
SALAU Adewale Waheed 

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Short Profile

Adewale Waheed SALAU is of the Department of Horticulture, College of Plant Science and Crop Production, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. He obtained B. Agric.; M. Agric. Crop Production and Ph.D Horticulture from the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta in 1992, 2000 and 2011, respectively.

He joined the services of Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta from November 3, 2003 and rose through the ranks until October 1, 2018 when he was promoted to the rank of Professor of Horticulture, of the same institution.

Prof. A.W. Salau has over 40 research publications to his credit. His research interests are in cropping systems, crop production and crop nutrition. He had supervised more than 80 B. Agric. Students, more than 20 M. Agric., and 4 Ph.D Students. He is a member of many professional bodies. He is happily married with children.


i. Ph.D. Horticulture February, 2011
ii. Master of Agriculture (M. Agric) January, 2000
iii. Bachelor of Agriculture (B. Agric) December. 1992.
iv. National Diploma (Agric. Engineering) September. 1986.

(i) Research completed but not yet published
1. Varietal response of pepper to poultry manure rate
2. Varietal response of pepper to plant population
3. Varietal response of pepper to sowing date and spatial arrangements
4. Growth and yield performance of pumpkin to plant population
5. Growth and yield response of pepper to spacing of cucumber
6. Varietal response of Amaranthus to plant population
7. Varietal response of Celosia argentea to plant population
8. Varietal response of pepper to water stress
9. Effects of variety and plant population on growth an yield of Celosia argentea
10. Effects of plant spacing and planting date on growth and fruit yield of pepper species
11. Planting time, variety and plant density on growth and fruit yield of pepper
12. Varietal response of pepper to transplanting age

(ii) Research in Progress
1. Time of introducing Egusi melon on growth and fruit yield of pepper
2. Row arrangement of pepper intercropped with Egusi melon
3. Variety and age of Harvest on growth, yield and plant quality of Celosia argentea
4. Effects of variety and plant population and harvest on growth yield and shoot quality of Celosia argentea

Federal Government Scholarship Award 2001-2002

Deputy Dean COLPLANT

i. Agricultural Society of Nigeria
ii. Horticultural Society of Nigeria


(a). Masters projects

1. Akinbule A. S. – PG13/0740
Time of introducing melon into pepper species on growth and yields
Commencement: July 2016
Completed: January 2020
Supervision: Major

i. 2. Odulana D. – PG16/051831st Annual Conference of the Horticultural Society of Nigeria, Abuja held Abeokuta held at Raw Materials Research and Development Council, Abuja on 23- 26, September, 2013.

Paper Presented: Salau, A.W. Effect of Intercropping and Plant Population Density
of Jute Mallow (Corchorus olitorius) on Growth and Fruit Yield of Cucumber
Cucumis sativus).

ii. 32nd Annual Conference of the Horticultural Society of Nigeria, held at the Federal
University of Agriculture, Abeokuta on 19th – 23rd, October 2014.
Paper Presented: Makinde E.A. and A.W. Salau. Effects of Organo-mineral fertilizer
rate and spacing on growth an yield of Okra (Abelmoschus esculentus)

iii. 32nd Annual Conference of the Horticultural Society of Nigeria, Abeokuta held at the
Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta on 19th -23rd October, 2014.

Paper Presented: Hammed O.B., A.W. Salau and E.A Makinde. Effects of cultivar and
sowing date on growth and fruit yield of pepper (Capsicum spp).

iv. 3rd Annual Conference of the Association of Seed Scientis

(i) Thesis and Dissertations

1. Salau, A. W. 1986. Design and construction of a poultry house. Unpublished National
Diploma Project in Agric Engineering, Federal Polytechnic, Bida, Niger State.

2. Salau, A.W. 1992. Effect of artificial illumination on growth and dry matter
distribution of Maize. Unpublished B. Agric. Project, University of Agriculture,

3. Salau, A.W. 2000. Response of Soybean cultivars to inoculation with Bradyrhizobium
japonicum under two system of weed management. Unpublished M. Agric.
Dissertation, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta.

4. Salau, A.W. 2011. Productivity in Cassava/Vegetable Intercrop as influenced by Time
of vegetable introduction. Unpublished PhD. Thesis, Federal University of
Agriculture, Abeokuta.

(ii) Books/Monographs and Chapters in Books
(iii) Journal Articles in Print
1. Adetiloye, P.O. and A.W. Salau. 2000. Effect of chemical weed control and inoculation with Bradyrhizobium strains on nodulation, growth and yield of soybean cultivars. Nigeria Journal of Weed Science 13: 53-61. Published by the Weed Science Society of Nigeria.

2. Adetiloye, P.O. and A.W. Salau. 2002. Response of Soybean cultivars to inoculation with Rhizobium in South western Nigeria. Tropical Oilseeds Journal 7: 1-11. Published by the Soybean Association of Nigeria.

3. Adebisi, M.A. A.W. Salau and O.S. Sosanya. 2002. Effect of growth regulations on growth and seed yield of maize under rain-fed tropical conditions. Moor Journal of Agricultural Research 3: 30-36. Published by the Institute of Agricultural Research and Training.

4. Ojo, D.K. M.A. Adebisi and A.W. Salau. 2002. Effect of seed production environment on seed germination, seed yield and yield components in tropical soybean genotypes Moor Journal of Agricultural Research 3: 68-75. Published by the Institute of Agricultural Research and Training.

5. Adebisi, M.A., M.O. Ajala., D.K. Ojo and A.W. Salau. 2005. Influence of population density and season on seed yield and its components in Nigerian sesame genotypes. Journal of Tropical Agriculture 43 (1-2): 13-18. Published by Kerala Agricultural University, Kerala, India

6. Salau, A.W and F.O. Olasantan. 2006. Rapid leaf area estimation in Pumpkin
(Cucurbita maxima). ASSET Series A 6 (1): 255 – 258. Published by ASSET,
Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta.

7. Olasantan, F.O., A.W. Salau and E. E. Onuh. 2007. Influence of cassava intercrop on growth and fruit yield of pepper in south western Nigeria. Experimental Agriculture 43: 79 – 95. Published by the Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom.

8. Akintobi, D.C.A and A.W. Salau. 2007. Assessment of the resistance of Cowpeas to Bruchids. Nigeria Agricultural Journal 38: 49-56. Published by the Agricultural Society of Nigeria.

9. Olasantan, F.O. and A.W. Salau. 2008. Effect of pruning on growth, leaf yield and pod yields of okra (Abelmoschus esculentus). Journal of Agricultural Science (Cambridge) (146): 93-102. Published by the Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom.

10. Salau, A.W., F.O. Olasantan and G.A. Oloriade, 2008. Rapid leaf area estimation in
Capsicum. Nigerian Journal of Horticultural Science 13: 128-136. Published by
the Horticultural Society of Nigeria.

11. Bodunde, J. G., O. M. Olosunde., M. O. Oluwanusi and A. W. Salau. 2010. Growth
and Calyx Yield of Roselle Lines to N. Rates in the Rain Forest and Rain Forest-
Savanna Agro-Ecological Zones in Nigeria. International Journal of Tropical
Agriculture 28 (3-4): 559-565. Published by Serials publication, India.
12. Salau, A. W., F.O. Olasantan and J. G. Bodunde. 2011. Effect of intercropping
pumpkin on soil micro-environment, crop growth and yields in a cassava-pumpkin
intercrops. Journal of Agricultural Science and Environment, 11(1): 114- 127. Published by ASSET Publication of the Federal University of Agriculture,
Abeokuta. ISSN – online 2315-7453/ print 2277-0758
13. Salau, A. W., F.O. Olasantan, J.G. Bodunde and K.A. Elemo. 2011.
Effect of Intercropping on soil hydrothermal regime, crop performance and weed
situation in a cassava/okra intercrop. Journal of Agricultural Science and
Environment 1(2): 38-51. Published by ASSET, Federal University of Agriculture,
Abeokuta. ISSN – online 2315-7453/ print 2277-0758
14 Salau, A. W., F. O. Olasantan and J. G. Bodunde. 2012. Effect of time of introducing
okra on crop growth and yield in a cassava-okra intercrop. Nigerian Journal of
Horticultural Science 17: 57 – 67. Published by the Horticultural Society of

15. Olosunde, O. M, M. A. Busari, A. W. Salau and F. E. Fatoki. 2012. Growth and
Flowering of Flamingo flower (Anthurium andraeanum) as influenced by
Fertilizer source and growing medium. International Journal of Organic
Agricultural Research and Development 6: 130-140. Published by Ladoke
Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomosho, Nigeria.

16. Adebisi, M. A, T. O. Kehinde, A. W. Salau, L. A. Okesola. J. B. O. Porbeni, A. O.
Esuruoso and K. O. Oyekale. 2013. Influence of different seed size fractions on
Seed germination, seedling emergence and seed yield characters in Tropical
Soybean Glycine max L Merrill). International Journal of Agricultural Research
8: 26-33. Published by Academic Journals Incorporated ISSN 1816-4897/DOI:10.3923/ijar.2013.26.23. United States.

17. Salau, A. W., F.O. Olasantan and J. G. Bodunde and E. A. Makinde. 2015. Soil
Temperature and moisture content changes with growth and yield of
Cassava/vegetable intercrops. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science 61(4): 447-
460. Published by Taylor and Francis, London U.K. 10.1080/03650340.2014.939958

18. Olubode, O. O., T. A. Ogunsakin and A. W. Salau. 2015. Influence of intercrop
population and applied poultry manure rates on component crops productivity
responses in a Snake tomato/celosia cropping system. American Journal of
Plant Sciences 6: 1040 -1057. Published by Scientific Research Publishing
Incorporated, United States.

19. Salau, A. W. and E. A. Makinde. 2015. Plant density and variety on okra growth, yield
and yield duration. International Journal of Vegetable Science 21 (4): 363-372.
Published by Taylor and Francis, London U.K.

20. Makinde, E. A., A. W. Salau and O. T. Ayoola. 2015. Re-Growth ability and Nutrient
Uptake of Amaranthus as affected by Fertilizer Level. International Journal of
Vegetable Science. 21(5): 429-440. Published by Taylor and Francis, London U.K.

21. Salau, A. W. and E. A. Makinde. 2016. Okra leaf growth, fruit set and harvesting
duration with variety and sowing date. International Journal of Vegetable Science
22 (1): 101-111. Published by Taylor and Francis, London U.K.

22. Salau, A. W. 2015. Effects of Bed Width and Intra – row Spacing on Pepper Growth
and Fruit Yield. Nigeria Journal of Horticultural Science 20: 67-78. Published by
the Horticultural Society of Nigeria

23. Salau, A. W., E. A. Makinde and O. O. Olubode. 2016. Bed height and Intra-row
spacing on Pepper Growth and Fruit Yield. International Journal of Vegetable
Science 22 (6): 555-563. Published by Taylor and Francis, London U.K.

24. Makinde E.A, A.W. Salau and O.M. Odeyemi. 2016. Evaluation of Poultry Manure
Application rate and Plant population on growth and Dry Matter Partitioning and
Nutrient Uptake. International Journal of Organic Agriculture Research and
Development 13: 1-17 Published by Ladoke Akintola University of Technology,
Ogbomosho, Nigeria.
25. Olubode, O.O., A. W. Salau and O. R. Adeyemi. 2016. Growth, Yield and
Productivity of Hybrid Tea Rose (Rosa x Hybrida) in response to seasonal
variation and Manure application rates. Journal of Organic Agriculture and
Environment 4 (1): 67-78.

26. Makinde E.A and A.W. Salau. 2017. Fortified Cassava peel compost amendment for
Amaranthus: Influence on plant growth, nutrients uptake and soil nutrient changes.
Journal of Plant Nutrition 40 (5) 645- 655. Published by Taylor and Francis,
London U.K.

27. Daramola, O.S., F.O. Olasantan, A.W. Salau, P.M. Olorunmaiye, J.A. Adigun and T.T. Joseph-Adekunle T.T. 2017. Effects of harvesting age on nutrient uptake and essential oil yields of basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) and peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) under tropical condition. Nigerian Journal of Ecology 16 (2), 1-8. Published by Ecological Society of Nigeria. ISSN:1116-753X

28. Daramola, O.S., F.O. Olasantan, A.W. Salau, P.M. Olorunmaiye, J.A. Adigun and T.T. Joseph-Adekunle T.T. 2018. Effect of time of harvest of basil of sweet Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.) and peppermint (Mentha piperita L.) Nigerian Journal of Ecology 17 (2), 48-55. Published by Ecological Society of Nigeria. ISSN:1116-753X

29. Makinde, E.A., Okparavero, O.O., Salau, A.W., Adejuyigbe, C.O. and Ayoola, O.T.2018. Okra population effects on growth and seed yield of intercropped egusi melon. Nigerian Journal of Seed Science Vol 2 (1-16). Published by Association of Seed Scientists of Nigeria

30. Makinde, E.A, A.W. Salau,O. M. Odeyemi and O. Akhimien 2018. ‘Egusi’ Melon
Seed Yield, Proximate Content and Soil Nutrient Changes with Poultry Manure Fertilization. Journal of Plant Nutrition 41(15): 1916-1925. Published by Taylor and Francis, London, U.K.

*31. Makinde, E.A., Odeyemi, O.M. and Salau, A.W. 2018. Plant Population and Poultry
Manure Rate Affects Leaf Development, Dry Matter Partitioning and Nutrient
Uptake in Jew’s Mallow (Corchorus olitorus L.). Journal of Organic Agriculture
and Environment Vol. 6 (38-48). Published by Organic Agriculture Project in
Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria (OAPTIN), FUNAAB, Nigeria

*32. Salau, A.W., E. A. Makinde, O. B. Hammed and C. G. Afolabi. 2018. Influence of
planting date on growth, fruit yield and soil hydrothermal changes on two pepper
(capsicum spp) species. Nigeria Journal of Horticultural Science
Published By the Horticultural Society of Nigeria

*33. Salau, A. W., O.B. Hammed., E. A. Makinde and O. M. Olosunde, 2019. Growth and Yield of pepper species as affected by plant spacing. International Journal of Vegetable Science 25 (2): 164-175. Published by Taylor and Francis, London U.K.

*34. Makinde, E.A., O.R. Adeyemi., O.M. Odeyemi, A.W. Salau, and O.L. Abiodun. 2020. Comparison of Weed Suppression Ability and Yield of Two Okra Cultivars and with Different Planting Density. Tropical and Subtropical Agroecosystems 23: 1-7. Published by Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan, Mexico.

*35. Makinde, E.A., O.R. Adeyemi., O.M. Odeyemi, A.W. Salau, and O.L. Abiodun. 2021. Planting Density on Weed Suppression and Yield of Okra. International Journal of Vegetable Science, 27 (3): 260-267. Published by Taylor and Francis, London U.K.

(v) Conference Proceedings

36. M. A. Adebisi, T. O. Kehinde, A. M. AbdulRafiu, A. W. Salau, J. O. Amira, O. O.
Ajani, D.Y. Owolabi and A. A. Oyewumi. 2013. Variability and relationships
among seed physiological parameters in some groundnut (Arachis hypogea)
genotypes. In: Proceedings of the 47th Annual Conference of the Agricultural
Society of Nigeria (ASN) held on 4th – 8th November 2013, Pg 2 – 8 (Eds.
Adeniran, J.A., J.O. Saka, A.G. Ibrahim, .A. Adeyemi, M.O. Adenekan and A.O.

37. Salau, A.W. 2013. Effect of Intercropping and Plant Population Density of Jute Mallow
(Corchorus olitorius) on Growth and Fruit Yield of Cucumber (Cucumis sativus).
In: Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of Horticultural Society of
Nigeria, held at Raw Materials Research and Development Council, Abuja, on
23- 26, September, 2013 Pg 34-39 (Eds. Askira, M.S, Saidu, M.S. and Degri, M.).

38. Makinde, E. A. and A. W. Salau. 2014. Effects of Organo-Mineral Fertilizer rate and
spacing on growth and yield of okra. In: Proceedings of the 32nd Annual
Conference of Horticultural Society of Nigeria, held on 19th to 23rd October 2014 at Abeokuta, pg. 104-108 (Eds. Olasantan, F.O., I.O.O. Aiyelaagbe, O.O. Olubode, E.A. Makine and J.G. Bodunde).

39. Hammed, O. B., A. W. Salau and E. A. Makinde. 2014. Effects of cultivar and sowing
date on growth and fruit yield of pepper (Capsicum spp). In: Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of Horticultural Society of Nigeria, held on 19th to 23rd October 2014 at Abeokuta, pg. 210 – 214 (Eds. Olasantan, F.O., I.O.O. Aiyelaagbe, O.O. Olubode, E.A. Makinde and J.G. Bodunde).

40. Alegiledoye, A.O., M.A. Adebisi, A. W. Salau and R. T. Fabunmi. 2017. Seed and
Seedling vigour characteristics of Egusi Melon (Citrillus lanatus). In: Proceedings
of the 3rd Annual Conference of the Association of Seed Scientists of Nigeria held
on 2nd – 5th July, 2017 at Abeokuta, Pg 143-149 (Eds. Adebisi, M.A. J.A. Adetumbi,
J.O. Olasoji and L.S. Fayeun).

41. Odulana, D.A., A.W. Salau., O.M. Odeyemi and O.P. sobukola. 2019. Effects of Variety,
Plant Population and Age at Harvest on Growth, Yield and Nutritional Composition
of Celosia (Celosia argentea L.). In: Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of
Horticultural Society of Nigeria, held on 18th to 22rd November 2019 at Rufus Giwa
Polytechnic, Owo.(Eds. Adesina, J.M., Iwala, O.S., Kerere, O and Ajayi, A.J).

42. Adesina, O.M., A.W. Salau and E.A. Makinde. 2019. Effects of Variety and Plant
Population on Growth and Shoot Yield of Celosia (Celosia argentea L.). In:
Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of Horticultural Society of Nigeria,
held on 18th to 22rd November 2019 at Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo. (Eds. Adesina,
J.M., Iwala, O.S., Kerere, O and Ajayi, A.J).

43. Olugbokiki, A., A.W.Salau and E.A. Makinde. 2019. Effect of Poultry Manure Rate on
Growth and Fruit Yield of two pepper (Capsicum spp) Species. In: Proceedings of the
37th Annual Conference of Horticultural Society of Nigeria,held on 18th to 22rd
November 2019 at Rufus Giwa Polytechnic, Owo. (Eds. Adesina,J.M., Iwala, O.S.,
Kerere, O. and Ajayi, A.J.).

(e) Technical Reports/Exhibition Reports/Patent


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