
OYEWOLE Olusola Bandele 


Short Profile

Professor Olusola Oyewole is the Secretary General Association of African Universities (AAU) and the Immediate past Vice-Chancellor of the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. He has served as a Senior Expert (Quality Assurance, Mobility and Scholarships) at the Department of Human Resources, Science and Technology of the African Union Commission in Ethiopia, Addis-Ababa, from 2009 to 2010.

Prior to coming over to the African Union Commission, Prof. Oyewole was the Coordinator of the British Government sponsored project on the “Mobilization of Regional Initiatives for the revitalization of higher education in Africa”, at the Association of African Universities (AAU), Accra, Ghana, from 2007 to 2009. His assignment involved promotion and management of African continental research networking and research programs for development. He has also served as the Project Officer of the World Bank project on “Quality Assurance for African Higher Education systems” at the Association of African Universities (2006 – 2009).

He was the Head of the Department of Food Science and Technology (1992-1999), the Director of the Equipment Maintenance Centre and prior to his coming to AAU, as the Director of the Research and Development Centre at the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. Prof. Oyewole was born in Kaduna on September 30, 1955, and hails from Abeokuta, in Ogun State, Nigeria. He had his higher education at the University of Ife (Now, Obafemi Awolowo University), Ile Ife, Nigeria, where he obtained his Bachelor’s degree in 1981, and Masters and Doctorate (PhD) degrees in 1984 and 1991 respectively, from the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. He has served as a Consultant to the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, on: “Fermentation of Legumes, Seeds and Nuts in Africa”; “Fermentation of Non-Grain Starchy staples in African countries”, and on Food Biotechnology.

He has been involved in leading various research programs supported by the United Kingdom DFID, the European Union and the African Union. He has worked in various food research laboratories, in and out side Nigeria. He was at the Federal Institute for Industrial Research, Oshodi, Nigeria, for a one year sabbatical leave in 1999 – 2000, during which he was associated with various researches on food and industrial wastes.
Prof. Olusola Oyewole is highly computer literate and has demonstrable experience in international project planning, management and monitoring. He has worked in national, regional and continental organizations and has experience in coordinating multinational research and development programs. He has track records and experience in International and Inter-Governmental Relations, Advocacy and Lobbying for Research and Research Funding.

Olusola Oyewole background research interest is in Food Microbiology and has over eighty publications in various areas covering cassava processing and fermentation, lactic acid bacteria and various other African foods. He has been involved in various collaborative researches for the commercialization of African foods and was the project leader of the cassava research group that established the cassava processing plant at the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria.

He was a former grantee of the International Foundation of Science in Stockholm, Sweden. He was awarded the IFS / DANIDA Award in 1999 which was given to honour researchers from Sub-Saharan Africa who have made noteworthy achievements clearly associated with research work supported fully or in part by the International Foundation for Science. He also received the International Foundation for Science [IFS] / King Baudouin Award for report of research of exceptional merit among IFS funded researches [December, 1992] . He is currently serving as a Scientific Adviser in the area of Food Science to IFS.

Olusola Oyewole was a member of the team that developed the Strategic Plan of the Lagos State University (LASU) – 2005 to 2010. He was also a member of the Caleb University ( Lagos, Nigeria) Planning and Implementation Committee ( 2005 – 2008). Over the years, Olusola Oyewole has developed interest in the development of Higher Education in Africa. His areas of focus include quality assurance, leadership and management in African higher education systems, research systems. He was one of the moderators of the African Union discussion forum on the Harmonization and ratings of higher education in African. He was a Deputy Board member of the NOMA program of the Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Higher Education (SIU)(2007-2009).

At the African Union, Prof. Olusola Oyewole was charged with the Coordination of the Mwalimu Nyerere Scheme, which programs include the African Quality Rating Mechanisms (AQRM) scheme, the Mwalimu Nyerere Scholarship program, and the African – EU-ACP Mobility scheme. He is currently a member of the Advisory Group of the OECD Programme on Innovation, Higher Education and Research for Development, and the Tuning Africa Quality Assurance program.

University of Ibadan, Nigeria: August, 1990.

University of Ibadan, Nigeria: November, 1984.

Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile Ife, Nigeria: June, 1981.

Research interest:

Higher Education Research,
Quality Assurance in Higher Education,
Research project planning and evaluation,
Food Fermentation; Food Quality and Preservation;
Lactic acid bacteria; Yeasts, Enzyme Technology and Plasmids
Processing of Legumes, Cereals, Roots and Tubers;
Upgrading of traditional food technology;
Post-harvest Processing and commercialization.


i. Gender and Institutional Culture in Five African Universities (GICAU)- Final Project Workshop, African Gender Institute. University of Cape Town, March 28 – 29, 2006

ii. UNESCO Forum on Higher Education, Research and Knowledge Workshop on the Comparative Analysis of National Research Systems (Paris, France). 6-7 April 2006.

iii. Technical and Ministerial Sessions of the 1st ACP Ministers of Education Meeting, ACP House, Brussels, Belgium. 3 – 5 May, 2006.

iv. “Higher Education at the heart of development strategies in francophone Africa” (L’Enseignement Superieur au coeur des Strategies de Developpment en Afrique Francophone ). June 12 – 15 , 2006.

v. International Seminar on “ Higher Agricultural Education and International Cooperation : Role and strategies of Universities. Agropolis, Montpelier, France. 27 – 29 September, 2006. I made an oral presentation on behalf of AAU and the WGHE of ADEA titled: “Higher agricultural education and international cooperation in African Universities : the synergic roles of AAU and the WGHE”

vi. Meeting of the Ad-hoc Committee on the equivalence of Certificates held at the ECOWAS Secretariat on 3 – 5, October, 2006. I made a presentation titled: “ Strategies for the Implementation of the General Convention on Recognition and Equivalence of Diplomas and Certificates in the ECOWAS sub-region”.

vii. UNESCO Forum on Higher Education Research and Knowledge Workshop on the Comparative Analysis on National Research Systems ( Paris, France, 6-7 November 2006). Made a presentation titled: “ The Research and Development Centre of the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta – A model research coordinating centre in an African institution”

viii. Expert Meeting called by the African Union Commission, on the Strategy for the Harmonization of Higher Education programmes in Africa – Opportunities, andChallenges. |Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia. March 5 – 6, 2007.

ix. Project Review Meeting: Higher Education in Africa – the International Dimension. March 6 – 8, Cairo, Egypt.

x. Norad’s Programme for Masters’ Studies (NOMA)- Board Meetings, March 22, May 15, 2007

xi. 15th Bi-Annual Conference of the International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher |Education (INQAAHE) held at Toronto, Canada. April 2- 5,2007. Made a presentation in a Panel discussion on the ‘African Quality Assurance – the Way Forward’.

xii. African Union Commission Experts Meeting on ‘ Developing an African Higher Education Quality Rating System’. May 7 – 8, Accra, Ghana.

xiii. The Third Ordinary Session of the Conference of African Ministers of Education of the African Union (COMEDAF. III) _ expert and Ministers meetings. Johannesburg, South Africa. August 9 – 16, 2007.

xiv. Third Global Forum on International Quality Assurance, Accreditation and the Recognition of qualifications. ( Learners and new higher education spaces : from principles to practice). Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, 13 – 14 September, 2007. Presented a paper titled: “ New Challenges for Quality Assurance – African situation and the current African Union harmonization initiative”.

xv. Second International Conference On Quality Assurance In Higher Education In Africa. Hosted by the Open University of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: 17–19 September, 2007. Presented a paper titled : “Quality Assurance Situation And Needs In Different Regions Of Africa”.

xvi. Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation (Senter for Internasjonalisering av hoyere ut danning – SIU) International Conference on “Higher education in development”. 18 – 20 October, 2007 at VIP Hotel, Maputo, Mozambique. Presented as paper titled: “Emerging challenges facing African higher education institutions”.

xvii. Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Higher Education, Bergen, Norway. 2008 Bridges of Knowledge Conference. Presented a paper titled: “Internationalization and its implications for the quality of higher education in Africa. October 25 – 26, 2007.

xviii. Ethiopian Government Summit on Higher Education System in Ethiopia, supported by the Government of Netherlands. Made a presentation titled: Funding university research in Africa. Dec. 14, 2007.

xix. UNESCO Workshop . UNESCO Forum on Research Systems. January 14 – 16,2008. Paris, France.

xx. World Bank Meeting with Regional Quality Assurance Agencies involved in the Global Initiatives on Quality Assurance (GIQAC).Washington D.C. January 30, 2008. ( Also attended 2008 CHEA conference from January 28 – 29).

xxi. Workshop on the “Establishment of a consortium of African Open Universities and a continental quality assurance and accreditation agency fr distance education.University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa. February 21 – 23, 2008.

xxii. Project Coordination and Monitoring Mission to the Southern African Regional Universities Association (SARUA), Johannesburg, South Africa. April 26-27, 2008.

xxiii. Participated in the Steering Committee Meeting as a member of the Steering Committee of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 2009 International Conference on “ The Use of Biotechnologies for Food and Agriculture in Developing Countries : learning from the past and planning for the future”. 10 – 11 July, 2008. Rome, Italy.

xxiv. Participated in the “ Validation meeting for Performance Indicators for the Plan of Action for the Second Decade of Education for Africa “. African Union. 29 July to 1 August, 2008. Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia.

xxv. Served as a resource person and participated in the “Stakeholders Workshop on Enhancing Quality in Higher Education in Kenya”. Commission of Higher Education, Nairobi, Kenya. 13- 15 August, 2008. Made a presentation titled: “Ranking of Universities in Africa” at this Workshop.

Undergraduate Supervision:
I have supervised over 120 Undergraduate research work. This has given me opportunity to mentor many of these students, some of who have gone ahead to undertake post-graduate studies in and outside Nigeria, while others are gainfully employed or self-employed.

Post-graduate Supervision:
I have served as the lead supervisor of the following eleven Post-graduate Thesis,

(i) Akinsete, Juliana Adedayo (93/0014): Studies into alternative cooking methods for melon in Ogiri production. M.Sc. 2002

(ii) Akingboro, Ogbetawan Akinyemi (PG 95.009) Physico-chemical , microbiological and sensory qualities of dried fufu from various cassava processor in South West Nigeria . M.Sc. 2009

(iii) Obadina, Adewale Olusegun (PG/99/0188) : Studies into the anti-fungal activities of Lactobailii plantarum strains isolated from fermenting maize (ogi). M.Sc. 2002

(iv) Akinsanmi Sekeenat Motunrayo (PG/00/0071) Effect of single and backsloping starter cultures on the fermentation time and quality of ‘gari’ – a fermented cassava product. M.Sc.2003

(v) Sobowale, Aminat Olabisi ( PG/95/0038)Effect of lactic acid fermentation on cassava on the functional and sensory characterisitics of cassava flour.M.Sc. 2005

(vi) Ogunjirin, Titilayo: Ethanol production from cassava flour using crude amylase from germinated rice paddy and yeasts from palm wine. M.Sc. 2006.

(vii) Abayomi, Adebimpe Fausat. (PG/02/0001) Evaluation of quality attributes of ‘ofada’ rice from local processors in Obafemi owode Local Government Area of Ogun State, Nigeria. M.Sc. 2008

(viii) Ajibola, Folashade Omolara, (PG/01/0498 ) Enzymatic production of ethanol from cassava starch using two strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. M.Sc. 2009

(ix) Santos-Martins, Abimbola Abikeade . (PG/02/0239) Effect of packaging materials and storage [period on the quality of yam-cassava, poundo flour. M.Sc. 2010

(x) Obadina, Adwale Olusegun (PG/99/0188) Studies into the Microbiological Safety and Quality of Cassava Fufu. Phd. December, 2005

(xi) Babajide, Joan.Modupe Joan (PG/93/0020) Processing and Quality improvement of traditional dry-yam tuber slices (gbodo) and yam flour (elubo). PhD. December, 2005

(xii) I am currently supervising Three PhD and 2 Masters students in the Department of Food Science and Technology.


Received the International Foundation for Science (IFS) / King Baudouin Award – for report of research of exceptional merit among IFS funded researches (December, 1992)
Received the Award of “Outstanding Young Persons” ( Academic Accomplishment). Abeokuta Junior Chambers. January 2002.

Awarded “The IFS / DANIDA AWARD” to honour researchers from Sub-Saharan Africa who have made noteworthy achievements clearly associated with research work supported fully or in part by the International Foundation for Science, 1999.

Received the Award of “Outstanding International Ambassador”. Presented by the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. January 01, 2012.


Awarded the Federal Government of Nigeria postgraduate scholarship for a Master of Science course in microbiology. 1983.

Awarded a DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) Research Fellowship by the German Academic Exchange Service, Federal Republic of Germany. (August to November, 1989).


Research Grantee, International Foundation for Science [1986 to 1998]

Received the International Foundation for Science [IFS] / King Baudouin Award – for report of research of exceptional merit among IFS funded researches [December, 1992]

Awarded The IFS / DANIDA AWARD in 1999 to honour researchers from Sub-Saharan Africa who have made noteworthy achievements clearly associated with research work supported fully or in part by the International Foundation for Science.

Chairman, FAO/WHO Workshop on fermentation as a household technology to improve food safety. Pretoria, South Africa. 11-15 December, 1995.

Member, International Advisory group on the “ Application of biotechnology to traditional fermented foods. National research Council. Washington, USA. 1991.

Consultant : Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, on : “Fermentation of Legumes, Seeds and Nuts in Africa” and “Fermentation of Non-Grain Starchy staples in African countries”.

Vice-Chancellor (2012 – 2017)

Head of the Department of Food Science and Technology (1992-1999)

Director of the Research and Development Centre

Professional Member, Institute of Food Technologists [IFT], USA. June, 1987

Member, Society for Applied Bacteriology, Britain. January, 1987.

Member, Nigerian Society for Microbiology. September, 1980.

Member, Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology. May, 1990

Member, International Society for Tropical Root Crops. October, 1991.

Member, African Network for the Internationalization of Education (ANIE). 2009

OYEWOLE, O.B. [2003] “Fermented Foods and Food Security in Africa”. Paper presentation at the International Working Meeting on “ Food Africa”. –Improving food systems in Sub-Saharan Africa. IFS, NRI, and European Union.Yaounde, Cameroon, 5 – 9 May, 2003.

OYEWOLE, O.B. AND SANNI, L.O. [2003] Cassava Processing in Nigeria – the constraints and prospects. International workshop on cassava small and medium enterprises hosted by the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria(March 24 – 28, 2003)

OYEWOLE, O.B. (2001) Industrialization of Africa’s fermented foods. Poster presentation at the 11th World Congress of the Food Technologists, held in Seoul, Korea on 23rd – 27th April, 2001

OYEWOLE, O. B.,1** L. O. SANNI1, DIPEOLU, A. O. 1, ADEBAYO, K. 1,AYINDE, I. A. 1, PEARCE, D. M. 2, WHITE, J. L. 2, TOMLINS, K. 2, WESTBY,A. (2001) Improved processing technology for the fermentation of cassava to fufu. Oral presentation at the 11th World Congress of Food Technologists. Seoul, Korea. 23rd – 27th April, 2001.

OYEWOLE, O.B. (2000) Cashew Juice Production Technology. Presentation at the International Workshop tagged : ‘Cashing on Cashew’( Electronic). November 13 – 15, 2000. Marawila, Sri-Lanka

OYEWOLE, O.B. [1999]“ “ Industrialization of cassava processing in Africa. Oral presentation at the International Workshop on : :Small scale Food Industries for a healthy Nutrition in West Africa’ 22 – 24 November, 1999, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso,

Participated in an international Workshop on : “ Small scale Food Industries for a healthy Nutrition in West Africa, 22 – 24 November, 1999, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, where I presented a paper titled: “ Industrialization of cassava processing”.

OYEWOLE, O.B. (1995) “Lactic Fermented Foods of Africa ”. Oral presentation at the World Health Organisation Workshop on “ Fermentation as a Household Technology to improve food safety. Pretoria, South Africa. 11-15 Dec, 1995. Also acted as the Chairman of the meeting.

OYEWOLE, O.B. (1993) Application of biotechnology to African fermented foods. Invited Oral presentation at the UNESCO/ WHO organized conference on African Science and Technology ( AFRISTEC, 93)” held at Dakar, Senegal. December 13-18, 1993.

Participated in the workshop on “Informatics in Food and Nutrition” – Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Stockholm, Sweden. 11 – 13 November, 1991.

Attended the Workshop on “Traditional African Foods – Quality and Nutrition”. Organized by the International Foundation for Science, Stockholm, Sweden and the Natural Resources Institute, Britain. Held at Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania. November 25 – 29, 1991.

Participated in the Regional Training Course on “The use of irradiation to reduce post-harvest food losses in Africa” – held at the Ghana National Nuclear Research Institute, Accra, Ghana. November 09 to December 04, 1992.

OYEWOLE, O.B. and ODUNFA, S.A (1990) “Co-fermentation of cassava with legumes for protein-rich fermented cassava (‘fufu’). Oral presentation at an International Course titled : “Cassava and Health”. Held at the International Child Health Unit, Department of Pediatrics, Uppsala University, Sweden. May 30, 1990.

OYEWOLE, O.B. (1991) “Upgrading traditional cassava fermentation through process improvement. Oral presentation at the Ninth Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops. Held at Accra International Conference Centre, Accra, Ghana. 20 – 26th October, 1991. Pg. 68 of the Book of Abstracts.


1 Regional Training Course on the use of irradiation to reduce Post-Harvest food losses in Africa. Held at the National Nuclear Research Institute, Ghana Atomic Energy Commission, Accra, Ghana, 9 November – 4 December, 1992.

2 “Teaching Large Classes” – Virtual Institute for Higher Education Pedagogy. National Universities Commission, Abuja, Nigeria. September, 2003

3 “ New Technologies in teaching and learning in Higher Education”. Virtual Institute for Higher Education Pedagogy. National Universities Commission, Abuja, Nigeria. November, 2003.

4 Training Workshops for the Development of Quality Culture in East African Universities . 2009 to 2011. This training Program on Quality Assurance was supported by the European Union and EDULINK. I served a as a Participant and asa resource person in the multi- nation program involving Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Spain , and Germany. A Book titled: “Guide for the Promotion of the Quality Culture in Eats-African Universities” was jointly produced.

5 “Leadership Development for Higher Education Institutions in Africa” (LEDEV), Association of African Universities, Accra, July, 2009


“Microbiological studies on cassava fermentation for ‘lafun’ and ‘fufu production. Ph.D Thesis. Department of Botany and Microbiology, University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. 230 pp. [Supervisor : Prof. S.A. Odunfa].

“Studies on Bacillus species from fermenting locust bean (Parkia biglobosa)” .M.Sc. Dissertation, Department of Botany and Microbiology, University of Ibadan, Ibadan; Nigeria. 93 pp. [Supervisor : Prof. S.A. Odunfa].

“Screening of Spondias mombin and Alchornia cordifolia leaves for antibacterialeffects”. B.Sc. Research Project Report. University of Ife [Now : Obafemi Awolowo University], Ile Ife, Nigeria. 86 pp. [Supervisor : Prof. O.O. Shonukan].


1. ODUNFA. S.A. and OYEWOLE, O.B [1986] Identification of Bacillus species from ‘iru’, an African fermented locust bean product. Journal of Basic Microbiology , 26 (2). 101 – 108. (Abstract)

2. OYEWOLE , O.B. and ODUNFA, S.A. [1988] Microbiological studies oncassava fermentation for ‘lafun’ production. Food Microbiology, 5, 125 – 133

3. OYEWOLE, OLUSOLA . B. and ODUNFA, S. AYO [1989] Effects of fermentation on the carbohydrate, mineral and protein contents of cassava during ‘fufu’ production. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. 2, (2) 170 – 176.

4. OYEWOLE, O.B. [1990] Optimization of cassava fermentation for ‘fufu’ production; Effects of single starter cultures. Journal of Applied Bacteriology 68 , 49 – 54.

5. OYEWOLE, O.B. and ODUNFA, S.A. [1990] Characterization and distribution of lactic acid bacteria in cassava fermentation during ‘fufu’ production. Journal of Applied Bacteriology. 68 , 145 – 152 .

6. OYEWOLE, O.B. and ODUNFA, S.A. [1990] Effect of cooking method on water absorption and ease of dehulling in preparation of African locust bean for ‘iru’. International Journal of Food Science and Technology. 25, 461 – 463

7. OYEWOLE, O.B. [1991] Fermentation of cassava for “lafun” and “fufu” production in Nigeria. Food Laboratory, 7,(2) 29-31.

8. OYEWOLE, O.B. and ODUNFA, S.A. [1992] Extra-cellular enzyme activities during cassava fermentation for ‘fufu’ production. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology. 8, 71 – 72.

9. OYEWOLE, O.B. and ODUNFA, S.A. (1992) Effect of processing variables on cassava fermentation for ‘fufu’ production. Tropical Science , 32, 231 – 240.

10. OYEWOLE, O.B. and AIBOR, A.M. [1992) Fermentation of cassava with cowpea and soya-bean for an enriched ‘fufu’ Tropical Science , 33, 9-15.

11. OYEWOLE, O.B. and OBIEZE, N. [1995] Processing and Characteristics of “Tapioca” meal from cassava. Tropical Science, 35, 19-22.

12. OYEWOLE, O.B., SANNI, L.O., and OGUNJOBI, M.A. [1996] Production of biscuits using cassava flour. Nigerian Food Journal 14, 25-30.

13. OYEWOLE, Olusola B. [1997] Lactic Fermented Foods in Africa and their benefits. Food Control. 8,(5/6), 289-297.

14. SANNI, L.O., OYEWOLE, O.B. and OLOWOGBADE, D.V. [1998] Effect of different drying methods on ‘lafun’ (fermented cassava flour). Tropical Science, 3, 1-4.

15. SANNI, M.O., OGUNTONA, C.R.B., SANNI, L.O. and OYEWOLE, O.B. [1999] Total Viable Bacterial and Coliform counts of some common foods in Abeokuta,Nigeria. West African Journal of Food and Nutrition. 2, (2), 51 – 60.

16. OYEWOLE, O.B. and SHONUKAN, O.O. [1999] Antimicrobial effects of Alchornia cordifolia and Spondias mombin ( Two Nigerians Medicinal Plants). The Bioprospector, Vol.1 ( No. 2), 32 – 35.

17. MORDI, J.I., OYEWOLE, O.B. and ASAGBRA, A.E. [1999] Production of soy yogurt using lactic acid bacteria from cassava. West African Journal of Food and Nutrition. 2 (2), 46 – 50.

18. SANNI, L.O., OYEWOLE, O.B. and EJIDOH, N.N. [1999} Qualities of yogurt produced from melon seeds ( Colocynthis citrullus L). West African Journal of Food and Nutrition, Vol. 2(No.1), 16 – 19.

19. SANNI, L.O., OYEWOLE, O.B. and AKINGBALA, J.O. [2000] The effect of controlled and uncontrolled solar drying on the drying temperatures, heat fluxes, proximate composition and functional properties of soybean. Tropical Oil Seeds Journal. Vol. 5, 62 –68 .

20. OYEWOLE, O.B. [2001] Characteristics and significance of yeasts involvement in cassava fermentation for ‘fufu’ production. International Journal of Food Microbiology, Vol. 65 (3), 213 – 218.

21. OYEWOLE, O.B. and AFOLAMI, O.A. [2001] Quality and preference of different cassava varieties for ‘lafun’ production. The Journal of Food Technology in Africa, Vol. 6 (1), 27 – 29.

22. OYEWOLE, O.B. and OGUNDELE, A.O. [2001] Effect of length of fermentation on the characteristics of fermented cassava ‘fufu’. The Journal of Food Technology in Africa, Vol. 6 (2), 38 – 40.

23. FASORIYO, S.B., OBATOLU, V.A., ASHAYE, O. and O. OYEWOLE [2002] Chemical and sensory qualities of home-level flake maize products. Nutrition and Food Science, Vol. 32 (3), 110 – 113.

24. ASAGBRA, A. and OYEWOLE, O.B. [2002] Fermentation studies on carrot juice processed to table wine. Nigerian Food Journal, Vol. 20, 74-8

25. ADEBAYO, K., WHITE, J.L., MORRIS, M.J., DIPEOLU, A.O., AYINDE, I.A., WANDSCHNEIDER, T.S., SANNI, L.O., OYEWOLE, O.B., AND WESTBY, A. (2003) Innovativeness and stake-holder-ship in the “fufu’ processing systems in South-West Nigeria. ASSET Series A. 3(4): 15-27.

26. AKEGBEJO-SAMSONS, Y., OYEWOLE, O.B., OLAYINKA, S.O. AND OLANIYAN, T.O. (2004) Chemical composition and binding power of dried pulp wastes produced from the African locust bean (Parkia biglobosa) in low-cost fish diets. Ife Journal of Science, 6,(1), 30-34.

27. JOHN O, AKINGBALA, OLUSOLA B. OYEWOLE, PHYLIS I, UZO-PETERS, RAMOTA O. KARIM AND GAIL S.H. BACCUS-TAYLOR (2005) Evaluating stored cassava quality in ‘Gari” production. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment, Vol. 3 (1) : 75 – 80

28. AGNES, E. ASAGBRA., ABIODUN, I. SANNI and OLUSOLA, B. OYEWOLE (2005) Solid-state fermentation production of tetracycline by Streptomyces strain using some agricultural wastes as substrates. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 21 (2) 107 – 114.

29. ASAGBRA, A., OYEWOLE, O.B., and ODUNFA, S.A. (2005) Production of oxytetracycline from agricultural wastes using Streptomyces spp . Nigerian Food Journal, (23): 174 – 182.

30. OBADINA, A.O., OYEWOLE, O.B. SANNI, L.O AND KEITH, T.I. (2006). Biopreservative activities of L. plantarum strains in Fermenting Cassava ‘fufu’. African Journal of Biotechnology. Vol. 5 (8), pp.620-623.

31. OBADINA, A.O. OYEWOLE, O.B. SANNI, L.O., AND ABIOLA, S.S. (2006). Fungal enrichment of cassava peels protein. African Journal of Biotechnology.Vol.5 (3), pp. 302-304.

32. BABAJIDE J.M., OYEWOLE, O.B., AND OBADINA, A.O. (2006). An assessment of the microbiological safety of dry yam (gbodo) processed in southwest Nigeria. African Journal of Biotechnology. Vol. 5 (2), pp. 157-161.

33. BABAJIDE, J.M., OYEWOLE, O.B., HENSHAW, F.O., BABAJIDE, S.O., OLASANTAN, F.O. (2006) Effect of local preservatives on quality of traditional dry-yam “Gbodo” and its products. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2 (3), 267 – 273.

34. ASAGNRA, A.E., SANNI, A.I. and OYEWOLE, O.B. (2006) Characterization and fermentation studies on a Streptomyces strain of Nigerian soil origin. Journal of Industrial Research & Technology, 1: 1-9

35. ASAGBRA, A.E., SANNI, A.I. and OYEWOLE, O.B. (2006) Improvement of tetracycline production by Streptomyces sp OXC1 in medium containing organic nitrogen and lipids. International Journal of Research in Bioscience . 3 (4), 7-14

36. SANNI, L.O., ADEBOWALE, A.A., FILANI, T.A., OYEWOLE, O.B., and WESTBY, A. (2006) Quality of flash and rotary-dried ‘fufu’ flour. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment. Vol. 4 (3 and 4), 74 – 78.

37. SOBOWALE, A.O., OLURIN, T.O., and OYEWOLE, O.B. (2006) Effect of lactic acid bacteria starter culture fermentation of cassava on chemical and sensory characteristics of ‘fufu’ flour. African Journal of Biotechnology, Vol. 6 ( No. 16). Pp. 1954 – 1958

38. OBADINA, A.O., OYEWOLE, O.B. AND ODUBANJO M.O. (2007). Effect of storage on the safety and quality of fufu flour. Journal of Food safety. 27, 148 – 156

39. OMEMU, A.M., OYEWOLE, O.B., AND BANKOLE, M.O (2007) Significance of yeasts in the fermentation of maize for ogi production. Food Microbiology. 24(6):571-576.

40. BABAJIDE, J.M., BABAJIDE, S.O. and OYEWOLE, O.B. (2007) Survey of traditional dry-yam slices (‘Gbodo’) processing operations in Southwest, Nigeria. American – Eurasian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 1(1), 45-49

41. KEITH TOMLINS, LATEEF SANNI, OLUSOLA OYEWOLE, ADEWALE DIPEOLU, IDRIS AYINDE, KOLAWOLE ADEBAYO and ANDREW WESTBY ( 2007) Consumer acceptability and sensory evaluation of a fermented cassava product ( Nigerian fufu). Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 87, 1949 – 1956.

42. OMEMU, A.M, BANKOLE, M.O, OYEWOLE, O.B, and AKINTOKUN, A.K (2007) Yeasts and Moulds Associated with ogi – A Cereal Based Weaning Food During Storage. Research Journal of Microbiology 2 (2): 141-148.

43. ONITILO, M.O., SANNI, L.O., OYEWOLE, O.B., and MAZIYA-DIXON, B. (2007) Physico-chemical and functional properties of sour starches from different cassava varieties. International Journal of Food Properties, 10, 1 – 14

44. OBADINA, A.O., OYEWOLE, O.B., SANNI, L.O., TOMLINS, K.I., and WESTBY, A. (2008) Identification of Hazard and Critical Control Points (CCP) for cassava fufu processing in South-West Nigeria. Food Control. Vol. 19,(1), Jan. 2008. Pages 22 -26

45. OBADINA, A.O., OYEWOLE, O.B. AND AWOJOBI, T.M. (2008) Effect of steeping time of milled grains on the quality of kunnu-Zaki ( A Nigerian beverage). African Journal of Food Science. Vol. 2, 33-36.

46. BABAJIDE, J.M.,HENSHAW, F.O. and OYEWOLE, O.B. (2008) Effect of yam variety on the pasting properties and sensory attributes of dry-yam pieces and its products. Journal of Food Quality, 31, 295-305

47. OBADINA, A.O, OYEWOLE, O.B. and OGUNDIPE, F.O. (2009). Effect of packaging material on the spoilage and shelf-life of cooked ‘fufu’. Nigerian Food Journal. Vol. 27, No.2. pp. 17 – 24.

48. OBADINA, A.O., OYEWOLE, O.B., and ODUSAMI, A.O. (2009) Microbiological safety and quality assessment of some fermented cassava product (‘lafun’, ‘fufu’, ‘gari’). Scientific Research and Essay, 4(5) 432-435.

49. OBADINA, A.O., OYEWOLE, O.B., SANNI, L.O., TOMLINS, K.I., and WESTBY, A. (2010) Improvement of the hygienic quality of ‘ wet ’ fufu produced in South west Nigeria. Food Control. Vol. 21. Issue 5, May 2010. Pages. 639 – 643. ISSN 0956-7135

50. BABAJIDE, J.M., OYEBANJO, A.A., and OYEWOLE, O.B. (2010) Effect of storage on microbial and sensory qualities of packaged yam-cassava ‘poundo’ flour. ASSETS Series A.. ( Accepted in June, 2010. To appear in Vol. 9(1))

51. OBADINA, A.O, OYEWOLE, O.B. and OLALEYE, A.O. (2010). Development and Evaluation of fortified tapioca meal with coconut and banana pulp. Nigerian Food Journal. Vol. 28, No.2. pp. 294 – 301.

52. OBADINA, A.O, OYEWOLE, O.B. and ARCHIBONG, U.E. (2011). Effect of processing on the qualities of noodles produced from corn grit and cassava flour. International Food Research Journal. 18(4).pp 1563 – 1568.

53. ADENIRAN, Olufunmilayo, ATANDA, Olusegun, EDEMA, Mojisola, OYEWOLE, Olusola (2012) Effect of Lactic Acid Bacteria and Yeasts Starter Cultures on the soaking time and Quality of ‘Ofada’ rice. Food and Nutrition Sciences, 3, 207 – 211


54. OYEWOLE, Olusola B. [1992] Cassava Processing in Africa. In : Application of Biotechnology to traditional fermented foods. National Research Council [USA]. National Academy Press. Washington, DC. USA. (ISBN 0-309-04685). Pg. 89-92.(Chapter in Book)

55. OYEWOLE, O.B. and SANNI, L.O. [1995] Constraints in traditional cassava processing : A case of ‘fufu’ production. In : Transformation Alimentaire Du Manioc [Cassava Food Processing]. Editors: Tom Agbor Egbe, Alain Brauman, Dany Griffon, Serge Treche. Institut Francais de Recherche Scientifique Pour le Developement en Cooperation [ORSTOM], Paris, France. ISBN 2-7099-1279-1. Pg. 523-529. (Chapter in Book)

56. OYEWOLE, O.B. [1995] Application of Biotechnology to Cassava processing in Africa. In : Transformation AlimentaireDu Manioc [Cassava Food Processing]. Editors: Tom Agbor Egbe, Alain Brauman, Dany Griffon, Serge Treche. Institut Francais de Recherche Scientifique Pour le Developement en Cooperation [ORSTOM], Paris, France. ISBN 2-7099-1279-1. Pg. 277 – 286. (Chapter in Books)

57. OYEWOLE, O.B. (1997) Application of biotechnology to cassava processing in Africa. In: ‘Food processing Technologies for Africa’ – Emerging technologies Series.. Hamid A. Dirar. (Ed). United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), Vienna. Pg. 135-142

58. ODUNFA, S.A. and OYEWOLE, O.B. [1997] African Fermented Foods. In: Microbiology of Fermented Foods. Edited by B.J.B. Wood. Second Edition, Volume II.. (ISBN 0 7514 0216 8) Blackie Academic & Professional. London. Pg. 713-752 (Chapter in Book)

59. OYEWOLE, O.B. [1998] Fermentation of grain legumes, seeds and nuts in Africa..In: Fermented Grain Legumes, Seeds and Nuts – The Global perspectives. Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO),.Rome. No. 128561. 53 pp. ( Deshpande, S.S, Salunkhe, D.k., Oyewole, O.B., Azam-Ali, S., Battcock, M., Bressani, R.- FAO Agricultural Services Bulletin, No. 142, FAO, Rome, Italy. Agricultural Support Systems Div. Accession No. 397085, ISBN. 92-5-104444-9, ISSN 1010-1365)

60. OYEWOLE, O.B. [2000] Fermentation of non-grain, starchy staples in African countries. Chapter 2 of : ‘Fermented Non-Grain Starchy Staples : A Global Perspective’. Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO),.Rome FAO, Rome. No. 2144.200.014. 80 pp.

61. OYEWOLE, OLUSOLA B. [2002] The Powers at the roots : Food and its microbial allies. UNAAB Inaugural Lecture. Series No. 15. October 09, 2002. University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. ISBN 978-35943-5-4. 56 pp.

62. SANNI, L.O, AKINGBALA, J.O. OYEWOLE, O.B., BAINBRIDGE, Z.A., GRAFFHAM, A.J, and WESTY, A. [2002] Effects of air drying conditions on the chemical, pasting and sensory properties of ‘fufu’, a fermented cassava product. In : Potential of root crops for food and industrial resources. Edited by Makoto Nakatani and Katsum Komaki. Pg. 100-102

63. OYEWOLE, OLUSOLA BANDELE and PHILLIP, BIOLA ( 2006) Agro-food chains and sustainable livelihood – A case study of cassava marketing in Nigeria. In : Agro-food chains and networks for development. Eds. R. Ruben, M. Slingerland and N. Nijhoff. Springer Publications. The Netherlands. Chapter 9, Pages 107 – 115.

64. OBADINA, A.O, OYEWOLE, O.B, AND AYOOLA, A.A. (2008) Quality Assessment of Gari Produced Using Rotary Dryer. In: Food Processing: Methods, Techniques and Trends. Editor: 2008 Nova Science Publishers, Inc Valerie C. Bellinghouse. ISBN 978-1-60692-414-3. Pg 1-7.

65. OYEWOLE, O.B. and ODUNFA, S.A. [1991] Characterization of lactobacilli in fermenting cassava and their evaluation as cassava starter cultures. In:“Traditional African Foods – Quality and Nutrition” Editors : Westby, A. and Reilly, P.J.A. Proceedings of a regional Workshop held at Tanzania. International Foundation for science, Sweden, Stockholm. ISBN 91-85798-3-4. Pgs. 145-150.

66. OYEWOLE, O.B. [1992] Access to food science information in Nigeria and many parts of West Africa. In : Information Technologies in Food and Nutrition. Editor: Bengt v. Hofsten. Proceedings of a conference held in Stockholm at the Royal Academy of Sciences. Electronic Publication, Oxford Computer Journals Ltd. ISBN 09519493-0-6. 2pp.

67. OYEWOLE, Olusola B. [1993] Potentials of some neglected mushrooms of Nigeria and their revival. In : Lost Crops of Nigeria. Edited by Okojie, J.A. and Okali, D.U.U. Proceeding of a Seminar. University of Agriculture, Nigeria. Pg. 317-322.

68. OYEWOLE, O.B. and AKINGBALA, J.O. [1993] ‘Acha” (Digitaria exilis) – A little known cereal with high potentials. In : Lost Crops of Nigeria. Edited by Okojie, J.A. and Okali, D.U.U. Proceedings of Seminar. University of Agriculture. Pg. 323-326.

69. OYEWOLE, O.B. and ODUNFA, S.A. [1994] Upgrading traditional cassava fermentation through process improvements. [ Symposium Paper].In :“Tropical Root Crops in a developing economy”. Editors: F. Ofori and S.K. Hahn. Proceedings of the 9th Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops. ISBN 978-131-094-4. Pgs. 261-266.

70. DIPEOLU, A., ADEBAYO, K., AYINDE, I.A., OYEWOLE, O.B., SANNI, L.O., PEARCE, D.M., WANDESCHNEIDER, T.S. WHITE, J.L., TOMLINS, K. AND WESTBY, A. (2001) Commercialization of fufu : Some issues of marketing in Ogun and Lagos states of Nigeria. African Crop Science Conference Proceedings, Vol. 5, pp. 739-745.

71. DIPEOLU, A.O., ADEBAYO, K., AYINDE, I. A., OYEWOLE, O. B., SANNI, L. O., PEARCE, D.M., WANDSCHNEIDER, T.S., WHITE, J. L. AND WESTBY, A. (2001) Fufu Marketing Systems in South-West Nigeria. Report R2626. Chatham: Natural Resources. Institute.Pp46

72. SANNI, L.O., AKINGBALA, J.O., OYEWOLE, O.B., BAINBRIDGE, Z.A., GRAFFHAM, A.J. and WESTBY, A. (2002) Effects of air drying conditions on the chemical, pasting and sensory properties of Fufu, a fermented cassava product p.100-103. In Proceedings of the Twelfth Symposium of The International Society for Tropical Root Crops: In : Potential of Root Crops for Food and Industrial Resources, Ed. M. Nakatani and K. Komaki. P. 100 – 103

73. WESTBY, A., VAN OIRSCHOT, Q., TOMLINS, K., NDUNGURU, G., NGENDELLO, T., KAPINGA, R., SANNI, L. AND OYEWOLE, O. (2003) Root and tuber crop post-harvest systems: lessons learned and future Interventions to contribute to food security and poverty alleviation. Invited thematic paper presented at the 13th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops, 8-15 November 2003, Arusha, Tanzania.

74. OYEWOLE, OLUSOLA B. AND ASAGBRA, YEMISI (2003) Improving traditional cassava processing for nutritional enhancement. Food-based approaches for a healthy nutrition. Editors. Joop van Raaj., Serge Treche. IRD, France. Pages 369 – 382.


1. OYEWOLE, O.B. ( 2006) The state of research within the African universities and the challenge of capacity-building. IAU Horizon. October 2006, Vol. 12. No. 3 – 4, Pg. 6 – 7

2. OYEWOLE, O.B. (2007) Developing Quality Assurance Systems in African Universities – AAU Initiatives . Quality Assurance Conference, Abuja, Nigeria. Oct. 6 – 9, 2006

3. OYEWOLE, O.B. (2007)The Research and Development Centre of the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria – A model research coordinating effort in an African University. UNESCO Forum on Higher Education Research and Knowledge Workshop on the Comparative Analysis on National Research Systems ( Paris, France, 6-7 November 2006).

4. OYEWOLE, O.B. and A. LAMPTEY ( 2007) Higher Agricultural Education and International Cooperation in African Universities :- The Synergic Roles of the Association of African Universities (AAU) and the Working Group on Higher Education (WGHE) . International Seminar on “ Higher Agricultural Education and International Cooperation : Role and strategies of Universities. Agropolis, Montpelier, France. 27 – 29 September, 2006.

5. OLUSOLA OYEWOLE, PLACID NJOKU, M.M. SALL, LABIB ARAFEH, and YOHANNES WOLDETENSAE.(2007) Quality Assurance Situation and Needs in Different Regions of Africa. Second International Conference On Quality Assurance In Higher Education In Africa. Hosted by the Open University of Tanzania, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania: 17–19 September, 2007.

6. OYEWOLE, O.B. (2007) New Challenges for Quality Assurance – African situation and the current African Union harmonization initiative. Third Global Forum on International Quality Assurance, Accreditation and the Recognition of qualifications. (Learners and new higher education spaces : from principles to practice). Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania, 13 – 14 September, 2007.

7. OYEWOLE, O.B. (2007) Emerging Challenges Facing African Higher Education Institutions. Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation (Senter for Internasjonalisering av hoyere ut danning – SIU) International Conference on “Higher education in development”. 18 – 20 October, 2007 at VIP Hotel, Maputo, Mozambique.

8. OYEWOLE, O.B. (2007) Internationalizations and its implications for the quality of higher education in Africa. Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation (Senter for Internasjonalisering av hoyere ut danning – SIU) International Conference on “Bridges of Knowledge”. Norway. SIU. Oct. 25 – 26, 2007.

9. OYEWOLE, O.B. (2008) Internationalization of the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. Public lecture on July 23, 2008.

10. OYEWOLE, O.B. (2007) Funding university research in Africa. National Summit on Ethiopian Higher Education System. Dec. 14, 2007.

11. OYEWOLE, O.B. (2008) Ranking of Universities in Africa. Paper presentation at the “Stakeholders Workshop on Enhancing Quality in Higher Education in Kenya”. Commission of Higher Education, Nairobi, Kenya. 13- 15 August, 2008.

12. OYEWOLE, Olusola. (2008) Lessons from NOMA – A pioneering venture in international development cooperation for Higher Education in the South. Presented at the The Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Higher Education (SIU) . SIU Seminar for Project coordinators and Administrators. in the NOMA Programme .4th – 5th November 2008 in Dhaka, Bangladesh. /var/plain/storage/original/application/8b7f381e4824d34d1ed88231bd28d5f6.pdf

13. OYEWOLE, Olusola (2008) Quality imperatives in education for the achievement of Nigeria’s Vision 20-2020. Nigeria’s Education Summit, 2008. Senate Committee on Education. 40 pages.

14. OYEWOLE, O.B. (2009) The Engaged University – The African Perspectives. Paper presented at the EduLink Conference, University of Ulster, Coleraine, Northern Ireland, April, 2009.

15. OYEWOLE, O.B. (2009) Internationalization and Its Implications for the Quality of Higher Education in Africa. Higher Education Policy,22, 319-329

16. OYEWOLE, O.B. (2010) Africa and the global knowledge domain. In: Higher Education and Globalization – Challenges, Threats and Opportunities for Africa. Edited Damtew Teferra and Heinz Greijn. Maastricht University
Centre for International Cooperation in Academic Development. The Netherlands. ISBN 978-90-816145. Pg. 19 – 30

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