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The Centre for Innovation and Strategy in Learning and Teaching presents steps for Universal Design for effective learning:
1. Teaching Materials: Make sure the content of your lecture is current, detail and applicable to contemporary issues. ‘Teaching materials are the resources a teacher uses to deliver instruction. Each teacher requires a range of tools to draw upon in order to assist and support student learning. These materials play a large role in making knowledge accessible to a learner and can encourage a student to engage with knowledge in different ways.’ Variety in Teaching Materials”
2. Teaching Method: Apply Appropriate Teaching Method in disseminating the information. It is important to use variety and flexibility in teaching methods in order to reach all learning preferences.
To create an inclusive learning experience we are required not only to offer our students inclusive learning materials, but also inclusive pedagogy. All students come from different cultural and social backgrounds and for a variety of reasons are all learning from their own individual perspectives.
Howard Gardner, the Harvard Psychologist and creator of Multiple Intelligences (MI) Theory, does not address intelligence as one general intelligence, but views each learner as having a whole range of individual capacities working in unison and interacting together in a non-predictable way (Gardner, 2009, 3-5).
In an effort to address the broad profile of intelligences operating within each learner, Howard Gardner suggests the following range of entry points to learning: Read more
You can also read this exciting article “ To Improve Student Performance, Start Thinking Like a Coach“
3. Assessment Methods: Ensure that all students receive clear, timely and accurate information regarding assessment deadlines and requirements. This allows for clear expectations and advanced preparation.
Always be aware that formative assessment can also play an important role in a student’s learning. Feedback from formative assessment can both direct a student in the learning journey and advise a teacher of where teaching methods have been successful and where they have not.
Be clear as to the actual skills being measured when using a particular method of assessment. Learning outcomes are central to this task. Read more
4. Appropriate Lecture Videos: Download and Use Videos related to the topic/concept to be taught from We appreciate your comments on the previous tips from our Centre. We are making effort to get lecture videos for those in the field of applied sciences. We equally welcome those that may want to develop videos for their courses. It is our interests that studying in FUNAAB reflects, promote, facilitate and improve our society.