
OLUBODE Olusegun Olufemi 

Short Profile

Olubode Olusegun Olufemi, Ph. D. (Horticulture), Professor of Pomology at the Department of Horticulture, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. He is well published in horticultural research with special areas in fruit agronomy, organic agriculture, and cropping systems, and has to his credits 43 publications which includes 24 journal articles, 19 conference proceedings and a book chapter. His research works presented at conferences include findings on season/climate change environmental effects on fruit crops production and productivity, and cropping systems research of fruit crops intercropped with annual vegetable crops, etc., and technical reports on capacity buildings in tertiary institutions. He was a former Head, Department of Horticulture. He is well travelled. Conferences attended with papers read include 81 World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, held in September 2013, Singapore., 3rd All Africa Horticultural Congress held at International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Nigeria in June 2016, among others. He is a Fellow, African Scientific Institute (ASI), nominated for Fellowship Awards of the Horticultural Society of Nigeria (HORTSON), and a serving Editorial Board Member Journal of Botanical Research (JBR). He was the immediate past National Chairman Fascination of Plant’s Day Program (FoPD), and the former South West Zonal Coordinator, Horticultural Society of Nigeria (HORTSON). He is presently a Visiting Professor Federal University Oye-Ekiti (Ikole-Ekiti campus), Ekiti State, Nigeria.

Ph. D. Horticulture July 2010
M. Sc. Agronomy (in Horticulture) Dec. 1989
B. Sc. Agric. (in Horticulture) July 1985
Higher School Certificate June 1979
West African School Certificate June 1977

a) Productivity of pawpaw/vegetable intercrop supplied with organo-mineral fertilizer Ph.D. Thesis 2010
b) Effect of organic manure on growth and yield of pawpaw, .M.Sc. Dissertations 1989
c) Seed viability tests on Centrosema (Centrosema pubescens L.) B.Sc. Project, 1984
d) Growth, yield and quality responses of Hybrid Tea rose cut flowers to Organo-mineral fertilizers rates and organic preservatives using plant extracts and bio-Regulators, FUNAAB RESDEC Grant no 197

(i) Fellow, African Scientific Institute, Piedmont, CA 94620 – May 2019
(ii) Zonal Coordinator Horticultural Society of Nigeria (HORTSON) Nov. 2019
(iii) Best Student in ‘A level’ Biology at College level June 1979
Fellow African Scientific Institute USA, Nominated for Award of Fellow HORTSON

Membership of Professional Bodies:
Member: Horticultural Society of Nigeria
Member: International Society of Horticultural
Science (ISHS)
Member: Organic Agriculture Practitioners In
Tertiary Institution of Nigeria (OAPTIN)
Member: International Society for Organic
Agricultural Research (ISOFAR)
Member: Nigerian Institute of Landscape
Horticulturists (NILH)
Member: Landscape Horticultural Association
of Nigeria (LAHORAN)

37th Annual Conference of Horticultural Society of Nigeria, held at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo, Ondo State Nigeria. 18th – 22nd November, 2019. / Olubode, O.O., Amidu, S.B., Atilola, I.A., Okunloye, O.O., Olukanni, O.S., Olubode, A.A., Oyegoke, C.O. (2019) Influence of growth medium and fertilizer type and rate on seedling growth response of cashew (Anacardium occidentales). pp 682-687. Published by HORTSON.
* 36th Annual Conference of Horticultural Society of Nigeria (HORTSON), Lafia 2018 held on 18th – 22nd November, 2018 at Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Nasarawa State, Nigeria. / Olubode, O.O., Yisau, O.P., Olubode, A.A., Oyegoke, C.O. (2018) Growth Medium and Soil Amendment Type and Rate on Seedling Growth Responses of African Star Apple (Chrysophyllum albidum). Proc. 36th Annual Conference of Horticultural Society of Nigeria (HORTSON), pp 337-346. Published by HORTSON
* III All Africa Horticultural Congress. (Eds: I.O.O. Aiyelaagbe et al.), conference held during August 6-12, 2016 at the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria /Paper 1- Olubode, O.O., Hammed, L.A., Odeyemi, O.M., Adekoya, F.J, Meroyi, F.M. And O.I. Ogunlade (2016) Influence Of Moisture Regimes And Organic Manure On Nutrient Dynamics And Growth Of Cashew Varieties (Anacardium occidentale). Acta Hortic. 1225: 125-131. doi 10.17660/ActaHortic.2018.1225.16. (Published Corference Proceeding). /Paper 2- Olubode, O.O., Aiyelaagbe, I.O.O., Hammed, L.A., Olosunde, O.M. and T.T. Joseph-Adekunle (2016) Building Capacity In Higher Education Horticulture In Nigeria: The Contribution of The Federal University of Agriculture, Aberokuta, Nigeria. Acta Hortic. 1225: 393-398. doi 10.17660/ActaHortic.2018.1225.55. (Published Corference Proceeding).
* World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Dubai, UAE held during 12th – 13th September 2013 at Riverview Hotel, Singapore / Olubode, O.O., Aiyelaagbe, I.O.O., and J.G. Bodunde (2013) Influence of OMF application rates on post field soil fertility status under pawpaw (Carica papaya L.) varieties issues 81 September 2013, Singapore. Fully sponsored by TETFUND.

Articles in Learned Journals:
1. Olubode, O.O. and Fawusi, M.O.A. (1998) Effect of organic manure on growth and yield of pawpaw (Carica papaya L.) Nigeria Journal of Horticultural. Science 3: 80-89, Published by Horticultural Society of Nigeria
2. Olubode, O.O., Aiyelaagbe, I.O.O., Bodunde, J.G. and F.O. Olasantan (2008) Growth and yield of Pawpaw varieties (Carica papaya L.) intercropped with okra and cucumber. Nigeria Journal of Horticultural Science 13: 25-34. Published by Horticultural Society of Nigeria. Available online at
3. Olosunde, O.M., Olasantan, F.O. and Olubode, O.O. (2008) Effects of growth media on rooting of Queen of Phillipines (Musaenda philippies A. Rich) Nigeria Journal of Horticultural Science 13: 68-74. Published by Horticultural Society of Nigeria. Available online at
4. Olubode, O.O. (2011) Growth and yield responses of Snake tomato (Trichosanthes cucumerina L.) to organo-mineral fertilizer rates. Nigeria Journal of Horticultural Science 16: 71-78. Published by Horticultural Society of Nigeria.
5. Olubode, O.O., Aiyelaagbe, I.O.O., and J.G., Bodunde (2011) Evaluation of planting periods and fertilizer types on growth and yield of cucumber intercropped with pawpaw varieties, J. Agric. Sci. & Environ. (ASSET) 11(2): 9-28. Published by Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria,
6. Olubode, O.O., Aiyelaagbe, I.O.O. and J.G., Bodunde (2012) Responses of ‘Sunrise solo’ pawpaw, okra and cucumber components of pawpaw based cropping system to time
of intercropping. Scientia Horticulturae 139: 71–78. Published by Elsevier Limited, United Kingdom. doi:10.1016/j.scienta.2012.03.003. (Foreign).
7. Olubode, O.O. Aiyelaagbe, I.O.O. and J.G. Bodunde (2012) Effect of stage of introduction on the performance of okra as an intercrop in pawpaw orchards, Biological Agriculture & Horticulture 28(1): 61-70. Published by Taylor & Francis Informa Ltd., United Kingdom. DOI/abs/10.1080/01448765.2012.672176. (Foreign)
8. Olubode, O.O. (2012) Influence of seasonal variations on components of pawpaw/okra mixtures in a pawpaw-based cropping system. Biological Agriculture & Horticulture 28(4): 1-15. Published by Taylor & Francis Informa Ltd.. United Kingdom. (Foreign)
9. Olubode, O.O. (2012) Component interactions and nutrient dynamics in pawpaw/cucumber mixtures in a pawpaw based cropping system, Nigeria Journal of Horticultural Science 17: 33-44. Published by Horticultural Society of Nigeria.
10. Odetayo, T.D., Okelana, M.A.O. and O.O., Olubode (2013) Influence of manure rates and harvest stages on the performances and quality profile of Corchorus olitorious in different storage media. Journal of Organic Agriculture and Environment (JOAEN) 1(1): 13-21. Published by Organic Agriculture Project in Tertiary Institutions (OAPTIN), Nigeria.
11. Odeyemi, O.M., Olubode, O.O., and Makinde, E.A. (2015) Effects of organic and conventional production systems on nutrient uptake and residual soil nutrient status of pawpaw (Carica papaya l.) Orchard. Journal of Organic Agriculture and Environment (JOAEN) 3(1): 46-55. Published by Organic Agriculture Project in Tertiary Institutions (OAPTIN), Nigeria.
12. Adeyemi, O.R, Smith, M.A.K, Ojeniyi, S.O. and O.O. Olubode (2015) Weed Species Composition And Productivity of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench) As Affected By Time of Weed Removal. Nigeria Journal of Plant Protection 29: 22-35. Published by Plant Protection Society of Nigeria
13. Olubode, O.O., Salau, A.W., and Adeyemi, O.R (2016) Growth, yield and productivity of Hybrid Tea Rose (Rosa x hybrida) in response to seasonal variation and manure application rates. Journal of Organic Agriculture and Environment (JOAEN) 4(1): 67-78. Published by Organic Agriculture Project in Tertiary Institutions (OAPTIN), Nigeria.
14. Salau, A.W., Makinde, E.A. and O.O. Olubode (2016). Bed Height and Intra-row Spacing on Pepper Growth and Fruit Yield. International Journal of Vegetable Science. 22(6): 555-563. Published by Taylor and Francis Group, United Kingdom (Foreign).
15. Olubode, O.O. Odeyemi, O.M. and I.O.O. Aiyelaagbe (2016) Influence of environmental factors and production practices on the growth and productivity of pawpaw (Carica papaya L.) in south western Nigeria. Fruits Journal 71(6): 341-361. Published by CIRAD/EDP Sciences, France. (Foreign).
16. Olubode, O.O. (2016) Influence of season and soil amendment interactive effects on growth, flowering and productivity of hybrid tea rose (Rosa x hybrida L.). Journal of Organic Agriculture and Environment (JOAEN) 5(2): 30-44. Published by Organic Agriculture Project in Tertiary Institutions (OAPTIN), Nigeria.
17. Olubode, O.O., Joseph-Adekunle, T.T. and A.B.J. Aina (2016) Influence of organic manures from different animal sources on growth and yield responses of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L.). Nigeria Journal of Horticultural. Science 21: 91-98. Published by Horticultural Society of Nigeria.
18. Olubode, O.O., Ajiboye, G.A., Olosunde, O.M. and D.A. Agboola (2016) Evaluation of morphological and biochemical techniques in seedling stage sex identification of pawpaw (Carica papaya L.) varieties. Nigeria Journal of Horticultural. Science 21: 99-109, Published by Horticultural Society of Nigeria.
19. Busari, O.M., Olubode O.O. and L.A. Hammed (2017) Combined-Effects of Soaking Duration and Peeling on Germination and Seedling Vigour of Bitter Kola (Garcinia Kola) Journal of Sustainable Development 14(1/2): 79-84. A Peer Review Journal of Sustainable Livelihoods and Development Network for Africa (SLIDEN Africa).
20. Olubode, O.O., Joseph-Adekunle, T.T., Hammed, L.A and A.O. Olaiya (2018) Evaluation of Production Practices and Yield Enhancing Techniques on Productivity of Cashew (Anacardium occidentale). Fruits Journal 73(2), 75–100, Published formerly by CIRAD/EDP Sciences, France but now by International Society for Horticultural Science, Belgium.
21. *Olubode, O.O. (2019) Influence of seasonal variability of precipitation and temperature on performances of pawpaw varieties intercropped with cucumber. Scientia Horticulturae 243: 622-644. Published by Elsevier Limited, United Kingdom
22. *Odeyemi, O.M; Ajibola, O.W; Olubode O.O and Makinde, E.A. (2019) Postharvest Quality of Sweet Orange Fruits in response to Soil Amendments and Harvest time in South Western Nigeria. International Journal of Organic Agriculture Research & Development Vol. 15: 2-13.
23. *Owolabi C.O., Bodunde J.G., Olubode O.O. (2019) Impact of maintenance on a conventional and edible plant components landscape design concept. African J. Horticultural. Science 15:45- 56
24. *Olubode, O.O., Yisau, O.P., Olubode, A.A., Oyegoke, C.O. (2019) Growth Medium and Soil Amendment Influence on Seedling Growth Responses of African Star Apple (Chrysophyllum albidum). Journal of Botanical Research 1(3): 16-26.
25. *Owolabi C.O., Bodunde J.G., Olubode, O.O. and O.O. Ogunsajo (2020) Assessment of landscape practices and aesthetics of selected capital cities in Nigeria. Ornamental Horticulture 26(1): 95-108
26. Joseph-Adekunle T.T., Fagbayide, J.A. and O.O. Olubode (2022) The Growth And Nutrient Uptakes Of Yellow Passion Fruit (Passiflora Edulis Var. Flavicarpa) Seedlings In Response To Organic Fertiliser Application Under Tropical Conditions. Journal of Agricultural Sciences (Belgrade) 67 (2): 175-189.
(ii) Edited Conference Proceedings:
27. Olubode, O.O. and K.O., Onanuga (1997) Viability of seeds of Carica papaya L. under different storage methods. Proceedings 15th Annual Conference on Horticultural Society of Nigeria (HORTSON) held at NIHORT, Ibadan on April 8-11th, 1997 pp 86-87. (Eds.) Adejoro, M.A. and I.O.O. Aiyelaagbe. Published by HORTSON
28. Olubode, O.O., Aiyelaagbe, I.O.O. and J.G., Bodunde (2009) Growth and yield responses of pawpaw-cucumber mixture components to intercropping and OMF application rates in S.W. Nigeria. Proceedings 5th Annual Conference of the Organic Agriculture Project in Tertiary Institutions (OAPTIN) held at the Federal University of Technology, Owerri on November 15-19th, 2009 pp 258-264, (Eds.) Obiefuna, J.C., Udedibie, A.B.I., Osuji, G.E., Ofoh, M.C., Osuigwe, D.I., Onweremadu, F.U. and E.B. Etuk. Published by (OAPTIN).
29. Olubode, O.O. (2010) Growth and yield responses of Snake tomato (Trichosanthes cucumerina L.) to OMF rates and frequency of harvest times. Proceedings of 44th Annual Conference of Agric. Society of Nigeria (ASN) held at LAUTECH, Ogbomosho, Nigeria on October 18th-22nd, 2012 pp 849-852, (Eds.) Akinlade, J.A., Ogunwale, A.B., Asaolu, V.O., Aderinola, O.A., Ojebiyi, O.O., Rafiu, T.A., Olayemi, T.B. and O.T., Yekinni. Published by ASN
30. Olubode, O.O. (2010) Sex identification techniques in pawpaw varieties. Proceedings of 44th Annual Conference of Agric. Society of Nigeria (ASN) held at LAUTECH, Ogbomosho, Nigeria October 18th-22nd, 2012 pp 1033-1037, (Eds.) Akinlade, J.A., Ogunwale, A.B., Asaolu, V.O., Aderinola, O.A., Ojebiyi, O.O., Rafiu, T.A., Olayemi, T.B. and O.T., Yekinni. Published by ASN
31. Olubode, O.O. (2010) Growth and yield responses of Snake tomato (Trichosanthes cucumerina L.) to branch removal and OMF rates. Proceedings 6th Annual Conference of the Organic Agriculture Project in Tertiary Institutions (OAPTIN) held at the University of Maiduguri on November 21-24th, 2010 pp 119-122, (Eds.) Kwari, J.D., Dugje, I.Y., Gwary, A.A., Hassan, A.B., Raji, A.O., Sotannde, O.A., Mailafiya, D.M., and B.M. Sastawa. Published by OAPTIN.
32. Olubode, O.O., Akintokun, AK, Olosunde, OM and OI, Lawal (2011) Growth, yield and quality responses of Hybrid Tea rose cut-flowers to Organo-mineral fertilizers rates and organic preservatives using plant extracts and bio-regulators Proceedings 29th Annual National Conference of Horticultural Society of Nigeria (HORTSON) held at the University of Agriculture, Markurdi, Nigeria on July 24-29th, 2011 pp 289-292. (Eds.) Ogunwolu et al. Published by HORTSON.
33. Olubode, O.O., Chikaleke, V.A. and Ojo, O.B. (2012) Influence of phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers on attainment of budding size of citrus species. Proceedings 30th Annual National Conference of Horticultural Society of Nigeria (HORTSON) held at the Federal University of Technology, Owerri, Nigeria on November 11-15, 2012 pp 104-109. (Eds.) Obiefuna, J.C., Ofoh, M.C., Agu, C.M., Ogoke, I.J., Ngwuta, A.A., Obilo, O.P. and F.O., Ojiako. Published by HORTSON.
34. Olubode, O.O., Aiyelaagbe, I.O.O. and J.G., Bodunde (2013) Influence of OMF application rates on post field soil fertility status under pawpaw (Carica papaya L.) varieties. Proceedings 81st of the Annual Conference of the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, (WASET) held at Riverview Hotel, Singapore, 12-13th September 2013, pp 511-517,. Published by WASET
35. Oloriade G.A., Bodunde, J.G., Fajinmi, A.A. and O.O. Olubode (2013) Growth, yield responses of pepper genotypes to seedling vigour and different transplant ages in South West Nigeria. 31st Annual Conference of Horticultural Society of Nigeria (HORTSON) held at Nicon Luxury Hotel, Area 11, Garki, Abuja during September 22-25, 2013, pp 166-171. (Eds.) Askira, M.S., Saidu, M.S. and M.M. Degri. Published by HORTSON.
36. Akintobi, D.C., Idehen, E.O. and O.O. Olubode (2014) Growth and Yield Response of Sweet potato [Ipomea batatas (L.)Lam] to Organic and Inorganic fertilizers. Proceedings 32nd Annual Conference of Horticultural Society of Nigeria (HORTSON) held at the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria on October 19-23, 2014, pp. 146-151. (Eds.) Olasantan, F.O., Aiyelaagbe, I.O.O., Olubode, O.O. Makinde, E.A. and J.G. Bodunde. Published by HORTSON.
37. Fajinmi, A.O., Aiyelaagbe, I.O.O., Adejuyigbe, C.O., Olubode, O.O., and O.O. Ojo (2014) Growth and flowering of rose periwinkle (Catharanthus roseus L.) in response to poultry manure. 32nd Annual Conference of Horticultural Society of Nigeria (HORTSON) held at the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria on October 19-23, 2014, pp. 83-88. (Eds.) Olasantan, F.O., Aiyelaagbe, I.O.O., Olubode, O.O. Makinde, E.A. and J.G. Bodunde. Published by HORTSON. Published by HORTSON
38. Olubode, O.O., Bello, R.O And O.R. Adeyemi (2014) Crop Productivity And Weed Control Efficacy Of Pawpaw / Cucumber Mixtures Supplied With Organo-Mineral Fertilizer Rates, 32nd Annual Conference of Horticultural Society of Nigeria (HORTSON) held at the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria on October 19-23, 2014, pp. 82-87. (Eds.) Olasantan, F.O., Aiyelaagbe, I.O.O., Olubode, O.O. Makinde, E.A. and J.G. Bodunde. Published by HORTSON.
39. Olubode, O.O., Ogunleye, M.T. and B.O. Malik (2014) Morphological Growth Responses of Papaya Seedlings to Applied Fertilizer Types and Rates. 32nd Annual Conference of Horticultural Society of Nigeria (HORTSON) held at the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria on October 19-23, 2014, pp. 118-123. (Eds.) Olasantan, F.O., Aiyelaagbe, I.O.O., Olubode, O.O. Makinde, E.A. and J.G. Bodunde. Published by HORTSON.
40. Olubode, O.O., Joseph-Adekunle, T.T and O.M. Odeyemi. (2014). Keeping quality responses of plantain/banana to different storage media. In: Organic Agriculture Research: A Catalyst for Sustainable National Agricultural Transformation Agenda. Proceedings of the 10th Organic National Conference on Organic Agriculture (ONCOA). held at the Lagoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomosho, Nigeria on October 19-23, 2014, pp 100-103. (Eds) T.I. Olabiyi and I.F. Bolarinwa. Published by Organic Agriculture In Tertiary Institution In Nigeria (OAPTIN).
41. Olubode, O.O., Hammed, L.A., Odeyemi, O.M., Adekoya, F.J, Meroyi, F.M. And O.I. Ogunlade (2016) Influence of Moisture Regimes and Organic Manure on Nutrient Dynamics and Growth of Cashew Varieties (Anacardium occidentale), Acta Hortic. 1225.: 125-131. doi 10.17660/ActaHortic.2018.1225.16. Proc. III All Africa Horticultural Congress. (Eds: I.O.O. Aiyelaagbe et al.), a conference held during August 6-12, 2016 at the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria. Organized by the International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS). Published by International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS), Belgium (Foreign).
42. Olubode, O.O., Aiyelaagbe, I.O.O., Hammed, L.A., Olosunde, O.M. and T.T. Joseph-Adekunle (2016) Building Capacity In Higher Education Horticulture In Nigeria: The Contribution of The Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. Acta Hortic. 1225.: 393-398. doi 10.17660/ActaHortic.2018.1225.55. Proc. III All Africa Horticultural Congress. (Eds: I.O.O. Aiyelaagbe et al.), a conference held during August 6-12, 2016 at the International Institute for Tropical Agriculture (IITA), Ibadan, Nigeria. Organized by the International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS). Published by International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS), Belgium (Foreign).
43. Olubode, O.O., Odeyemi, M.O.A., Lawal, K., George, P., and Idris, K. (2017). Seedlings’ growth responses of cashew varieties (Anacardium occidentale) to cotyledon pruning and manure rates. Proc. 13th Organic National Conference on Organic Agriculture, Lapai, Nigeria. Published by OAPTIN
44. *Olubode, O.O., Yisau, O.P., Olubode, A.A., Oyegoke, C.O. (2018) Growth Medium and Soil Amendment Type and Rate on Seedling Growth Responses of African Star Apple (Chrysophyllum albidum). Proceedings of the 36th Annual Conference of Horticultural Society of Nigeria (HORTSON), Lafia 2018 held on 18th – 22nd November 2018 at Nasarawa State University, Keffi, Nasarawa State, Nigeria pp 337-346. Published by HORTSON.
45. *Olubode, O.O., Amidu, S.B., Atilola, I.A., Okunloye, O.O., Olukanni, O.S., Olubode, A.A., Oyegoke, C.O. (2019) Influence of growth medium and fertilizer type and rate on seedling growth response of cashew (Anacardium occidentales). Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of Horticultural Society of Nigeria, held at the Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo, Ondo State Nigeria. 18th – 22nd November 2019 pp 682-687. In: Eds: Adesina, J. M., Iwala, O. S., Kekere, O. and Ajayi, A. J. Ajayi E. O. & Idowu-Agida O.O. Published by HORTSON.
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