1. Onifade, O.S. and Agishi, E.C. (1990). A review of forage production and utilization in Nigeria Savanna. Proceedings of the 4th PANESA/ARNAB Workshop on “Utilization of Research Results on Forage and Agricultural by- products in Africa” Eds. Dzowela, B.H; Said A.N; Asrat, Wendem – Agenehu and Kategile, J.A.Dec. 1988, at Lilongwe, Malawi. pp 114-125.
2. Onifade, O.S.; Adu, I.F. and Akinola, J.O. (1992). Performance and management of sheep on Rhodes grass-Stylo pasture in Nigeria. In: The complimentarity of feed resources for animal production in Africa. (Eds) John Stares, Said A.N. and Kategile J.A. Proc. of the joint feed resources network workshop held in Gaborone, Botswana 4-8 March, 1991. Africa Feed Resources Network (AFRNET) ILCA, Addis Ababa Ethiopia. pp.
3. Onifade, O.S., Adu, I.F. and Akinola, J.O. (1992). An evaluation of stylo as a ley legume in the subhumid zone of Nigeria. Proceedings of the workshop on Stylosanthes held in Kaduna, Nigeria Oct., 1992. Leeuw, P.N. de. et al( Eds) ILCA, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. p. 175-180.
4. Onifade, O.S., Adu, I.F. and Akinola, J.O. (1993). The effect of stocking rate on Rhodes grass – stylo pasture in the Northern Guinea Savanna zone of Nigeria I. Herbage Yield. Proc. XVII International Grassland Congress, New –Zealand/Australia, 8-21 Feb. 1993. p. 863-864.
5. Osinowo, O.A., Abubakar, B.Y., Olayemi, M.E., Balogun, R.O. Onifade, O.S., Adewuyi, A.A., Trimnell, A.R and Dennar, F.O. (1994). Preweaning performance of Yankasa sheepunder semi-intensive management. In: Small Ruminant Research and Development in Africa. Proc. of the 2nd Biennial Conf. Of Africa Small Ruminant Research Network, Arusha, Tanzania 7-11 Dec., 1992. ILCA/CTA.
6. Onifade, O.S. and Kera, B.S. (1995). Forage Conservation. In: Advance animal husbandry practices for subject matter specialists in the Agric. Dev. Proj. (ADP) Eds. P.O.Okaiyeto et al. FACU-NAPRI. p 11-16.
7. Omokanye, A.T., Onifade, O.S. and Tanko, R.J. (1996). Groundnut production in Shika . In: P.E. Olorunju, B.R. Ntare, O.A. Babalola and O. Alabi (eds). Proceedings of a Workshop on Nationally Coordinated Groundnut Research Project. IAR/ICRISAT 25-29 Sept, 1995, Zaria, Nigeria pp. 9-12.
8. Tanko, R.J., Tarawali, S.A. Onifade, O.S. and Muhammad I.R. (1999) Pasture and forage seed production in Nigeria. In: L. Grass & M. Turner (eds) Proc. of the Pasture and Forage Seed Production Workshop, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 27-31 October 1997.pp 133-142
9. Malau-Aduli, A.E. O.,R. J. Tanko, P. P. Barje, I. R. Muhammed, J. T. Amodu, H. J. Makun, O. S. Onifade, O. W. Ehoche, J. O. Gefu, D. Y. Goska, S. Mohammed, A. Mohammed, M. A. Babuga, A. Adediran, K. Agyemang and A. Larbi. (2000) On-farm improvement of milk yield in Bunaji cattle through legume supplementation. Book of proceedings, 25th Annual NSAP Conference, 19-23, March, 2000, Umudike.
10. Adeoye K. B. and Onifade O.S. (2000) Cover crops adoption and forage seed production in Nigeria: report for the subhumid zone. In: Casky R. J. et al. (eds). Cover crops for natural resources in West Africa. IITA, Cotonou, Rep. of Benin . 26-28 Oct., 1999. p 280-289.
11 Arigbede, O. M., Sunmonu, J. A., Olanite, J. A., Jolaosho, A. O. and Onifade, O. S. (2001). Chemical composition, Feed Intake and Nutrient Digestibility of Three Pasture Grasses Fed to West African Dwarf Goats. In: Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production: 18th- 22nd March, 2001, Arewa House, Kaduna and Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Edited by A. E. O. Malau-Aduli and I. A. Adeyinka. Shika-Zaria : NSAP, Vol. 26: 339-341.
12 Jolaosho, A. O., Ladokun, A. L., Onifade, O. S., Arigbede, O. M., Olanite, J. A. and Oduguwa, B. O. (2001). Evaluation of Low Cost Silage Making Methods. Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production: 18th-22nd May, 2001, Arewa House, Kaduna and Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Edited by A. E. O. Malau-Aduli and I. A. Adeyinka. Shika-Zaria: NSAP,Vol. 26: 342-244.
13. Olanite, J A., O. M. Arigbede, O. S. Onifade, A. O. Jolaosho and J. A. Oyenekan.(2002) Agronomic performance of Panicum/Chamaecrista mixtures as affected by grass spacing and legume sowing method in South-Western Nigeria. Proc. 27th Ann. Conf., NSAP, FUT, Akure, March 17-21, 2002: 223-226.
14. Arigbede, O. M., Olanite, J. A.; Alaba O. Jolaosho, Onifade,O.S. and Magret, O. Egbetayo. (2002). Dry and protein degradabilities by WAD goats of some feed ingredients sold in Abeokuta, South West, Nigeria. In: A. O. Fanimo and J A Olanite (eds). Proc. 7th Annual Conf. of ASAN. Abeokuta. Sept. 16-19, 2002. p 180-183.
15. Jolaosho, A.O., Onifade, O. S. Arigbede, O. M.,Olanite, J. A.; and Akinola T.O.(2005) Number and viability of seeds recovered from faeces of ruminant animals. Offered paper at XX. Int. Grassland. Congress in Ireland and UK. 26 June – July 1, 2005.Grasslands- a global resource. p 624
16. Onifade, O. S.; Olanite, J. A.; Jolaosho, A. O.,Arigbede, O. M.; and Tijani N.K.(2005) Response of guinea grass (Panicum maximum Jacq) to application of cowdung in south west Nigeria. Offered paper at XX Int. Grassland. Congress in Ireland and UK. 26 June –July1, 2005. Grasslands- a global resource. p 396.
17. Onifade, O S, Amole, T A , Jolaosho, A O, Arigbede, O M, Olanite, J A, Anele, U Y and Oyeladun, A M(2008). Effects of sowing methods and seeding rates on chemical composition of Tephrosia bracteolata. Offered paper at the joint XXI Int. Grassl Cong. And VIII Int. Rangeland Cong. Held in Hohhot, P R China. 29 June – July 5, 2008. Multifunctional Grasslands in a Changing World. p
18. Jolaosho A O, Oduguwa,B O., Arigbede, O M., Olanite, J A., Onifade O S., Anele, U Y and Amole, A T. (2008) Effects of ingestion by cattle on degradability of seeds of three browse plants. Offered paper at the joint XXI Int. Grassl Cong. And VIII Int. Rangeland Cong. Held in Hohhot, P R China. 29 June – July 5, 2008. Multifunctional Grasslands in a Changing World. p 552.
19 Olanite, J A, Jolaosho, A O, Arigbede O M., Onifade O S and Anele, U Y.(2008) Persistence of Chamaecrista rotundifolia (Wynn) in Panicum maximum (Ntchisi) under varying spacing nd legume planting methods. Offered paper at the joint XXI Int. Grassl Cong. And VIII Int. Rangeland Cong. Held in Hohhot, P R China. 29 June – July 5, 2008. Multifunctional Grasslands in a Changing World. p729.
20 Onifade, O S et. al. (2011).Response of guinea grass to animal manure. Offered paper at the joint IX Int.Rangeland Cong. Held in Rosario. Argentina. 2nd to 8th April,2011. Diverse Rangeland for a Sustainable Society. P329.
21 Amole, T A, Onifade, O S et al (2011 ).Herbage yield in intercropping forage legumes with cereals system.. Offered paper at the joint IX Int.Rangeland Cong. Held in Rosario. Argentina. 2nd to 8th April,2011. Diverse Rangeland for a Sustainable Society. P448.
22 Ojo, VO A, Jolaosho A O , Onifade O S et al (2011 ).Evaluation of forage productivity from different topography and land use in western Nigeria.. Offered paper at the joint IX Int.Rangeland Cong. Held in Rosario. Argentina. 2nd to 8th April,2011. Diverse Rangeland for a Sustainable Society. P440.
23 Jolaosho, A O , Olanite J A , Onifade, O S et al (2011 ).Effects of storage conditions and scarification methods on seed germination.. Offered paper at the joint IX Int.Rangeland Cong. Held in Rosario. Argentina. 2nd to 8th April,2011. Diverse Rangeland for a Sustainable Society. P503
Unpublished Conferences, Seminars/Workshop Attended and Papers Presented
1. Onifade, O. S. and Eduvie,L. O. (2000) Forage seed production and trade in Nigeria. A paper presented at the National Workshop on `Biotechnology, Seed Development and Trade in Nigeria held at NACGRAB, Moor Plantation. Ibadan, 17-18 May 2000.