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OLADEJO Dauda Adewole 


Short Profile

Dr. Oladejo joined the services of the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, in 2017 as a Lecturer II officer. Prior to the time he joined the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, he served as an education officer and academic manager at public and private international schools in Nigeria, respectively; he rose to the position of Vice Principal in a renowned international school in the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Nigeria. He is currently a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Entrepreneurial Studies, College of Entrepreneurial and Development Studies, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. He is a prolific business researcher who carries out research on entrepreneurial human resources and business management. He has a substantial body of scholarly work, consisting of a number of publications that have undergone rigorous evaluation by experts in the field. These works have been published in reputable journals, both domestically and internationally. He has the position of lecturer in the fields of human resources, practice of management, and entrepreneurial studies. He is a member of the Teachers’ Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN) and a member of the Association of Management and Social Science Research of Nigeria (AMSSRN). Dr. Oladejo is a thoughtful, applied, hardworking, and serious university teacher.

NCE, B.Sc. (ED), MBA, MPhil., & PhD (Business Administration/Entrepreneurial Human Resources Management)

i. Oladejo, D. A. (2016): Organizational Justice and Work Stress among Employees in Deposit Money Banks in Lagos State, Nigeria. Ph. D. Thesis Submitted to the Department of Management and Accounting, Faculty of Administration, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria
ii. Oladejo, D. A. (2012): Labour Turnover and Productivity Among Employees: A Study of Selected Brewery Firms in Southwest, Nigeria. M. Phil. Thesis Submitted to the Department of Management and Accounting, Faculty of Administration, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria
iii. Oladejo, D. A. (2008): An Appraisal of Sources of Finance for Small and Medium-Scale Enterprises in Osun State, Nigeria. An M.B.A Project Submitted to the Department of Management and Accounting, Faculty of Administration, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria
iv. Oladejo, D. A. (1997): Impact of University advising system among undergraduate students in Nigerian universities: A study of Ogun State University, Ago-Iwoye. B.Sc.(ed) Final Year Project Submitted to the Department of Curriculum Studies and Instructional Technology, Faculty of Education, Ogun State University, Ago-Iwoye, Nigeria

Acting HOD: Entrepreneural Studies

Teachers’ Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN),
Association of Management and Social Science Research of Nigeria (AMSSRN)

i. Conference/Workshop on University Ethics and Culture/Pedagogy and Setting Examination Questions/Conduct of Examinations/Results processing/Rules and Regulations for Academic Staff Organized by the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta on June 21-25, 2021
ii. Virtual Teaching Training for Academic Staff Organised by Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta on January 19, 2021
iii. Conference/Workshop on Research Grants: Sourcing and Proposal Writing Organised by the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta for Academic Staffs October 10-11, 2019
iv. Oladejo, D. A., Olabisi, J., Adegoke, J. F., & Abioro, M. A. (2019): A paper
presented at Annual Conference, 2019, Department of Industrial relations & Public Administration, Lagos State University, Ojo. Theme: Human Capital Building and Sustainable Development in Africa: Issues, Options and Opportunities in the 21st Century. Held 13th November, 2019. Paper Read: Credit management policy and firms’ profitability: Evidence from infant manufacturing firms in Southwest, Nigeria.
i. Abioro, M. A., Oladejo, D. A., Oyalakun, D. O & Solaja, O (2019): A paper presented at Annual Conference, 2019, held 16th March, 2019, at Mountain Top University, Lagos State, Nigeria. Theme Entrepreneurship as a tool for Sustainable Economic Development in the 12st Century. Paper read: entrepreneurship and sustainable development of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria
vi. Workshop on Advanced Digital Appreciation Programme for Tertiary Institutions ADAPTI). Organized by Digital Bridge Institute (International Centre for Information and Communications Technology Studies) held at Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta February29-March 4, 2019
vii. Conference/Workshop/Internship organized by Bradford College University Center, United Kingdom for In-service Masters at South Craven School, Yorkshire, UK. April 23-May 2, 2012
viii. Conference/Workshop on Curriculum Mapping, Test Construction and Processing in Teaching/Learning Situations. Organized by the Association of International School in Africa (AISA) at Yaounde, Cameroun, West Africa April 5-12, 2008

Journals in Print
1. *Abiodun, A. J. Amos-Fidelis, N. B., Oladejo, D. A., Solaja, O. (2023). Service operations Efficiency and competitive orientations in the telecommunication industry: a data development analysis approach International Journal of Applied Operational Research; 11(3);1-12, Published by Islamic Azad University, Lahijan, Iran
2. *Oladejo, D. A., Aderinto, C. O., Obadare, G. O. & Oladunjoye, O. T. (2023): Employee Benefit Schemes and Company Performance in Lagos State, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Management Science, 24(1); 214-223, Published by the Faculty of Management Sciences, Rivers State University, Port Harcourt.
3. f *Dunmade, E. O., Ajayi., M. A. & Oladejo, D. A. (2022): Office Automation and Its Impact on Service Delivery in the Kogi State Civil Service. Bahria University Journal of Management and Technology (BJMT), 5(2); 1-14, Published by the Faculty of Technology and Management Sciences, Bahria State University, Islamabad, akistan. Available online at

4. *Oladejo, D. A. & Obadare, O. G. (2022): Conflicts Resolution Practices and Performance 0f Civil Servants in Nigeria: Evidence from the Southwest Geopolitical Zone. Ilorin Journal of Human Resources Management, 6(1), 22-3, Published by the Department of Industrial Relations and Personnel Management, Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Ilorin, Kwara State.



*Oladejo, D. A., Obadare, G. O. & Samuel, A. O. (2022): Perception of Workplace Politics and Employee Performance: Empirical Evidence from Infant Firms in Southwest, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Management Sciences, 23(2); 292-302, Published by the Faculty of Management Sciences, Rivers State University, Port-Harcourt.

Dunmade E. O., Oladejo D. A., Akindele, I. T., Jamiu I, Omolabi, Y. I., Opaleye, M. A. and Ajao, J. O. (2022) Assessing the effect of national minimum wage on employees’ welfare in the Lagos State’s civil service. Sokoto Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 12(1), 1-15. A Publication of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Usman Danfodiyo University, Sokoto. ISSN: 2384-7654
Ajagbe, F. A., Adegbite, O. O & Oladejo, D. A (2022). Informal financial institutions and growth of small and medium scale enterprises in Abeokuta South, Ogun. State, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Management Sciences Vol. 23(1), 190-198. A Publication of the Faculty of Management Sciences, Rivers State University, Nkpolu- Oroworukwo, Port-Harcourt.
8. *Oladejo, D. A., Obadare, G. O., Oladunjoye, O. T., Aderinto, C. O. (2022): Workplace Organization and Employee’s Productivity: Empirical Evidence from Infant Firms in Southwest, Nigeria. Sokoto Journal of Social Sciences,12(2); 37-49, Published by the Facsssulty of Social Sciences, Published by the Faculty of Social Sciences, Usman Danfodiyo University, Sokoto.

*Oladejo, D. A., Olughor, R. J., Dunmade, E. O. & Oladejo, M. E. (2021): The Effects of Entrepreneurial Skill Acquisition Programmes on Fresh Tertiary Institutions Graduates’ Self-Employment Ambition in Southwest, Nigeria. Sokoto Journal of Social Science, 11(2); 17-32, Published by the Faculty of Social Sciences, Usman Danfodiyo University, Sokoto


f*Sajuyigbe, A. S., Eniola, A. A., Adetunji, A. & Oladejo, D. A. (2021): Capacity Building and Women-Owned Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (SMEs) Performance: Empirical Evidence from Southwest, Nigeria. Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, 9(1); 10-24, Published by the Faculty of Business, Sampoerna University, Indonesia. Available online at


12. *Oladejo, D. A. (2021): Influence of Change Management Initiative on the Growth of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Southwest, Nigeria. Ilorin Journal of Human Resources Management, 5(5); 205-215, Published by the Department of Industrial Relations and Personnel Management, Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Ilorin, Kwara State.

Dunmade, E. O, Akindele I. T., Oladejo, D. A.(2021). Job satisfaction and employees’ work performance in the Oyo State civil service, Nigeria. Sokoto Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 11(1), April 2021. A Publication of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Usman Danfodiyo University, Sokoto (available online)
13. *Olabisi, J., Oladejo, D. A., Oworu, O. O. & Abioro, M. A. (2020): Does Working Capital Management Affect the Profitability of Consumer Goods Manufacturing Firms in Nigeria? Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Creative Arts, 15(1); 16-29, Published by the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta.


*Oladejo, D. A., Olabisi, J., & Adegoke, J. F. (2020): Human Resources Management Practices: Catalysts for Real Entrepreneurial Firms’ Growth in the Southwest, Nigeria. Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences, and Creative Arts, 15(1); 114-128, Published by the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta.








Oladejo, D. A. (2019): Employee Demographic Characteristics and Entrepreneurship Growth: Evidence from Small and Medium Enterprises in Southwest, Nigeria. Journal of Accounting and Management, 2(2); 34-41, Published by the Department of Accounting, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Nigerian Defense Academy, Kaduna.

Olabisi, J., Kajola, S. O., Oladejo, D. A., Ajayi, J. A & Hamzat, I. A. (2019): Corporate tax planning and performance of Nigerian listed oil & gas firms. Contemporary Economy Journal, 4(1), 12-24. Published by Universitatea Constantin Bracoveanu, Pitesti, Romania. ISSN 2537 – 4222
Olabisi, J., Oladejo, D. A., Adegoke, J. F., & Abioro, M. A. (2019). Credit management policy and firms’ profitability: Evidence from infant manufacturing firms in Southwestern, Nigeria. Contemporary Economy Journal, 4(4), 59-69. Published by Universitatea Constantin Bracoveanu, Pitesti, Romania. ISSN: 2537 – 4222
Abioro, M. A., Oladejo. D. A., Oyalakun, D. O & Solaja O (2019). Social entrepreneurship and sustainable development of SMEs in Nigeria. Journal of Entrepreneur1(1), 1-11. Published by Mountain Top University, Lagos, Nigeria.
Abioro M. A., Oladejo, D. A & Ashoghon, F (2018). Work-life balance practices and employee’s productivity in the Nigerian University System. Crawford Journal of Business & Social Sciences (Cjbass) 13(2), 49-59 ISSN 2141-9094

Oladejo, D. A. & Adegoke, F. J. (2019): Employee Orientation: A Universal Preparation to Job Performance among Academic Staff in Nigerian Universities. Uniosun International Journal of Employee Relations and Management, 2(1); 74-86, Published by Faculty of Management Sciences, Department of Business Administration, Osun State University, Osogbo.

Abioro, M. A., Oladejo, D. A & Ashoghon, F. O (2018) Workforce retention strategies and corporate development: An Empirical Study. LASU Journal of Employment Relations and Human Resource Management,1(1), 2-9. A Bi-Annual Publication of the Department of Employment Relations and Human Resource Management, Faculty of Management Sciences, Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos, Nigeria.
22 Oladejo, D. A., Abioro. M. A. & Olabisi, J. (2018): Impact of Organisational Justice Dimensions on Work Stress Among Employees in Nigerian Deposit Money Banks. Uniosun International Journal of Business Administration, 2(2); 74-86, Published by Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management and Social Sciences, Osun State University, Osogbo

23 fOlabisi, J., Kajola, S. O., Oladejo, D. A., Ojeaga, P. I., &Abass, T. F. (2018): Board Characteristics and Performance of Quoted Consumer Goods Firms: Evidence from Nigeria. Journal of Economics and Business Research, 24(2), 7-26, Published by Faculty of Economic Sciences, ‘AurelVlaicu’ University of Arad, Romania Available online at

24 fOladejo, D. A. (2018): Customer Relationship Management and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Growth in Southwest Nigeria. Scholedge International Journal of Management & Development, 5(5); 48-58. Published by the School of Library and Information Science, University of Barcelona, Spain. Available online at

25 fAbioro, M. A., Adewoye, J. O. & Oladejo, D. A. (2018): The Strategic Role of Information Communication Technology on Business Development: Nigerian Perspective. Journal of Economics and Business Research, 24(1); 109-124, Published by University of Arad, Romania. Available online at jebr
26 Oladejo, D. A & Abioro, M. A. (2018): Assessing the Relationship Between Organizational Justice Dimensions and Work Stress among Workers: Evidence from Nigerian Deposit Money Banks in Lagos State. Journal of Business Administration, 1(3); 34-67, Published by the Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Management Sciences, Lagos State University, Ojo.


28 Abioro, M. A., Oladejo, D. A, & Ashoghon, F. (2018): Work-life Balance Practices and Employee’s Productivity in the Nigerian University System. Crawford Journal of Business & Social Sciences (CJBASS), 8(2); 49-59, Published by Crawford University, Ogun State, Nigeria. ISSN: 2141-1994. Available online at

Oladejo, D. A. (2017): Labour turnover and productivity among employees in selected brewing firms in South-western Nigeria. West African Journal of Business and Management Sciences, 6(3), 53-63. Published by the Faculty of Business Administration, Imo State University.


Oladejo, D. A. (2017): Employee Retention Strategies and Turnover Behaviour in Private
Secondary Schools in Lagos State Nigeria. Journal of Accounting and Business, Nigeria. 5(1), 20-23. Published by the Department of Accounting, University of Port Harcourt.

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