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SmartSoil Team Equips FPY Students with Digital Soil Mapping App

Published On:

May 21, 2024

 By Tofunmi Adebayo & Temiloluwa Osinuga

The SmartSoil Project Team of the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB), has equipped students of the Farm Practical Year (FPY) with the usage of the Digital Soil Nutrient App, a significant stride towards enhancing food security and streamlining farming processes.

Themed “Digital Agriculture for Food Security: Accelerating Agri-based Digital Innovations in Southwest Nigeria,” the training was held at the 1,000 Seater Auditorium on Tuesday, May 21, 2024.

In his Welcome Address, the Project Leader, Prof. Olusegun Folorunso elaborated on the broader benefits of the app, encouraging the adoption of technology across all facets of agriculture, from production to consumption.

Some of the Trainee FPY students with the Facilitators and the Director, COBFAS, Prof. Sunday Adigbo, after the classroom teaching

He emphasised that such integration would lead to improved outcomes and promote digital innovation within the sector.

According to him, the initiative began with a proposal submitted by FUNAAB which was the only University awarded the grant in 2022.

He noted that Soil Scientists and Computer Scientists collaborated to digitally implement the agricultural processes, eliminating the need for traditional laboratory analysis.

He stressed that the new app developed through the project enabled easy soil quality assessment and management directly from smartphones.

Prof. Folorunso further stated that the programme aimed to equip FPY students with foundational knowledge of digital soil mapping, ensuring better agricultural yields.

In his presentation, titled “Field Sampling for Digital Soil Nutrient Mapping,” the Deputy Project Leader, Prof. Mutiu Busari urged students to embrace technology in agricultural production, marking a significant step towards sustainable and efficient farming practices.

Prof. Busari, also the Director, Directorate of Research, Innovations and Partnerships (DRIP), highlighted the transformative potential of digital technologies in agriculture. “The world is evolving and becoming predominantly digital,” he noted, emphasising the need to integrate the digital shift into agriculture to foster innovation and sustainability.

He noted the primary objective of the initiative, saying that it was to enhance sustainable soil management for agricultural production in Southwest Nigeria, leveraging the ubiquitous smartphone.

Inset: The Project Manager, Mr. Adebayo Adebayo demonstrating how the app is used on the farm to the FPY students

According to him, “Digital agriculture employs cutting-edge technologies and tools that empower farmers to monitor and optimise agricultural inputs, manage value chains more efficiently, and boost productivity.”

He stated further that these technologies include real-time data analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), precision agriculture tools, automated machinery, and robotics.

Prof. Busari stressed the importance of students engaging with and understanding the processes to harness the benefits of the Digital Soil Mapping app, thus underscoring the practical applications of the technology.

Prof. Busari described the SmartSoil app as a testament to the potential of technology in transforming agriculture, offering new hope for farmers in Southwest Nigeria and beyond.

Meanwhile, Southwest Nigeria is set to witness a transformative leap in agricultural practices with the introduction of the SmartSoil app, an innovative digital soil mapping tool powered by artificial intelligence.

Designed to optimise agricultural yield and promote sustainable soil biodiversity management, the cutting-edge technology is an agritech companion, offering precise predictions for soil properties including Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, and pH

levels at any chosen location.

It is currently focused on four key crops, that are yam, maize, and both upland and lowland rice.

The app expertly advises on the optimal type and quantity of fertilizer required to enrich the soil for the chosen crop,

The Director, COBFAS, Prof. Sunday Adigbo requesting for more information about the usage of the app from the duo of the Project Leader, Prof. Olusegun Folorunso and the Deputy Project Leader, Prof. Mutiu Busari (Left) during the demonstration of the app on the farm

ensuring tailored guidance for each of the specific crops.

The demonstration attracted significant attention from students and faculty alike, highlighting FUNAAB’s commitment to innovation and excellence in agricultural education.

Highpoint was the field trip to demonstrate the practical aspect of how the app works on the farm.

Present at the Demonstration event were the Director, Community-Based Farming Scheme (COBFAS), Prof. Sunday Adigbo; Deputy Director, Farms, Mr. Olugbenga Fashina; Chief Agricultural Officer, Mrs. Bukola Fasae; Chief Agricultural Officer, Mr. Olugbenga Alayode, as well as other team members of the SmartSoil Project, including the FPY student trainees.

Last Updated on May 27, 2024 by Olasunkanmi Olajide


  • Olasunkanmi Olajide

    Mr. Olajide is a seasoned professional with over a decade of expertise in the fields of Public Relations, Media and Communications. He currently holds the position of Assistant Director, Media.

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