Dr. (Mrs.)

HAMZAT Olabisi Taiwo H. 


Short Profile

Dr. (Mrs.) Olabisi Hamzat graduated from the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. She is a
Plant Pathologist with over 20 years’ post-qualification experience with over 30 journal articles,
conference presentation and other intellectual works having national and international readerships. She
is articulate and an effective communicator with excellent team-building and interpersonal skills. She
works well with individuals at all levels and has ability to lead, reach consensus, establish goals and
attain results. She worked briefly as a Tutor with the Ogun State Teaching Service Commission
between 1995 and 1999. She joined the service of the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta in 1999 and
rose to the position of Lecturer 1 in October, 2013, and later appointed a Senior Lecturer at the Federal
University Dutsin-ma, Katsina State in 2014. She thereafter returned to the service of the Federal
University of Agriculture, Abeokuta from May, 2017 till date. Dr. (Mrs.) Hamzat belongs to many
professional bodies such as Nigerian Institute of Science Laboratory Technology, Nigerian Society for
Plant Protection, Horticultural Society of Nigeria, Mycological Society of Nigeria, American
Phytopathology Society/African Phytopathology group, International Plant Protection Congress
(IPPC), World Congress on Root and Tuber Crops, and has many awards and distinctions to her credit.

B. SC.,
B. Agric.,
M. Agric.,

Antagonistic potentials of Trichoderma spp. on Colletotrichum graminicola (Ces.)
Wilson in sorghum cultivars, 2021- 2023
2. Response of maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars to leaf blight and Curvularia leaf spot
under application of Titanium dioxide in forex- savanna transition agro ecological
zone of Nigeria, 2020- 2022
3. Identification and development of novel drugs from medicinal plants in Dutsinma
district of Katsina (TETFUND/FUDMA Research grant, 2016-18).
4. Performance and egg quality characteristics of Quail fed Pleurotus sajor- caju
fermented cowpea waste meal (TETFUND/FUDMA Research grant, 2015-16)
5. Distribution, yield loss and control of stalk rot of maize in South West Nigeria, 2011
– 2013
6. Field evaluation of Hybrid Maize genotypes for their reaction to fungal pathogens
(M12-06 Hybrid Maize Trial – Yellow) IAR& T Research Collaboration, Location – 48,
2012 – 2014 funded by IITA
7. Adaptive research- different crops grown on IFSERAR farms (2010-2014)
8. Evaluation of selected Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) cultivars for adaptation to the
savanna transition ecological zone of Nigeria (TETFUND/IFSERAR Research grant,

9. Management of maize rots under different soil amendments in the savannah
transition zones of Nigeria (Funded through IFSERAR Research Grant, Ref.
10. Evaluation and management of sorghum anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum
graminicola in savanna transition zones of south west Nigeria, 2006-2009
11. Multiplication trial on sorghum in south western Nigeria (2001-2006)

Fellowship Award in Educational Management (Institute of Corporate Administration of
Federal Government of Nigeria Postgraduate Scholarship Award (Ph.D.)
Regulars Club of Yewa, Ogun State of Nigeria

Membership of Professional Bodies:
Member, International Society for Seed Science (ISSS)
Member, American Phytopathology, African Division
Member, World Congress on Root and Tuber Crops
Member, International Plant Protection Congress (IPPC)
Member, Mycological Society of Nigeria (MYCOSON)
Member, Agricultural Society of Nigeria (ASN)
Member, Nigerian Society for Plant Protection (NSPP)
Member, Nigerian Institute of Science Technology (NIST)

1. Hamzat O. T. H., Adebisi M. A., Adebayo, B. A., & Ajayi, A. M. (2023). In-Vitro
Assessment of Seeding Vigour and Fungal Pathogens Associated with Kenaf Genotypes.
Being paper presented at the 48th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant
Protection (NSPP), Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria, held between 14th – 18th May,
2. Hamzat, O. T. H., Labaeka, A. L., Aderibigbe, S. G., Salau, A. W. & Atayese, M. O. (2022).
Mycorrhizal activity on upland rice cultivars (Oryza sativa L.) as influenced by nitrogen
sources and rates in a derived savanna Agro-Ecology. Being paper presented at the 47th
Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection (NSPP), Federal
University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria, held between 13th -17th March, 2022
3. Hamzat, O. T. H., Ajayi, A. M. & Aromolaran, A. K. (2021). Survey for the incidence of
Taro blight in selected Local Government Areas of Ogun state. Being paper presented at
the 47th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection (NSPP),
Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria, held between 14th – 17th March,
4. Salati, L.K. & Hamzat, O.T.H. (2019). Mining and Agriculture: Exploring the Potentials of
Farming in Reclamation. Paper presented at the 19th Annual General Meeting &
International Conference of the Nigerian Society of Mining Engineers (NSME), Olusegun
Obasanjo Presidential Library, Abeokuta, Nigeria, between October 29th and
November 1st, 2019
5. Hamzat, O.T.H., I. O. Lawal & Ojo, B.A. (2018). Influence of Organic and Inorganic
Fertilizer Application on the management of Fusarium stalk/ear rots of in Savannah
transition zones of Nigeria. Paper presented at the 43rd Annual Conference of the
Nigerian Society for Plant Protection (NSPP), University of Ibadan, Nigeria, between
April 22nd and 26th, 2018
6. Hamzat, O. T. H., Soremi, P.A. S. & Gwa, V. I. (2018). Management of Anthracnose in
cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) caused by Colletotrichum lindemuthianum (Sacc
and Magn) Bri and Cav. by foliar applications of Calcium, Phosphorus and Sulphur. Paper
presented at the 43rd Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection
(NSPP), University of Ibadan, Nigeria, between April 22nd and 26th, 2018

7. Gwa, V. I., Nwakiti, A. O. & Hamzat, O. T. H. (2018). Antimicrobial activity of five plant
extract and synthetic fungicide in the management of postharvest pathogens of yam
(Dioscorea rotundata Poir) in storage. Paper presented at the 43rd Annual Conference
of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection (NSPP), University of Ibadan, Nigeria,
between April 22nd and 26th, 2018
8. Hamzat, O.T.H. & Lawal, I.O. (2016). Studies on the incidence and control of southern
blight caused by Sclerotium rolfsii in Colocasia esculenta (L) Schott. Being paper
presented at the World Congress on Root and Tuber Crops, Nanning/Guangxi, China,
between January 18th and 23rd, 2016
9. Hamzat, O.T.H. & Lawal, I.O. (2015). The effect of different rates of fertilizer on
concentric ring spot of sweet potato (Ipomea batatas L.) induced by Septoria bataticola
Taubenhaus. Paper presented at the 40th Annual Conference of the Nigerian
Society for Plant Protection (NSPP), Raw materials Research Institute, Abuja, Nigeria,
between March 17th and 21st, 2015
10. Hamzat, O.T.H., Lawal, I.O. & Ogunronbi A. A. (2014). Disease incidence and effects of
fungicides on the control of stalk rot of maize caused by Fusarium moniliforme
and Macrophomina phaseolina in vitro. ID 1330. Being paper presented at the 18th
International Plant Prtection Congress (IPPC), Berlin, Germany, between 24th and
27th, August, 2015.
11. Idowu, O.T.H., M. Kadiri & Ademolu, O. O. (2014). Identification of moulds associated
with fruits spoilage in some selected markets in Lagos, Ogun and Oyo States, South
West Nigeria. Paper presented at the 39th Annual Conference of the Nigerian
Society for Plant Protectio (NSPP), Ladoke Akintola University of Technology,
Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria, between 24th and 27th March, 2014
12. Idowu, O.T.H., Lawal, O.I., Olaiya, A.O. & Busari, M.A. (2013). Effects of organic soil
amendments on the incidence of stalk rot of maize. Paper presented at the Institute
of Food Security, Environmental Resources and Agricultural Research (IFSERAR
Seminar), Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, on the 23rd of May, 2013.
13. Idowu, O. T. H., A. M. Salaam & Fatai. S. O. (2013). Investigation on the microorganisms
associated with harvested yam (Dioscorea rotundata) tuber rot in south west Nigeria.
Paper presented at the 38th Conference of NSPP, Michael Okpara University of
Agriculture, Umudike, between 10th and 14th March, 2013
14. Idowu, O.T.H., A.R. Popoola , A.M. Salaam & Adeoti. A.Y.A. (2012). Effect of
Anthracnose on the grain yield of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench) cultivars
grown in forest –savannah transition zone of South-western Nigeria. Paper
presented at the 37th Conference of NSPP, Federal University of Agriculture,
Abeokuta, between 6th and 10th May, 2012

15. Adegboye, O.T.H., A.Y.A. Adeoti, A.R. Popoola & Akintobi, D. C. (2008). Reaction of
sorghum genotypes to Anthracnose induced by C. graminicola (Ces.) Wilson under
derived savanna zone of Nigeria. Paper presented at the 35th Conference of
NSPP held in Niger Delta University, Wilberforce Island, Bayelsa State. 9th – 14th
November, 2008
16. Adegboye, O.T.H., A.Y.A. Adeoti, A.R. Popoola & Osunlaja, S.O. (2006). Evaluation of
sorghum cultivars for reaction to C. graminicola under rainfed field conditions in
South Western Nigeria. Paper presented at the 33rd Conference of NSPP held in
A.B.U., Zaria. Between 7th and 11th May, 2006
17. Adegboye, O.T.H. & Adeoti A.Y.A. (2005). In – vitro evaluation of fungicides for
sensitivity to Colletotrichum graminicola. Paper presented at the 32nd Conference of
NSPP held in Port-Harcourt. May 15th- 20th, 2005
18. Akintobi Dupe & Adegboye, O.T.H. (2004). Screening cowpea genotypes for
Resistance to Bacterial blight caused by Xanthomonas vignicola. Being a paper
presented at the 31st Annual Conference of NSPP held at the University of
Agriculture, Makurdi. February 22nd – 26th, 2004
19. Adegboye, O.T.H. & Adeoti, A.Y.A. (2004). Study on control of Anthracnose in
sorghum, S. bicolor (L) Moench , cultivars in south western Nigeria. A paper presented at
the 31st Annual Conference of NSPP held at the University of Agriculture Makurdi,
February 22nd – 26th, 2004.
20. Adegboye, O.T.H., S.O. Osunlaja, A.Y.A. Adeoti & Olanite, J.A. (2002): Effect of crop
mixture on yield, incidence and severity of stalk rot disease of maize Zea mays)
caused by Macrophomina phaseolina. 30th NSPP Conference paper presented at the
University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. Sept. 1st- 4th, 2002
21. Adeoti A.Y.A., Adegboye, O.T.H. & Akinola, W.O. (2002). Effects of planting dates
on the incidence severity of leaf spot diseases of sorghum in Alabata. Paper
presented at the 30th Annual Conference of NSPP held at the University of
Agriculture, Abeokuta. Sept. 1st- 4th, 2002
22. Idowu, O.T.H. & Osunlaja, S.O. (2000). Effects of insecticide application and cropping
system on the incidence and severity of Lamb’s tail pod rot disease of cowpea
induced by C. cucurbitarum. 28th Nigerian Society for Plant Protection (NSPP)
conference paper presented at Cocoa Research Institute, Ibadan. Sept. 24th- 28th,

1. Idowu, O. T. H. & Osunlaja, S. O. (1999). Effects of crop mixture on yield, incidence and
severity of stalk rot disease of maize (Zea mays) caused by Fusarium moniliforme.

Nigerian Journal of Plant Protection, 18: 96- 109. Published by the Nigerian Society for
Plant Protection.

2. Osunlaja, S.O., Idowu, O. T. H. & Okeleye, K.A. (2000). Effect of variety, intercropping
and insecticide application on cowpea Lamb’s tail pod rot disease (Choanephora
cucurbitarum). Nigerian Agricultural Journal, 31: 57-66. Published by the Agricultural
Society of Nigeria.

3. Kadiri, M., Kehinde, I. A.& Adegboye, O.T. H. (2006). Responses of Lentinus subnudus
Berk to varying pH and photoperiods. Nigerian Journal of Science, 40: 86-91. Published
by the Science Association of Nigeria.

4. Kadiri, M. and Adegboye, O. T. H. (2006). Antinutrient, Mineral element and
Phytochemical contents of Lentinus subnudus an indigenous Nigerian mushroom.
Biological and Environmental Journal for the tropics, 3: 132-134. Published by the
Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Bayero University, Kano,
5. Adegboye, O.T.H., A.R. Popoola, A.Y.A. Adeoti and F.O. Olasantan. 2011. Effect
of Intercropping, Planting Date and Cultivars on Management of Sorghum
{Sorghum bicolor L. (Moench)} Anthracnose in South West Nigeria. Journal of
Agricultural science Technology A (Earlier title: Journal of Agricultural Science
and Technology, ISSN 1939-1250/ISSN 2161-6256, U.S.A), volume 1 (7): 963-
971. David Publishing Company, United State of America.
6. Idowu, O. T. H., Popoola, A. R., Adeoti, A. Y. A. & Salaam, A. M. (2011). Reaction of
sorghum, Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench cultivars to Colletotrichum graminicola (Cesati)
Wilson in South- west Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Plant Protection, 25: 43- 54.
Published by the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection
7. Showemimo, F. A., Gregorio, G., Olowe, V. I. O., Ukwungwu, M. N., Maji, A. T.,
Adigbo, S. O., Olaoye, O. J., Akintokun, P. O., Bodunde, J. G., Idowu, O. T. H and
Awe, C. A. 2011. Varietal release: Release of two dual purpose of Ofada rice
varieties (FUNAABOR- 1 and FUNAABOR- 2) by Federal University of Agriculture,
Abeokuta (FUNAAB). Journal of Agricultural Science and Environment, volume
11(2): 122- 123. Published by the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta,

8. Owolade, O. F., Dixon, A. G. O., Idowu, O. T. H., Akande, S.R., Olakojo, S.A., Afolabi, C.
G., Tedela, P. O., Popoola, A. R., Adeoti, A.Y.A., Enikuomehin, A. O. & Aduramigba-
Modupe, F. (2012). Molecular Identification of Colletotrichum gloespoiroide f. sp.
manihotis causing cassava anthracnose in Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Genetics, 26: 127-
140. Published by the Genetics Society of Nigeria
9. Idowu, O. T. H., Salaam, A. M., Popoola, A. R. &. Adeoti, A.Y.A (2012). In vitro
Assessment of Fungicides for the control of Sorghum anthracnose induced by
Colletotrichum graminicola (Cesati) Wilson. Nigerian Journal of Mycology, 4: 76-83.
Published by the Mycological Society of Nigeria, www.njm.org
10. Idowu, O. T. H., Popoola, A. R. and Salaam, A.M. (2012). Effect of anthracnose on grain
yield of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L) Moench) cultivars grown in forest- savanna
transition zone of south- western Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Plant Protection, 26: 66-
74. Published by the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection
11. Idowu, O.T.H., Popoola, A. R. & Salaam, A. M. (2012). Effect of seed dressing fungicides
on anthracnose incidence, severity and grain yield of sorghum cultivar Ex- Minna in
forest- savanna transition zone of south- western Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Plant
Protection, 26: 126 – 133. Published by the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection
12. Hammed, L. A., Olaiya, A. O., Lawal, I. O., Idowu, O. T. H. & Aiyelaagbe, I. O. O. (2012).
Effect of some bean characters on germination and seedling growth of cocoa
(Theobroma cacao, L.). Nigerian Journal of Horticultural Science, 17: 126 – 134.
Published by the Horticulural Society of Nigeria (HORTSON)
13. Idowu, O. T. H., Kadiri, M. & Lasisi, T. S. (2013). Effect of Photoperiods and PH on mycelial
growth and fructification of Pleurotus sajor- caju. Nigerian Journal of Mycology, 5: 45- 52.
Published by the Mycological Society of Nigeria, www.njm.org
14. Fadimu, O.Y., Idowu, O.T.H. and Ipinlaye, S.J. 2014. Studies on the Dormancy and
Germination of stony fruits of Hog plum (Spondias mombin) in response to
different pre – soaking treatments. International Research Journal of Biological
Sciences, vol. 3(6):57-62. Published by the International Science Congress
15. Popoola, A. R., Ganiyu, S. A., Babalola, O. A., Ayo-John, E. I., Fajimi, A. A., Kehinde, I. A.
& Adegboye, O.T. H. (2014). Impact of soil amendments and weather factors on
bacterial wilt and yield of two tomato cultivars in Abeokuta, Nigeria, South African
Journal of Plant and Soil, volume 31:4, pages 195 – 201, DOI:
10.1080/02571862.2014.966339, Published by Taylor and Francis UK, Indexed in Scopus
16. Fadimu, O.Y., O.T.H. Hamzat, A. A. Ajiboye, S.J. Ipinlaye, L.D. Fagwalawa, O.I.
Mohammed, A.A. Bem and J.A. Bawa. 2014. Effect of Coconut milk and Benzyl

Amino purine on the vegetative growth, nutritional and chemical constituent of
Amaranthus hyhbridus Linnaeus seedlings. Global Journal Science Frontier
Research: C, Biological Sciences, vol.14 Issue 3(Ver. 1.0):33-39. Published by the
Open Association of Researc Society
17. Hamzat, O. T. H. (2014). Investigations on the fungi associated with yam (Dioscorea
rotundata) tuber rot in south West Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Mycology, 6: 117-124.
Published by the Mycological Society of Nigeria, www.njm.org
18. Hamzat, O. T. H., Ajiboye, A. A. & Fadimu, O. Y. (2015). Effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal
(Glomus intraradices) innoculation on Seed germination and Seedling growth of
Bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranea (L). Federal University Dutsin-Ma Journal of
Agric. and Agric. Tech, 1(1): 31-36. Published by the Federal University, Dutsinma,
Katsina, Nigeria. www.fudutsinma.edu.ng
19. Hamzat, O. T. H., Lawal, O. I. & Ogunrombi A. (2016). Efficacy of some fungicides in the
control of fungal stalk rot of maize (Zea mays) caused by Fusarium moniliforme and
Macrophomina phaseolina. Nigerian Journal of Mycology, 8: 66-77. Published by the
Mycological Society of Nigeria, www.njm.org
20. Gwa, V. I., Nwakiti, A. O. and O. T. H. Hamzat. 2018. Antimicrobial activity of five
plant extracts and synthetic fungicide in the management of postharvest
pathogens of yam (Dioscorea rotundata Poir) in storage. Academia Journal of
Agricultural Research, 6(6): 165-175. DOI:10.15413/ajar.2018.0123. ISSN:2315-
7739. www.academiapublishing.org/journals/ajar
21. Hamzat, O. T. H., Lawal, O. I. & Ojo, B. A. (2018). Influence of Organic and Inorganic
fertilizer on the Management of maize Fussarium stalk/ear rots in the savanna transition
zones of Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Mycology, 10: 59 – 70. Published by the
Mycological Society of Nigeria, www.njm.org
22. Hamzat, O. T. H., Soremi P. A. S. & Gwa, V. I. (2020). Effects of foliar
application of Calcium, Phosphorus and Sulfur on cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.
Walp) anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum lindemuthianum (Sacc and Magn)
Bri and Cav. Nigerian Journal of Mycology, 12: 68 – 81. Published by the
Mycological Society of Nigeria, www.njm.org
23. Ajayi, A. M., Hamzat, O. T. H. & Oladele, O. O. (2021). Hot water treatment
enhanced rapid germination of Cane setts and reduced the incidence of Pineapple
disease {Ceratocystis paradoxa (Dade) Moreau} significantly. Middle East
Journal of Agriculture Research, 10 (4): 1105 – 1115. Published by Agricultural
& Biological Division, National Research Centre, Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan,

Middle East Journal of Agriculture Research, DOI: 10.36632/mejar/2021.10.4.75
not Indexed
24. Hamzat, O. T. H., Ganiyu, S. A., Obembe, O. M., Ajayi, A. M. & Owolade O. F. (2022).
Response of maize (Zea mays L.) cultivars to leaf blight and Curvularia leaf spot under
application of titanium dioxide in forest – savanna transition agro ecological zone of
Nigeria. Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection, 31(4):195-201, DOI:
10.1080/02571862.2014.966339, Published by Taylor and Francis UK, Indexed in Scopus
25. Akinbule, A.O., Salau, A. W., Makinde, E. A. Hamzat, O. T. H. & Olaiya, A. O. Time of
intercropping of egusi melon with pepper species on growth and yields (2023).
International Journal of Vegetable Science, 29(1):3- 15, DOI:
10.1080/19315260.2022.2077879, Published by Taylor and Francis UK, Indexed in
26. Ganiyu, S. A., Yassah, R. J., Hamzat, O. T. H. & Popoola, A. R. 2023. Assessing the efficacy
of plant extract treatment for controlling tuber soft rot caused by Pectobacterium
carotovora subsp. carotovora in sweet potato tubers. Indian Phytopathology (IPPJ),
Published by Springer. https//doi.org/10.1007/s42360-023-00657-2, Indexed in Scopus
(c) Journal articles accepted for publication
27. Lawal, O.I., Oyedokun, O.A., Hamzat, O.T.H. & Osipitan, A.A. (2023). Response of Roselle
(Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) varieties to fertilizer type and rates in two agro-ecologies of
southwest Nigeria. Annals of Tropical Research, 45 (1): in press, Published by Visayas
State University, Philippines (letter of acceptance dated 20th of April, 2023)
(d) Technical Reports/Exhibition Reports/Patents
Participation in Variety release (Patents):
28. Showemimo, F.A., Gregorio, G., Olowe, V.I.O., Ukwungwu, M.N., Maji, A.T. Adigbo, S.O.,
Olaoye, O.J., Akintokun, P.O., Bodunde, J.G., Idowu, O.T.H & Awe, C.A. (2011).
Participation in the release of dual purpose Ofada rice variety by Federal University of
Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB). FUNAABOR-1 (Ofada Gold) released, registered and
29. Showemimo, F.A., Gregorio, G., Olowe, V.I.O., Ukwungwu, M.N., Maji, A.T., Adigbo,
S.O., Olaoye, O.J., Akintokun, P.O., Bodunde, J.G., Idowu, O.T.H & Awe, C.A. (2011).
Participation in the release of dual purpose Ofada rice variety by Federal University of
Agriculture, Abeokuta, FUNAABOR- 2 (Ofada White) released, registered and

(e) Books/Monographs and Chapters in Books

30. Lawal, O. I., Atayese M.O., Oyekanmi, A. A., Afuwape, S.O., Sakariyawo, O.S., Olaiya, A.
O., Idowu, O.T.H. & Aiyelaagbe, I. O. O. (2015). Nutrient uptake and tuber yield of
exotic sweet potato cultivars under organic soil management systems in Abeokuta
Southwestern Nigeria. Potato and Sweet potato in Africa; Transforming The Value
Chains for Food and Nutrition Security. Chapter 42: Pp.1-12. Published by African
Potato Association (APA) Kenya, www.africanpotatoassociation.org
(f) Edited Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings
31. Lawal, O. I., Atayese, M. O., Oyekanmi, A. A., Sakariyawo, O. S., Adeyemi, O. R.,
Aderibigbe, S. G., Busari, M. A. & Idowu, O. T. H. (2011). Performance of white yam
(Dioscorea rotundata Poir.) cultivars in yam/sweet potato intercrop in Ogun state,
Nigeria. Proc. 2nd Techn. Workshop of the Organic Agric. Network (NOAN), Akinrinde,
E. A. & Yekinni, O. T. (Eds.), National Horticultural Research Institute, Ibadan, Nigeria.
12th- 16th September, Pp 7-12.
32. Popoola, A. R., Adekola, O. K., Awotide, O. G., Owolade, O. F., Afolabi, C. G., Ganiyu, A.
S., Idowu, O. T. H., Fajimi, A. A. & Kehinde, I. A. (2012). Resistance to Anthracnose
(Colletotichum gloeosporiodes) in tissue cultured white guinea yam Dioscorea
rotundata). Proceedings of the 46th Annual Conference of the Agricultural Society of
Nigeria “ Kano 2012” 5th – 9th November, Jibrin, J. M., Hussain, M. A., Auroalu, B. M.,
Essiet, E. U., Muhammad, I. R., Muhammed, S. G., Daneji, M. I., Garba, Y. & Pantami, S.
A. (Eds.). Pp 649 – 652.

33. Hamzat, A. R., Sabo, M.N., Adebowale, T. & Hamzat, O.T.H. (2016). Effect of feeding
fermented cowpea husks on the performance of growing Japanese Quails. Proceedings
of the 1st International Conference on quail and lesser-known poultry, Odunsi, A. A.,
Ademola, S. G., Rafiu, T. A., Ojebiyi, O. O & Akinwumi, A. O. (Eds.). Published by the
World’s Poultry Science Association Nigeria Branch in Collaboration with Faculty of
Agricultural Sciences, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Nigeria.
34. Lawal, O. I., Sanni, S. A., Osipitan, A., Olaiya, A. O., Hamzat, O. T. & Charles, O. F. (2019).
Relative Agronomic and Yield Efficiency of sweet potato (Ipomea batatas L.) grown with
different compost in Abeokuta Southwest Nigeria. Proceedings of the 2019 Conference
of African Potato Association (APA) held in the Kigali Convention Center from 25th –
29th August 2019
35. Salati, L. K. & Hamzat, O. T. H. (2019). Mining and Agriculture: Exploring the Potentials
of Farming in Reclamation. Book of Proceedings of the 19th International Conference,
Nigerian Society of Mining Engineers (NSME) held in Abeokuta between 29th October
and 1st November, Yaro, S. A. & Oyeladun, O. A. W. (Eds). Published by the Nigerian
Society of Mining Engineers, ISBN 1117 – 4307, Pp. 12 – 21

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