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a) Thesis

b) Refereed Articles

1.  Njoku,  C.P.,  Dosunmu,  O.P.,  Adeyemi,  O.A.,  Ayo-Ajasa,  O.Y. and  Omosebi,  D.J. 2016.  Blood profile, carcass yield and offal weight of growing rabbits subjected to four hours feed  withdrawal period.  Nigerian Journal of Animal Production 43 (1): 148-157

2.  Omosebi, D.J., Adeyemi, O.A., Sogunle, O.M. and  Idowu, O.M.O. 2016.   Effects of feed forms and levels of quantitative  feed  restriction  on  performance,  carcass quality   and   cost  benefit   of   broiler   chickens.   Nigerian   Journal   of Animal Production 43 (1):171-184

3.  Olaifa,  R.O.,  Sogunle,  O.M.,  Oloyede,  S.T.,  Safiyu,  K.K., Omosebi,  D.J.,  Adeyemi, O.A Talabi, A.O. and  Okubanjo, A.O. 2015.    Effects of housing systems on the behavioural assessment, bone morphometry and faecal egg counts of broiler chicken. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production 42(2): 65 – 71.

4.  Omosebi, D.J., Adeyemi, O.A., Sogunle, O.M., Idowu, O.M.O. and Njoku, C.P. 2014. Effects of duration and level of feed restriction on performance and meat quality of broiler chickens. Archivos de Zootecnia. 63 (244): 611-621.

5.  Anaeto,  M.,  Chioma,  G.O.     and   Omosebi, D.J.  2009.   Palm   Kernel Cake   as Substitute for  Maize  in  broiler  finisher  diet.  International Journal  of  Poultry Science 8: 1206-1208.

c)  Conference Refereed Proceeding

1.  Omosebi, D.J., Adeyemi  O. A., Sogunle, M.O., Idowu, O.M.O. and  Bolarin, O. 2018. Response of broiler   chickens  fed   pellets  to  period   of  restriction.  Book of abstracts of the 43rd  Annual   Conference  of  Nigerian   Society   for  Animal  Production  (NSAP), Federal  University  of  Technology,  Owerri,  Imo  state,  March  18th-22nd,  2018. P235

2. Olaifa, R.O., Sogunle, O.M., Safiyu, K.K., Oloyede, S.T., Omosebi, D.J., Obasa, O.A., Odutayo, J.O. and Okubanjo, A.O. 2016.  Comparison of performance and carcass characteristics   of   broiler   chickens   reared on   different   housing   systems. Proceedings of the  41st Annual  Conference of the  Nigerian  Society  for Animal Production  (NSAP),  Federal   University  of  Agriculture,  Abeokuta,  Ogun  State, March 20th – 24th, 2016.  Pp 375 – 378.

3.  Omosebi, D.J., Adeyemi O.A., Sogunle, M.O. and Idowu, O.M.O. 2014.  Influence of duration   and    level    of    feed    restriction   on    blood    parameters,   carcass characteristics  and  feed  cost of Marshal  broiler  chickens.  Book of abstract of the  3rd   Animal Science Association on Nigeria  and  Nigerian  Institute of Animal Science Joint Annual Meeting, 7th-11th  September, 2014.  P81

4.  Omosebi  D.J.,  Adeyemi  O.A.,  Sogunle  M.O.,  Bolarin  O and  Olaifa  R.O. 2014. Response of broiler chickens to two feed  forms and  levels of quantitative feed restriction. Proceedings of the  39th Annual  Conference of Nigerian  Society  for Animal Production. 16th-19th March, 2014.  Pp 372-375

5.  Omosebi D.J., Adeyemi  O. A., Sogunle M.O, Idowu O.M.O and  Njoku, C.P. 2013. Effects of duration and level of feed  restriction on performance and meat quality of Marshall broiler chickens. Proceedings of the 38th Annual Conference of Nigerian Society for Animal Production. 17th-20th  March, 2013.  Pp 637-640


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