Last Updated on May 8, 2019 by admin
(a) Thesis/Dissertation
i Waheed, M. A.: Computer simulation of the operations of a single cylinder four-strokes cycle spark- ignition engine, July 1990, degree project report, University of Ilorin.
ii Waheed, M. A.: Natural convection in rectangular enclosures with one thermally active and differentially heated vertical side, March 1995, Master thesis, University of Ilorin.
iii Waheed, M. A.: Fluid dynamics and mass transfer by free and forced convection of liquid drops (written in German), March 2001, Ph.D thesis, Aachen University of Technology (RWTH), Aachen, Germany. URL:
(b) Book/Monographs
1. Adebiyi K. A., Waheed, M. A. and Mudashiru, L. O. (2008). Basics of Strength of materials. Keller Prints Production, ISBN: 978-978-49152-0-5.
2. Jekayinfa, S. O. and Waheed, M. A. (2008). Selected fuel properties of biodiesel produced from shea butter oil and palm kernel oil, in Adebooye O. C., Taiwo, K. A., Fatufe, A. A. (Eds.), Food, Health and Environmental Issues in Developing Countries: The Nigerian Situation, Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen, pp. 326 – 334.
3. Waheed M. A., Adebiyi K. A. and Onawumi A. S. (2007). Fundamentals of Maintenance Engineering, Wole-Alabi Blessed Press, ISBN: 978-2902-28-4.
4. Olafimihan, E. O., Onawumi, A. S. and Waheed, M. A. (2004). Worked examples and practice problems with answers n engineering mechanics. Emola-Jay Communications Inc. Ibadan, ISBN: 978-196-102-3.
5. Waheed, M. A., Jekayinfa, S. O. and Adebiyi, K. A. (2004). Introductory fluid mechanics. Emola-Jay Communications Inc. Ibadan. ISSN: 978-006-506-7.
6. Waheed, M. A., Jekayinfa, S. O. and Olafimihan, E. O. (2003). Strength of materials for beginners. Emola-Jay Communications Inc. Ibadan. ISSN: 978-006-391-9.
7. Waheed, M. A. (2001). Fluid dynamics and mass transfer by free and forced convection of liquid drops, Shaker Press, Aachen, Germany. ISBN 3-8265-8962-9; ISSN 0945-1021 (in German).
(c) Published Articles
I. Journal Articles
8. Waheed, M. A. (1999). Simulation of fluid dynamics and mass transfer of a drop, TVT-Akzente, 1 Jahrgang, 1999, pg. 8 – 9 (in German, English translation attached).
9. Henschke, M., Waheed, M. A. and A. Pfennig (2000). Wall effect on the sedimentation of sphere; Chem. Ing. Tech. Vol. 72(11), pg. 1376 – 1380 (in German, English translation attached).
10. Waheed, M. A. and. Gross-Hardt, E (2000). Simulation of flow processes of a single drop, TVT-Akzente, 2 Jahrgang, pg. 10 – 11 (in German, English translation attached).
11. Waheed, M. A., Henschke, M. and A. Pfennig (2002). Mass transfer by free and forced convection of a liquid drop, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 45, 4507 – 4514.
12. Waheed, M. A (2003). Natural convection in rectangular enclosures with one thermally active and differentially heated vertical side. Journal of Applied Science and Technology, vol. 3(2), 1 – 7.
13. Waheed, M. A. (2003). The Phenomenon of wakes formation and development behind liquid droplets. LAUTECH Journal of Engineering and Technology, vol. 1(1), 6 – 16.
14. Waheed, M. A. (2003). The effect of fluid transport properties on the inner and outer flow of a sedimenting drop, Journal of Science Engineering and Technology, vol. 10(2), 4909 – 4925.
15. Waheed M. A. (2004). On the heat function formulation of the natural convective flow and heat transfer LAUTECH Journal of Engineering and Technology. Vol. 2 (1): 30 – 35.
16. Waheed, M. A., Henschke, M. and Pfennig A. (2004) Simulating sedimentation of liquid drop. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Engng., vol. 59, 1821 – 1837.
17. Alamu, O. J., Aiyedun, P. O. and Waheed, M. A. (2004). Simulation of the type 316 stainless steel deformation during hot Rolling using the Zener-Hollomon parameter. LAUTECH Journal of Engineering and Technology. Vol. 2 (1): 47 – 55.
18. Jekayinfa, S.O., Adebiyi, K.A., Waheed, M.A. and Owolabi, O.O. (2005). Appraisal of farm tractor maintenance practices and costs in Nigeria. International Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering. UK vol. 11(2): 152 – 168.
19. Jekayinfa, S.O., Waheed, M.A., Adebiyi, K.A. and Adebiyi, F.T. (2005). Effect of cassava fluid on corrosion performance of mild steel. Journal of Anti Corrosion Methods and Materials vol. 52(5): 286 – 292.
20. Waheed, M. A. and Jekayinfa, S. O. (2005). Review of solar powered refrigeration system for rural dwellers. International Journal of Applied Agricultural and Apicultural Research (IJAAAR). Vol. 1 (1): 74 – 86
21. Ogunleye, O.O., Waheed, M.A., and Odewole, G.A. (2005). Optimal allocation of pipe diameters in pipe networks using modified assignment problem approach, LAUTECH Journal of Engineering and Technology. vo1. 3 (1): 76 – 81.
22. Waheed, M. A. (2006). Temperature dependent fluid properties effects on the heat function formulation of natural convective flow and heat transfer. International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, vol. 16(2), 240 – 260.
23. Adebiyi, K. A., Waheed, M. A. and Charles-Owaba, O. E. (2006). An empirical analysis of airways safety in Nigeria, Journal of Research in Engineering, vol. 3(2), 18 – 25.
24. Adebiyi, K. A., Charles-Owaba, O. E and Waheed, M. A. (2007). Safety performance evaluation models – a review, International Journal of Disaster Prevention and Management, vol. 16, No. 2, pp. 178 – 187.
25. Alamu, O.J., Waheed, M.A. and Jekayinfa, S.O. (2007). Alkali-catalysed Laboratory Production and Testing of Biodiesel Fuel from Nigerian Palm Kernel Oil Agricultural Engineering International: the CIGR – E – Journal. Manuscript EE 07 009 Vol.IX.
26. *Alamu, O.J., Waheed, M. A. and Jekayinfa, S.O. (2007). Biodiesel Production from Nigerian Palm Kernel Oil: Effect of KOH Concentration on Yield. Journal of Energy for Sustainable Development, vol. XI, No 3, pp. 77 – 82.
27. *ObaniJesu E.O., Waheed M.A. and Macaulay S.R.A. (2007), West African Gas Pipeline (WAGP) Project: The Prospects, Associated Problems and Possible Remedies, LAUTECH Journal of Engineering, vol. 4(2), pp. 60 – 68.
28. *Durowoju M. O. and Waheed M. A. (2007). A measurement of porosity in aluminium A356 cast alloy using fractal analysis, Science Focus, an International Journal Biological and Physical Sciences, vol. 12(2), pp. 157 – 165.
29. *Ayeni O. B. and Waheed M. A. (2007). The interaction of thermal ignition, explosion, natural convection, forced convection and species consumption in a carburettor, Science Focus, an International Journal Biological and Physical Sciences, vol. 12(2), pp. 172 – 180.
30. *Alamu, O. J., Aiyedun, P. O., Kareem, A., Waheed, M. A. (2007). Effect of AISI316 stainless steel geometry on temperature distribution during hot rolling at high reduction, Advanced Materials Research, vols. (18 – 19), 195 – 200.
31. *Alamu, O.J., Waheed, M. A., Jekayinfa, S.O. and Akintola, T.A. (2007). Optimal Transesterification Duration for Biodiesel Production from Nigerian Palm Kernel Oil, Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Ejournal. Texas, USA, EE 07 018. Vol. IX. December, 2007
32. *Alamu, O.J., Waheed, M.A. and Jekayinfa, S.O. (2008). Effect of Ethanol-Palm kernel oil Ratio on Alkali-catalysed Biodiesel Yield, Fuel; The Science and Technology of Fuel and Energy, 87(8-9): 1529-1533
33. *Waheed, M. A., Jekayinfa, S. O., Ojediran, J. O. and Imeokparia, O. E. (2008). Energetic analysis of fruit juice processing operations in Nigeria, The International Journal of Energy, 33 (1), 35 – 45.
34. *Waheed M A. (2008). An approach to the simulation of natural convective heat transfer between two horizontal cylindrical annuli, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, 53: 323–340.
35. *Enweremadu C. C., Waheed M. A., Adekunle A. A., Adeala A. (2008). The energy potential of brewer’s spent grain for breweries in Nigeria, Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, vol. 3 (2), 175 – 177.
36. *Enweremadu C. C., Waheed, M. A., Ojediran, J. O. (2008). Parametric study of pressure increase across a compressor in ethanol-water vapour recompression distillation column, Scientific Research and Essay, vol. 3(9), 231 – 241.
37. *Waheed, M. A. (2009). Heatfunction Formulation of Thermal Convection in Rectangular Enclosures Filled with Porous Media, Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A, Vol. 55 No. 2, pp. 185 – 204.
38. *Alamu, O.J., Waheed, M. A. and Jekayinfa, S.O. (2009). Determination of Optimum Temperature for the Laboratory Preparation of Biodiesel from Nigerian Palm Kernel Oil, Energy Sources Part A, USA, vol. 31, pp. 1105–1114.
39. *Enweremadu C. C., Waheed, M. A., Ojediran, J. O. (2009). Parametric study of an ethanol–water distillation column with direct vapour recompression heat pump, Energy for Sustainable Development, vol. 13, 96–105.
40. *Waheed, M. A. (2009). Mixed Convective Heat Transfer in Rectangular Enclosures Driven by a Continuously Moving Horizontal Plate, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, vol. 52, pp. 5055–5063.
41., Durowoju, M.O, Waheed, M. A., Lucas, E.B. (2009), Application of Fractal Analysis in Evaluating the Pores in Heat-Treated Samples of Al-20%wtMg, The Pacific Journal of Science and Technology, vol. 10(2), pp. 136 – 142,
42. Arulogun, O. T., Fakolujo, O. A., Waheed, M. A., Omidiora, E. O. and Olaniyi, O. M. (2009), A Framework for Electronic Nose Based Condition Monitoring and Diagnosis of Automobile Engine Faults, The Journal of Computer Science and its Application, vol. 16 (2),pp. 31 – 41.
43. Fadare, D. A., Nkpubre, D. O., Oni, A. O., Falana, A., Waheed, M. A. and Bamiro, O. A. (2010). Energy and exergy analyses of malt drink production in Nigeria, The International Journal of Energy, vol. 35(12), 5336 – 5346. URL:
44. G. A. Odewole, M. A. Waheed and O. S. Olaoye. (2010). Measurement of Mean Velocity and Reynolds Stress Profiles in a Turbulent Pipe Flow, Science Focus, an International Journal Biological and Physical Sciences, vol. 15(2), pp. 236 – 248.
45. Waheed, M. A., Odewole, G. A., and Alagbe, S. O. (2011). Mixed Convective Heat Transfer in Rectangular Enclosures Filled with Porous Media, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, vol. 6(8), pp. 47 – 60.
46. Sangotayo, E. O. and Waheed, M. A. (2011). Parametric Study of Heat Characteristics of Fluid in Cylindrical Parabolic Concentrating Solar Collector”. Pacific Journal of Science and Technology. 12(1):152-160.
.47. Odewole, G.A., Waheed, M. A. and Olaoye, O. S. (2011): Experimental Measurement of Heat Transfer Rates in Heated Duct with Inclined Ribs. LAUJET, Vol. 6, Issue 2, pp. 12 – 18. 2.
48. Odewole, G.A., Waheed, M. A. and Olaoye, O. S. (2011): Measurement of Mean Velocity Profile in a Turbulent Pipe Flow – A Numerical Approach. LAUJET, Vol. 7, Issue 1, pp. 1 – 5.3.
49. Ohijeagbon, I.O., Waheed, M. A. and Jekayinfa, S.O. (2011): Annual and Compounded Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Steam Boiler. LAUJET, Vol.6, Issue 2, pp. 91 – 96
II Conference Proceedings
50. Alamu, O. J., Aiyedun, P. O., Kareem, A., Waheed, M. A. (2006). Effect of AISI316 stainless steel geometry on temperature distribution during hot rolling at high reduction, Proceeding of the International Conference on Engineering Research and Development: Impact on Industry, 5th – 7th September, 2006, Benin, Nigeria.
51. Waheed M. A., Alagbe S. O., and Ogunleye O. O., (2006). The applications of CFD in the design and the development of engineering equipment (paper presented at the 19th annual conference of the Nigerian Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Akure, November 08, 2006)
52. *Obanijesu, E.O, Waheed, M.A and Macaulay, S.R.A. (2007). Prospects and Problems of West African Gas Pipeline (WAGP) Project” (Paper accepted for presentation at the First International Conference on Environment Research, Technology and Policy, Accra, Ghana, July 16 – 19
53. *Waheed, M. A., Rees, D. A. S. (2008). Heatfunction analysis of the Rayleigh-Bénard problem in porous media, Proceedings of CHT-08, ICHMT International Symposium on Advances in Computational Heat Transfer, May 11-16, 2008, Marrakech, Morocco, paper CHT-08-384
54. Fadare, D. A., Bamiro, O. A., Nkpubre, D. O., Oni, A. O. and Waheed, M.A. (2010). Energy Analysis of Malt Drink Prfoduction in Nigeria, Proceedings of NIIE 2010 Conference, pp. 96 – 103
55. Babatunde, K. A., Alade, A. O., Waheed, M. A., Amuda, O. S. (2010). Determination of Biodiesel Blends Suitable for Automobile Engines from African Star Apple Seed Oil (ASASO), Humboldt-Kolleg International Conference, Ogbomoso, January 11 – 14, 2010, pp. 18.
56. Olaoye, S.O., Waheed, M. A. (2010). Experimental Investigation of the Effects of Geometry on the Performance of Savonius Wind Turbine, Humboldt-Kolleg International Conference, Ogbomoso, January 11 – 14, 2010, pp. 68.
57. Waheed, M. A., Ladokun, L. L. (2010). A Study of the Effects of Some Local Weather Parameters on the Thermal Performance of a Solar Concentrating Collector, Humboldt-Kolleg International Conference, Ogbomoso, January 11 – 14, 2010, pp. 69.
58. Waheed, M. A., Fadare, D. A., Oni, A. O., Sulaiman, M. A. (2010). Simulation of the Household Energy and Exergy Consumption Trend, Humboldt-Kolleg International Conference, Ogbomoso, January 11 – 14, 2010, pp. 70.
59. Fadare, D. A., Oni, A. O. and Waheed, M. A. (2010). Exergetic analysis of atmospheric distillation plant: a case study of WRPC refinery, Proceedings of Faculty of Technology International Conference 2010 held at Conference Centre and Guest Houses Ltd, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife between September 5 – 9, 2010, pp. 143 – 151.
60. Waheed, M. A., Lucas, E.B., Durowoju, M.O. (2010), Numerical Characteristion of the Pores in Heat Treated AL-20%WTZN, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Engineering and Technology Research, 28 – 30 September, pp. 58 -63.
61. Waheed, M. A., Odewole, G. A., Alagbe, S. O., Kuye, S. I. and Ismaila, S. O. (2011). Visualization of Buoyancy Induced Heat Flow in Rectangular Enclosures Filled with Nanofluids Using Heatfunction Formulation Approach, Second African Conference on Computational Mechanics – An International Conference – AfriCOMP11, January 5 – 8, 2011, Cape Town, South Africa
62. Oni, A.O., Fadare, D.A., Waheed, M.A., Adewumi, A., Adejobi, O.J. and Sulaiman, M.A. (2011). Exergetic Assessment of a Crude Oil Distillation Plant. Science, Engineering and Technology Conference (SETCONFERENCE, 2011), held at Osun State University, Osogbo, between March 15 and 18, 2011.
63. Sulaiman, M.A., Fadare, D.A., Oni, A.O., Waheed, M.A. and Ajulo, A.O. (2011). Thermodynamic Analysis of Edible Oil Refinery Operations. Science, Engineering and Technology Conference (SETCONFERENCE, 2011), held at Osun State University, Osogbo, between March 15 and 18, 2011.
64. Sangotayo, E.O., Waheed, M.A. and Alamu, O.J. (2011). Parametric Study of Thermal Performance of Cylindrical Parabolic Trough Solar Collector in Ogbomoso Environs. Science, Engineering and Technology Conference (SETCONFERENCE, 2011), held at Osun State University, Osogbo, between March 15 and 18, 2011.
65. Babatunde, K. A., Alade, A.O., Olabode F.I., and Waheed, M.A. (2011). Acid-Catalyzed Production of Biodiesel from Chrysophyllum Albidium Seed Oil. Science, Engineering and Technology Conference (SETCONFERENCE, 2011), held at Osun State University, Osogbo, between March 15 and 18, 2011.
66. Nwaokocha, C.N., Waheed, M.A. and Layeni, A.T. (2011). Extracting Marine Energy to Solve Nigeria’s Energy Crisis. Science, Engineering and Technology Conference (SETCONFERENCE, 2011), held at Osun State University, Osogbo, between March 15 and 18, 2011.
67. Sangotayo, E. O., Waheed, M. A., and Olajide, J. O. (2011). Numerical Investigation of Temperature Dependent Properties of Nanofluid in a Cavity, Humboldt-Kollege, Ogbomoso, 2011, July 4 – 7, 2011.
68 Olaoye, O. S., Waheed, M. A., Odewole, G. A. (2011). Importance of Nanotechnology in Solar Drying, Humboldt-Kollege, Ogbomoso, 2011, July 4 – 7, 2011.
69. Samuel, O. D., Waheed, M. A., Dairo, O. U. (2011). Sustainable biodiesel development strategies in fossil-driven economy – Nigeria, 7th Annual Research Conference & Fair, University of Lagos, 19th – 21st October, 2011.
70. OYELAMI, A.T., ADEJUYIGBE, S.B., WAHEED, M.A. AND OGUNKOYA, A.K. (2010) Performance Evaluation of Blowers of Different Impeller/Vane Profiles. Accepted for the Conference Proceedings of NIMACON 2010.
71. OYELAMI, A.T., ADEJUYIGBE, S.B., WAHEED, M.A. AND OGUNKOYA, A.K. (2010) Performance Evaluation of Blowers of Different Impeller/Vane Profiles. Accepted for the Conference Proceedings of NIMACON 2010.
1. Waheed, M. A. and Sangotayo, E. O. (2011). Numerical Investigation of Buoyancy Effect Associated with a continuously Moving Horizontal Plate, Accepted for publication by ASUU Journal.
IV Paper Submitted For Publication
1. M. A. Waheed (2007). Variable property effects on heat flow lines of thermal convection within concentric horizontal cylindrical annuli (submitted to International Journal of Heat and Technology)
2. Jekayinfa, S.O., Waheed, M. A., Ojediran, J.O. and Yomi-Yusuf, O. (2007). Energy and Exergy Analyses of Feed-Mill Production Operations in Nigeria. (Submitted to Energy Efficiency).
3. Waheed, M. A. (2008): Mixed Convective Heat Transfer in Rectangular Enclosures Filled with Porous Medium Plate (Submitted to Heat and Mass Transfer).