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Dear Content Contributor,


Last week, we started our discussion on the use of effective Time Management. You recall that time management is all about making the most effective use of your time and working smarter, not harder. I hope you find it interesting.


This week, we want to continue in the series with Striking a Perfect Balance between Technology and Teachers. Recently, many higher institutions are making use of social media in disseminating their teaching contents and perform their professional roles.


Integrating technology in whatever you do is no doubt an overwhelming task. As such, teachers find themselves pulled in different directions everyday due to the ever evolving technological advancements. So, how do educators find the ideal balance between technology and teachers? This article explores a few ideas that teachers can embrace to harmoniously integrate technology in their classrooms.


As you try to harmonize technology and teachers, it is imperative to note that technology is the literacy that is required in higher education and in the economy. Nowadays, it is the universal language that the entire world speaks. 


The coming generations are going to have a very tough job market whose competition will be determined by how technologically savvy one is. This does not however mean that job will not be available. It means that career opportunities will continue to dwindle as outsourcing and automation expand. And this is perhaps the biggest reason why technology and teachers have to be coordinated.


As such, technology and teachers have to strike a perfect balance in order to equip learners with both the required technical knowledge and the technological know-how needed to survive in the competitive world of hi-tech gadgetry.  Read More


I will be glad to read your view and comments about this subject matter and your current perception about our Centre. Your suggestions on how to move the Centre forward will be highly appreciated.


You also can read our previous tips from HERE


Please WATCH OUT for our monthly ACADEMIC CLINIC DAY, commencing very soon.



Thank you.


Prof. O. M. Arigbede

Director, Centre for Innovation and Strategy in Learning and Teaching

Last Updated on April 18, 2017 by admin


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