College of Veterinary Medicine


Brief History

The College of Veterinary Medicine (COLVET) took off in the 2001/2002 Session with 30 students that were offered admission into the 100 level of the six-year Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) degree programme.

General Philosophy And Objectives

The general philosophy of the College is to produce skilled manpower that is adequately furnished with comprehensive information required for engaging in economic livestock production, animal health, public health, research and teaching; and to produce veterinarians who will be job creators rather than job seekers.

Academic Departments

The College has the following six Departments:

  1. Department of Veterinary Anatomy
  2. Department of Veterinary Medicine
  3. Department of Veterinary Microbiology
  4. Department of Veterinary Parasitology and Entomology
  5. Department of Veterinary Pathology
  6. Department of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology
  7. Department of Veterinary Physiology and Biochemistry
  8. Department of Veterinary Public Health and Preventive Medicine
  9. Department of Veterinary Surgery and Theriogenology

Regulations Governing The Award Of The Degree Of Doctor Of Veterinary Medicine

Duration of Study

Candidates admitted into the 100 level will be expected to undergo instructions for six academic sessions (12 semesters) before the award of the degree of DVM. Candidates admitted into the 200 level will be expected to undergo instructions for five academic sessions (ten semesters) before the award of the degree of DVM.

Any student who cannot meet all the requirements for the DVM degree within three academic sessions in excess of the minimum duration shall be required to withdraw from the degree programme except with the special approval of the Senate on the recommendation of COLVET Board of Examiners.

DVM Curriculum

    1. The DVM degree curriculum consists of two parts: the pre-professional phase of two semesters (100 level) and the professional phase of ten semesters (200-600 level). The five years of the professional phase are also referred to as DVM 1 (200 level) to DVM V (600 level). The professional phase includes three semesters of pre-clinical courses, three semesters of para-clinical courses and four semesters of clinical courses.
    2. All courses in the professional phase are compulsory i.e. must be taken and passed before the award of the DVM degree. The different Departments in the College shall jointly prepare a candidate for the award of the DVM degree.
    3. Each student must undertake not less than six months of approved Field Study under the supervision of Veterinary Surgeons. On completion of a Field Study, each student shall submit a detailed report on the study countersigned by the supervising Veterinary Surgeon.
    4. The DVM degree shall be unclassified, i.e. without class or honours.
    5. All courses shall be graded out of a maximum of 100. The pass mark for each core course, that is, courses based in COLVET and other professional courses, shall be 50%. For courses based outside COLVET, the pass mark shall be the same as that applicable in the departments offering the courses.
    6. A distinction will be awarded to a student who scores a mean of 70% or higher in all the courses in a given subject area, provided that all the courses are passed at the first attempt.
    7. Only students duly registered for the DVM degree programme shall be eligible to register for any of the professional courses.
    8. The subject code in COLVET shall be as follows:

Pre-Clinical Courses: VBA: Veterinary Anatomy, VBB: Veterinary Biochemistry, VBP: Veterinary Physiology, VBM: Animal Management

Para-Clinical Courses: VPC: Veterinary Pharmacology, VPR: Veterinary Parasitology, VPM: Veterinary Microbiology, VPT: Veterinary Pathology

Clinical Courses: VCM: Veterinary Medicine, VCS: Veterinary Surgery, VCH: Veterinary Public Health, VCT: Theriogenology, VCJ: Project, VCC: Clinics

Long Vacation Courses: VFS: Field Study

  • To be eligible for advancement from 100 level to 200 level, a student must pass a minimum of 24 credit units which must include 6 units in each of Chemistry and Biology, and 8 units in Mathematics/Physics.
  • Any 100 level student that fails to pass a minimum of 24 credit units including 6 units in each of Chemistry and Biology and 8 units in Mathematics/Physics shall be required to withdraw from the programme.
  • All failed courses shall be carried over into the next semester when the courses are being offered.

Advancement within the Professional Phase (200-600 Level)

  1. All carry-over courses must first be registered for before any additional courses are registered for.
  2. Any student who scores a Grade Point Average (GPA) of less than 2.4 at the end of a semester shall be placed on probation during the next semester.
  3. Any student who scores a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of less than 2.4 in two consecutive semesters within an academic session shall be required to withdraw from the programme.
  4. Whenever the total number of course units being carried over exceeds the minimum workload of 16 units for that semester, such a student will not normally be allowed to proceed to higher-level courses until he/she passes those courses, even if his/her CGPA exceeds 2.4.
  5. No student shall be permitted to carry over any core pre-clinical course into the clinical stage (500 level) of the DVM programme.
  6. Resit examination in core Veterinary courses may be conducted for students who:
    i. satisfy the stipulated minimum of 70% attendance.
    ii. have sat for Continuous Assessment Test conducted during the semester.
    iii. have sat for the main examination.
    iv. obtain a resit grade of between 40 and 49%.
  7. Resit examination shall be conducted once per session at the end of each long vacation.
  8. Students who sat and passed resit examinations should not be awarded a score of more than 50%.
  9. Any student who scores less than the pass mark in any course after the resit examination shall be required to carry over such course into the next semester when the course is being offered.
  10. No student, after resit examination, should carry over more than two core Veterinary courses to a higher level.

Professional Conduct

In addition to academic performance, COLVET will be guided by the intent of the Veterinary Oath, regarding professional conduct, in the presentation or otherwise of a candidate for the award of the DVM degree.

Title Of Degree

After meeting all prescribed requirements, successful candidates will be awarded the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine to be denoted by the acronym, DVM.

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30th Convocation Ceremonies

Award of First Degree to deserving graduands
