Author: Oluwaferni A. Oke
Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering and Applied Sciences (JETEASE) 2 (3); 379-382
Studies on the mating procedures were made on virgin males and females of eochetina eichhorniae. The virgin species of .eichhorniae were raised from the stock of adult males and females.eichhorniae reared in a plastic aquarium tank (100 cm x 100cm x 100 cm) con taining water hyacinth plants on the premises of the Department of Zoology, University of Ibadan, Ibadan. Four pairs of virgin . eichhorniae were placed inside an aerated covered vial (16.5 cm radius and 7.00 cm high) in the laboratory at a temperature range of 28300c for observation. 5 trials were made. In each trial, a pair of weevils were placed together for one hour. A minimum copulation period of 60 seconds and maximum period of 120 seconds with a mean copulation period of 97.67 seconds was observed.