
OSINUGA Idowu Ademola 

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Short Profile

Prof. I. A. Osinuga is an Associate Professor of Optimization Theory and former Acting
Head, Department of Mathematics, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State,
Nigeria. He completed his PhD degree in Mathematics in 2008 with focus on nonlinear and
applied optimization from the University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria.
He has published over forty (40) scholarly articles in reputable local and international
journals. He has also presented papers (including invited talks) at conferences at home and
abroad as well as served as session organizer and panelist. He was a lead organizer in a special
issue – Advances and Trends in Optimization Theory and Applications for the journal WSEAS
Transactions on Mathematics. As part of expert assignments he has been engaged in, he is an
active reviewer to many reputable scientific journals and conference proceedings both at home
and abroad. He is the leader of research group on optimization theory and operations research in
his university and also involved in book research projects on implementations of Open Access
solutions since 2009. He has served as External Examiner for MSc dissertations and Doctoral
Theses in several Universities in Nigeria and abroad. He has also served in various University
Committees such as Students Industrial Work Experience Scheme (SIWES), Community-based
Farming Scheme (COBFAS), etc.; as well as College Representative on the Board of College of
Animal Science and Livestock Production (COLANIM).
In 2010, he won the TWAS/UNESCO associateship award for postdoctoral research at the
Centre for Advanced Studies in Mathematics, Lahore University of Management Sciences,
Lahore, Pakistan. He has also won several travel awards (including 2015 and 2016 TETFUND
Conference Intervention Award in 2017 to attend Southern African Mathematical Sciences
Association (SAMSA) conference in Tanzania and Open Arms Grants to attend International
Congress of Mathematicians in 2018 at the Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). He is a grantee of the
International Mathematical Union (IMU) – Simons African Fellowship Program award in June
2021. The grant is tenable for a short research stay at the University of Nis, Nis, Republic of
At the community and national levels, he is the Secretary, Remo Growth and Development
Foundation, Education and Technology Directorate, Sagamu, Nigeria since 2015 (involved in
training the trainers’ mental arithmetic programme in primary and junior secondary schools in
Remo Local Government of Ogun State). He served as the Centre Supervisor for Joint Admissions
and Matriculation Board (JAMB) in June 2021 and volunteered to serve in the academic brief committee
to define and plan roadmap and masterplan for the proposed Remo University.
His research interests are Nonlinear Optimization, Applied Operations Research,
Computational Mathematics and applications of optimization techniques in machine learning
problems. Prof. Osinuga is a member of the Nigerian Mathematical Society (NMS), Society for
Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) and SIAM Activity Group on Optimization (SIAGOPT).

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