Authors:Blasu E.Y., Karikari P.K. Aina A.B.J., Dosoo D., Kayan K.
Ghanaian Journal of Animal Science, Vol.4 No.1, 2009
As part of a 2×2 factorial (factors: supplementation level and age) flushing experiment to determine the physiologic link between nutrition and reproduction in 3 – 6 year old West African Dwarf goats, the metabolic and pituitary functioning status vI !’U does were determined. The parameters measured were: blood glucose, total protein. catcium, insulin, and luteinizing hormone (LH) at mating. Generally, the interaction of high supplementation and younger (3 – 4 year) tended to be associated with low serum concentration of glucose and high serum levels of total protein, while the combination of low supplementation level and younger age (3- 4 year) showed higher serum concentration of insulin and LH. It was concluded that flushing induced pre-breeding metabolic and pituitary functioning status ill does, characterized the tendency for low serum concentration of glucose, hut high levels of total protein, insulin and L H in the 3 – 4 year does.