Environmental Unit



Security service is provided to the University Community from the inception of the University in 1988 by the then Security Unit, now the Environmental Unit. The name Environmental Unit came into existence in the year 2008 to accommodate the dual protective role – Safety and Security of the Unit.

Safety Role: The Safety role of the Unit has to do with the prevention, detection, extinguishment, and investigation of fire incidents and other safety hazards in the University environment.

Security Role: The Security role of the Unit has to do with the prevention, detection, and investigation of crime and other security threats in the University environment.

Thus, the core mandate of the Unit is protective, i.e., the protection of life and properties of the University.


To be a leader in all areas of professional campus safety and security practices, so as to effectively address the protective needs of the University.


To create a safe and secure environment that fosters an atmosphere that allows for teaching, learning, and community outreach for colleges, staff, students, and visitors to the University.

The Unit strives to achieve this mission by means of a community-friendly approach and the proactive creation of a security presence via the deployment of protective personnel, preventive roving patrols, 24-hours accessibility, positive conflict resolution, and crime prevention programme.


  1. To control crime through prevention, detection, and investigation strategies;
  2. To control accident, fire, and other safety hazards through prevention, detection, and investigation strategies;
  3. To protect life and properties within the University through effective asset protection strategies;
  4. To control loss-events through preventive awareness programme;
  5. To promote a good image of the University through public-friendly protective services.


The Unit is structured as follows:

  1. The ACEO’s Administrative Office;
  2. The Commands Section;
  3. The Territorial and Facility Patrol Section;
  4. The Investigation Section;
  5. The Intelligence Section; and
  6. The Fire Prevention Section.




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