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14. James Ola Daramola (2010). Low-input agriculture technologies for Sub-Saharan Africa. In Studies of Sustainable Agriculture and Animal Science in Sub- Saharan Africa. Support Africa International, Alte str. 19, 56357 Berg/Germany. Vol. … 2009. Peterlang ,GmbH, Germany . (In press).
15. J. O. Daramola & A. A. Adeloye, (2009). Physiological adaptation to the humid tropics with special reference to the West African Dwarf (WAD) goat. Trop. Anim. Health Prod.. 41;1005-1016
16. J.O. Daramola, A. A. Adeloye, S. E. Komolafe and O. K. Azeez (2009). Effect of aqueous extract of Datura stramonium seed on spermiograms of West African Dwarf bucks. J. Agric. Res. & Dev Accepted 15 June, 2009……..In Press