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Training & Farm Demonstration



The mandate of the Programme is to carry out training of trainers, specialized training and demonstration on Crops, Agro-forestry, Livestock, Fisheries and Aquaculture, and Wildlife.


  1. Training/Capacity Building
  2. Farm Demonstration
  3. Partnership and Linkage
  4. Workshop, Seminar and Conference
  5. Technical and Advisory Services
  6. Publication outfit.


To improve the efficiency of production and management as well as adding values to agricultural produce through appropriate trainings and farm demonstrations in order to increase the productivity of farmers and other stakeholders for better income and enhanced livelihood.


Effectively and efficiently carry out specialized training in order to improve the productivity of farmers, for increased agricultural yield, and thereby increasing farmers income and improving their socio- economic well-being;

  1. Ensure continuous training of trainers to enhance trickledown effect on the farm families;
  2. Demonstrate proven technologies on recommended agricultural practices in a participatory manner;
  3. Assist new entrants/farmers in setting up farms;
  4. Assist the farmers solve their hailing constrains/challenges;
  5. Promote the adoption of relevant up- to-date agricultural technologies in farming systems for improved and efficient agricultural production;
  6. Collaborate and partner the other government agencies, Ministries and Non-governmental organisation in promoting proven technologies to all the stakeholders in agriculture;
  7. Organise relevant workshops, seminar and conferences within and outside with collaborators;
  8. Provide technical and advisory services with farmers and other stakeholders in agriculture;
  9. Educate agricultural students within the university and other relevant universities/research institutes as well as SIWES students;
  10. Link agricultural output to relevant and competitive marketing outlets as well as encourage value addition.


  1. Demonstrations on various aspects of agriculture and related activities;
  2. Sourcing essential agricultural inputs for farmers;
  3. Linking farmers with relevant agencies for production inputs and services;
  4. Facilitating the production of media materials (printed and electronic), and radio and television programmes, for the dissemination of information on improved agricultural production technology;
  5. Facilitating and coordinating community seed production and distribution;
  6. Organising specialised training for farmers and other stakeholders; and
  7. Organising training of trainers for extension personnel in the University’s mandate areas.


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