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[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_custom_heading text=”Department of Pure and Applied Zoology” font_container=”tag:h3|font_size:34px|text_align:left|color:%232a6d00″][vc_column_text]

1.0 Historical Background

The Department of Pure and Applied Zoology came into existence in December 2014. Before then, the Department was a unit and option under the Department of Biological Sciences, a foundation Department of the university since 1988. At inception, the Department offered B.Sc. Biological Sciences with options in Microbiology and Applied Biology. After initial accreditation of courses in the Department, the curriculum was reviewed with more course options made available to students. Degrees were then awarded with options in Botany, Microbiology and Zoology. In 2001, the Department of Microbiology was created out of Biological Sciences.


The Department of Biological Sciences offers B.Sc. Biological Sciences degree programme with options in Botany and Zoology. Usually, students are admitted into the Department as students of Biological Sciences until their second year (depending on mode of entry), when they commence studies in the various course options.


In 2014, the Department of Biological Sciences was split into the Department of Pure and Applied Botany and Department of Pure and Applied Zoology. Thus, presently, the Department of Pure and Applied Zoology offers B.Sc. Zoology degree programme.


The focus of Pure and Applied Zoology is the study and understanding of nature (animals), their physiology, anatomy, genetics, ecology, etc. This is quite relevant to agriculture and human survival. Majority of students admitted into the university, takes compulsory 100 level courses from this department which prepared them for their various studies, in Sciences, Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine. Thus, the Department is therefore directly related to the aim for setting up the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta.


At postgraduate level, the Department offers M.Sc. and PhD in major sub-disciplines of Zoology. The postgraduate courses are offered in Animal Physiology, Entomology, Parasitology, Animal Ecology and Environmental Biology and Animal Taxonomy and Biosystematics. The Department is involved in collaborative research with other departments within and outside the University.


Beside teaching and research, the department provides ancillary services to the university and ministries, departments and agencies (MDAs) in the country. These services include but not limited to the following areas: human and animal public health services, disease control, monitoring and evaluation, insect and pest control, GIS mapping services and small animal breeding.


2.0 Philosophy, Aim and Objectives

2.1 Philosophy

The Philosophy behind the setting up of the Department of Pure and Applied Zoology is to train graduate to focus on human resource development, through application of the sciences of biology, in understanding human, social, political, economical and technological development, thereby contributing to national development and integrity.

2.2 Aims and Objectives

i. To provide students with a board and balanced foundation of biological knowledge and practical skills.

ii. To develop in students the ability to apply knowledge and skills to solving theoretical and practical problems in biology.

iii. To develop in student, a range of transferable skills that are of value in biological and non-biological employment.

iv. To provide students with knowledge and skills base from which they can proceed to further studies in specialized areas of zoology or multi-disciplinary areas involving biology.

v. To provide, through training and orientation, an appreciation of the solitary rewards of inter-and-multi-disciplinary approach to the solution of complex life problems

vi. To generate in students an appreciation of the importance of zoology in industrial, economic, environmental, technological and social development.

vii. To instil in students a sense enthusiasm for zoology, an appreciation of its application in different contexts and to involve them in an intellectually stimulating and satisfying experience of learning and studying.


3.0 Admission and Graduation Requirements

3.1 Admission requirements

The entry requirements shall be at least credit level passes in five subjects including English Language, Mathematics, to form the core course with credit in three other relevant science courses Biology, Chemistry, Technical drawing, Agricultural Science and Geography at the Senior Secondary School Certificate or its equivalent and at least a pass in Physics. In addition, an acceptable pass in the University Matriculation Examination (UME) into 100-level is required. For the B.Sc. Programme in Pure and Applied Zoology, candidates must have credit level passes in Biology, Chemistry and at least a pass in Physics.

3.2. Graduation requirements

Expected duration for UME candidates shall be 4 years. Expected duration for Direct Entry (DE) candidates with two A level passes (graded A-E) at the Advanced Level in one or more relevant subjects (Biology, Zoology, Chemistry, Geography, Mathematics and Physics) may undertake the three – year degree programme into 200-level.

Students are required to complete a minimum of 120 units for Graduation, 60 of which must come from the Department of Pure and Applied Zoology.

3.3. Mode of Training

Training would include lectures, practical, tutorials, including industrial training, planned field trips and research projects. Emphasis would be given to practical approach to solve zoological problems.

3.4. Learning Outcomes

Graduates of Pure and Applied Zoology are expected to develop a wide range of different skills and abilities. These are divided into three broad categories:

a. Regime of Subject Knowledge

Graduates of Pure and Applied Zoology are expected to develop high cognitive abilities and skills related to Pure and Applied Zoology.

b. Competencies and Skills

Pure and Applied Zoology graduates are also to exhibit high practical skills in Pure and Applied Zoology.

c. Behavioural Attitudes

Graduates of Pure and Applied Zoology are expected to be able to transfer this skill to non- Pure and Applied Zoology specific competencies.

3.5. Attainment Levels

Graduates of Pure and Applied Zoology are expected to have the ability to apply knowledge and skills to solving theoretical and practical problems in Pure and Applied Zoology in relation to national and societal problems.

3.6. Degrees awarded

The Department of Pure and Applied Zoology awards Bachelors of Science (B.Sc.) Zoology. Programmes are also available at postgraduate level, leading to the award of Post Graduate Diploma (PGD), Master of Science (M.Sc) and Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).


4.0 Vision and Mission of the Department

The Department of Pure and Applied Zoology is an academic community of scientists and students engaged in advancing the discovery, dissemination, and application of knowledge in pure and applied zoology. The Department is guided by the pursuit of excellence in research and education, by a creative and collaborative approach, and by an awareness of the global context in which the Department exists. The Department goal is to be among the most sources after Department in Pure and Applied Zoology education in Nigerian universities system and the World.

To achieve its vision, The Department of Pure and Applied Zoology has set as its mission several inter-related goals:

Our curriculum emphasizes the study of plants, animals, and microorganisms at the molecular to the ecosystem level.  Teaching and training is through lectures, laboratory works and field experiences, and the opportunity to carry out original research. Students gain proficiency in gathering, interpreting, and communicating scientific knowledge.  The biological Sciences programme prepares students to thrive and make important contributions in a world where scientific understanding is increasingly important.

Our facilities are excellent. Three laboratories, special facilities include a microscopy suite, a well-equipped GIS laboratory, a screen house, animal house, herbarium and botanical garden. The Departmental students also have access to the university central and biotechnology laboratories.

5.0 Animal House

The Departmental small animal house is located adjacent to the main laboratory of Pure and Applied Botany. The house stocked experimental rats and mice for teaching and research. The animal house was established with an initial grant of one hundred and twenty thousand naira (N120,000.00). This was followed by another grant of two hundred and fifty-nine thousand, one hundred and ninety-two naira (N259,192.00) through DTLC fund. Today the animal house is a pride to the university.

6.0 Advice and Counselling

There are levels (100-400) staff advisors. Students must consult with their level advisers on academic issues, such as course registration, work load etc. There is a central Counselling Unit in the University which students can consult on other social, motional or psychological issues.

7.0 The Pure and Applied Zoology Students’ Association

The University has a policy of encouraging students to organize and participate in associations which promote academic, recreational, educational, social and cultural values. Registered students of the Department of Pure and Applied Zoology are members of the Pure and Applied Zoology Students’ Association. Students of the department are encouraged to participate in the association’s activities and payment of dues. The Department will not attend to students without evidence of current Association receipt.


8.0 2014/2015 Academic Staff List




Area of Specialization


Research Interest



U. F. Ekpo

B.Sc. (Calabar), M.Sc. (Ibadan),

Ph.D. (Abeokuta)

Public Health Parasitology & Epidemiology

Professor and Head of Department

Neglected Tropical Disease, Health GIS



A. B. Idowu

B.Sc. (Ado-Ekiti); M.Sc.; Ph.D. (Ibadan)

Animal Physiology


Animal bio-indicator of pollution

Rm 20 (COLNAS Extension)


S.O.H. Sam-Wobo

B.Sc.; MSc.; Ph.D. (Abeokuta)

Public Health Parasitology & Epidemiology


Neglected Tropical Diseases



O. A. Idowu

B.Sc.; (Lagos),

M.Sc. (Ibadan),

Ph.D. (Abeokuta)



Maternal and Child Health, Malaria



O. A. Oke

B.Sc.; M.Sc.; Ph.D. (Ibadan)


Senior Lecturer

Aquatic entomology

COLNAS 1 (AMREC Building)


G. A. Dedeke

B.Sc. (Ogun),

M.Sc. (Ibadan),

Ph.D. (Ogun)


Senior Lecturer

Animal ecology and ethnobiology

B106 (Unity Building)


K. O. Ademolu

B.Sc.; M.Sc.; Ph.D. (Abeokuta)

Animal Physiology

Senior Lecturer

Snail physiology



A. A. Aladesida

B.Sc.; M.Sc.; Ph.D. (Ogun); FLS

Taxonomy & Ecology

Lecturer II

Animal Taxonomy

A104 (Unity Building)



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Last Updated on May 30, 2019 by FUNAAB

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