Dr. (Mrs.)

JOSEPH-ADEKUNLE Tunrayo Tinuoye 


Short Profile

I am a Nigerian, Female, married with children. I am a hardworking, self-motivated and seasoned academic and researcher who strive to make a difference in the lives of the students. I have 15 years’ experience in teaching and research in university system. I have track record of supervising about 70 Under Graduate students and4 Post Graduate diploma students. I teach both under graduate and post graduate courses and have well over 30 publications in local, international journals and conference proceedings. Plus a technical report.I have handled
some recalcitrant and problematic students in the department and ensured their graduation at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. I am a regular speaker at workshops and seminars in Horticulture, Organic Agriculture
,Biopesticides as well as Religious gathering for youth and women. I am student adviser, department welfare officer, secretary and LOC member to professional associations or bodies I belong to. I am very fluent in English and Yoruba languages. I speak a little French and Hausa. I had my education at the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria 1997 – 2019, ICT Resource Centre UNAAB/CISCO Academy 2009, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria, 1988 - 1994 and Command Secondary School, Kaduna, Nigeria1979 – 1983. I obtained the following Academic and Professional Qualifications Ph.D. Agronomy (Horticulture),2019, Certificate of Proficiency in Data Processing 2009 M.Phil. Agronomy (Horticulture), 2006 , MSc. Agronomy (Horticulture) 1999, B. Agric. (Crop Production and
Protection) Second Class Upper 1994, General Certificate Examination Ordinary Level 1984 and West African School Certificate (WASC) 1983. I worked as Assistant Lecturer at Department of Crop Science and Crop Production, Joseph Ayo Babalola University, Ikeji, Arakeji, Osun State Nigeria 2006 to 2008 before crossing over to Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, College of Plant Science and Crop Production, Department of Horticulture,as Assistant Lecturerin 2008 rose to Senior lecturer in 2021. I have been saddled with special assignments and community services such as Instructor for the FUNAAB Foreign African Students Scholarship (UFASS) Programme; Department of Horticulture (January – June) October, 2011- April 2012), Drafting and Production of Practical
Manuals for HRT 502 and 503, Representative of Department of Horticulture in University and and COLPLANT Ceremonial committee 2016 to date. I function as Departmental Students’

2 adviser2017 to date and WomenLeader, Deeper Life Bible Church, Ogun state 2004 to date. I
have served as Board member (Advisor and Account signatory )to Work, Earn and Learn
Project (WELP) On Organic Agriculture organized by West African Network on Organic
Agriculture Research and Training (WANOART) in collaboration with Coventry University UK
funded by the Department for Business Innovations, Universities and Skills (BIS), UK.2009 to
date.National Treasurer, Organic Project in Tertiary Institutionsin Nigeria (OAPTIN) 2013
to 2018, Vice President Network of Bio-pesticides and PhytomedicalStakeholders (NEBIPS)
2019 to date, Secretary and Coordinator Community Organic Box Scheme 2014 and 2018 to
date, Secretary to LOC of an EU sponsored International Workshop on Curriculum
development for Postgraduate studies in Organic Agriculture in West Africa held between 6th
and 13 th March 2012, Reviewer for Journals Journal of Organic Agriculture and Environment
(JOAEN) 2013 to date,Network of Organic Agriculture Researchers in Africa (NOARA)
5 th West Africa Organic Conference (WAOC) Proceeding and African Journal of Organic
Agriculture and Ecology (AJOAE) 2020 and Journal of Agricultural Science (JOAS) Belgrade
I have attended training Programmeand Workshop on 1 st West African Network on Organic
Agriculture Research and Training (WANOART). International Training of Trainers
Workshop in Organic Agriculture, Kumasi, Ghana August 5 th - 15 th 2012, Workshop on
Statistical Analysis and Data Management FUNAAB April 10 th - 12 th 2013, TEEAL/AGORA
Training - of - Trainers Workshop organized by Information Training and Outreach
Centre for Africa(ITOCA) in partnership with Cornell University- Mann Library and Federal
University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB) held between 7thh and 9 th July 2015, English
West and Central2016 Safari/Internet of Things (IoT) Conference by CISCO Networking
Academy in partnership with Covenant University Ota between 14 th and 16 th August ,
2016Training Workshop on Bio-pesticides Formulation and Utilization in Vegetable Crops
organized by NEBIPS in partnership with OAPTIN and TETFUND held at, FUNAAB between
3rd and 4 th September . 2018
Commendations received include
1. Letter of commendation received from National Coordinating Scientist and Coordinator of the
Summer School on behalf of Organic Agriculture Project in Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria
(OAPTIN) for contribution towards the success of the 1 st Summer School in Organic Agriculture
at Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta between September 13th and 24th
2. Award of commendation received from the Vice Chancellor, Federal University of
Agriculture for outstanding contribution to the success of the 23 rd , 24 th and 25 th Combined
Convocation and27th Ceremonies of the University dated 11 th May2018 and 7 th February 2020
Membership of Professional Bodies
International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS),Horticultural Society of Nigeria
(HORTSON), Organic Agriculture Project (Professionals) in TertiaryInstitution in Nigeria
(OAPTIN), International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR),National
Association of University Women (NAUW), FUNAAB,Association of Seed Scientists of
Nigeria and Network of Bio-pesticides and Phytomedical stakeholders.
My research focus:Horticultural crops (fruits and spices) propagation, growth and nutrition,
Organic production, Produce post-harvest handling

Ph.D. Agronomy (Horticulture) 2019
Certificate of Proficiency in Data Processing 2009
M.Phil. Agronomy (Horticulture) 2006
MSc. Agronomy (Horticulture) 1999
B. Agric. (Crop Production and Protection) Second Class Upper 1994
General Certificate Examination Ordinary Level 1984
West African School Certificate (WASC) 1983

(i) Completed
a. Response of yellow passion fruit (Passiflora Edulis Var. Flavicarpa DEGENER) seedlings to organic fertiliser application
b. Early growth response of Ananas comosus var smooth cayenne suckers to organic Fertiliser
c. Effects of Curcuma longa L. (Turmeric) Intercrop on Seedling Growth of Annona muricata (Soursop) in Abeokuta
d. Effects of Hydro-priming and basal fertilizer application on seedling emergence and seedling growth of Morinda citrifolia

a. Effects of poultry manure rates on seedling growth of Synsepalum dulcificum (Miracle plant)
b. Effects of growing medium and nut sizes on emergence and seedling growth of Cashew (Anacardium occidentale)
c. Effects of Poultry manure on seedling growth of Annona muricata under field Condition
d. Growth and yield responses of Turmeric to propagules types
e. Growth response of Gambaya albida seedlings to fertilizer application in the nursery
f. Residual effects of fertilizers on growth, yield and proximate quality of Mint (Mentha piperita)

a. Effects of watering levels and frequencies on seedlings emergence of Irvingia wombolu in the nursery
b. Influence of planting media, seed treatment and organic amendment on Emergence and vigour of Gambaya albida seedlings
c. Influence of fertilizer and media mixes on growth of Plantain bits
d. Identification of Fungi Causing the Deterioration in Tomato Lycopersicon esculentum Mill in major markets of some selected Local Government Areas in Ogun State
e. Effects of fertilizer on growth, yield and proximate Quality of Mint (Mentha piperita) under field condition
f. Effects of Hydro priming duration on emergence and vigour of Capsicum frutescens (African Bird – eye pepper Ata Ijosi Yor.)

a. 2016
b. Effects of fertilizer application on herbage yield and proximate content of Mint (Mentha piperita)
c. Effects of soil types and fertilizer application on vegetative growth ofjuvenile Passion fruit (Passiflora edulis)
d. Identification of some fungi responsible for deterioration of horticultural produce in some markets in Ogun State.
e. Effects of manure and irrigation on growth, yield and quality of grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Macf) Orchard with declining fruit yield
f. Growth and yield responses of Butternut Squash (Cucurbita moschata) to fertilizer and mulching
g. Germination and Growth Optimization of Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill) in a prototype Plant Factory using Internet of Things (IoT)/ Computational systems.

(ii) In Progress:
a. Implication of spacing and fertiliser application on early growth of Pineapple
b. Effects of botanicals in curtailing Postharvest deterioration in tomatoes in the open markets in Abeokuta
c. Growth response of container grown Mint to watering frequency and fertiliser

1. Letter of commendation received from National Coordinating
Scientist andCoordinator of the Summer School on behalf
of Organic Agriculture Project in Tertiary Institutions in
Nigeria (OAPTIN) for contribution towards the success of
the 1 st SummerSchool in Organic Agriculture at Federal
University of Agriculture, Abeokuta between September
13th and 24th 2010
2. Award of commendation received from the Vice Chancellor,
Federal University of Agriculture for outstanding contribution
to the success of the 23 rd , 24 th and 25 th Combined Convocation
Ceremonies of the University dated 11 th May 2018
3. Commendation received from the Vice Chancellor, Federal
University of Agriculture for outstanding contribution to the
success of the 27 th Convocation Ceremonies of the University
held 27 th January, 2019 dated 7 th February 2020

(i) International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS)
(ii) Horticultural Society of Nigeria (HORTSON)
(iii) Organic Agriculture Project (Professionals) in Tertiary
Institution in Nigeria (OAPTIN)
(iv) International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR)
(v) National Association of University Women (NAUW), FUNAAB
(vi) Association of Seed Scientists of Nigeria
(vii) Network of Bio-pesticides and Phytomedical stakeholders

1. Joseph-Adekunle T.T. and I. Durotoye. (2019). Growth response of Chrysophyllum albidum African star apple) seedlings to fertiliser application in the nursery”a paper presented at the: 37th Annual Conference of Horticultural Society of Nigeria, (HORTSON) OWOMADE 2019 ‘Horticultural Production for Sustainable Economic Growth and Development.: held at ‘ Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo, Ondo State Nigeria. 18th – 22nd November, 2019,

2. Ilem D. and T. T. Joseph-Adekunle. (2018). Growth Response of Sweet Sop (Annona squamosa) Seedlings to Turf grass species and Cowdung Application. 14th OAPTIN Conferece OrganicAbeokuta2018 ‘Organic Agriculture: Food Security, Improved Nutrition and Sustainable Agriculture’ held at Kola Adebayo Building Opposite Zoological Garden, Federal University Abeokuta between 25th and 29th November, 2018.

3. Joseph-Adekunle T.T. and A. O. Oroku. (2018). Seed ageing and hydro-priming: Implication on emergence and growth of soursop (Annona muricata) seedlings Paper presented at the 4th ASSN Annual conference “Enhancing Nigeria’s Potentials through quality seed” held between 24th and 28th June, 2018 at the University Auditorium, Federal University of Technology Akure (FUTA).

4. Joseph-Adekunle T. T. and R.A. Mustapha (2017). Effects of Soil types and Gateway organic fertilizer amendment on growth response of juvenile yellow Passion fruit. Paper presented at the 13th Annual Conference of the Organic Agriculture Project In Tertiary Institution in Nigeria (OAPTIN) held between 19th – 23th November, 2017 at Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai, Niger state. Eds.

5. Joseph-Adekunle T. T. and O.O. Ojo. (2017). Effects of Media, Bits sizes and organic fertilizer types on growth response of Plantain. Paper presented at the 14th Annual Conference of the Organic Agriculture Project In Tertiary Institution in Nigeria (OAPTIN) held between 19th – 23th November, 2017 at Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida University, Lapai, Niger state.

6. Olubode, O. O., Aiyelaagbe, I. O. O., Makinde, E. A., Salau, A. W., Hammed, L. A., Olosunde, O. M., Joseph-Adekunle, T. T. and O. M. Odeyemi (2016): Building capacity in higher education in horticulture in Nigeria. The Contribution of the Federal University of Agriculture. In proceedings of 3rd All African Horticultural Congress (AAHC) (Acta Horticulturae).

7. Joseph-Adekunle T.T. and J.J. Atungwu ( 2016) “Pest control in urban Garden: The COBS- OAPTIN experience. A paper presented at the Side event 3 – FAO Urban Horticulture training workshop at 3rd All Africa Horticultural Congress (AAHC) held at IITA Ibadan Nigeria between 7th and 12th August, 2016

8. Joseph-Adekunle T.T. and O. T. Ajose (2016). Seed Germination and seedling growth response of Sugar apple (Annona squamosa) in different growing media and sowing depths. A paper presented at the 2nd Annual conference of Association of Seed Scientists of Nigeria (ASSN) “Quality Seed: A panacea for sustainable Agriculture in the 21st Century” held at Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta between 6th and 9th June 2016.

9. Joseph-Adekunle, T.T. and W.A. Babalola (2015). Plantain (Musa AAB cv Agbagba) setts growth in response to growth media and Organic fertilizer in south western Nigeria. A paper presented at the 3rd African Organic Conference “Achieving social and economic development through ecological and organic agricultural alternatives” held between October 5th and 9, 2015 at Sheraton Hotels Lagos, Nigeria.

10. Joseph – Adekunle T.T. and O.T. Okuselu (2015). Effects of propagule types and fertilizer application on the growth of Jatropha curcas seedlings. A paper presented at the 11th National Conference of the Organic Agriculture Project in Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria (OAPTIN), “Promoting Organic Agriculture for Nigeria’s Socio-economic development and environmental health” held between 23rd and 26th November, 2015 at the Federal University of Technology, Minna, Niger State

11. Joseph-Adekunle, T.T. and S. Obolo. (2014). Effects of planting media and seed treatments on germination and seedling growth of Gambaya albida. A paper presented at the 49th National Conference of Science Association of Nigeria (SAN) “Ilorin 2014” “Exploiting Advancement in Science and Technology for National Security”, University of Ilorin, Nigeria, April 27th – 1st May, 2014.

12. Joseph-Adekunle, T.T. and W.A. Babalola (2014) Growth response of Plantain cv. Agbagba bits to organic amendments and growth media. A paper presented the 32nd Annual Conference of the Horticultural Society of Nigeria (HORTSON) “abeokuta2014” Horticulture for a Healthy and wealthy nation”, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria, October, 19th – 23rd, 2014.

13. Joseph-Adekunle, T.T.,.Daramola, O.S., Olubode O.O. and D. Umoru (2014). Influence of organic amendments on growth and yield of mint (Mentha piperita). A paper presented at the 10th Annual Organic Agriculture National Conference ‘LAUTECH 2014’ Organic Agriculture Research: A catalyst for National Agricultural Transformation Agenda, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Oyo State, November, 17th – 20th, 2014.

14. Olubode O.O., Joseph-Adekunle, T.T. and O.M. Odeyemi (2014). Keeping quality responses of plantain/banana to different storage media. A paper presented at the 10th Annual Organic Agriculture National Conference ‘LAUTECH 2014’ Organic Agriculture Research: A catalyst for National Agricultural Transformation Agenda, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Oyo State, November, 17th – 20th, 2014.

15. Joseph-Adekunle, T.T., Adebola O.O. and M.A Ali (2013). Influence of organic fertilizers on growth, yield and storability of Cucumis melo. A paper presented at the 9th Annual Organic Agriculture National Conference ‘abeokutaorganic2013’ Organic Agriculture for National Food Security, Conservation of Biodiversity and Climate Change Adaptation , FUNAAB/OORBDA, Abeokuta, Ogun State. November, 11th – 15th, 2013.

16. Aikomo A.S. and T.T. Joseph-Adekunle (2012) Neem organic fertilizer and watering levels affect growth response of Passion fruit seedlings. A paper presented at the 8th Annual National Conference of the Organic Agriculture Project in Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria (OAPTIN) unicalorganic2012 “Organic Agriculture and National Development”, University of Calabar; Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria, November, 5th and 9th 2012.

17. Aina A.B.J., Olubode O.O. and T.T. Joseph-Adekunle (2012). Growth and yield responses of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.) to different organic and inorganic manures in South Western Nigeria. A paper presented at the 8th National Conference on Organic Agriculture., “Organic Agriculture and National Development “University of Calabar; Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria, November, 5th and 9th 2012.

18. Joseph-Adekunle, T.T. and D.M. Badmus (2012). Response of Crown Tomato Cucurbitamixta) to organic fertilizers in Abeokuta. A paper presented at the 30th Annual Conference of the Horticultural Society of Nigeria (HORTSON) owerri2012 “Horticulture for Food Security and Environmental Sustainability in a Changing Climate” Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Imo State November, 11th – 15th, 2012.

19. Joseph – Adekunle T.T. and O.S. Daramola (2012). Preliminary study on effects of organicfertilizers on growth and yield of mint (Mentha piperita) in Abeokuta southwestern Nigeria. A paper presented at the 39th Annual conference of the Weed Science Society of Nigeria (WSSN), “Restrategising weed management for the attainment of food security and environmental sustainability” Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State. October 30th – November, 2nd, 2011.

20. Joseph-Adekunle T.T., Afolabi A.G., Atungwu, J.J and A.A. Akpati (2011). Influence of Organo-mineral fertilizer on growth of yellow Passion fruit Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa and plant – parasitic nematodes. A paper presented at the 7th Annual National Conference of the Organic Agriculture Project in Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria (OAPTIN) makurdiorganic2011 “Organic Agriculture for food security, health and environmental sustainability”, University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria November, 13th – 17th, 2011.

21. Joseph-Adekunle T.T. and O.O. Erinle (2011). Influence of Organomineral fertilizer rates on growth and yield of pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima). A paper presented at the 7th Annual National Conference of the Organic Agriculture Project in Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria (OAPTIN) makurdiorganic2011”Organic Agriculture for food security, health and environmental sustainability” , University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria. November, 13th – 17th, 2011.

22. Joseph-Adekunle, T.T. and G.A Adegbenro. (2010). Comparative Effects of two organic fertilizers on Passion fruit growth of Passion fruit (Passiflora edulis var. flavicarpa) seedlings. A paper presented at the 6th Annual National Conference of the Organic Agriculture Project in Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria (OAPTIN) maiduguri2010, “Organic Agriculture: A Panacea for Sustainable Environment and Food Security”, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri, Borno State, November, 21st – 24th, 2010.

23. Joseph-Adekunle, T.T. , Okelana, M.A. and I. A. Adekoya (2009). Display methods/storage of Pineapple fruits under different conditions: Implication on shelf life. A paper presented at the 27th Annual Conference of the Horticultural Society of Nigeria (HORTSON) kano2009 “Sustainable Horticulture for better livelihoods” Royal Tropicana Hotel, Niger Street, Kano, October, 11th – 16th. 2009.

24. Aiyelaagbe, I.O.O., Joseph-Adekunle, T.T. and T.A. Adedokun (2008). Prevalence, use and valuation of spices in southwestern Nigeria. A paper presented at the 1st, National Stakeholders Workshop on Spices, held at National Horticultural Research Institute Idi Ishin, Jericho Government Reservation Area, Ibadan, Oyo State between 1st and 4th, December, 2008.

25. Joseph – Adekunle, T.T., Fagbayide, J.A. and I.O.O. Aiyelaagbe (2008). Influence of Poultry – Manure and Pruning on growth of yellow Passion. A paper presented at the A paper presented at the 1st West African Summmit (WASUMIT) and 4th Annual National Conference of the Organic Agriculture Project in Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria (OAPTIN) “Organic Agriculture and the Millennium Development Goals, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, November, 17th – 21st, 2008.

26. Joseph-Adekunle, T.T. and J.A. Fagbayide (2008). Response of yellow Passion fruit to Organomineral fertilizer in Alfisol. A paper presented at the 26th Annual Conference of the Horticultural Society of Nigeria (HORTSON) mubi2008 “Horticultural Crop Production as a Strategy for Sustainable Agricultural Development,” Adamawa State University, Mubi, Adamawa State, October, 26th – 30th, 2008.

27. Fagbayide, J.A. and T.T. Joseph-Adekunle (2002). Effect of Poultry manure on early growth of Passion fruit (Passiflora edulis var. flavicarpa). A paper presented at the 20th Annual Conference of the Horticultural Society of Nigeria (HORTSON) “Horticulture for Sustainable Environment and Economic Empowerment”, National Horticultural Research Institute (NIHORT), Idi-Ishin, Jericho Reservation Area Ibadan, Oyo State. May, 14th -17th, 2002.

(i) Thesis/Dissertation
1. Joseph-Adekunle, T. T. (2019). Response uf Yellow Passion Fruit (Passiflora edulis
var. flavicarpa DEGENER) to Organic Fertiliser application in Abeokuta, Nigeria. Ph.D.
Thesis submitted to the Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, University of
2. Joseph-Adekunle, T. T. (2006). Effects of Fertilizer and Pruning regimeson growthand
development of Yelllow Passion fruit (Passiflora edulisvar.flavicarpa
DEGENER).MPhil. Thesis submitted to the Department of Agronomy, Faculty of
Agriculture and Forestry, University of Ibadan.
3. Joseph-Adekunle, T. T. (1999). Effects of Fertilizer application on growth and yield
of Capsicum frutescens in Ibadan MSc. Dissertation submitted to the Department of
Agronomy Faculty of Agriculture, and Forestry University of Ibadan.
4. Alabi, T. T. (1994). Ex-situ propagation of a lost vegetable- Crassocephallumrubens
(EboloYor.) B.Agric. Report submitted to the Department of Crop Production and Crop
Protection, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta
(ii) Journal Articles in Print
f1. Joseph–Adekunle T. T., Fagbayide J.A. and O. Fagbola (2005): Effects of Fertiliser
Applications on the Growth and Yield of Pepper Cultivars under Field Conditions. Tests
of Agrochemicals and Cultivars.25: 10-11 Published by Association of Applied
Biologists. United Kingdom, UK. ISSN: 0951-4309.
2. Joseph–Adekunle T.T. and J.A. Fagbayide (2008): Growth Response of Yellow Passion
Fruit to Fertilizer application. Nigerian Journal of Horticultural Science 13:75 –
81Published by Horticultural Society of Nigeria (HORTSON), Nigeria
3. Joseph–Adekunle T.T.,Okelana M.A. and I.A. Adekoya (2009): Storage of Pineapple
Fruits Under Different Conditions: Implication on Shelf Life. Nigerian Journal of
Horticultural Science14: 76 – 82. Published by Horticultural Society of Nigeria
(HORTSON), Nigeria

4. Aiyelaagbe, I.O.O., Joseph–Adekunle T.T and T.A. Adedokun (2009): Prevalence, Use
and Valuation of Spices in Selected Towns in Oyo and Ogun States, South Western,
Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Horticultural Science 14: 89 – 92. Published by
Horticultural Society of Nigeria (HORTSON), Nigeria.
5. Joseph–Adekunle T.T. and J.A. Fagbayide (2009): Responses of Chili Pepper to N.P.K.
Fertilizer rates in south western Nigeria. Moor Journal of AgriculturalResearch 10: 1-6.
Published by Institute of Agricultural Research and Training, (IAR&T) Obafemi
Awolowo University, Moor Plantation, Ibadan, Nigeria ISSN No. 1595 – 4153
6. Joseph–Adekunle T.T. and A.G. Adegbenro (2011): Comparative Effects of two
Organic Fertilizers on Growth of Yellow Passion Fruit (Passiflora edulis var. flavicarpa)
seedlings Nigerian Journal of Horticultural Science 16: 41-46 Published by
Horticultural Society Of Nigeria (HORTSON), Nigeria.
f7. Adewuyi, S. A. and T.T. Joseph- Adekunle (2013): Economic Efficiency and Labour
Utilisation among Cassava Farmers in Osun State, Nigeria. American – Eurasian Journal
of Agriculture & Environmental Science 13 (9): 1232-1238. ISSN 1818-6769 © I DOSI
Publications, 2013. Jordan.
8. Joseph-Adekunle, T. T. and S. Obolo (2013). Effects of planting media and seed
treatment on the germination and seedling growth ofGambayaalbida. Nigerian Journal
of Science 47: 9-14Published by the Science Association of Nigeria. ISSN-0029-0114
9. Joseph–Adekunle T.T. and O.S. Daramola (2014): Influence of organic amendments on
growth and yield of peppermint (Mentha piperita) under tropical condition. Journal of
Organic Agriculture and Environment (JOEAN) 2: 48 – 53. ISSN 2437-2021 Published
by Organic Agriculture Project in Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria (OAPTIN).
10. *Joseph-Adekunle, T. T., J. O. Adegokeand O. F Iyanda (2016) Effects of storage
conditions on storability and quality of African star apple (Gambayaalbida)
Fruit..Nigerian Journal of Horticultural Science (NJHS) 21: 85 – 90. Published by
Horticultural Society of Nigeria (HORTSON) . ISSN 1118-2733.
11. *Olubode O.O., Joseph-Adekunle T.T and A.B.J. Aina. (2016). Influence of Organic
Manures from Different Animal Sources on Growth and Yield Responses of Okra
(Abelmoschusesculentus L.) Nigerian Journal of Horticultural Science (NJHS) 21:91-
98. Published by Horticultural Society of Nigeria (HORTSON) ISSN 1118-2733.
12. Joseph-Adekunle, T. T.and T. R Salami (2016). Potentials of some neglected and
under-utilised indigenous vegetables in Osun state, Nigeria for organic farming systems
developmentJournal of Organic Agriculture and Environment (JOEAN) 4(2):72-80.
ISSN 2437-2021. Published by Organic Agriculture Project in Tertiary Institutions in
Nigeria (OAPTIN).
13. Joseph-Adekunle, T.T., A.J. Dosumu. and O.P. Fadeyi (2017) Response of oil palm
seedlings to water stress and fertilizer in the nursery under derived savannah
ecologyJournal of Organic Agriculture and Environment (JOAEN) 5: (2) 46-55. ISSN
2437-2021. Published by Organic Agriculture Project in Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria

14. Daramola, O. S., Olasantan, F. O., Salau, A. W., Olorunmaiye P. M. Adigun J. A. and
Joseph- Adekunle T.T. (2017): Effects of harvesting age on nutrient uptake and
essential oil yields of basil (OcimumbasilicumL.) and peppermint (Mentha piperita L.)
under tropical Condition. Nigerian Journal of Ecology 16 (2):112-119 ©Ecological
Society of Nigeria – Jul.-Dec. 2017. ISSN: 1116-753X .
f 15. Olubode, O.O., Joseph-Adekunle,T.T.,Hammed, L.A and A.O.Olaiya (2018): Evaluation
of Production Practices and Yield Enhancing Techniques on Productivity of Cashew
(Anacardiumoccidentale) – A Review. Fruits73(2):75–100. Published formerly by
CIRAD/EDP Sciencesbut now by International Society for Horticultural Science
16. DaramolaO.S., F.O. Olasantan. A. W. Salau, P. M. Olorunmaiye, J. A Adigun, T.
T.Joseph-Adekunle and Osipitan O. A. (2018). Rapid leaf area measurement methods
for Peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) grown under tropical condition. Advances in
Agricultural Science 6 (3):123-131. Journal homepage: www.aaasjournal.org ISSN:
2588-3801. Address for correspondence: Publisher: Dr. Mostafa Modarresi 11923 NE
Sumner St STE 707957 Portland, Oregon, 97220, USA.
17. Adegoke, J.O., Abel, O. O. and Joseph-Adekunle, T.T. (2018) Effects of Rice-Bran
Compost on Growth and Yield of Soybean (Glycine max) on an Alfisol in Ibadan,
Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Soil Science (NJSS) 28 (2): 25 – 30.
www.soilsjournalnigeria.com 10.2018/njss.10.011 0003-2018/©publishingrealtime.
ISSN – 1597 – 4488.
18. Joseph-Adekunle T.T. and A. O. Oroku (2019) Seed age and hydro-priming:
Implication on germination and growth of soursop (Annona muricata) seedlings.
Nigerian Journal of Seed Science 3:49-55.Published by Association of Seed Scientists of
Nigerian (ASSN), Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria pp 49 – 55
f19. Adebogun, A. M., Atungwu, J. J. , Lawal-Adebowale, O. A., Joseph-Adekunle, T.
T.,Ecne, C. O., Ononuju, C. C. and O. A. Olajide (2020): Evaluation of the Anti-
Helminthic Latency of Four Native Biopesticides on Meloidogyne Species of Amaranth
(Amaranthuscruentus L.) under Organic Conversion. East African Scholars Journal of
Agriculture and Life Sciences 3(8):1-6. ISSN 2617-4472 (Print) ISSN 2617-7277
(Online) Publisher: East African Scholars Publisher, Kenya.
(ii) Book article: None
(iii) Papers in edited Conference Proceedings:
19. Joseph–Adekunle, T.T., Fagbayide J.A. and I.O.OAiyelaagbe (2008):Influence of
Poultrymanure and pruning on growth of Yellow Passion fruit. In: Organic Agriculture
And The Millennium Development Goals. Proceedings 1 st West African Summmit And
4 th National Conference on Organic Agriculture. I.O.O. Aiyelaagbe, Adetunji, M.T and
Osei S.A (Eds.) 194 – 197. Published by Organic Agriculture In Tertiary Institution In
Nigeria (OAPTIN) and 1st West African Summit On Organic Agriculture (WASUMIT).
20. Joseph-Adekunle, T. T.,Adebola O.O. and M.A Ali (2013). Influence of organic
fertilizers on growth, yield and storability of Cucumismelo In: Organic Agriculture for
National Food Security, Conservation of Biodiversity and Climate Change Adaptation.
Proceedings of 9 th Annual Organic Agriculture National Conference. Atungwu, J.J.,
Joseph-Adekunle, T.T., Sakariyawo, O.S., Fabunmi, T.O., Olowokere, F.A. and

P.M.Olorunmaiye (Eds.). 123 – 127. Published by Organic Agriculture In Tertiary
Institution In Nigeria (OAPTIN) ISBN: 978-978-944-220-1.
21. Joseph-Adekunle, T. T. and D.M. Badmus (2012). Response of Crown Tomato
(Cucurbita mixta) to Organic fertilizers in Abeokuta. In: Horticulture for Food Security
and Environmental Sustainability in a Changing Climate. Proceedings 30 th Annual
Conference of the Horticultural Society of Nigeria (HORTSON). Obiefuna, J. C., Ofoh,
M. C., Agu, C. M., Ogoke, I. J., Ngwuta, A. A., Obilo, O. P and F. O.Ojiako (Eds.) 115 –
118. Published by Horticultural Society of Nigeria (HORTSON).

22. Joseph-Adekunle T.T. and O.T. Ajose (2016) Seed Germination and seedling
growthresponse of Sugar apple (Annona squamosa) in different growing media and
sowing depths in Proceedings of 2 nd Annual conference of ASSN 2016. pp 75-81

23. Joseph-Adekunle T. T.and R.A. Mustapha (2017) Effects of Soil types and Gateway
organic fertilizer amendment on growth response of juvenile yellow Passion fruit. In the
proceedings of 14 th Annual Conference OAPTINIBBUL2017 of Organic Project in
Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria (OAPTIN) held between 19 th – 23 th November, 2017 at
Ibrahim BadamasiBabangida University, Lapai, Niger state. Eds. Yakubu, M,,Lawal,
A.F., Abdulmaliq, S.Y., Gudugi, A.I.S. and N. Kumar. Pp194-200.
24. Joseph-Adekunle T.T. and I. Durotoye. (2019). Growth response of
Chrysophyllumalbidum African star apple) seedlings to fertiliser application in the
nursery” In: Adesina, J. M., Iwala, O. S., Kekere, O. and Ajayi, A. J. Ajayi E. O.
&Idowu-Agida O.O. (2019). ‘Horticultural Production for Sustainable Economic
Growth and Development. ' Book of Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of
Horticultural Society of Nigeria, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Rufus Giwa
Polytechnic, Owo, Ondo State Nigeria. 18th – 22nd November, 2019, ISSN 978-978-
977-709-9 pp 721-725
Technical Report/Exhibition/Patents
25. Atungwu, J . J., Lawal-Adebowale, O. A., Joseph-Adekunle, T. T., Eche, C. O.,
Ononuju, C. C. A. and O. A. Oladeji. (2019). Training Manual 2019 0n Biopesticides
Formulation and Application in the control of Pests and Diseases of Vegetable Crops.
Produced with support from TETFUND and Network of Biopestices and Phytomedical
Stakeholders (NEBIPS).© NEBIPS 2019. C/o Room 230, College of Plant Science and
Crop Production, FUNAAB, P. M. B 2240 Abeokuta. E mail nebipsnjgeria’gmail.com
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