
HAMMED Lateef Akinkunle 


Short Profile

Lateef Akinkunle HAMMED, is Professor of Horticulture, Pomology option and specializing in Tree Crop Agronomy in the Department of Horticulture, Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta (FUNAAB).  He began his life career at Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria (CRIN) where he spent about ten years working on research and development of Commodity Tree crops (which include Cashew (Anacardium occidentale), Kola (Cola species), Cocoa (Theobroma cacao), Tea (Camellia sinensis) as well as Coffee (Coffea species)) before joining the service of FUNAAB. At FINAAB in the Department of Horticulture, Professor L. A. Hammed expanded his scope of Research and Development of Commodity Tree Crops to include Bitter kola (Garcinia kola).  At present, Prof. Lateef A. Hammed had a number of 47 publications in both national and International Publications.  The publications include 36 Journal Articles, 9 Articles in Edited Proceedings, one Book Chapter and one Technical Report. His Research Focus has been Propagation, Field Establishment, fruiting as well as harvesting in Commodity Tree Crops on which he has made landmark achievements which earned him collaborations with Department of Agronomy, University of Ibadan, Cocoa Research Institute of Nigeria, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology and Kwara State University.  Currently, Prof. L. A. Hammed has graduated a number of students well-trained on Commodity Tree Crops at both Masters as well as Ph.D. Levels and currently some students’ Trainee are Tutelage under his Supervision.

(a) Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) Degree, Crop Science (Tree Crop Agronomy) 2008
(b) Master of Science Degree Certificate (M.Sc.) Agronomy (Crop Science Option) 2000
(c) Bachelor of Science Degree Certificate (B.Sc.) Agriculture (First Class Honours) Crop Science 1995
(d) West African School Certificate (WASC O/L) 1986

(a) Title of Thesis: Studies on Cytological and molecular characterization in the
Available Genotypes of fluted Pumpkin (Ph.D.).
(b) Name of Student: Fayeun, L. S.
(c) Date / Year of Commencement: 2011
(d) Completed: 2015
(e) Collaborative Supervision

(a) Title of Thesis: Influence of geometric shapes on the performance of
Selected crops (Ph.D.).
(b) Name of Students: Ala, O. N.
(c) Date / Year of Commencement: 2012
(d) Completed: 2016
(e) Collaborative Supervision
(a) Title of Thesis: Germination, nursery and Early field Establishment of Kola
(Cola nitida, Vent, Schott and Endl.) as Affected by Mini-Nut Technique and
Excised Embryo (M. Agric.).
(b) Name of Students: Adebayo, S. M.
(c) Date / Year of Commencement: 2011
(d) Completed: 2014
(e) Collaborative Supervision
(a) Title of Thesis: Value chain analysis of cashew nut in Oyo state, Nigeria
(b) Name of Student: Owolabi, T. T.
(c) Date / year of commencement: 2011
(d) Completed: 2016
(e) Collaborative Supervision
(a) Title of Thesis: Evaluation of cocoa (Theobroma cacao, L.) growing soils and
nutrient application on growth performance of cocoa seedlings in Nigeria
(b) Name of student: Alieu, O. S.
(c) Date / Year of commencement: 2012 / 2013
(d) Completed: 2015
(e) Major-Supervision

(a) Title of Thesis: Growth responses of cashew (Anacardium occidentale, L.)
seedlings to shoot decapitation and its effects on multiple shoot production and
shoot thinning (M.Agric.).
(b) Name of Student: Arilesire, T. B.
(c) Date / Year of commencement: 2012 / 2013
(d) Completed: 2016
(e) Major-Supervision

(a) Title of Thesis: Germination and seedling growth of kola (Cola nitida, Vent.
Schott. & Endl.) as affected by colour, method and intensity of scarification of
the nuts (M.Agric.)
(b) Name of student: Boladale, S. B.
(c) Date / Year of commencement: 2013 / 2014
(d) Completed: 2016
(e) Major Supervision
(a) Title of Thesis: Growth analysis of decapitated cashew (Anacardium occidentale,
Linn.) seedlings (M.Agric.)
(b) Name of student: Adegbuji, U. A.
(c) Date / Year of commencement: 2014 / 2015
(d) Completed: 2019
(e) Major Supervision
a) Title of Thesis: Germination and growth of Garcinia kola as influenced by
peeling, soaking period and scarification (M.Agric.)
b) Name of student: Busari, Olusola Michael
c) Date / Year of commencement: 2013 / 2014
d) Completed: 2017
e) Co-Supervision
10.) a) Title of Thesis: Agro-morphological variation and pollen study in selected
Cucumber varieties (Cucumis sativum) (M.Agric.)
b) Name of student: Ukachukwu, P.C.
c) Date / Year of commencement: 2014 / 2015
d) Completed: 2018
e) Co-Supervision

11.) a) Title of Thesis: Effects of supply chain performance on cocoa export in Ondo state,
Nigeria (M.Agric.)
b) Name of student: Adesanya T.H.
c) Date / Year of commencement: 2015 / 2016
d) Completed: 2019
e) Co-Supervision

12.) a) Title of Thesis: Genetic variability and character correlation of twenty Amaranthus
genotypes (M.Agric.)
b) Name of student: Ukpong M. M.
c) Date / Year of commencement: 2015 / 2016
d) Completed: 2019
e) Co-Supervision

13.) a) Title of Thesis: Evaluation of spatial arrangement and organic amendment on growth
and yield of intercropped sunflower-melon in the savanna transition ecology
b) Name of student: Omiyefa, K. O.
c) Date / Year of commencement: 2015 / 2016
d) Completed: 2019
e) Co-Supervision

14.) a) Title of Thesis: Improvement on Germination, Growth and Early Field Establishment
of Kola (Cola nitida Vent, (Schott & Endlicher)) using Mini-nut Technique and
Storage Longevity in Pyramidal Prototype (Ph.D.).
b) Name of student: Boladale, S. B.
c) Date / Year of commencement: 2017 / 2018
d) Completed: 2023
e) Major Supervision
15.) a) Title of Thesis: Effects of shade density and compost rate on growth and early field
establishment of some cocoa (Theobroma cacao Linn.) genotypes (Ph.D.).
b) Name of student: Alpheus O. S.
c) Date / Year of commencement: 2018 / 2019
d) On-going. Anticipated date of completion: 2023
e) Major Supervision

HOD, Horticulture

i) Horticultural Society of Nigeria (HORTSON)
ii) Nigerian Society for Experimental Biology (NISEB)
iii) Nigerian Society for Plant Protection (NSPP)
iv) Agricultural Society of Nigeria (ASN)
v) Science Association of Nigeria (SAN)
vi) Member, African Cashew Alliance (ACA)
vii) International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS)
viii) All Africa Horticultural Congress (AAHC)

Hammed, L. A. 2010: Growth Analysis of cashew seedlings as affected by nut-
size in the nursery. Conference of agricultural Society of Nigeria. Agricultural Society of
Nigeria Conference, LAUTECH, Ogbomoso, 2010

Adebayo, S. M., Bodunde, J. G., Hammed, L. A. and Olaiya, A. O. 2014. Early field
establishment of kola (Cola nitida, Vent, schott & Endl.) as affected by mini-nut technique.
Conference of HORTSON, Abeokuta 2014.

Hammed, L. A. Kolapo, K. A. and Olaniyan, A. B. 2015. Germination and seedling growth of kola (Cola nitida, Vent Schott & Endl.) nuts as affected by curing period in the nursery.
HORTSON Conference – Abuja, 2015.

(a) Theses and Project Report
1. Hammed, L. A. 2008. Growth and Development of Cashew (Anacardium occidentale,
L.) As Affected By Nut-Size, Density of Planting and Planting Methods. Ph.D. Thesis
University of Ibadan, Ibadan. 2008

2. Hammed, L. A. 2000. Effects Of Stake Length, Node Portions And Bud Portions
On Cassava Plant Establishment and Multiple Stem Production. M.Sc. Thesis,
University of Ibadan, Ibadan. 2000

3. Hammed. L. A. 1995. Variability Study of Soil Physical Characteristics Along a
Quartzite-Schist Toposequence on the Basement Complex of South-Western Nigeria.
B.Sc. Project Report, University of Ibadan, Ibadan. 1995

(b) Journal Publications

1. Aliyu, O.M. and Hammed, L.A. 2000. A study of nut and apple development in cashew (Anacardium occidentale, L.). Nigerian Journal of Tree Crop Research, 4 (2): 1-10.

2. Hammed, L.A. and Aliyu, O.M. 2002. Effect of time of harvesting and sowing
condition of nuts on germination and seedling performance of cashew (Anacardium
occidentale, L). Moor Journal of Agricultural Research, 3 (2): 175 – 179.

3. Olaiya, A.O. and Hammed, L.A. 2003. Vegetative propagation in kola. Nigerian Journal of Science. 37 (1): 47 – 52.

4. Hammed, L.A. and Adeyemi, E.A. 2005. Germination and seedling performance of cashew (Anacardium occidentale, L) as affected by nut-sowing orientations and cotyledon removal in the nursery. Nigerian Journal of Horticultural Science (NJHS). 10: 59 – 64.

5. Olaiya, A.O., Fagbayide, J.A., Hammed, L.A., and M.O. Aliyu. 2006. Comparison of
of potential pod yield and loss in old and rehabilitated cocoa plots. African Journal of
Agricultural Research 1 (5): 189 – 193.

6. Hammed, L.A. and Adedeji, A.R. 2008. Incidence and control of twig die-back in young cashew in Ibadan (south-western Nigeria). Agricultural Journal 3 (3): 171-175.

7. Asogwa, E. U., Hammed, L. A. and Ndubuaku, T. C. N. 2008. Integrated production and protection practices of cashew (Anacardium occidentale, L.) in Nigeria. African Journal of Biotechnology, 7 (25): 4868 – 4873.:

8. Hammed, L.A., J.C. Anikwe and A.R. Adedeji. 2008. Cashew nuts (seeds) and production (plantation) development in Nigeria. American-Eurasian Journal of Science Research 3 (1): 54 – 61.

9. Anikwe, J.C., Okelana, F. A., Otuonye, H., Hammed, L. A. and Aliyu, O. M. 2007.The integrated management of an emerging insect pest of cashew: A case study of the cashew root and stem borer, Plocaederus ferrugineus, in Ibadan, Nigeria. Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and the Social Sciences, (JOAFSS), 5 (1): 143 – 149.
10. Asogwa, E. U., Dongo, L. N., Ndubuaku, T. C. N. and Hammed, L. A. 2009. The sustainability of Nigerian cocoa sector through good agricultural practices. African Journal of General Agriculture, 5 (2): 59 – 67.
11. Asogwa, E. U., Anikwe, J. C., Ndubuaku, T. C. N., Okelana, F. A. and Hammed, L. A. 2009. Host plant range and morphometric descriptions of an emerging insect pest (Plocaederus ferrugineus, L.) of cashew in Nigeria: A preliminary report. Journal of Innovation Development and Strategy, 3 (2): 21 – 26.
12. Yahaya, L.E., Aliyu, O. M., Hammed, L. A. and Aroyeun, S. O. 2010. Variation in physicochemical characteristics of cashew (Anacardium occidentale, L.) apples with maturity. British Food Journal. 112 (1): 93 – 99.
13. Aliyu, O. M. Dada, K. E. and Hammed, L. A. 2010. Can auxins improve rooting of
propagules and establishment of cashew clones? Fruits, 65: 307 – 314. or http.// 1051/fruits/2010026

14. Hammed, L. A., Lawal, B. A. and Kolapo, K. A. 2011. Growth and nutrient uptake of
cashew seedlings (Anacardium occidentale, L.) as affected by nut-size in the nursery.
African Journal of Agricultural Research, 6 (4): 3962 – 3971.

15. Hammed, L. A. 2012a. Growth analysis of cashew seedlings as affected by nut-size.
Annals of Biological Research. 3, (2): 755 – 772.

16. Hammed, L. A. 2012b. Germination of nuts and morphological plant performance of
cashew (Anacardium occidentale, L.) as influenced by nut-size and pre-sowing
floatation in water. International Journal of Tropical Agriculture. 30 (1 – 2):35–41.

17. Hammed, L. A. and Olaniyan, A. B. 2012. Field establishment of cashew (Anacardium
occidentale, L.) transplants as affected by nursery periods. Journal of Agricultural
Science and Technology B 2: 1158 – 1164.

18. Mokwunye, I. U, L. A. Hammed, T.C.N. Ndubuaku and E.U. Asogwa, 2012.
Evaluation of Manual Defoliation on Some Yield Parameters of Anacardium
occidentale L. during Fruiting Season at CRIN, Head-Quarters, Ibadan. International
Journal of Science and Nature, 3 (3): 546 – 550.

19. Hammed, L. A., Olaiya, A. O., Lawal, I. O., Idowu, O.T.H. and Aiyelaagbe, I.O.O.
2013. Effects of some bean characters on germination and seedling growth of cocoa
(Theobroma cacao, L.). Nigerian Journal of Horticultural Science 17: 126 – 134.

20. Atayese, M. O., Olaiya, A. O., Adedeji, A. R. and Hammed, L. A. 2013. Evaluation
of three cocoa varieties for drought tolerance in Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of
Horticultural Science, 17: 177 – 187.

21. Hammed, L.A., Olaniyan, A.B., Olaiya, A.O. and Bodunde, J.G. 2013. Germination
and growth performance of kola (Cola nitida, Vent. Schott & Endl.) seeds in the
nursery as influenced by cotyledon reduction. Seed Science and Technology (ISTA)
41 (2), 292 – 297.

22. Hammed, L. A. Aliyu, O. M. Dada, K. E. and Egbewale, S. O. 2014. Cultivar Type
and Nut-sowing Orientation Influence germination and plant Vigor in cashew
(Anacardium occidentale, L.). International Journal of Fruit Science, 14: 69 – 80.

23. Olaniyan, A.B. and Hammed, L.A. 2014. Field Establishment and Early Nut Yield of
Cashew (Anacardium occidentale Linn.) as influenced by Plant Density and Maize
Intercrop in the Rainforest Agroecological zone of Nigeria. Nigeria Journal of
Ecology, 13: 73 – 84.

24. Hammed, L. A. 2014. Breaking Dormancy in Bitter kola (Garcinia kola, Heckel)
Nuts. Nigerian Journal of Horticultural Sciences. 19. 27 – 36.

25. Ajiboye, G. A., Jaiyeola, J. O., Olaiya, A.O. and Hammed, L.A. 2015. Fertility
Baseline Study of Major Cocoa Growing Soils of Nigeria and Implication for Cocoa
Production in Nigeria. Nigeria journal of Soil Science (NJSS), 25: 45 – 57.

26. Hammed, L. A., Olaniyan, A. B., Olaiya, A. O., Lawal, B. A. and Lucas, E. O. 2015.
Growth, dry matter partitioning and nutrient uptake of Cashew (Anacardium
occidentale L.) seedlings as affected by nut-size under an extended nursery period.
Journal of Organic Agriculture and Environment. 3. 65 – 83.

27. Fayeun, L. S., Ojo, D. K., Odiyi, A. C. Adebisi, M. A. Hammed, L. A. and
Omikunle, A. O. 2016. Identification of Facultative Apomixis in Fluted Pumpkin
(Telfairia occidentalis Hook F.) through Emasculation Method. American Journal of
Experimental Agriculture, 10 (1), 1 – 10.

28. Fayeun, L.S., Hammed, L.A., Oduwaye, O.A., Madike, J.U. and Ushie, E.U. 2016.
Estimates of Genetic Variability for Seedling Traits in Fluted Pumpkin (Telfaria
occidentale Hook. F.). Plant Breeding and Biotechnology. 4 (2), 262 – 270.

29. Hammed L.A., A.B. Olaniyan, A.O. Olaiya and E.O. Lucas. 2015. Field
Establishment and Early Nut Yield of Cashew (Anacardium occidentale, Linn.) as
Affected by Nut-Size and Planting Method in Rainforest Agroecological zone of
Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Science. 49: 37-47.

30. Hammed L.A., Adebayo S.M., Bodunde J.G., Olaiya A.O., Olaniyan A.B. and
Olosunde O.M. 2017. Mini-nut Propagation Technique of Kola (Cola nitida, Vent.
(Schott &Endl.)) Influences Nursery Growth and Early Field Establishment of the
Crop’s Transplants. Journal of Organic Agriculture and Environment. Vol.5 (2).

31. Olaniyan A. B., Kolapo K. A. and Hammed L.A. 2018. Physico-chemical
characteristics of Kola nuts [Cola nitida, Vent. (Schott & Endl.)] as influenced by
curing period. Tropical Agriculture (Trinidad) Vol. 95 No. 2. P. 125 – 131.

32. Olubode, O.O., Joseph-Adekunle T.T., Hammed L.A. and Olaiya, A.O. 2018.
Evaluation of production practices and yield enhancing techniques on productivity of
Cashew (Anacardium occidentale, L.). Fruits, Volume 73 No. 2. Page 75-100.

33. Olaniyan, A. B. and Hammed L. A. 2018. Size of Polybags Influences Germination
and Growth of Kola (Cola nitida Vent, Schott &Endl.) Seedlings. Nigerian Journal
of Horticultural Science, Vol. 23: 62-67.

34. Olosunde O. M., Ibrahim H. M., Hammed L. A. and Adebisi M. A. 2018.
Germination and Seedling Growth of Golden Shower (Cassia fistula L.) as
influenced by method of breaking seed coat dormancy and dipping duration.
Nigerian Journal of Seed Science (NJSS) Volume 2. Pages 69 – 79.

35. Hammed L.A., Adebayo S.M., Bodunde J.G. Olaiya A.O., Olaniyan A.B. and
Olosunde O.M. 2019. Mini-Nut Propagation Technique of Kola (Cola nitida, (Vent.)
Schott and Endl.): Prospects for Germination and Propagation of Kola Plantlets in the
Pre-nursery. International Journal of Fruit Science. Volume 19, No. 2. Pages 179
– 190. DOI: 10.1080/15538362.2018.1502719.

36. Hammed L. A., Kolapo K. A. and Olaniyan A. B. 2018. Determination of appropriate
curing period for kola nuts (Cola nitida Vent. (Schott & endl.)) and its influence on
nut-germination and seedling growth in the nursery. Nigerian Journal of Science
(NJS). Volume 52, (1) 1 – 12.

(iii) Edited Conference Proceedings:
37. Olaiya, A.O., Hammed, L.A. and Famaye, A.O. 2003. Yield Evaluation of Cocoa
Rehabilitation Through Coppicing. Proceedings 14th International Cocoa
Research Conference. Organized by International Cocoa Conference
Organization (ICCO), 13th – 18th October, Accra, Ghana. 331 – 334. Editored
by Coulibally and Nanga, (COPAL).

38. Abanikanda, R.A. Hamzat, A. Akinola, A.O. Famaye, A.O. Olaiya, R.A.Sanusi,
L.A. Hammed, O. Olubamiwa, F.A. Okelana and G.O. Iremiren. 2006. Honeybee
keeping under cocoa plantation: A strategy to arrest abandonment of cocoa
plantation by cocoa farming households in Nigeria. Proceedings of 15th
International Cocoa Research Conference. Organized by International Cocoa
Conference Organization (ICCO), October, 2006, Costa Rica, 1679 – 1682.
Editored by Coulibally and Nanga. (COPAL).

39. Aliyu, O.M. and Hammed, L.A. 2008. Nigerian Cashew Economy: A review of
nut production sector. Proceedings of 9th Annual International Conference of
International Academy of African Business and Development (IAABD), 9: 20 – 24.
May, Editor: Simon Sigue of Athabasca University, Canada.

40. Olaiya, A. O., Sanusi, R. A., Adedeji, A. R. Hammed, L. A. and Hamzat, R. A.
2009. Evaluation of cocoa farms and farmers’ productivity in south western
Nigeria. Proceedings of 16th International Cocoa Research Conference.
Organized by International Cocoa Conference Organization (ICCO),
November, 2009, Indonesia, 1609 – 1612. Editored by Coulibally and Nanga

41. Hammed, L.A., Adebayo, S.M., Bodunde, J.G., Olaiya, A.O. and Olaniyan, A.B.
2014. Germination and growth performance of Cola nitida (Vent.) Schott and Endl.
Seedlings as affected by seed-colour and seed-cutting. Conference of HORTSON,
Abeokuta 2014. Editor: F.O. Olasantan, O.O. Olubode

42. Olosunde O, M., Aiyelaagbe I. O. O., Hammed L. A. 2018. Growth and Flowering of
Scorpion Orchid to Medium and Light Quality. Proceeding III All African
Horticultural Congress. Conference of International Society for Horticultural
Science (ISHS). Editors: I.O.O. Aiyelaagbe, H.A. Akintoye and I.B. Adeoye. Pages
163 – 165. Acta Hortic. 1225. ISHS 2018. DOI 10.17660/ActaHortic.2018.1225.21

43. Olubode O.O., Hammed L.A., Odeyemi O.M., Adekoya F.J., Meroyi F.M. and
Ogunlade O.I. 2018. Influence of Moisture Regimes and Organic Manure on Nutrient
Dynamics and Growth of Cashew. Proceeding III All African Horticultural Congress.
Conference of International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS). Editors: I.O.O.
Aiyelaagbe, H.A. Akintoye and I.B. Adeoye. Pages 125 – 131. Acta Hortic. 1225. ISHS
2018 DOI 10.17660/ActaHortic.2018.1225.16

44. Olubode O.O., Aiyelaagbe I.O.O., Hammed L.A., Olosunde O.M. and Joseph-
Adekunle, T.T. 2018. Building Capacity in Higher Education Horticulture in Nigeria:
The Contributions of Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. Proceeding
III All African Horticultural Congress. Conference of International Society for
Horticultural Science (ISHS). Editors: I.O.O. Aiyelaagbe, H.A. Akintoye and I.B.
Adeoye. Pages 393 – 398. Acta Hortic. 1225.ISHS 2018. DOI

Book Article or Chapter

45 Hamzat, R. A., Aliyu, O. M., Hammed, L. A., Sanusi, R. A., Adedeji, A. R., Ogunwolu,
S. O., Oduwole, O. O. and Aduku, A. O. 2008. CASHEW: AN UNTAPPED
TREASURE IN NIGERIA. Published by Distinct Global Concepts, Lagos, Nigeria.
Editors: A. Taiga and A. O. Olaiya. ISBN 978-978-086-148-3.

Technical Report
46. Adeyemi, E.A. and Hammed, L.A. 2005. Cashew Cultivation In Nigeria.
HORTMagazine. A Publication of Horticultural Society of Nigeria (HORTSON).
No. 3, Vol. 1. September 2005 PP. 16-17.

 Cocoa research Institute of Nigeria (CRIN)
 Department of Agronomy, University of Ibadan

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