
OLAJUWON Bakai Ishola 

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Short Profile

Professor Olajuwon, Bakai Ishola became a Professor at the Department of Mathematics, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State in October 1, 2014.

His research area is majorly in Applied Mathematics and Computation with special interest in Fluid mechanics and Mathematical modelling. Of recent he has done many works on Heat and Mass Transfer in Newtonian and non - Newtonian fluids. He had successfully supervised M.Sc. and Ph.D candidates in Mathematics. And he is currently supervising some M.Sc. and Ph.D candidates in Mathematics. He has also supervised many undergraduate projects. He served as the Acting Head of Department of Mathematics, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta between 2011 and 2013 and currently the substantive Head of Department of Mathematics, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta.

He has published over sixty researched articles in reputable local and international journals and serves as external examiner to some reputable universities in Nigeria He has participated in many academic programmes in Nigeria and abroad.

B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.

a) International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) travel support to attend the Ninth Edward A. Bouchet/Abdus Salam Regional College on Functional Analysis and its Application to Differential equation. A college organized by the Ghana Atomic Energy Centre and sponsored by the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, held at the University of Ghana, Legon, Accra from 7th to 18th July, 2003.

b) Received the International Chair of Mathematical Physics (ICMPA – UNESCO CHAIR) travel grant to attend the Sixth International Workshop on Contemporary Problems in Mathematical Physics (COMPROMAPH6) and the Colloquium on Research and Training in Oceanography in West African Universities held from October 31st to November 6th, 2009 in Cotonou, under the auspices of the International Chair in Mathematical Physics and Applications, University of Calavi, Cotonou, Republic of Benin. As an invited Speaker.

c) African Network of Scientific and Technological Institution (ANSTI) Staff Exchange Fellowship (2010) to carry out research in Computational fluid dynamics at University of Cape Town, South Africa.

d) Visiting academic, Centre for Research in Computational and Applied Mechanics, University of Cape Town, South Africa, (July 1st – September 30th, 2010).

e) JNCASR – CCSTD scientific research fellowship (2011), To carry out research on computational fluid flow and heat transfer at the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India, Government of India.

f) Visiting academic, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India, Government of India. (July 1st – September 30th, 2011).

Head, Department of Mathematics, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. (January 3, 2020 – ).
ii. Member, Board of Information Communication Technology and Resources Centre, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. (2017 – )

ii. College Representative on Promotion panel of Agricultural media resources centre (AMREC) / Institute of food security environmental resources and Agricultural research (IFSERAR), Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. (January, 2015 – 2020)
iii. Member, Business Committee of Post Graduate School, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. (January, 2014 – 2015)
iv. Acting Head, Department of Mathematics, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria. (November 13, 2011 – November 12, 2013).
v. College Representative on College Board of College of Plant Science and Crop production, UNAAB Abeokuta, 2009 -2011
vi. Member, College Board of Studies, College of Natural Sciences, UNAAB Abeokuta, (2009 – 2013)
vii. Member, Post Graduate Board College of Natural Sciences, UNAAB Abeokuta, 2006 to 2009.
viii. Coordinator, Departmental Post Graduate programs, (2006 to 2009).
ix. Assistant Coordinator Pre – Degree Programme, UNAAB Abeokuta. (2006 – 2008).
x. Member, Sub – Committee of 2nd International Conference on Science and National Development, COLNAS, UNAAB Abeokuta, 2006.
xi. Member, Sub – Committee of 3rd International Conference on Science and National Development, COLNAS, UNAAB Abeokuta, 2008.
xii. Member, CENHURD Examination Committee, UNAAB Abeokuta, ( 2006 to 2008).

  1. Olajuwon B. I. and Ayeni R.O. (2001) Temperature field of a Power-Law Fluid with large Brinkman number, Proceedings of 38th Annual Conference of Mathematical   Association of Nigeria, pp. 94 – 98.
  2. Ayeni, R.O, Olajuwon B.I and Popoola, A.O,  (2005), Self – similar solution for a non – Newtonian Rayleigh Problem with Suction, Appreciating Mathematics in Contemporary World, Proceedings of the International Conference in Honour of Professor E.A Akinrelere, OAU, Ile – Ife, Nigeria pp 29 – 33.

1.    Olajuwon B.I (2009), Flow and Natural Convection Heat Transfer in a power law fluid past a vertical plate with Heat generation, International Journal of nonlinear Sciences, Vol.7,No.1,pp 50 – 56

2.    Makinde O.D, Gbolagade A. W, Olajuwon B.I (2008), Hydromagnetic flow and mass transfer past a vertical plate embedded in a porous medium with radiation and constant heat flux, Journal of Nigerian Mathematical Society, Vol. 27,pp 33 – 52.

3.    Olajuwon B.I (2008), Convection Heat and Mass Transfer in a power law fluid with Heat generation and Thermal diffusion past a vertical Plate, Journal of Energy, Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 30 (1), pp 1 – 19.

4.    Olajuwon B.I (2008), Convection heat and mass transfer in power law fluid with thermal radiation past a moving porous plate, Progress in Computational fluid Dynamics: An International Journal Vol. 8, no. 6, pp 372 – 378.

5.    Olajuwon B.I (2007), Thermal Radiation interaction with convection in a power law flow past a vertical plate with variable suction, International Journal of Heat and Technology,vol.25(2), pp 57 – 65

6.    Makinde O.D, Olajuwon B.I, Gbolagade A.W (2007), Adomian Decomposition approach to a boundary layer flow with thermal radiation past a Moving vertical porous plate, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 3(3):62-70

7.    Olajuwon B.I (2007), On the flow of a power law fluid in contact with a Newtonian fluid, International Journal of Applied Sciences and Computations vol. 14(1) pp 36 – 44.

8.    Olajuwon B.I (2007), Heat Transfer in a reacting power law fluid with thermal radiation over a flat plate, International Journal of Dynamics of fluids 3(1):1-10. [Abstract]

9.    Olajuwon B.I (2007), On the flow of a power law fluid over a flat plate in the presence of a pressure gradient, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 3(1):1-13. [Abstract]

10.    Olajuwon B.I (2007), On the Temperature Field of a Power Law Fluid with Variable Thermal Conductivity, European Journal of Scientific Research Vol.16 No.4, pp.584-591.

11.    Olajuwon B.I and Popoola, A.O (2006), On self – similar Solution of non-Linear Diffusion Equation with Convection Term, Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 2(4), pp  453 – 456.

12.    Olajuwon B.I (2005), On the Solution of the Flow of a Power law Fluid with Memory past an Infinite Plate, International Journal of Applied Mathematics & Statistics, Vol.3, Number S05.pp 68 – 76.

13.    Oghre E.O and Olajuwon B.I (2005), Fourier Transform Solution of Semi linear parabolic equation, Journal of Applied sciences 5(3) pp 492 – 495. [Abstract]

14.    Olajuwon B. I and Ayeni R. O (2005), On the Temperature Field of a Viscous Reacting Flow Near a moving wall with Thermal Radiation, Journal of  Mathematics and Statistics 1 (1):12 – 14. [Abstract]

15.    Olajuwon B.I and Ayeni R.O (2004), Flow of a Power law fluid with memory past an infinite Plate, Journal of Nigerian Association Mathematical Physics, vol. 8, pp 161 – 162. [Abstract]

16.    Olajuwon, B.I and Popoola, A.O (2004), On the Effect of a Temperature dependent Thermal Conductivity on one –dimensional heat conduction, Journal of Mathematical Association of Nigeria, Vol. 31, no. 2a, pp 173 – 176.

17.    Olajuwon B.I. Popoola, A.O and Ogunsola, A.W. (2003), On the Velocity Field of a power – law Fluid Flowing in a cylinder.  Journal of Mathematical Association of Nigeria, vol. 30, no. 2A, pp 29-32.

18.    Popoola, A.O, Olajuwon B.I and Olanrewaju, P.O. (2003).  Effect of a Diffusive parameter on a Reaction Diffusion Problem, Journal of Mathematical Association of Nigeria, Vol. 30, no. 2A, pp61-65.

19.    Olajuwon B.I. (2003) Unsteady Temperature field of a power-Law fluid with variable thermal conductivity, Journal of Science and Technology Research Vol. 2, pp 95 – 97.

20.     Olajuwon B.I. and Adeniran T (2003).  On the existence and Uniqueness of solution of a Steady pseudo plastics power-Law fluid, Science focus, Vol.2 pp 96-97.

21.    Olajuwon B.I. (2002). On the Existence and Uniqueness of Solution of Unsteady Pseudo plastic Flow Near a Moving Wall, Journal of Mathematical Association of Nigeria, Vol. 29, Pp. 26 – 29.

22.    Ayeni, R.O and Olajuwon B.I (2001), Unsteady Backward Power-Law Flow near a moving wall, Journal of the Nigerian Association of Mathematical Physics, volume 5, pp. 263 – 265.

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