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SANNI Lateef Oladimeji 

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Short Profile

Sanni Lateef graduated from the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta with Bachelor of Science degree; Second Class Upper Division in the Department of Food Science and Technology in 1990. He obtained Master and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Degrees at the Department of Food Technology, University of Ibadan in February 1993 and April 1999, respectively. He joined the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (UNAAB) in 1993 as Assistant Lecturer and became Professor of Food Science and Technology in 2008.

He is the Chairman Steering Committee of African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD) (2019 to date) and Chairman of Council, College of Agriculture and Agricultural Technology, Igboora (2018-2019; 2020 to date). Prof Sanni Lateef was the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Development), Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta from 7th November 2017 to November 6, 2019; Dean, College of Food Science and Human Ecology, FUNAAB, 1st August 2014 till 6th November 2017; Head of Department of Food Science and Technology, FUNAAB from 1 August 2011 to 31 July 2013; Director of A.G. Leventis Memorial Centre for Learning (LEMCEL), FUNAAB from August 2007 to 31 July 2011 and Deputy Director, of the Centre for Human Resources Development (CENHURD), FUNAAB in 2007.

Prof Sanni is a Fellow of the Nigerian Academy of Science, Fellow of Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology, Fellow of Institute of Management Consultants Nigeria, and the President, International Society for Tropical Root Crops. He is an Honorary Fellow of the Federal Institute of Industrial Research Oshodi.  Sanni was inducted as Member of the Institute of Public Analyst of Nigeria on the 21st of April 2015.

He has 31 years' experience in research, consultancy and collaborations as a postharvest expert on tropical root crops mostly implemented by the Natural Resources Institute, UK; Association of African Universities, Council of Agricultural Research Forum, CORAF/WECARD; McGill University and International Institute of Tropical Root Crop with over 35 Countries. He was an editorial board member of the International Journal of Food Science and Technology from 2005 to 31st July, 2015 and is currently serving as reviewer to so many international journals in the world.

Oladimeji was awarded 2018 President’s Distinguished Alumnus Award for Outstanding Achievements by FUNAAB Alumni Association, Abeokuta, Nigeria. Lateef won Research Productivity Award (Senior Academic Category) in January 2011 and Most Outstanding International Ambassador in January 2012 of the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta.  FUNAAB Students’ Union awarded him an Award of Excellence in May 2013.

Sanni received Omoluabi Royal ICON (ORI) AWARD from the Yoruba Council Worldwide in Oodua House, Ilfe-Ife in 2021. He won the 2008 Consultative Group of International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) Award Regional Technology Development in Sub Saharan Africa (, and Outstanding Award-2006 Academic Accomplishment by Junior Chambers International, Abeokuta, Gateway Hotel, Abeokuta, Nigeria.

A dynamic leader became President, International Society of Tropical Root Crops, October 2018 to date, President, International Society of Tropical Root Crops, African Branch, October 2013 to 23 October, 2018 and 1st Vice President, West African Association of Food Science and Technology, 2019 to date. He was a Scientific and Technical Committee member of the Council of Agricultural Forum in West Africa, 2012-2016 and National President of the Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology from 2010 to 2012.

In terms of contribution to knowledge, Sanni published 109 Technical Journal articles; 1 Patent; 30 Books, and 30 Conference proceedings. He has supervised in collaboration with colleagues’ well over 100 undergraduates, 17 Master and 24 PhDs. He is globally well cited with 4, 594, h-index of 34 and i10-index of 112 in his publications.


Sanni was listed among the Top 500 authors, by Scholarly Output in Nigeria over the period 2015 to 2020 by Elsevier (SciVal); 2020 UK Research and Innovation International Development Peer Review College membership, and 2019 Highly commended Award by Emerald Publishing with his colleagues.

Lateef has made outstanding contributions to scientific knowledge on process and product innovations mostly in root and tuber crop postharvest. He has by his outstanding scientific approaches touched the lives of both urban and rural dwellers with innovative research to ensure food security in his catchment areas. He is a star mentor to African Women in Agricultural Research and Development [ He is surely an erudite scholar, passionate innovator, a team player, dedicated researcher and role model in sustainable development. He is happily married to a Professor and blessed with Children.

i. B. Sc. (Food Science and Technology) Second Class
(Upper Division), Hons. Abeokuta (1990)
National Youth Service at Benue Polytechnic, Ugbokolo,
Benue State (1990-91)
ii. M. Sc. (Food Technology), UI (1993)
iii. Ph. D., (Food Technology), UI (1999)

i. Fellow, Nigerian Academy of Science (No.289)
ii. Fellow, Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology
iii. Fellow, The Institute of Management Consultants, IMC-Nigeria
iv. Premier Member, Institute of Food Technologists, USA
v. Member, International Union of Food Science and Technology,
vi. Member, International Society for Tropical Root Crops (ISTRC),
vii. Member, West African Association of Food Science and Technology
viii. Member, African Branch of International Society for Tropical
Root Crops (ISTRC),
ix. Member, International Council of Management Consulting
x. Member, Institute of Public Analysts of Nigeria.

2014-2019 Resource Person in training workshops, Business fora
and seminar on Cassava: Adding Value for Africa during Annual Conferences of the Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology, Nigeria.

June 16-20, 2014 Resource Person as Scientific and Technical Committee
Member in the 4th Agricultural Science Week of West & Central Africa & 11th General Assembly of Council of Agriculture Forum CORAF/WECARD, Niamey, Niger Republic.

May 2014 to date Resource Person in FUNAAB Alumni Research Mentoering Laboratory for Post Graduate Students of FUNAAB.

February 4, 2014 Resource Person as National Committee Member on Mandatory Inclusion of High Quality Cassava Flour in Wheat Flour, Federal Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development, Abuja, Nigeria.

June 23-27, 2014 Resource Person in ISTRC Early Career Scientists on research proposal, research methodologies and intellectual property rights on tropical roots in University of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam.

May 14-19, 2014 Resource Person in ISTRC Early Career Scientists on research proposal, research methodologies and intellectual property rights on tropical roots in CTCRI, Thiruvananthapuram, India.

Sept-Oct, 2013 Lead Facilitator of Cassava Industry in Vietnam and Bangkok.

April, 2011-Dec 2012 Resource Person in EUACP Trainings of Early Career Scientists on research proposal, research methodologies and intellectual property rights on tropical roots in Uganda, Nigeria, Barbados, Fiji, and Lusaka.

February 14-15, 2011 Facilitated the AAU-DFID Sponsored West African Regional Training Workshop on Food Fortification and Entrepreneurship hosted by the Institute of Food Technologist, Dakar, Senegal.

August 12, 2010 Hosting of the 1st International Congress and scientific meeting of West African Association of Food Science and Technology (WaaFoST), Nicon Luxury Hotel, Abuja, Nigeria.

August 4-6, 2010 Training workshop on use of statistical software for Federal Institute of Industrial Research, Oshodi (FIIRO) Junior Scientists. Lagos, Nigeria.

April 20-21, 2010 Chairperson of Satellite Session, at the West African Fellows-Mentors Monitoring Meeting of African Women in Agricultural Research and Development, Novotel, Accra, Ghana.

July 14-16, 2009 Train the Trainer Workshop on Cassava Processing and
Product Development by Unleashed the Power of Cassava in Africa Project, IITA/Sierra Leone Root and Tuber Crop Research Station/Food Research Institute, Pokuase, Ghana.

June 9-13, 2009 Train the Trainer Workshop on Cassava Processing and Product Development by Unleashed the Power of Cassava in Africa Project, IITA/Sierra Leone Agricultural Research Institutes, SLARI, Freetown, Sierra Leone.

March 12, 2009 Facilitator, Advance Instrumentation and its sustainability for UNAAB EMC 2nd in-house training workshop for technologists, Julius Okojie Lecture Theatre, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria.

March 3, 2009 Facilitator, Writing a winning research grant proposal for the Federal College of Education Training Workshop on Empirical Research, Abeokuta, Nigeria.

February 19, 2009 Participant at the Roundtable on University-Firm Interaction in Nigeria at the Seminar Room of the Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research (NISER), Ibadan, Nigeria.

December 18, 2008 Training of Unemployed graduates/Youth as Special Agricultural Extension Service Providers by the Federal Government of Nigeria via Federal College of Agriculture, Akure, Ondo State, Nigeria.

September 22-25, 2003 Training Workshop on Research Methodology for Young Academics, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, 2000-2002 & Federal Polytechnic, Ado Ekiti, Nigeria.

1. Sanni, L. O. (1990) Design, Fabrication and test performance of flat plate
solar drier. Unpublished BSc. Degree Project, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria.
2. Sanni, L. O. (1992) Dehydration characteristics of cassava chips in a
cabinet Solar dryer. Unpublished MSc. degree Dissertation, University of Ibadan.
3. Sanni, L. O. (1999) Effect of processing conditions on the chemical,
physicochemical and sensory qualities of fufu from cassava. Unpublished PhD Thesis. University of Ibadan, Nigeria.


B1. Sanni, L. O. (2015). Drying for Wealth, Food Security and Nation Building. 49th
Inaugural Lecture. Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. 124pp.
B2. James, B., Okechukwu, R., Abass, A., Fannah, S., Maziya-Dixon, B., Sanni, L., Osei-Sarfoh, A., Fomba, S.and Lukombo, S. 2012. Producing Gari from Cassava: An illustrated guide for smallholder cassava processors. International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA): Ibadan, Nigeria.32pp.
B3. Kuye, A., D. B. Ayo, L. O. Sanni, A. O. Raji, E. I. Kwaya, O. O. Otuu, W.B. Asiru, B. Alenkhe, I. B. Abdulkareem, B. Bamkefa, G. Tarawali, A. G.O. Dixon, R.U.Okechukwu (2011). Design and fabrication of a flash dryer for the production of high quality cassava flour. Cassava Enterprise Development Project, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria. 50 pp
B4. Sanni, L. O., Onadipe-Phorbee, O. And Alenkhe, E. B. (2012). Low-Cost Sustainable Cassava Drying Technologies in West Africa. IITA/CFC-WA Project Report. Pp. 28. .
B5. Aworh, O. C., Ogunmoyela, O. A. Okoruwa, A. O. Babajide, J. M., Sanni, S. A., Olayiwola, I. O., Sanni, L. O., Obadina, A. O. Adebowale, A. A., Ebuehi O. A. T., George, A. and Nd’iaye, F., I.G Onimawo (2011). Food Fortification Training Manual. University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. AAU/MRCI Cycle 325-2010 Project. ISBN 978-978-49626-5-0. 42 pp.
B6. Dipeolu, A.A., Akinbode, S.O., Babajide, J.M., Obadina, A.O., Siwoku, B.O., George, A., Nd’iaye, F., Adebowale, A.A. and Sanni, L.O. (2011). University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. AAU/MRCI Cycle 325-2010 Project. ISBN 978-978-49626-7-4. 19 pp.
B7. A.O. Obadina, M.O. Edema, J.M.Babajide, O.O. Atanda, M.O. Adegunwa, W.A.O. Afolabi, A. George, F. Nd’iaye, A.A. Adebowale and L.O. Sanni, (2011). Food Safety Framework for West African Foods. University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. AAU/MRCI Cycle 325-2010 Project. ISBN 978-978-49626-6-7. 60 pp.
B8. Dixon, A. G. O., Okechukwu, R. U., Akoroda, M. O., Ilona, P., Ogbe, F., Egesi, C. N., Kulakow, P., Ssemakula, G., Maziya-Dixon, B., Iluebbey, P., Yomeni, M. O., Geteloma, C., James, B., Eke-Okoro, O. N., Sanni, L. O., Ntawuruhunga, P., Tarawali, G., Mahungu, N., Lemchi, J, Ezedinma, C. I., Okoro, E., Kanju, E., Adeniji, A. A., and Nwosu, K. (2010). Improved cassava variety handbook. IITA Integrated Cassava Project, Ibadan, Nigeria. ISBN 978-131-3021. 129 pp.
B9. Sanni, L. O., Onadipe, O. O., Ilona, P., Mussagy, M. D., Abass, A. and Dixon, A. G. O. 2009. Successes and Challenges of Cassava Enterprise in West Africa: Case study of Nigeria, Benin and Sierra Leone. ISBN 978-131-200-5. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. 35 pp.…
B10. Mussagy, M.D., Sanni, L.O., Onadipe, O. O., Ilona, P. and Dixon, A. G. O. 2009. Viability of Commercializing Cassava in CFC-Covered Districts in West Africa. ISBN 978-131-200-5. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. 25 pp.
B11. Sanni, L., A. A. Adebowale, A. Dipeolu, M. A. Idowu, I. O. Olayiwola, I. O. O.Aiyelaagbe, M. Egunlety and S. Fomba (Eds) (2009). The Proceedings of the 1st Training Workshop on the Use of Statistical Software for Data Analysis and Documentation in Food Research. University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. AAU/MRCI/08/F07/P33 Project. ISBN 978-978-49396-9-0. 188 pp.
B12. Sanni, L., A. A. Adebowale, M. A. Idowu, M. K. Sawi, N. R. Kamara, I. O. Olayiwola, M. Egunlety, A. Dipeolu, I. O. O. Aiyelaagbe, and S. Fomba (2009). West African Foods from Root and Tuber Crops- A Brief Review. University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. AAU/MRCI/08/F07/P33 Project. ISBN 978-978-49396-8-3. 82 pp.
B13. M. A. Idowu, A. A. Adebowale, L. Sanni, A. Dipeolu, I. O. Olayiwola, I. O. O.Aiyelaagbe, M. Egunlety and S. Fomba (2009). Recommended curriculum for food science and technology in tertiary institutions (Universities) in West Africa, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. AAU/MRCI/08/F07/P33 Project. ISBN 978-978-49396-6-9. 35 pp.
B14. Aiyelaagbe, I. O. O., L. Sanni, A. Dipeolu, M. A. Idowu, I. O. Olayiwola, A. A.Adebowale, M.Egunlety and S. Fomba (2009). Recommended curriculum for organic agriculture in tertiary institutions (universities) in west Africa. University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. AAU/MRCI/08/F07/P33 Project. ISBN 978-978-49396-5-2. 32 pp.…/RECOMMENDED%20CURRICULUM%20ORGANIC%20(1).pdf
B15. Olayiwola, I. O., L. Sanni, A. Dipeolu, M. A. Idowu, A. A. Adebowale, I. O. O.Aiyelaagbe, M. Egunlety and S. Fomba (2009). Recommended curriculum for nutrition and dietetics in tertiary institutions (Universities) in West Africa, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. AAU/MRCI/08/F07/P33 Project. ISBN 978-978-49396-7-6. 27 pp.
B16. Sanni, L. O., Adeyemi, I. A. and Onuora, (2009). Research Methodology 2. Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology, Lagos, Nigeria. ISBN 978-978-49396-07. 115 pp.
B17. Sanni, L. O. (2009). Excellence and Quality Consumer Service in the Fast Food Industry. Published by Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology, Lagos. 55 pp.
B18. Sanni, L., Ezedinma, C., Okechukwu, R., Lemchi, J., Ogbe, F., Akoroda, M., Okoro, E., Maziya-Dixon, B., Ilona, P. and Dixon, A. (2007). Cassava Postharvest Assessment survey in Nigeria. Published by IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. ISBN 978 131 265 3. 200 pp.
B19. Sanni, L., Ezedinma, C., Okechukwu, R., Lemchi, J., Ogbe, F., Akoroda, M., Okoro, E., Maziya-Dixon, B., Ilona, P. and Dixon, A. (2007). Cassava Postharvest Assessment survey in Nigeria: Synthesis report. Published by IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. ISBN 978 131 274 2. 49 pp.
B20. Ezedinma, C., Sanni, L. and Okechukwu, R. (2007). Socioeconomic studies on selected cassava markets in Nigeria. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. ISBN 9781312769, 53 pp.
B21. Ezedinma, C., Lemchi, J., Okechukwu, R., Ogbe, F., Akoroda, M., Sanni, L., Okoro, E., Ilona, P., Okarter, C. and Dixon, A. (2007). Status of cassava production in southeast and southsouth Nigeria. A baseline report 2004. IITA Ibadan, Nigeria. ISBN 9781312874. 54 pp.
B22. Ezedinma, C., Ojiako, I. A., Okechukwu, R. U., Lemchi, J., R., Umar, A. M., Sanni, L., Akoroda, M., Ogbe, F., Okoro, E., Tarawai, E., and Dixon, A. (2007). The cassava food commodity market and trade network in Nigeria. IITA, Ibadan, ISBN 978-131-200-5. 296 pp.
B23. Tarawali, G., Kure, I., Ezedinma, C., Okechukwu, Lum, A. F., Dixon, A. G. O., Akoroda, M., Ogbe, F., Lemchi, J., Sanni, L., Ilona, P. and Okoro, E. (2007). A guide on livelihood analysis for scientists and extension workers. IITA Ibadan, Nigeria. ISBN 978131284X. 52 pp.
B24. Tarawali, G., Adedzwa, D. K., Ezedinma, C., Okechukwu, Lum, A. F., Dixon, A. G. O., Akoroda, M., Ogbe, F., Lemchi, J., Sanni, L., Ilona, P. and Okoro, E. (2007). Community analysis of Ikot Etuk Udo, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. ISBN 9781312831. 55 pp.
B25. Sanni, L. O., Maziya-Dixon, B., Okoruwa, A. E., Arowosafe, B., Lemchi, J., Ogbe, F., Ezedinma, C., Okechukwu, R., Akoroda, M., Okoro, E., Ilona, P., Babaleye, T. and Dixon, A. (2007). Cassava utilization training for bakers, caterers, and processors in the south-south and southeast of Nigeria. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. ISBN 978-131-289-0. 74pp.
B26. Sanni, L. O. (2006) Quality Assurance System in the Food Industry. Jedidiah Publishers, Abeokuta. ISBN 978-2951-60-9, 188 pp. 2nd edition.
B27. Sanni, L. O., M. A. Adelaja, R. U. Okechukwu, C. Ezedinma, M. Patino, M. O. Akoroda, B. Maziya-Dixon, J. Lemchi, P. Ilona, E. Okoro, G. Tarawali, T. Awodeyi, B. Bamkefa, N., Nnaji, F. Ogbe, A. G. O. Dixon, O. E., Obi and A. Ozigi. 2006. Cataloque of posharvest equipment for cassava processing. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. ISBN 978 131 271 8, 132 pp.
B28. Sanni, L., B. Maziya-Dixon, A. O. Onabolu, B. E. Arowosafe, R. U. Okechukwu, A. G. O. Dixon, P. Ilona, C. Ezedinma, G. Ssemakula, J. Lemchi, M. Akoroda, F. Ogbe, G. Tarawali, E. Okoro and C. Geteloma (2006). Cassava recipes for household food security. IITA Integrated Cassava Project, Ibadan, Nigeria. ISBN 978-131-293-9, Ibadan, Nigeria. 45 pp.
B29. Sanni, L., B. Maziya-Dixon, J. Akanya, C. I. Okoro, Y. Alaya, C. V. Egwuonwu, R. Okechukwu, C. Ezedinma, M. Akoroda, J. Lemchi, E Okoro, and A. Dixon (2005) Standards for Cassava Products and Guidelines for Export. IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria. ISBN 978 131 2483, 93 pp.
B30. Phillips, T., D. S. Taylor, L. Sanni, and M. Akoroda. (2004). A Cassava Industrial Revolution in Nigeria. The potential for a new industrial crop. IFAD/FAO, Rome. 43 pp.

Chapters in Books
CB1. Oyewole, O. B. and Sanni, L. O. (1995) The constraints in traditional processing-the case of ‘fufu’ production. In: cassava Food Processing. Agbor-Egbe, T., Brauman, A., Griffon, D. and Treche, S. (eds.), ORSTOM, Paris, 523-530.
CB2. Ezedinma, C., Okechukwu, R. and Sanni, L (2005) Marketing of gari in Benin City and Enugu, Nigeria, In: Investigations on Building a Food Marketing Policy Evidence Base in Nigeria. G Porter and F Lyon (eds), 121-141,
CB3 Sanni, L. O. (2011). Process and product innovations in the cassava agro-industrial sectors in Africa: The stimulating effect of presidential initiatives. In: da Silva, C.A., & Mhlanga, N. (Eds.). Innovative Policies and Institutions to Support Agro-Industries Development. Rome, Italy. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
CB4. Sobukola, O.P., T.A. Esan, H.A. Bakare and L.O. Sanni (2015). Vacuum-frying Processing Technology Improves Quality Attributes of Fried Sweetpotato Chips. CAB International 2015. Potato and Sweetpotato in Africa: Transforming 508 the Value Chains for Food and Nutrition Security (eds J. Low et al.) 508-516.

Book Review
• Sanni, L. O. (2007). Practical Food Law Referencer. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 41(2): 221.
• Sanni, L. O. (2009). Statistical Methods for Food Science: Introductory Procedures for the Food Practitioner. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 45 (4): 861.

Articles in Learned Journals

J1. Oyewole, O. B., Sanni, L. O. and Ogunjobi, M. (1996) Production of biscuits using cassava flour. Nigerian Food Journal, 14, 25-30. Published by Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology (NIFST).
J2. Sanni, L. O. and Akinlua, O. (1996) Chemical, physical, physicochemical and sensory qualities of soy-lafun. Nigerian Food Journal, 14, 30-36. Published by Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology (NIFST).
J3. Sanni, L. O., Charles, A. and Kuye, A. (1997) Moisture Sorption isotherms of fufu and tapioca. Journal of Food Engineering, 34, 203-212.
J4 Sanni, L. O., Oyewole, O. B. and Olowogbade, D. V. (1998) Effect of different drying methods on the qualities of lafun (fermented cassava product). Tropical Science, United Kingdom, 38, 1-4.
J5. Sanni, L. O., Akingbala, J. O., Oguntunde, A. O., Bainbridge, Z. A., Graffham, A. J. and Westby, A. (1998) Processing of fufu from cassava in Nigeria: Problems and prospects for development. Science, Technology and Development, United Kingdom, 16 (1): 58-71.
J6. Sanni, L. O., Kolawole, A. G., Akingbala, J. O. and Kuye, A. (1999) Effects of drying methods on moisture sorption isotherm of dried fufu at three temperatures. Drying Technology- An International Journal, Canada, 17 (1&2): 285-297.
J7. Kuye A. and L. O. Sanni (1999) Industrialization of fermented food processes: How far in Nigeria?. Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research, India, 58 (11): 837-843.
J8. Sanni, L. O., Oyewole, O. B. and Ejidoh, N. N. (1999) Qualities of Yoghurt produced from melon seeds (Colocynthis citrullus L.). West African Journal of Foods and Nutrition, Nigeria, 1 (2): 16-19. Published by Food Basket Foundation International.
J9. Sanni, L. O., Idowu, M. A. and Taiwo, A. A. (1999) Production and storage of foam-mat tomato powder. West African Journal of Foods and Nutrition, Nigeria, 1 (2): 54-60.
J10. Sanni, S. A., C. R. B. Oguntona and Sanni, L. O. (1999) Chemical and Nutritional composition of some common foods in Abeokuta, Nigeria. Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, BABT, 42 (3): 331-337.
J11. Sanni, S. A., C. R. B. Oguntona, Sanni, L. O. and Oyewole, O. B. (1999) Total viable bacteria and Coliform counts of some common foods in Abeokuta, Nigeria. West African Journal of Foods and Nutrition, 2 (2): 51-60. Published by Food Basket Foundation International.
J12 Sanni, L O (1999) Effective postharvest system in Nigeria. Nigerian Food Journal, 17:61-74. Published by Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology (NIFST).
J13 Sanni, L. O. and Akingbala, J. O. (2000) Effects of drying methods on physicochemical and sensory qualities of fufu. Drying Technology-An International Journal, Canada, 18 (1& 2): 421-431.
J14 Sanni, L. O., O. B. Oyewole and J. O. Akingbala (2000) The effects of controlled and uncontrolled solar drying on the drying temperatures, heat fluxes, proximate composition and functional properties of soybeans. Tropical Oilseeds Journal, 5: 62-68.
J15 Shittu, T. A., Lasekan, O. O., Sanni, L. O. and Oladosu, M. O. (2001) The effect of drying methods on the functional and sensory characteristics of Pukuru-a fermented cassava product. ASSET-An International Journal, A (1) (2): 9-16.
J16 Kuye, A. and Sanni, L. O. (2002) Analysis of the equilibrium moisture sorption data for lafun and soy-flour. Journal of Modeling, Design and Management of Engineering Systems, 1(1): 63-71.
J17 Kuye, A. and Sanni, L. O. (2002) Modelling the sorption Isotherms of Lafun and Soyflour using a Spreadsheet. International Journal of Food Properties, 5(3): 599-610.
J18 Shittu, T. A., Awonorin, A., Sanni, L. O. and Idowu, M. A. (2002) Dry milling characteristics of cassava chips as related to moisture content. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, 2(1): 13-18.
J19 Sanni, L. O. and Ayinde, I. A. (2002) Consumer acceptance and economic feasibility of dried fufu production in Nigeria. ASSET-An International Journal, A (3) (1): 107-115.
J20 Sanni, L. O. and JaJi, F. F. (2003) Effect of drying and roasting on the quality attributes of fufu powder. International Journal of Food Properties, 6 (2): 229-238.
J21 Sanni, L. O., Shittu, T. A. and Ayoola O. (2003) Water absorption kinetics in some Nigerian varieties of soybean (glycine max) during soaking. Nigerian Food Journal, 21: 106-112.
J22 Adebayo, K., White, J. L., Morris, M. J., Dipeolu, A. O., Ayinde, I. A., wandschneider, T. S., Sanni, L. O., Oyewole, O. B., Tomlins, K. and Westby, A. (2003). Innovativeness and stakeholdership in the fufu processing systems in Southwest Nigeria. ASSET – An International Journal, Series A, 3 (4): 15-27.
J23 Sanni, L. O., Kosoko, S. B., Adebowale, A. A. and Adeoye, R. J. (2004) The Influence of palmoil and chemical modification on the pasting and sensory properties of fufu flour. International Journal of Food Properties, 7(2): 229-237.
J24 Abiona, O. O., Sanni, L. O. and Awonorin, S. O. (2004) Chemical properties of water sources for cassava processing in selected areas of Southwest Nigeria. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment (JFAE), 2 (3&4): 222-223.
J25. Abiona, O. O., Sanni, L. O. and Bamgbose, O. (2005) An evaluation of microbial, heavy metals and cyanide contents of water sources, effluents and peels from three cassava processing locations. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment (JFAE), 3 (1): 207-208.
J26. Adebowale, A. A., Sanni, L. O. and Awonorin, S. O. (2005) Effect of texture modifiers on the physicochemical and sensory properties of dried fufu. Food Science and Technology International 11 (5): 373-382.
J27 Sanni, L. O., Adebowale, A.A., Filani, T. A., Oyewole, O. B., and A. Westby (2006). Quality of flash and rotary dried fufu flour. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment JFAE 4 (3&4): 74-78.
J28 Adebowale, A. A., Sanni, L. O. and Ayoade Kuye (2006). Sorption isotherms of tapioca grits from different roasting methods. Electronic Journal of Environmental, Agricultural and Food Chemistry (EJEAFChe), 5 (6), 2006. [1649-1653].
J29 Adegbite, J. A., Sanni, L. O. and Osinowo, O. A. (2006). Comparative evaluation of chemical and sensory properties of Achatina achatina and Archachatina marginata. ASSET – An International Journal, Series A 6(2): 1-6.
J30 Shittu, T. A., Sanni, L.O., Awonorin, S. O., Maziya-Dixon, B. and Dixon, A. (2007). Use of multivariate techniques in studying the flour making properties of some CMD resistant cassava clones. Food Chemistry, United Kingdom 101 (2007): 1634–1643.
J31 Oke, M. O., Awonorin, S. O., Sanni, L. O., Akanbi, C. T. And Abioye, A. O. (2007). Determination of some selected engineering properties of sweet potato cuts as function of temperature. Journal of Food Technology 5 (1): 66-70.
J32 Sanni, L., B. Alenkhe, R. Edosio, M. Patino and A. Dixon (2007). Technology transfer in developing countries: Capitalizing on Equipment Development. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment 5 (2): 88-91.
J33 Shittu, T. A., Raji, A. O.and Sanni, L. O. (2007). Bread from composite cassava-wheat flour: I. Effect of baking time and temperature on some physical properties of bread loaf. Food Research International 40: 280-290.
J34 Adebowale, A. A., Sanni, L. O., Awonorin, S. A., Daniel, I. O. and Ayoade Kuye (2007). Effect of Cassava Varieties on the sorption isotherm of tapioca grits. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 42: 448–452.
J35 Sobukola, O. P., Dairo, O. U., Sanni, L. O., Odunewu, A. V. And Fafolu, B. O. (2007). Thin Layer Drying Process of some leafy vegetables under open sun. Food Science and Technology International 13 (1): 35-40.
J36 Adeniji, T.A., Sanni, L.O., Barimalaa, I.S. and Hart, A.D. (2007). Nutritional composition of five new Nigerian Musa hybrids: implications for adoption in human nutrition. Fruits 62 (3):135-142.
J37 Keith Tomlins, Lateef Sanni, Olusola Oyewole, Adewale Dipeolu, Idris Ayinde, Kolawole Adebayo and Andrew Westby (2007). Consumer acceptability and sensory evaluation of a fermented cassava product (Nigerian fufu). Journal of Science of Food and Agriculture 87: 1949-1956.
J38 Adeniji, T.A., Sanni, L.O., Barimalaa, I.S. and Hart, A.D. (2007). Minerals composition of five improved varieties of cassava. Nigerian Food Journal 25 (2): 39-44.
J40 Adeniji, T.A., Sanni, L.O., Barimalaa, I.S. and Hart, A.D. (2007). Nutritional and Anti-nutritional composition of flour made from plantain and banana hybrid pulp and peel mixture. Nigerian Food Journal 25 (2): 68-76.
J41 Adeniji, T.A., Sanni, L.O., Barimalaa, I.S. and Hart, A.D. (2007). Anti-nutrients and heavy metals in some new plantain and banana cultivars. Nigerian Food Journal 25(2): 165-170.
J42 Eke, J., Achinewhu, S. C., Sanni, L., Barimala, I. S., Maziya-Dixon, B. and Dixon, A. (2007). Seasonal variations in the chemical and functional properties of starches from local and improved cassava varieties in high rainfall region of Nigeria. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment-JFAE 5 (3 &4): 36-42.
J43 Onitilo, M. O., Sanni, L., Daniel, I., Maziya-Dixon, B. and Dixon, A. (2007). Physicochemical and functional properties of native starches from cassava varieties in Southwest Nigeria. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment-JFAE 5 (3 &4): 108-114.
J44 Onitilo, M.O., Sanni, L.O., Oyewole, O. B. and Maziya-Dixon, B. (2007). Physicochemical and functional properties of sour starches from different cassava varieties. International Journal of Food Properties, 10: 607-620.
J45 Adegunwa, M. O., Sanni, L. O., and Adegoke, G. O. (2007). Physicochemical, functional and sensory properties of bread from cassava and sweetpotato. Cameroon Journal of Agricultural Science 3 (2): 29-36.
J46 Obadina, A.O., Oyewole, O.B., Sanni, L.O., Tomlins, K.I. and Westby, A. (2008). Identification of hazards and critical control points (CCP) for cassava fufu processing in South-West Nigeria. Food Control 19: 22-26.
J47 Raji, A. O; Kanwanya, N; Sanni, L. O; Asiru, W. B; Dixon, A. and P. Ilona (2007). Optimisation of cassava pellet processing method. International Journal of Food Engineering, 4 (2): 1-13.
J48 Sanni, L. O., Babajide, J. M. and Ojerinde, M. W. (2007). Effect of chemical pretreatments on the physicochemical and sensory attributes of sweetpotato gari. ASSET Series B (2007) 6(1): 41-4.
J49 Sanni, L. O., Adebowale, A. A., Maziya-Dixon, B. And Dixon, A. (2008). Chemical composition and pasting properties of CMD resistant cassava planted at different locations. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment 6(2): 97-104.
J50 Sobukola, O. P., Awonorin, S. O., Sanni, L. O. And Bamiro, F. O. (2008). Optimization of blanching conditions prior to deep fat frying of yam slices. International Journal of Food Properties 11: 379-391.
J51 Sobukola, O. P., Awonorin, S. O., Sanni, L. O. And Bamiro, F. O. (2008). Deep-fat frying of yam slices: Optimization of processing conditions using response surface methodology. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, UK 32: 343-360.
J52 Shittu, T.A., Dixon, A., Awonorin, S.O., Sanni, L. O. and Maziya-Dixon, B (2008). Bread from composite cassava–wheat flour. II: Effect of cassava genotype and nitrogen fertilizer on bread quality. Food Research International 41: 569–578.
J53 Sanni, L. O, Adebowale, A. A. Awoyale, W. and Fetuga, G.O. (2008) Quality of gari (fermented roasted cassava mash) in Lagos, Nigeria. Nigerian Food Journal, 26 (2): 125-134.
*J54 Yusuf, A., Ayedun, H., Sanni, L. O. (2008). Chemical composition and functional properties of raw and roasted Nigerian benniseed (Sesamum indicum) and bambara groundnut (Vigna subterranean). Food Chemistry 111 (2): 277-282.
*J55 Dixon, A. G. O., Akoroda, M. O., Okechukwu, R. U., Ogbe, F., Ilona, P., Sanni, L. O., Ezedinma, C., Tarawali, G. (2008). Fast track participatory approach to release of elite cassava genotypes for various uses in Nigeria’s cassava economy. Euphytica 160 (1), 1-13.
*J56 Fetuga, G.O., Idowu, M. A., Sanni, L. O. and Bamiro, F. O. (2008). Effect of enzyme clarification on chemical, physical and sensory properties of mango (Magnifera indica) juice. Nigerian Food Journal 26 (1): 42-53.
*J57 Etudaiye, H. A., Nwabueze, T. U. and Sanni, L. O. (2009). Pasting and functional properties of fufu processed from cassava mosaic disease-resistant varieties cultivated in a high rainfall zone. Nigerian Food Journal 27 (2): 185-193.
*J58 Eke, J., Achinewhu, S. C, Sanni, L., Barimalaa, I. S, Maziya-Dixon, B, Dixon, A. (2009). Pasting, color and granular properties of starches from local and improved cassava varieties in high rainfall region of Nigeria. International Journal of Food Properties 12 (2): 438 – 449. Marcel Dekker, Inc, UK.
*J60 Obadina, A. O., Oyewole, O. B., Sanni, L. O., Tomlins, K. I., Westby, A. (2010) Improvement of the hygienic quality of wet ‘fufu’ produced in South West Nigeria. Food Control 21 (5): 639-643.
*J61 Eke, J., Achinewhu, S. C. and Sanni, L. (2010). Chemical, pasting and sensory properties of tapioca grits from CMD resistant cassava varieties. Journal of Food Preservation and Processing, 34 (4): 632-648.
*J62 Eke, J., Achinewhu, S. C. and Sanni, L. (2010). Functional properties of cassava tapioca grits. International Journal of Food Properties 13 (3), 427-440.
*J63 Soladoye, O. P., Ola, I. A., Adebowale, A. A. and Sanni, L. (2010). Development and performance evaluation of a motorized globulator for tapioca production. International Food Research Journal, 17: 549-555.
*J64 Ashaye, O. A., Sanni, L. O. and Arowosafe, B. E. (2010). Physicochemical, rheological and consumer acceptability of cassava starch salad cream. Journal of American Science, 6(1):65-72.
*J65 Awoyale, W., Maziya-Dixon, B, Sanni, L. and Shittu, T. A. (2010). Nutritional and sensory properties of amala supplemented with distiller’s spent grain (DSG). Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 8 (3&4): 66-70.
*J66 Adebowale, A. A., Sanni, L. O., Owo, H. O. and Karim, O. R. (2010). Engineering properties variety improved moisture content. Journal of Science of Food and Technology, 48 (5): 551-559.
*J67 Awoyale, W., Maziya-Dixon, B., Sanni, L. O. And Shittu, T. A. (2011). Nutritional
and sensory properties of a maize-based snack food (kokoro) supplemented with treated Distillers’ spent grain (DSG). International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 46 (8): 1609-1620.
*J68 Adebowale, A. A., Sanni, L. O., Owo, H. O. and Karim, O. R. (2011). Effect of Variety and Moisture Content on some engineering properties of paddy rice. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 48 (5): 551-559.
*J69 Adebowale, A. A. and Sanni, L. O. (2011). Effects of solid content and temperature on viscosity of tapioca meal. Journal of Food Science and Technology, India, 50(3):573–578. DOI: 10.1007/s13197-011-0363-7
*J70 Adebowale, A. A., Sanni, L. O. And Fadahunsi, E. L. (2011). Functional and pasting properties of cassava sweetpotato starch blends. African Journal of Root and Tuber Crops, 9(1): 6-10.
*J71 Oke, M.O., Awonorin, S.O., Sanni, L.O., Asiedu, R. And Aiyedun, P.O. (2012). Effect of extrusion variables on extrudates properties of water yam flour – A Response Surface Analysis. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 34: 456-473. JDOI:
*J72 Adebowale, A. A., Fetuga, G. O, Apata, C. B. and Sanni, L O. (2012). Effect of variety and initial moisture content on physical properties of improved millet grains. Nigerian Food Journal, 30 (1): 5-10.
J*73 Alimi, B. A., Shittu, T. A., Sanni, L. O., and Arowolo, T. A. (2013). Effect of some hydrocolloids as adjuncts on the quality of whole egg or egg white coated fried yam chips. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 11 (1): 19-24.
J*74 Adebowale A.A. and Lateef O. Sanni (2013). Effects of solid content and temperature on viscosity of tapioca meal. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 50(3): 573–578.
J*75 Buliyaminu Adegbemiro Alimi, Taofik Akinyemi Shittu & Lateef Oladimeji Sanni (2014) Effect of hydrocolloids and egg content on sensory quality of coated fried yam chips, Journal of Culinary Science & Technology, 12 (2): 168-180.
J*76 Omohimi C. I., Sobukola, O. P., Sarafdeen, K. O. and Sanni, L. O. (2014) Effect of thermo-extrusion process parameters on selected quality attributes of meat analogue from Mucuna bean seed flour. Nigerian Food Journal, 32 (1): 21-30.
J*77 Kareem, S.T. Adebowale, A.A., Sobukola, O.P, Adebisi, M.A., Obadina, O.A., Kajihausa, O.E, Adegunwa, M.O., Sanni, L.O. and Keith, T (2014). Some quality attributes of high quality cassava – Tigernut composite flour and its extruded snacks. Journal of Culinary Science and Technology, 13: 79-93.
J*78 Adedotun, H., Adebowale, A.A., Olayiwola, I.O., Shittu, T.A. and Sanni, L.O (2014). Production and quality evaluation of noodles from sweet potato starch. Journal of Culinary Science and Technology, 13: 79-93.
J*79 Adebowale, A.A. O.O. Olatunde, M.O. Adegunwa, W.B. Asiru and L.O. Sanni (2014). Mechanical and sensorial characteristics of cassava and yam composite starch films. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 38: 1994–1998.
J*80 Awoyale, W., L. O. Sanni, T. A. Shittu, M. O. Adegunwa, B., Gueye and P. Kulakow (2014) Varietal effect on the moisture adsorption isotherm of yellow-fleshed cassava root starches. African Journal of Root and Tuber Crops, 11 (1): 41-49.
J*81 Oyedeji, A. B. · O. P. Sobukola · F. O. Henshaw · M. O. Adegunwa · L. O. Sanni · K. I. Tomlins (2016). Kinetics of mass transfer during deep fat frying of yellow fleshed cassava root slices. Heat Mass Transfer, 52: 1061–1070.
J*82 T.A. Esan, O.P. Sobukola, L.O. Sanni, H.A. Bakare, L. Munoz (2015) Process optimization by response surface methodology and quality attributes of vacuum fried yellow fleshed sweetpotato (Ipomoea batatas L.) chips. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 95: 27–37.
J*83 Andrew Marchant, Andrew Graffham, Lateef Sanni, and Idowu Adeoya (2015). Dramatic efficiency gains through improved heat exchangers: the case of cassava flash drying in Nigeria. Food Chain, 5 (1–2):91-104
J*84 Abdulsalam-Saghir, P.B., Bennett, B, Quaye, W., Viet Phu Tu, Sanni, L. O. and Martin, A. M. (2015). Gender analysis of households’ decision-making to reduce post-harvest losses of cassava in Ghana, Nigeria and Vietnam. Food Chain, 5 (1–2): 51-70
J*85 Richard Lamboll, Valerie Nelson, Helena Posthumustandars, Adrienne Martin, Kolawole Adebayo, Francis Alacho, Nanam Dziedzoave, Grace Mahende, Vito Sandifolo, Lateef Sanni, Louise Abayomi, Andrew Graffham, Rory Hillocks and Andrew Westby (2015). Practical lessons on scaling up smallholder-inclusive and sustainable cassava value chains in Africa. Food Chain, 5 (1–2):28-52.
J*86 Bashirat A. Wahab, Abdul-Rasaq A. Adebowale, Silifat A. Sanni, Olajide P. Sobukola, Adewale O. Obadina, Olatundun E. Kajihausa, Mojisola O. Adegunwa, Lateef O. Sanni and Keith Tomlins (2015). Effect of species, pretreatments, and drying methods on the functional and pasting properties of high-quality yam flour. Food Science & Nutrition, 4(1): 50–58.
J*87 Oluwakemi Ajayi, Adewale Obadina, Micheal Idowu, Mojisola Adegunwa, Olatundun Kajihausa, Lateef Sanni, Yemisi Asagbra, Bolanle Ashiru and Keith Tomlins (2015). Effect of packaging materials on the chemical composition and microbiological quality of edible mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) grown on cassava peels. Food Science & Nutrition, 3(4): 28491.
J*88 Sekinat T. Kareem, Abdul-Rasaq A. Adebowale, Olajide P. Sobukola, Moruf A. Adebisi, Olusegun A. Obadina, Olatundun E. Kajihausa, Mojisola O. Adegunwa, Lateef O. Sanni, Tomlins Keith (2015). Some Quality Attributes of High Quality Cassava-Tigernut Composite Flour and Its Extruded Snacks. Journal of Culinary Science & Technology, 13 (3): 242-262.
J*89 Adebowale, A. A., Kareem, S. T., Sobukola, O. P., Adebisi, M. A., Obadina, A. O., Kajihausa, O. E., Adegunwa, M. O., Sanni, L. O., Keith, T. (2016). Mineral and Antinutrient Content of High Quality Cassava-Tigernut Composite Flour Extruded Snack. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation, 41(5), e13125. doi:10.1111/jfpp.13125
J*89 Awoyale, W., Sanni, L. O., Shittu, T. A., Adegunwa, M. A. (2015). Effect of varieties on the functional and pasting properties of biofortified cassava root starches. Food Measure (2015) 9:225–232.
J*90 Ifeoluwa O. Olotu, Adewale O. Obadina, Olajide P. Sobukola, Mojisola Adegunwa, Abdulrasaq A. Adebowale, Esther Kajihausa, Lateef Oladimeji Sanni, Yemisi Asagbra, Bolanle Ashiru & Tomlins Keith (2015). Effect of chemical preservatives on shelf life of mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) cultivated on cassava peels. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 50 (6): 1477-1483. doi:10.1111/ijfs.12770
J*91 Itabiyi, O.V.I, Adebowale, A.A., Shittu, T.A., Adigbo, S. O. & Sanni, L.O. (2016). Effect of ratooning process on the engineering properties of NERICA rice varieties. Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods, 8(1): 21-31.
J* 92 Oyedeji, A. B., Sobukola, O. P., Henshaw, .F. O., Adegunwa M. O., Sanni, L.O., Tomlins K. I. (2016). Kinetics of mass transfer during deep fat frying of yellow fleshed cassava root slices. Heat and Mass Transfer, 52(5):1061-1070
J*93 Ekunseitan, O. F, Obadina, A. O., Sobukola, O. P., Omemu, A. M., Adegunwa, M. O.,
Kajihausa, O. E, Adebowale, A. A., Sanni S.A., Sanni L.O. and Tomlins Keith (2016). Nutritional composition, functional and pasting properties of wheat, mushroom and high quality cassava composite flour. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 41(5), e13150. doi:10.1111/jfpp.13150
J*94 Ogunmuyiwa, O.H., Adebowale, A.A., Sobukola, O.P. Onabanjo, O.O., Obadina, A.O., Adegunwa, M.O., Kajihausa, O.E., Sanni, L.O. & Keith, T. (2016). Production and quality evaluation of extruded snack from blends of bambara groundnut flour, cassava starch and corn bran flour. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 41 (5), e13183. doi:10.1111/jfpp.13183
J*95 Kuye, A., D., Raji, O. O., Otuu, A. O., E. I. Kwaya, W.B. Asiru, I. B. Abdulkareem, B, B. Alenkhe, B. Ayo and L. O. Sanni (2017) Design, Fabrication and Drying Performance of flash dryer for high quality cassava flour. Agricultural Mechanization in Asia, Africa, and Latin America, 48 (3): 63-70.
J*96 Gbemisola J. Fadimu, Abdul-Rasaq Adebowale, L. O. Sanni and S. O. Kareem (2018). Optimisation of pre-treatment conditions for plantain (Musa parasidiaca) flour using Box-Behnken design. Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods. 10(3):223 – 232·
J*97 Gbemisola J. Fadimu, Abdul-Rasaq Adebowale, L. O. Sanni and S. O. Kareem (2018). Effect of drying methods on the chemical composition, colour, functional and pasting properties of plantain (Musa parasidiaca) flour. Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods. 13 (1-2): 38-43. DOI: 10.31895/hcptbn.13.1-2.2.
J*98 Adegbola, O.O., L.A. Abayomi, A.O. Obadina, A.A. Adebowale, M.O. Adegunwa, L.O. Sanni (2018). Effect of variety, age at maturity, and drying method on physicochemical properties of high quality cassava flour (HQCF). Food Chain 7(2): 100-111.
J*99 K.O. Ande, A.O. Oso, O.O. Oluwatosin, L.O. Sanni, K.O. Bello, K. Adebayo, A.O. Lala (2018). Performance and economic benefits of meat-type chicken fed diets containing white and yellow cassava supplemented with different additives. Food Chain 7(2): 71-86.
J*100 O.T. Irekhore, K.O. Bello, G.T. Olukorede, L.O. Sanni, K. Adebayo (2018). Effect of cassava grits as maize replacement on carcass characteristics of two strains of broiler chickens. Food Chain 7 (2): 112-124.
J101* G.J. Fadimu, L.O. Sanni, A.A. Adebowale, S.O. Kareem, O.P. Sobukola, O.E. Kajihausa, P. Abdulsalam-Saghir, B.O. Siwoku, A.O. Akinsanya, M.K. Adenekan (2018). Optimisation of pre-treatment conditions for plantain (Musa parasidiaca) flour using Box-Behnken design. Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods 10(3): 223-232.
J*102) Richard Lamboll, Adrienne Martin, Lateef Sanni, Kolawole Adebayo, Andrew Graffham, Ulrich Kleih, Louise Abayomi, Andrew Westby (2018). Shaping, adapting and reserving the right to play. Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies 8 (1): 54-76.
J*103 Omohimi, C. I., C. Piccirillo, M. Roriz, V. Ferraro, M. W. Vasconcelos, L. O. Sanni, K. Tomlins, M. M. Pintado, L. A. Abayomi (2018). Study of the proximate and mineral composition of different Nigerian yam chips, flakes and flours. Journal of Food Science and Technology 55(1): 42-51.
J*104 Olusola Timothy Bolaji, Samuel Olusegun Awonorin, Lateef Oladimeji Sanni, Taofik Akinyemi Shittu (2018). Modelling of mechanical properties of five maize varieties at critical processing conditions in the production of fermented slurry-ogi. International Journal of Food Properties 21(1): 1619-1632.
J*105 Olusola Fatimah Olagunju-Yusuf, Abdul-Razak Adebowale, Olajide Sobukola, Lateef Sanni (2019). The Optimization of Production of Instant Pounded Yam Flour Using Cultivars of White Yam (Dioscorea rotundata). Asian Food Science Journal, 1-9.
J*106 Bolaji, O. T., S. O. Awonorin, L. O. Sanni, T. A. Shittu, J. K. Adewumi (2019). Modeling of particle size distribution and energy consumption of wet milled maize at varying soaking period and method in the production of Ogi. Particulate Science and Technology 37(1): 94-102.
J*107 Aditya Parmar, Keith Tomlins, Lateef Sanni, Celestina Omohimi, Funmi Thomas,
Thierry Tran (2019). Exposure to air pollutants and heat stress among resource-poor women entrepreneurs in small-scale cassava processing. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 191(11): 693.
J*108 Adebukola T. Omidiran, Olajide P. Sobukola, Silifat A. Sanni, Lateef O. Sanni, Abdulrasaq A. Adebowale, Adebola O. Shajobi, Peter Kulakow (2019). Evaluation of some quality parameters of cassava starch and soy protein isolate matrices during deep fat frying in soybean oil. Food Science & Nutrition, 7(2): 656-666.
J*109 Celestina Omohimi, Clara Piccirillo, Vincenza Ferraro, Mariana C. Roriz, Mobolaji A. Omemu, Sandra M. Dias Santos, Sandrine Da Ressurreição, Louise Abayomi, Abdulraqaz Adebowale, Marta W. Vasconcelos, Oluwasegun Obadina, Lateef Sanni, Maria M. E. Pintado (2019). Safety of Yam-Derived (Dioscorea rotundata) Foodstuffs—Chips, Flakes and Flour: Effect of Processing and Post-Processing Conditions. Foods 7(2): 656-666.
J*110 Wasiu Awoyale, Lateef Oladimeji Sanni, Taofik Akinyemi Shittu, Abdulrazak Adesola Adebowale, Mojisola Olanike Adegunwa (2019). Development of an Optimized Cassava Starch-Based Custard Powder. Journal of Culinary Science & Technology 17(1): 1-23.
J*111 BI Ewedairo, AA Osipitan, AR Popoola, LO Sanni, MI Takeet (2020). Molecular identification of Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) associated with tomatoes (Solanum lycopersicum L.) in Ogun State. Nigerian Journal of Biotechnology 37 (1): 46-54
J*112 Abdulhameed Adewale Odeseye, Samuel Olusegun Awonorin, Rukayat Oluwadamilola Abdussalaam, Lateef Oladimeji Sanni, Tajudeen Muraina Adeniyi Olayanju (2020). The effect of processing variables on the biscuit-making potential of cocoyam-brewer’s spent grain flour blends. Croatian Journal of Food Science and Technology 12 (1): 56-66.
J*113 Kehinde Oyeade Ande, Abimbola Oladele Oso, Adebukunola Oluwafumilayo Lala, Kazeem Olajide Bello, Oluseyi Oluwajubelo Oluwatosin, Lateef Oladimeji Sanni, Kolawole Adebayo (2020). Nutrient Digestibility, Metabolizable Energy and Carcass Traits of Broilers Fed White and Yellow Cassava Root Meals Supplemented with Different Additives. Pertanika Journal of Tropical Agricultural Science 43(2): 141-161.
J*114 Omidiran, A.T., Sobukola, O.P., Sanni, S.A. Sanni, L.O., Adebowale, A.A., Azeez, R. and Iluebbey, P. (2020). Quality attributes of formulated snacks from blends of cassava starch and soy protein isolate deep fried in palmolein oil. Legume Science, 2020;e61. DOI: 10.1002/leg3.61.
J*115 Najimu Adeniyi Adetoro, Olusola Oyetola Oworu, Adesola Lateef Nassir, Abolore Abdul
Razaq Bello, Elizabeth Parkes, Ayoni Surajudeen Ogunbayo, Moses Gbenga Akinwale, Olufemi Aina, Agbona Afolabi, Peter Iluebbey, Lateef Sanni, Busie Maziya-Dixon, Alfred Dixon, and Peter Kulakow (2020). Evaluation of improved cassava genotypes for yield and related traits for a better breeding strategy under different agroecologies in Nigeria. Euphytica (In Press).
J*116 A.F. Adegoke, M.O. Oke, K.O. Oriola, and L.O. Sanni (2020). Design, construction, and
performance evaluation of an innovative cassava peeling machine. Food Chain, 9 (2): 107–131.
J*117 Keith Tomlins, Aditya Parmar, Celestina Omohimi, Lateef Sanni, Adekola Adegoke,
Abdul-Rasaq Adebowale, Ben Bennett (2021). Enhancing the shelf-life of fresh cassava roots: a field evaluation of simple storage bags.
J*118 Tomlins, K., Parmar, A., Omohimi, C., Sanni, L., Adegoke, A., Adebowale, A and
Bennett, B, (2021), “Enhancing the Shelf-Life of Fresh Cassava Roots: A Field Evaluation of Simple Storage Bags. Processes. 9: 577.

Conference proceedings
C1. Sanni, L. O. and Ojelade, O. (1998) Effect of drying methods on functional properties of Clarias gariepinus (cat fish). In: Proceedings of the Silver Anniversary Conference of the Nigerian Society of Animal production and the Inaugural Conference of the West African Society for Animal production, Gateway Hotel, Abeokuta, Nigeria, 21-26 March 1998 (eds. O. O. Oduguwa, A. O. Fanimo and O. A. Osinowo). Pg. 450-451.
C2. Sanni, L. O. (1998) Drying rates of pre-treated solar dried cassava chips. In: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference/Annual General Meeting of Nigerian Institute of Food Science & Technology, University of Agirculture, Abeokuta 23-26 November 1998 (eds. S. V. Uzochukwu, C. F. I. Onwuka, M. A. Idowu), 1, 146-148.
C3. Sanni, L. O. and Ojelade, O. (1998) Chemical and sensory qualities of pre-treated dried catfish (Clarias gariepinus). In: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference/Annual General Meeting of Nigerian Institute of Food Science & Technology, University of Agriculture, Abeokuta 23-26 November 1998 (eds. S. V. Uzochukwu, C. F. I. Onwuka, M. A. Idowu), 1, 108-109.
C4. Sanni, L. O. and Francis, T. Z. (1999) Effect of drying methods on the chemical and sensory qualities of Iru. In: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference/Annual General Meeting of Nigerian Institute of Food Science & Technology, Abuja, 25-27 October 1999 (Co-ordinator for eds. G. N. Elemo), 1, 283-284.
C5. Sanni, L. O., K. Adebayo and T. A. Shittu (1999) An Agenda for food security through post harvest extension message package in Nigeria. In: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference/Annual General Meeting of Nigerian Institute of Food Science & Technology, Abuja, 25-27 October 1999 (Coordinator for eds. G. N. Elemo), 1, 298-299.
C6. Shittu, T. A., Ogunmoyela, O. A. and Sanni, L. O. (1999) Nutrient retention and sensory characteristics of dried leafy vegetables. In: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference/Annual General Meeting of Nigerian Institute of Food Science & Technology, Abuja, 25-27 October 1999 (Co-ordinator for eds. G. N. Elemo), 1, 130-131.
C7. Sanni, L. O. and A. Kuye (2000): Effect of temperatures on water absorption isotherms of some fortified cassava products. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Drying Symposium, 28-31 August, 2000, (eds P. J. A. M. Kerkhof, W. J. Coumans, G. D. Mooiweer, Noordwijkerhout), The Netherlands, EFCE Event number 613, Elsevier Science B. V., Paper 23, 8pp.
C8. Sanni, L. O., Oyelakin, O. A., Oketokun, O. A. and Abass, A. A. (2001) Effect of grinding methods and particle sizes on the qualities of dried fufu In:African Crop Science Conference Proceedings, vol 5: pp. 519-523.
C9 Dipeolu, A., Adebayo, K., Ayinde, I. A., Oyewole, O. B., Sanni, L. O., Pearce, D. M., Wandschneider, T. S., White, J. L., Tomlins, K. and Westby, A. (2001). Commercialization of fufu: some issues of marketing in Ogun and Lagos States of Nigeria. In: African Crop Science Conference Proceedings, vol 5: pp. 739-745.
C10. Sanni, L. O. (2002) Trends in the drying of cassava products in Africa. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Society for Tropical Root Crops, Tsukuba, Japan, 2000, (eds Makoto Nakatani and Katsumi Komaki), 113-120.
C11. Sanni, L. O. (2002) Prospects for upgrading traditional technology of stapled foods manufactured in Nigeria. Paper presented at the International Workshop “Small Scale Food Industry for a Healthy Nutrition in West Africa, held in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 22-24 November
C12. Sanni, L.O.1, Akingbala, J.O.2, Oyewole, O.B.1, Bainbridge, Z.A. 3, Graffham, A.J.3 and Westby, A.3. (2002) Effects of Air Drying Conditions on the Chemical, Pasting and Sensory Properties of Fufu, a Fermented Cassava Product. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Society for Tropical Root Crops, Tsukuba, Japan, 2000, (eds Makoto Nakatani and Katsumi Komaki), 100-103.
C13. Sanni, L. O., Oyewole, O. B., Akinyemi, A. O., Bankole, M. O., Dipeolu, A. O. Adebayo, K., Ayinde, I. A., White, J. L., Tomlins, K. and Westby, A (2003). Physicochemical, microbial, and sensory qualities of dried fufu from various fufu processors in Southwest Nigeria.” Proceedings of the 1st Nigerian Drying Symposium, University of PortHarcourt, Nigeria, October 2003 (eds Kuye et al., 2003), 77-84.
C14. Oyewole, O. B., Sanni, L. O., Dipeolu, A. O., Adebayo, K., Ayinde, I. A., White, J. L., Tomlins, K. I., and Westby, A. (2004). Factors influencing the quality of Nigerian fufu. Proceedings of the 8th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops-Africa Branch (ISTRC-AB), (ed M. O. Akoroda), IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria , 12-16 November 2001, 182-184.
C15. Idowu, M. A., Sanni, L. O. and Farore, O. B. (2004). Development and storage stability of some traditional snack foods from sweet potato. Proc. 8th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops-Africa Branch (ISTRC-AB), (ed M. O. Akoroda), IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria , 12-16 November 2001, 205-207.
C16. Sanni, L. O., Ikuomola, D. P. and Sanni, S. A. (2004). Effect of length of fermentation and varieties on the qualities of sweet potato and gari. Proceedings of the 8th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops-Africa Branch (ISTRC-AB), Edited by M. O. Akoroda, IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria , 12-16 November 2001, Page 208-211.
C17. Idowu, M. A., Sanni, L. O. and Osunbitan, O. A. (2004). Effect of processing methods and storage conditions on the qualities of fried sweet potato chips. In Proceedings of the 8th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops-Africa Branch (ISTRC-AB), Edited by M. O. Akoroda, IITA, Ibadan, Nigeria , 12-16 November 2001, 222-224.
C18. Sanni, L. O. (2003) Challenges and Opportunities facing food processing practices in Nigeria: The role of Food Technologies. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Food-Based approaches for a Healthy Nutrition in West Africa: the role of food technologists and nutritionists, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso organized by University of Ouagadougou/Wageningen University/International Research for Development, 24-28
November 2003, 671-682.
C19. Sanni, L. O., Oyewole, O. B., Adebowale, A. A. and Adebayo, K (2003) Current trends in the utilization of roots and tubers for sustainable development. In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Food-Based approaches for a Healthy Nutrition in West Africa: the role of food technologists and nutritionists, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso organized by University of Ouagadougou/Wageningen University/International Research for Development, 24-28 November 2003, 123-138.
C20. Sanni, L. O., Awosika, Y. A. and Adebowale, A. A. (2004). Proximate composition of fortified cassava flakes. In: Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology, Conference Centre, (eds Adegoke et al.), 291-292.
C21. Sanni, L., Dixon, A., Tarawali, G. And Westby, A. (2007). Cassava Processing in West Africa: The Research, The Development and The Market. In: Proceedings resulting from the 1st International Workshop on Potential of Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) processing in West Africa.Universitie d’Abobo-Adjame, Abidjan, (eds, Amani, G, Nindjin, C., N’Zue, B., Tschannen, A and Aka, D.), 74-78.
C22. Sanni, L. O. and Ajakaye, F. I. (2007). Influence of the initial moisture contents on the functional and sensory qualities of dried fufu. In: Proceedings of the 13th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops, (ed Kapinga, et. al.) 10-14 Nov, 2003, Arusha, Tanzania, 460-465.
C23. Sanni, L. O., Bamgbose, C. A., Babajide, J. M. and Sanni, S. A. (2007). Production of instant cassava noodles. In: Proceedings of the 13th Triennial Symposium of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops, (ed Kapinga, et. al.) 10-14 Nov, 2003, Arusha, Tanzania, 466-472.
*C24. Adebayo, K; Fabusoro, E., Sanni, L. O. and Osuntade, O.B (2009). Potential adoption of the cassava peeling machine in Southwest Nigeria. In: Proceedings of the 15th Triennial International Society of Tropical Root Crops, 2-6 Nov, 2009, Peru, 61-65.
*C25. Sanni, L. O. (2010). Cassava Development in Africa: Role of Food Science and Technology. Poster paper (P0625) presented at the 15th IUFoST Congress, Cape Town.
*C26. Adebowale, A. A., Sanni, L. O. and Lawal, M. O. (2010). Gluten-free Vitamin A enriched instant noodle through extrusion cooking: effect of barrel temperature. Poster paper (P0761) presented at the 15th IUFoST Congress, Cape Town, South Africa.
*C27. Omidiran, A.T., Sobukola, O.P., Sanni, S.A., Adebowale, A.A., Obadina, O.A., Kajihausa, O.E., Adegunwa, M.O., Sanni, L.O., Tomlins, K. & Wolfgang, T. (2014). Studies on some properties of wheat-brewers’ spent cassava flour blends. Proceedings 38th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Institute of Food Science and Technology (NIFST), J.O. Abu, Sule, S., Chinma, C.E., Eke, M.O. and Sengev, A.I. (Eds.) 25-26. Published by NIFST.
*C28. Buliyaminu, A. Alimi., Taofik A Shittu, Lateef O Sanni and Toyin A Arowolo (2016). Consumer acceptability of coated fried yam chips. Proc. 16th ISTRC, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, 228-231 Sept 2012. Edited by R. U. Okechukwu and A. A. Adebowale.
*C29. M. O. Oyelakin, L. O. Sanni, K. Adebayo, B. Maziya-Dixon, A. A. Adebowale, S. B. Kosoko (2016). Effect of drying method on the properties of cassava chips. Proc. 16th ISTRC, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, 239-244. Sept 2012. Edited by R. U. Okechukwu and A. A. Adebowale.
*C30. M. O. Oyelakin, L. O. Sanni, K. Adebayo, B. Maziya-Dixon, A. A. Adebowale, S. B. Kosoko (2016). Effect of drying and storage time on the pasting properties of cassava chips. Proc. 16th ISTRC, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, 265-271. Sept 2012. Edited by R. U. Okechukwu and A. A. Adebowale.

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