Authors: Arogundade Oluwasefunmi ‘Tale , Akinwale Adio Taofiki.
Developing Bussiness Information System IJRRAS 2 (3),2010
This paper examines one aspect of usage-centered software development, modeling system requirement using USE_CASES. Usage-centered design is a systematic, model driven approach to visual and interaction design with an established record of effectiveness in a wide variety of settings and areas of application. To this end, a general approach to fairness conditions and timer concepts are developed with usage-centered engineering. As a case study, this modeling tool is applied to the well known generalized car hiring problem where a complete model is included. Designing and implementation of the tool allows monitoring of all components of car hiring process as a complete system since the modeling tool adequately convey the understanding of the system to the users. This will enhance the client experience and as in the case of software development can lead to lower costs for the organization.