
AKINWALE Adio Taofiki 

Short Profile

Akinwale Adio Taofiki joined the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria, as Lecturer I on October, 1998 and his appointment was confirmed on October, 2001. He was promoted to the positions of Senior Lecturer on October, 2006  and Reader on October, 2009. His promotion to the position of Professor of Computer Science, was on October, 2012. He participates actively and effectively in teaching and research at all levels and had served in several committees within the Department, College and the University. He has published articles in local and international journals. His areas of interests are artificial intelligent in database system and discrete computing.

(i) WASC 1982
(ii) WASC 1983
(iii) M.Sc (economic cybernetics and informatics) 1990
(iv) Ph.D (economic informatics) 1994
(v) MSCE and MSCA 2003
(vi) Magister (informatics) 2005
(vii) Ph.D (informatics) 2015

(i) Knowledge database system

(ii) Artificial Intelligent in database system

•War Against Indiscipline 1984
•Best Award in Polish Language 1985
•Best Paper Award, Macon Georgia, USA 2009
•External Bureau Scholarship Award by Polish Government to study cybernetic and informatics 1984
•Polish scholarship to do research in economic informatics 1990
•Polish scholarship for Magister in Informatics 2003
•Polish scholarship to do research in Artificial Intelligent 2011

Dean, College of Physical Sciences, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria
Chairman, Committee of Deans and Directors

* Polish Academy of Science

* Nigerian Computer Society

* Computer Professional of Nigeria

*.     J. Nehinbe, O. Folorunso and A.T. Akinwale (2004), Combating Banking         Fraud Committed through the back-end of Banking Application,                       International Centre for Mathematical and Computer Science, pg 81-89,         Nigeria

  • Akinwale A.T., Ibharalu F.T. and Arogundade O. T. (2006), Comparative Analysis of Artificial Neural Network Back Propagation Algorithm and Statistical Least Square Method in Stock Prediction using Nigerian Stock Exchange Market, Proceeding of 2nd Conference on Science and Natural Development, UNAAB, pg 57-61,  Nigeria
  • Arogundade O.R., Akinwale A.T., Adekoya A.F. and Ladeinde A. (2008), Simulation of National Income Accounting using Information Technology, 22nd National Conference Proceeding of Nigeria Computer Society, Vol. 19 pp 267-270, Nigeria
  • Adekoya A.F, Akinwale A.T., Arogundade O.T. and Ojo O. (2008), Design and Implementation of a Web-Based Tourism Information System, 22nd National Conference Proceeding of Nigeria Computer Society, Vol. 19 pg 262-266, Nigeria
  • Sodiya A.S., Akinwale A.T. and Onashoga S.A. (2008),  A Framework for Mixed Cropping Decision Support System, 22nd National Conference Proceeding of Nigeria Computer Society, Vol. 19 pg 181-186, Nigeria
  • Adekoya A.F., Akinwale A.T. and Oke O.E. (2008), A Medical Expert System for Managing Tropical Diseases, In Science and National Development: Proceeding of 3rd International Conference on Science and National Development, pg 74-86, Nigeria
  • Adekoya Adebayo, Akinwale Adio and Okesola Adebayo (2008),  A Genetic-Based Career Advisory Expert System, In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Application of ICT to Teaching, Research and Administration ( AICTTRA 2008), OAU, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, pg 143-149
  • Adewole A.P., Akinwale A.T. and  Omokanye B.M. (2008), A Consulting Information and Communication Technologies Teacher Model for Teaching Secondary School Curriculum,  Proceeding of 3rd International Conference on Science and National Development, pg  38-46, Nigeria
  • Onashoga S.A., Akinwale A.T., Sodiya A.S. and Akinlawon O.J. (2008), Analysis of the Performance of Employed it Graduates at different Higher Level of Education, Proceeding of 3rd International Conference on Science and National Development, pg 68-73, Nigeria
  • Arogundade O.T. and Akinwale A.T. (2009), On the Application of Prim’s Algorithm to a Profit-Oriented Transportation System in Rural Areas of Nigeria, Proceedings on World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 37, ISSN 2070-3740, pg 1295-1306, Turkey
  • *Arogundade O. T., Akinwale A.T., Jin Z, and Yung X, G, (2011), Enhancing use cases for deployed information system security threats identification in BIR 2011. Proceedings of the 10th international conference on perspective in business informatics research, pp 147-154, Riga Latvia.
  • *Adio Akinwale and Adam Niewiadomski (2012), A new similarity measure in electronic tests at programming languages, Proceedings of the 20th international conference on artificial intelligent, TEWI 2012, Technical University, Łodż, Poland.

(1) Adio Akinwale (1993), Designing accounting systems for processing financial interest of jointly owned companies, Informatyka, Research Papers of Computer Science, No. 660, 169-189, Published by Oskar Lange University, Wroclaw, Poland.

(2) Adio Akinwale (1994), A computer-based decision support system for assessment of joint venture companies, Informatyka, Research Papers of Computer Science, No. 683, 23-35, Published by Oskar Lange University, Wroclaw, Poland.

(3) Adio Akinwale (1994), Fragmentary knowledge base for translated statement operation, Informatyka, Research Papers of Computer Science, No. 683, 11-19, Published by Oskar Lange University, Wroclaw, Poland.

(4) Adio Akinwale (2001), Utilization of computer system in the banking queuing systems, Informatyka, Research Papers of Computer Science, No. 907, 115-120, Published by Oskar Lange University (Zastosowania rozwiązanie informatycznych w instytucjach finansowych ), Wroclaw, Poland.

(5) Olugbara O. Akinwale A. and Awodele O. (2002), Cooperative approach for creating maintainable software, Journal of mathematics and application, 15(1), 71-93, Published by University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria.

(6) O. Folorunso and A.T. Akinwale (2003), Comparison of existing internal sorting technique tools, ASSET series B, 2|(1), 61-72, Published by ASSET, An International Journal, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria.

(7) A. T. Akinwale, O, J. Adeniran and O.T. Arogundade (2003), Exploiting semantic model for interactive query transformation using mix fix function, ASSET series B, 2(1), 73-82, Published by ASSET, An International Journal, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria

(8) F.T. Ibharalu and A. T. Akinwale (2003), Multi-level hash tables with multi-hash function, ASSET series B, 2(1), 127-140, Published by ASSET, An International Journal, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria

(9) A. F. Adekoya and A.T. Akinwale (2003), Comparative analysis of the efficiencies of two optimization technique in distributed database system, ASSET series B, 2(1), 45-60, Published by ASSET, An International Journal, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria.

(10) A.S. Sodiya, H.O.D. Longe and A.T. Akinwale (2004), A new two-tiered strategy to intrusion detection, Information Management and Computer Security, 12(1), 27-44, Published by Emerald Group Publishing Limited, United Kingdom,

(11) A. T. Akinwale and A. A. G. Akanmu (2005), Comparative study of the features oft web design tool, ASSET series B, 4(1), 75-81, Published by ASSET, An International Journal, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria.

(12) A. S. Sodiya, H.O.D. Longe and A. T. Akinwale (2005), Maintaining privacy in anomaly-based intrusion detection systems, Information Management and Computer Security, 13(1), 72-80, Published by Emerald Group Publishing Limited, United Kingdom.

(13) O.T. Arogundade and A.T. Akinwale (2007), The use of conceptual query processing in livestock management system, Asian Journal of Information Technology, 6(1), 170-175, Published by Medwell Scientific Research Publishing, Pakistan. Available online at

(14) O. Folorsunso, Longe H.O. D. and Akinwale A.T. (2008), Visualizing concurrency control algorithm for real time database system, Data Science Journal and Technology Aggregator Electronic, 7(1), 96-105, Published by CODATA Society, Japan. Available online at

(15) Folorunso O. and A. T. Akinwale (2008), A conceptual analysis and management of Ifa ( An African traditional oracle), Kybernetes, International Journal of Cybernetics, Systems and Management Sciences, 38(4), 625-634, Published by Emerald Group Publishing Limited, United Kingdom.

(16) A. T. Akinwale, O.T. Arogundade and H. Obianugba (2009), A way forward of improving functionalities of open database system, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 7(1), 001-007, Published by Little Lion Scientific Research and Development, Islamba, Pakistan

(17) Olutayo B. Ajayi, A.D. Akinde and A.T. Akinwale (2009), A framework on hybrid network management system using secure mobile agent protocol, Journal of Issues of Informing Science and Information Technology, 6(1), 1-12, Published by Informing Science Institute, USA. Available online at

(18) A.T. Akinwale and F.T. Ibharalu (2009), The usefulness of multilevel hash tables with multiple hash functions in large database, Anale Seria Informatica, 7(1), 11-20, Published by Tibiscus University of Timisoara, Romania. Available online at

(19) Agbaje M., Akinwale A.T., Folorunso O and Njah A. N. (2009), Effect of block size on the attributes of watermarking digital images, International Journal of Non-linear Science, 9(3), 358-366, Published by World Academic Press, United Kingdom.

(20) Akinwale A.T. and Ibharalu F.T. (2009), Password authentication schemes with secured login interface, Anale Seria Informatica, 7(2), 77-85, Published by Tibiscus University of Timisoara, Romania. Available online at

(21) Yusuf L.O., Folorunso O., Akinwale A.T. and Adejumobi A. I. (2009), Visualizing the behaviour of reinforced concrete beam structure under various types of loadings, African Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science Research, 2 (10), 202-207, Published by Academic Journal, Kenya.

(22) Folorunso O. and Akinwale A.T. (2009), Developing visualization support for teaching and learning database normalization, Campus-Wide Information Systems, 27(1), 25-39, Published by Emerald Group Publishing Limited, United Kingdom.

(23) Akinwale Adio T., O.T. Arogundade and A.F. Adekoya (2009), Translated Nigeria stock exchange price using artificial neural network for effective prediction, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, 9(1), 36-43, Published by Little Lion Scientific Research and Development, Islamba, Pakistan. Available online at

(24) Arogundade O. T., Akinwale A.T., Adekoya A. F. and Awe Oludare C. (2009), A 0-1 Model for Fire and Emergency Service Facility Location selection: A case study in Nigeria, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology, Vol. 9, pg. 50-59, Pakistan, Published by Little Lion Scientific Research and Development, Islamba, Pakistan.

(25) Babatunde H., Folorunso O. and Akinwale A.T., (2010) A Cellular Neural Network Based Model for Edge Detection, The Journal of Information and Computing Science, Published by World Academic Press, UK

(26) Arogundade O.T. and Akinwale A.T., ( 2010), Usage Centered Software Engineering: An Approach to Developing Business Information System, International Journal of Research and Reviews in Applied Science, Vol. 2, No. 3, pg 306-315, ARPA Press, Pakistan.
(27) Oyeyinka I.K., Akinwale A.T., Oluwatope A.O., Folorunso O.,and Abiona O. (2009), Multiple startup scheme for TCP, Journal of Computer Science and its Application, 16(2), 68-80, Published by Nigerian Compute Society, Nigeria.

(28) Akinwale Adio Taofiki, Adekoya Adebayo and Onashoga Adebukola (2010), An Egocentric database operations for social and economic network analysis, Interdisciplinary Journal of Information Knowledge and Management, 5(1), 293-303, Published by Informing Science Institute, USA. Available online at

(29) O. Awodele, E.R. Adagunodo, A.T. Akinwale, S. Idowu and M. Agbaje (2010), An improved SMS user interface result checking system, Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge and Management, 4(1), 51-61, Published by Informing Science Institute, USA. Available online at

(30) Olufunke Vincent, Olusegun Folorunso, Taofiki Akinwale and David Akinde (2010), Transaction flow in Card Payment System using Mobile Agent, Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge and Management, Vol. 5, pg. 153-166, Published by Informing Science Institute, USA.

(31) Oyeyinka I.K., Akinwale A.T., Oluwatope A.O., Folorunso O., Aderounmu G.A. and Abiona O. (2010), E-speed start – A window based additive increase, multiplicative decrease network congestion control technique, Journal of Technological Development in Networking, Education and Automation, 10, 493-498, Published by Springer Science Business Media, Berlin, Germany. Available online at

(32) Yusuf L.O., Folorunso O., Akinwale A.T. and Adejumobi A. I. (2010), Visualization reinforced concrete design table advisor for decision support activity, African Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science Research, 3 (7), 132-142, Published by Academic Journal, Kenya.

(33) Folorunso O., Akinwale A.T. and Adekanbi A. (2010), A Minimal Closure Algorithm for Qualifying Impact of Requirement Changes on Network Performance, Journal of Computer Science, Published by Tibiscus University, Romania

(34) Adesina Abdel Akeem Agboola, Misturah Adunni Alaran, Adio Taofiki Akinwale and Olusegun Folorunso (2010), An Improved Intravenous Fluid Rate Determination using Fuzzy Logic, International Journal of Computer, the Internet and Management, vol 18, No 3, pp 1-9

(35) A.S. Sodiya, A.T. Akinwale, K.A. Okeleye and J.A. Emmanuel (2010), An integrated decision support system for intercropping, International Journal of Decision Support System Technology, 2(3), 51-66, Published by IGL Global, Toulouse University, France. Available online at

(36), Adio Akinwale, Olusegun Folorunso and Adesina Sodiya (2011), Derivation of database keys operations, Journal of Issues of Informing and Information Technology, 8(1), 277- 290, Published by Informing Science Institute, USA. Available online at

(37) Oluwasefunmi Arogundade, Tunde Sobowale and Adio Akinwale (2011), Prim algorithm approach to improving local access network in rural areas, International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, 3, 413-417, Published by Li Kai Universiti Putra, Malaysia. Available online at

(38) Akinwale Adio Taofiki, Adekoya Felix Adebayo and Ooju Emmanuel (2011), Multi-level cryptographic function for the functionalities of open database system, Journal of Computer Technology and Application, vol. 2(9), pp 730-735, Published by USA-China Business Reviews Society, USA

(39) Oluwasefunmi T. Arogundade, Adio T. Akinwale and Omotoyosi M. Aweda, (2010), A Genetic Algorithm Approach for a Real-World University Examination Timetabling Problem, International Journal of Computer Applications (0975-8887) vol. 12 No. 3, India

(40) Adewole Adetunji Philip, Akinwale Adio Taofiki and Akintomide Ayo Bidemi, (2011) Artificial Neural Network Model for Forecasting Foreign Exchange Rate, Journal of World Computer Science and Information Technology, ISSN 2221-0741, vol. 1 No 3, pp 110- 118, Turkey

(41) Adewole Phillip, Akinwale Adio and Kehinde O.T., (2011), A Genetic Algorithm for Solving Traveling Salesman Problem, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Application, Vol. 2 No 1, Published by The Science and Information Organization (SAI), India

(42) Alarape Moshood Alabi, Akinwale Adio Taofiki and Folorunso Olusegun (2011), A Combined Scheme for Controlling GSM Network Calls Congestion, International Journal of Computer Applications, Foundation of Computer Science, vol. 14 No 3. Pg 47-53, India

(43) Kolawole I. Oyeyinka, Ayodeji O. Oluwatope, Adio T. Akinwale, Olusegun Folorunso, Ganiyu A. Aderounmu & Olatunde O. Abiona (2011), TCP window based congestion control slow-start approach, Journal of Communications and Network, 3(2), 85-98, Published by Scientific Research Society, ISSN-1947-3826, USA. Available online at

(44) Akinwale A.T., Adesina A. A. and Folorunso O. (2011), A framework for reducing multidimensional database to two-dimensional database, Journal of Information and Computing Science, 6(4), 269-278, ISSN 1746-7659, Published by World Academic Press, United Kingdom.
Available online at

(45) Dawodu G. A., Asiribo O. E., Adelakun A. A., Ozoje M. O. and Akinwale T. A. (2011), On Statistical Tests for Transmission of Ailments, Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol 2, No 2, pp 273-277, UK

(46) Dawodu G. A., Asiribo O. E., Adelakun A. A., Ozoje M. O. and Akinwale T. A. (2011), On Statistics of Susceptibility to Catching Ailments Around Accidental Pollution Sites, Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences, Vol 2, No 2, pp 324-345, UK

(47) Funmi Araromi Lawal, Olusola Adenira, Adio Akinwale and Olusegun Folorunso (2011), A Combined Biometric System Approach to User Authentication, International Journal of Research and Reviews in Computer Science, Vol. 2 No 3, pp 800- 805

(48) Yusuf Lateef Oladimeji, Olusegun Folorunso and Akinwale Adio Taofeek, (2011), Computer in the Information Age, International Journal of Research and Review in Computer Science, Vol. 2 No. 2, Science Academy Publisher, UK

(49) Ibharalu Thomas Friday, Sofoluwe Adetokunbo Babatunde and Akinwale Adio Taofiki, (2011), A Reliable Protection Architecture for Mobile Agents in Open Network System, International Journal of Computing and Application Vol. 17, No 7, pp 6-14, India

(50) Adekoya Felix, Akinwale Adio T. and Sofoluwe Adetokunbe B, A (2011), Conceptual Framework for Ontology Based Examination System, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Application, Vol. 2 No 4, pp 36-42 Published by The Science and Information Organization (SAI), India

(51) Oluwasefunmi Arogundade, Adio Akinwale, Zhi Jim, and Xiaoguang Yung, (2011), Venerability analysis approach to capturing information system threats and requirements, International Journal of Software Engineering and its Application, 5(4), 85-98, Published by Science and Engineering Research Support Society, South Korea. Available online at

(52) Akinwale Adio Taofiki (2011), Hierarchical database model for querying economic network independence distribution, International Journal of Decision Support System Technology, 3(3), 58-67, Published by IGL Global, Toulouse University, France. Available online at

(53) Onashoga S.A., Sodiya A.S., Akinwale A.T. and Falola O.E. (2011), Mining of Prevalent Ailment in a Health Database using FP-Growth Algorithm, International Journal of Data Engineering, Published by Computer Science Press, CSC Journals, Malaysia

(54) Adewole A.P, Akinwale A.T. and Egunjobi T.O., (2011), A Local Area Network Design Model for Higher Institutions in Developing Countries, International Journal of Pure and Applied Science, Pan-African Journal Series, Ghana

(55) Adekoya Adebayo Felix, Akinwale Adio Taofiki and Sofoluwe Adetokunbo, (2011), On Algebraic Spectrum of Ontology Evaluation, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Application, Vol. 2, No 7, pp 159-168, India

(56) Oluwafemi S. Ogunseye, Philip K. Adetiloye, Samuel O. Idowu, Olusegun Folorunso and Adio T. Akinwale, (2011), Harvesting Knowledge from Computer Mediated Social Networks, The Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, WINE, Vol. 41 No 3, UK

(57) Akinwale A. T., Adebayo A. A., Folorunso O. and Adebayo G. A., An Improved Selection Technique for Fast Packet Routing in Computer Network, International Journal of Computing, Ternopi National University, Ukraine

(58) O.T. Arogundade, A.T. Akinwale, Z. Jim and X. Yung (2011), A unified use-misuse case model for capturing and analysis safety and security requirement, International Journal of Information Security, 5(4), 3-30, Published by IGL Global, University of North Carolina at Greensbora, USA. Available online at

(59) Oyeyinka I. K., Akinwale A.T., Folorunso O., Olowofela J. A. and Oluwatope A. (2012), Asymptotic stability analysis of e-speed start congestion control protocol for TCP, International journal of computer network and information security, vol. 4(1), 56-62, Published by MECS Society, Hong Kong. Available online at

(60) O,T, Arogundade, A.T. Akinwale, Z. Jim and X. G. Yung (2012), Towards on ontological approach to information system security and safety requirement modeling and reuse, Journal of Information Security, 22, 137-149, Published by Taylor and Francis Group Societies, LLC, United Kingdom. Available online at

(61) Akinwale Adio Taofiki and Arogundade Tale Oluwasefunmi (2012), A visualization tool for teaching and learning database decomposition system, Journal of Information and Computing Science, 7, 003-010, ISSN 1746-7659, Published by World Academic Press, United Kingdom. Available online at

(62) Onashoga S. Adebukola and Akinwale A. Taofik, (2012), A secured Protocol for Preventing Online Dictionary Attack, Journal of Computer Science and its Application, 19(1), 1-6, Published by Nigerian Compute Society, Nigeria.

(63) Adio Akinwale and Adam Niewiadomski, (2012), An effective similarity measure in electronic tests at programming languages, Journal of Applied Computer Science, 20(2), Published by Technical University, Łodż, Poland

(64) Akinwale Adio Taofiki, (2012) A fast message packet forwarding using Fibonacci method, Journal of Computer Sciences and Telecommunications, Georgian Technical University, Georgia, vol 3(35), pp 64-69, Georgia

(65) Akinwale A. T., Shonubi A. J., Adekoya A. F., Sodiya A. S. amd Mewomo O. T. (2013), Ontology of input validation attack on web application, Business informatics, published by Wroclaw University of Economics, Poland, 4(30), pp 11-23, Poland

(66) Adam Niewiadomski and Adio Akinwale, (2015), Efficient N-gram based String Matching in Electronic Testing at Programming, Lecture notes in Computer Science, vol 8083, pp 661-670 , Springer

(67) Adefemi Adeyemi Adekunle, Samuel B. Adejuyigbe, O.S. Ismaila, A. T. Akinwale and O. R. Oyetunji, (2014), Development of expert system for material and weeding and selection in robotic welding, Journal of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, vol. 11(4), pp 35-42

(68) Bamigboye O., Folorunso O., Akinwale A. T. and Adebayo G. A. (2015): Replication based on cost scheduling strategy for fault tolerance in distributed knowledge management system., Journal of natural sciences, engineering and technology, 14(1), pp 43-57, published by FUNAAB , Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria

(69) Akinwale Adio and Babatunde Daniel (2015), A packet forwarding using generating function of Fibonaaci method, Journal of Computer Sciences and Telecommunications, Georgian Technical University, Georgia, vol 3(35), pp 64-69, Georgia

(70) Adio Akinwale and Adam Niewiadomski, (2015), Efficient similarity measures for Texts Matching, Journal of Applied Computer Science, 23(1), Published by Technical University, Łodż, Poland

(71) A. M. Ikotun, A. T. Akinwale and O. T. Arogundade (2016), Parameter variation for linear equation solver using genetic algorithm, Journal of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Technology, vol. 15(2), FUNAAB, Nigeria

(72) S. A. Onashoga, B. A. Bamiro, A. T. Akinwale and J. A. Oguntuase (2017), Kc-Slice: A dynamic privacy-preserving data publishing technique for multi-sensitive attributes, Information Security Journal, Taylor and Francis, vol. 26, USA

(73) Vincent O.R., Makinde S. A. Owoade A. and Akinwale A. T. (2017), An ontology-based analytic hierarchy process for enhancing selection of product preference, Journal of Natural Science, Engineering and Technology, Published by Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria

(74) Olufunke Rebecca Vincent, Ayodeji Samuel Makinde and Adio Taofiki Akinwale, (2017), A cognitive buying decision-making process in B2B e-commerce using analytic-MLP, Journal of electronic research and application, vol. 25 50-69 , Elsevier

(75) Misturah Adunni Alaran, AbdulAkeem Adesina Agboola, Adio Taofiki Akinwale and Olusegun Folorunso, (2018), A new LCS-Neutrosophic similarity measure for text information retrieval, Journal of intelligence and fuzzy systems, 12: 258-279

(76) Onashoga S. A., Akinwale A. T., Amusa O. and Adebayo G. A. (2019), CKRAID: Collaborative knowledge repository for intrusion detection system, Journal of Computing and Information Technology, Published by University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia

(77) Misturah Adunni Alaran, AbdulAkeem Adesina Agboola, Adio Taofiki Akinwale and Olusegun Folorunso, (2019), A neutrosophic similarity measure approach to selection of department for student transiting from JSS3 to SSS1 class in Nigerian education system, Journal of neutrosophic sets and system, 27: 104-113

(78) Oluwafolake E. Ojo, Cyril O. Ijadi, Ayodeji O. Oluwatope and Adio T. Akinwale, (2020) AyoPeer: The adapted ayo-game for minimizing free riding in peer-assisted network, Journal of peer-to-peer networking application, Springer

(79) Hanat Y. Raji-Lawal, Adio T. Akinwale, Olusegun Folorunsho and Amidu O. Mustapha, (2020), Decision support system for dementia patients using intuitionistic fuzzy similarity measure, Journal of soft computing letters, Elsevier

(80) Dada Ibidapo Dare, Akinwale Adio Taofiki, Onashoga Adebukola S. and Osinuga Idowu A., (2021), An improved gradient descent method for optimization of supervised machine learning problems, International journal of computer applications, vol. 183(20), pp 38-45 doi:10.5120/ijca2021921564

(81) Akinwale Adio and Akinleye Simeon, (2022), A linguistic variable for product-related question answer review system, vol 5(1), page 1-17, Journal of Soft Computing Letters, Elsevier


(82) O. J. Nehinbe, O. Folorunso and A.T. Akinwale (2004), Combating Banking Fraud Committed through the back-end of Banking Application, International Centre for Mathematical and Computer Science, pg 81-89, Nigeria
(83) Akinwale A.T., Ibharalu F.T. and Arogundade O. T. (2006), Comparative Analysis of Artificial Neural Network Back Propagation Algorithm and Statistical Least Square Method in Stock Prediction using Nigerian Stock Exchange Market, Proceeding of 2nd Conference on Science and Natural Development, UNAAB, pg 57-61, Nigeria
(84) Arogundade O.R., Akinwale A.T., Adekoya A.F. and Ladeinde A. (2008), Simulation of National Income Accounting using Information Technology, 22nd National Conference Proceeding of Nigeria Computer Society, Vol. 19 pp 267-270, Nigeria
(85) Adekoya A.F, Akinwale A.T., Arogundade O.T. and Ojo O. (2008), Design and Implementation of a Web-Based Tourism Information System, 22nd National Conference Proceeding of Nigeria Computer Society, Vol. 19 pg 262-266, Nigeria
(86) Sodiya A.S., Akinwale A.T. and Onashoga S.A. (2008), A Framework for Mixed Cropping Decision Support System, 22nd National Conference Proceeding of Nigeria Computer Society, Vol. 19 pg 181-186, Nigeria
(87) Adekoya A.F., Akinwale A.T. and Oke O.E. (2008), A Medical Expert System for Managing Tropical Diseases, In Science and National Development: Proceeding of 3rd International Conference on Science and National Development, pg 74-86, Nigeria
(88) Adekoya Adebayo, Akinwale Adio and Okesola Adebayo (2008), A Genetic-Based Career Advisory Expert System, In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Application of ICT to Teaching, Research and Administration ( AICTTRA 2008), OAU, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, pg 143-149
(89) Adewole A.P., Akinwale A.T. and Omokanye B.M. (2008), A Consulting Information and Communication Technologies Teacher Model for Teaching Secondary School Curriculum, Proceeding of 3rd International Conference on Science and National Development, pg 38-46, Nigeria
(90) Onashoga S.A., Akinwale A.T., Sodiya A.S. and Akinlawon O.J. (2008), Analysis of the Performance of Employed it Graduates at different Higher Level of Education, Proceeding of 3rd International Conference on Science and National Development, pg 68-73, Nigeria
(91) Arogundade O.T. and Akinwale A.T. (2009), On the Application of Prim’s Algorithm to a Profit-Oriented Transportation System in Rural Areas of Nigeria, Proceedings on World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 37, ISSN 2070-3740, pg 1295-1306, Turkey
(92) *Arogundade O. T., Akinwale A.T., Jin Z, and Yung X, G, (2011), Enhancing use cases for deployed information system security threats identification in BIR 2011. Proceedings of the 10th international conference on perspective in business informatics research, pp 147-154, Riga Latvia.
(93) *Adio Akinwale and Adam Niewiadomski (2012), A new similarity measure in electronic tests at programming languages, Proceedings of the 20th international conference on artificial intelligent, TEWI 2012, Technical University, Łodż, Poland.

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