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The College of Engineering is one of the two Colleges newly established in the Phase II of the educational development of the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta.

The Phase II took off in the 2001/2002 academic year. The first set of 100 level students were admitted under the coordination of the Head of the Department of Food Science and Technology (FST) at the College of Agricultural Management, Rural Development and Consumer Studies) in that year. All the programmes designed for the departments of the College of Engineering became fully operational in August 2002.


The primary philosophy that guides the training of students is the production of skilled manpower that is adequately furnished with the comprehensive information required for engaging in economic agricultural production in an environment characterized by rural setting and adequate land endowment.

Such knowledgeable professional manpower has to be produced in an atmosphere with the widest possible human and material resources, through the adoption of effective techniques of instruction and exposure to the actual practice of agriculture. Consequently, there are opportunities for formal training at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels for the acquisition of basic and higher degrees.

These training programmes are mounted through classroom instruction, laboratory practical, field demonstration and workshop practice. Deriving from the foregoing philosophy and the major objectives of the University, among others, are:

(i) To assist in the attainment of self-sufficiency in the production of basic food;

(ii) To contribute to the achievement of the goal of marked increase in the production of agricultural raw materials to support the growth of our several industries;

(iii) To achieve the production and processing of export produce;

(iv) To enhance with emphasis on relevant, appropriate and manageable technology to modernize agricultural production, processing, storage, preservation and distribution;

(v) To enhance the rural employment opportunities and the attendant improvement of the quality of rural life;

(vi) To evolve effective ways of protecting agricultural land resources from ecological degradation such as erosion, pollution, etc;

(vii) To develop new patterns of agricultural structures and government policies which clearly demonstrate that agriculture is an important part of our national economy.

Presently, the Departments in the College which offer 5 year B.Eng degree programmes are:

i) Department of Agricultural Engineering

ii) Department of Civil Engineering

iii) Department of Electrical/Electronics Engineering

iv) Department of Mechanical Engineering

These Departments are proving their worth in carrying out the mandate of the University. The College won awards for the University at the 1st NUC Research Fair held in Abuja in 2004.

Times Higher Education (THE)
World University Rankings (WUR) for 2024

rANKING OF UniversitIES of Agriculture


30th Convocation Ceremonies

Award of First Degree to deserving graduands
