   sanitation,   hygiene   (WASH) resources  and  soil-transmitted  helminthiasis  in  eight  public  schools  in  Odeda LGA,  Ogun  State,  Nigeria.  Parasitology  Open  3:  e16,  1-10.  Published  by Cambridge University Press.

30.Ekpo, U.F., Olabinke, D.B., Akeredoluale, B. and Dedeke, G.A. (2017). Design and  evaluation  of  a  health  educational  board  game  for  the  control  of  soil- transmitted helminthiasis among primary school children in Abeokuta, Nigeria. American   Journal   of   Tropical   Medicine   and   Hygiene   95(5):   351-352. Published by American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

31.*Dedeke,  G.A.,  Kehinde,  F.  O.,  Olatinwo,  O.R.,  Johnson,  O.I  and  Adewale, A.O.  (2017).  Exposure  of  albino  rats  (Rattus  norvegicus)  to  lights  of  varying wavelengths;  effect  on  haematological  profile,  plasma  electrolytes  and  weight gain.  The  Zoologist  15:  29-34.  Published  by  Zoological  Society  of  Nigeria (ZSN).

32.†*Dedeke, G.A., Iwuchukwu, P.O., Aladesida, A.A., Afolabi, A.T. and Ayanda, O.I. (2018).         Impact   of   Heavy   metal   bioaccumulation   on   antioxidant activities and DNA profile in two earthworm species and freshwater prawn from Ogun  River.  Science  of  the  Total  Environment  624:576-585.  Published  by Elsevier

33.†*Owagboriaye,  F.O.,  Dedeke,  G.  A.,  Ashidi,  J.  S.,  Aladesida,  A.A.  and Olooto, W. E. (2018). Effect of gasoline fumes on reproductive function in male albino rats. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25(5):4309-4319 Published  by  Springer  Berlin  Heidelberg.

34.*Aladesida, A.A., Dedeke, G.A., Ademolu, K.O., Bamidele, J.A. and Omolayo, I.I.  (2018).  Land  snail  diversity  in  quarry  and  non-quarry  sites  in  Odeda  and Alabata, Ogun State. Journal of Molluscan Research 4:45-52. Published by Network of Giant African Land Snail Society, Nigeria (NETGALS).

35.†*Dedeke,  G.A.,  Iwuchukwu,  P.O.,  Oladosu,  O.O.,  Aladesida,  A.A.,  Afolabi, T.A., Bamgbola, A.A. and Ayanda, O.I. (2018). Physicochemical Parameters of Ogun  River  sampled  at  Selected  Points  during  the  Rainy  Season.  Munis Entomology  and  Zoology  Journal  13(2):  427–440.  Published  by  MUNIS Research  Group,  Department  of  Biology,  Faculty  of  Science  and  Arts,  Gazi University, Turkey.

36.†*Owagboriaye,  F.O.,  Dedeke,  G.A.,  Aladesida,  A.A.,  Bamidele,  J.A.  and Olooto,  W.E.  (2018).  Assessment  of  the  Effect  of  Gasoline  Fume  on  Stress Hormones, Antioxidant status and Lipid peroxidation in albino rat.  Journal of King  Saud  University-Science  30(3):  393-397.  Published  by  Elsevier  and available at Science Direct. 2016.11.002

37.†*Dedeke,   G.A.,   Owagboriaye,   F.O.,   Ademolu,   K.O.,   Olujimi,   O.O.   and Aladesida,  A.A.  (2018).  Comparative  Assessment  on  Mechanism  underlying renal toxicity of commercial formulation of Roundup herbicide and Glyphosate alone in male albino rat. International Journal of Toxicology 37(4): 285-295. Published    by    SAGE    Journals,    USA.

38.*Aladesida, A.A., Dedeke, G.A., Onifade, E.O., Bamidele, J.A. and Ekpo, U.F. (2018). Development and Appraisal of New Biodiversity Loss and Conservation Game (BLACOG) in assessing student’s knowledge, attitude an+d perception of   biodiversity  conservation.   The  Zoologist  16(1):6-11.   Published  by  the Zoological Society of Nigeria (ZSN).

39.†*Ayanda,   I.O.,   Dedeke,   G.A.,   Ekhator,   U.I.   and   Etiebet,   M.K.   (2018). Proximate  Composition  and  Heavy  Metal  Analysis  of  Three  Aquatic  Foods  in Makoko    River,    Lagos,    Nigeria.    Hindawi    Journal    of    Food    Quality Published by Hindawi Limited.

40.†*Owagboriaye,  F.,  Dedeke,  G.,  Ademolu,  K.,  Olujimi,  O.  and  Aladesida,  A. and   Adeleke,   M.   (2019).   Comparative   studies   on   endogenenic   stress hormones,  antioxidant,  biochemical  and  haematological  status  of  metabolic disturbance in albino rat exposed to roundup herbicide and its active ingredient glyphosate.       Environmental       Science       and       Polution       Research    Published    by    Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature

(ii)      ARTICLES IN PRESS: Nil

* = Papers Published since last promotion

=  International/Foreign Journals

(iii)     BOOK: Nil

(iv)     BOOK CHAPTERS: Nil


  1. Ademolu, K.O., Dedeke, G.A., Jayeola, O.A. and Idowu, A.B. (2011) Comparative physicochemical properties of normal and albino Giant land snail – Archachatina marginata. Proceedings of the 36thConference of Nigerian Society for Animal Production. 13-16th  March, 2011, Abuja, Nigeria pg 287-289 A.A.Adeniji., E.A.Olatunji and E.S.Gana (Editors)
  1. Dedeke, G.A., Ademolu, K.A., Ogunnaike, O., Fadeyi, M.O. and Otti, C.N. (2011). Impact of Human Urine Contamination on Soil Biota. Proceedings of the Environmental Management Conference. September 12 – 14, 2011. Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. Vol 1pg 199-206. O. Martins, E.A.Meshida, T.A.Arowolo, O.A.Idowu and G.O.Oluwasanya (Editors)
  2. Ajayi, O.A., Idowu, A.B., Eromosele, C.O., Dedeke, G.A and Ademolu, K.O. (2011). Distribution and Effect of some heavy metals in selected organs and tissues of Albino rats exposed to vehicular exhaust fumes. Proceedings of the Environmental Management Conference. September 12 – 14, 2011. Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. Vol 2 pg 518-526 O. Martins, E.A.Meshida, T.A.Arowolo, O.A.Idowu and G.O.Oluwasanya (Editors)
  3. Olayinka, O.T., Idowu, A.B., Dedeke, G.A., Akinloye, K.O.,Ademolu, K.O. and Bamgbola, A.A. (2011). Earthworm as Bioindicator of heavy metal pollution around Lafarge, WAPCO Cement Factory, Ewekoro, Nigeria. Proceedings of the Environmental Management Conference. September. September 12 – 14, 2011. Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. Vol 2 pg 488-496 O. Martins, E.A.Meshida, T.A.Arowolo, O.A.Idowu and G.O.Oluwasanya (Editors)

45.*Dedeke, G.A., Awesu, A., Ogunnaike, M., and Kehinde, F. (2017). Growth Performance and Proximate Composition of Archachatina marginata exposed to monochromatic lights. Proc. 6th Annual International Conference/Workshop of Network of Giant African Land Snail (NetGALS) June 4 – 7, 2017. Federal University of Technology, Akure, Ondo State. pg 93-96.

  1. *Aladesida, A.A., Owa, S.O. and Dedeke, G.A. (2017). Earthworm Diversity and Abundance in Southwest Nigeria: Implications for Horticultural Practices. Proc. Maiden Bioscience Conference of the College of Biosciences, Harnessing Bioscience for Economic Development. August 15-17, 2017. Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. pg 107 – 109 S.O. Kareem, A.A. Aladesida, S.A. Balogun and Sam-Wobo, S.O.(Editors)
  1. Kehinde, F., Dedeke, G.A., Popoola, O.I. and Isibor, P.O.(2018) Potential of Light Spectra as a Control of Cowpea Weevil, Callosobruchus maculatus, activity. 8th International Biotechnology Conference, Exhibition anFd Workshop. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 210:012008 DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/210/1/012008. Published by the Institute of Physics, UK.
  1. Kehinde, F., Dedeke, G.A., Popoola, O.I. and Isibor, P.O.(2018) The Potential of visible light spectra as control measure of Mosquito, the vector of Plasmodium. 8th International Biotechnology Conference, Exhibition and Workshop. IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science 210:012009 DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/210/1/012009. Published by the Institute of Physics, UK.
  1. Isibor, P.O., Adagunodo, T.A., Obafemi, Y.D., Dedeke, G.A. and Akinduti, P.A. (2018). Comparative estimation of flow rate mediated oxidative stress amongst Palaemonid shrimps. 8th International Biotechnology Conference, Exhibition and Workshop. IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science 210:012011. DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/210/1/012011 Published by the Institute of Physics, UK.
  1. Isibor, P.O., Dedeke, G.A., Owagboriaye, F.O., Isibor, J.O., Oluowo, E.F., Adagunodo, T.A. and Akinduti, P.A. (2018). Impacts of Aflatoxin B1 on cultivated Palaemonid shrimps. 8th International Biotechnology Conference, Exhibition and Workshop. IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science 210:012012. DOI: 10.1088/1755-1315/210/1/012012 Published by the Institute of Physics, UK.

* = Papers Published since last promotion

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