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Foremost Alumnus Donates 600 DOCs, Others to FUNAABites

Published On:

June 7, 2024

By Olasunkanmi Olajide

Dr. Deola-Tayo Lordbanjou, a distinguished alumnus of the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB), has facilitated the donation of 600 Day Old Chicks (DOCs), 72 bags of feed, and 21 bottles of Poultry Zymes to 24 Farm Practical Year (FPY) students.

The students with the bags of feeds prior to departing Ijebu-Ode.

The donation which was held on June 7, 2024, at the Ijebu-Ode Local Government Secretariat Hall was part of a larger initiative to support 350 smallholder farmers in the Ijebu-Ode Local Government Area of Ogun State.

Dr. Deola-Tayo Lordbanjou with the students before the presentation.

Dr. Lordbanjou, who is currently the Director, Federal Department of Agricultural Extension Services at the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (FMAFS), Abuja, organised the Empowerment Exercise in collaboration with Valdivia Services Limited.

One of the 21 bottles of Poultry Zyme.

The FPY students, each receiving 25 DOCs and three bags of feed, expressed their excitement upon arriving at the FUNAAB Alpha Poultry section of the University Farms.

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Babatunde Kehinde with the students upon their arrival at the Farm.

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Babatunde Kehinde, who was on ground to welcome the enthusiastic students, lauded Dr. Lordbanjou for his generous contribution and encouraged other alumni to follow the exemplary act of support for the University and its students.

The Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Babatunde Kehinde inspecting the DOCs.

Meanwhile, Dr. Lordbanjou had recently given a facelift to the Department of the Agricultural Extension and Rural Development (AERD), where he bagged his Ph.D.

Last Updated on June 21, 2024 by Olasunkanmi Olajide


  • Olasunkanmi Olajide

    Mr. Olajide is a seasoned professional with over a decade of expertise in the fields of Public Relations, Media and Communications. He currently holds the position of Assistant Director, Media.

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