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[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_custom_heading text=”Courses” font_container=”tag:h2|font_size:34px|text_align:left|color:%232a6d00″][vc_column_text]

S/N Course Code Course Title
1. EMT 301 Principles Of Natural Resources Management
2. EMT 302 Environment, Ecosystem And Man
3. EMT 303 Methods in Environmental Analysis II
4. EMT 304 Hazardous Substances Management
5. EMT 305 Metals and the Environment
6. EMT 306 Environmental Impact Assessment
7. EMT 307 Environmental Pollution Studies
8. EMT 309 Environmental Geo sciences
9. EMT 314 Landscape Studies and Planning
10. EMT 403 Environmental Aspects Of Farming Systems
11. EMT 405 Environmental Education And Awareness
12. EMT 409 Soil Analysis
13. EMT 417 Scientific Writing & Presentation Environmental Science
14. EMT 421 Human Environment
15. EMT 423 Environmental Auditing
16. EMT 425 Rural and Urban Regional Planning
17. EMT 427 Geographic Information Systems
18. EMT 429 Integrated Resources Management
19. EMT 501 Environmental Law
20. EMT 504 Waste Management and Control
21. EMT 506 Human Settlement Development
22. EMT 510 Environmental Community Health
23. EMT 511 Ecological Disasters and Control
24. EMT 512 Petroleum & Environment
25. EMT 513 Environmental Biotechnology
26. EMT 520 Conservation of Biological Diversity
27. EMT 521 Environment and Poverty
28. EMT 522 Tourism and Recreation
29. EMT 401 Environmental Monitoring Systems & Techniques
30. EMT 508 Environmental Aspects of Pesticides and other Toxicant Use B
31. EMT 509 Structural Elucidation of Organic Pollutants
32. EMT 515 Radionuclide in the Environment
33. EMT 516 Separation Techniques in Environmental Analysis
34. EMT 517 Environmental Health and Safety Management
35. EMT 518 Methods in Environmental Analysis III
36. EMT 514 Miscellaneous Techniques in Environmental Analysis

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Last Updated on December 12, 2019 by FUNAAB

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30th Convocation Ceremonies

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