Prof. (Mrs.)

AKEREDOLU-ALE Bolanle Idowu 


Short Profile

I am a Professor of Language and Communication at the Federal University of
Agriculture, Abeokuta, (FUNAAB) Nigeria I was the Deputy Vice-Chancellor
(Academic) at FUNAAB from January 2020 to January, 2022. I have over thirty-two
years' experience working in the Nigerian higher education space. I have over fifty
scholarly publications to my credit. At FUNAAB, I teach courses in communication
skills, literary appreciation and communication studies.
Prior to my appointment as the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), FUNAAB, I had
been the Dean, College of Agricultural Management and Rural Development. I was
the Head of the Department of Communication and General Studies from 2009 to
2013 and the Chairperson of the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Staff
School. I was at one time the Chairperson of the Committee of Deans and Directors
and the Editor of FUNAAB Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Creative
I am highly skilled in information and educational technologies and has
demonstrable experience in championing and pioneering the e-learning project at
FUNAAB. My research interests are Educational Technologies in Teaching and
Learning, Computer Assisted Teaching and Learning and Online Teaching
I have partnered with national, regional and continental organizations and has
experience in multinational research, research funding and development
programmes. Bolanle Akeredolu-Ale has interest in the development of Higher
Education in Nigeria. My areas of focus include quality assurance, leadership,
management and eLearning in Nigerian higher education systems. Presently, I am
assessing the impact of the digital age on learning and teaching. Late 2019, my joint
proposal with other researchers won the Nigerian TETFUND National Research
Fund (NRF) Grant. The project is titled ‘Pedagogical Adaptive Model and Framework
of Blended Learning for Higher Education Institutions: Any Impact on Employability
in Nigeria?’ In 2020 also another joint proposal won the TETFUND National
Research Fund (NRF) Grant. The project is ongoing and titled ‘Facework for Mental
Health: A Pragma-Linguistic Study of Community/Medical Social Supports in Dealing
with Covid-19 and Other Life Stressors’.
I also had the opportunity of participating at the 2018 Facilitating Online Course
organized by the Centre for Educational Technology at University of Cape Town
and e/merge Africa. The Course has been of tremendous benefit to my e-
learning/digital learning teaching experience. And this has made the adoption of e-
learning at FUNAAB under my portfolio as the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic)
during the COVID-19 pandemic, somewhat seamless.
My participation in capacity development activities has actually strengthened my
leadership skills. I had the opportunity of attending the DIES (German Dialogue in


Innovative Higher Educational Strategies) - International Deans’ intensive training
Course Africa in 2017/2018 organized by the German Academic Exchange Service
(DAAD), the German Rectors’ Conference (HRK), the Osnabrück University of
Applied Sciences in cooperation with the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
(AvH). This Course had participants from close to 8 African countries. During the
various workshops organized in Germany, Ethiopia and Uganda, I was able to have
a firsthand information and experience on University administration and
management from the different participating Heads of Departments, Deans, Deputy
Vice-Chancellors and Directors at the Workshop. Some of these new ideas I have
been able to work on and where possible applied in my role as a university leader
and administrator. In particular, is the project management skill and tools (e.g.
financial management, strategic management, research management, curriculum
design, quality assurance) that participants were exposed to and the encouragement
to see university management and administration in terms of project management.
My experience in university system cuts across African continent, my participation in
the training course for Supervisors of Doctoral Candidates in African Universities at
Stellenbosch University, South Africa, actually made it possible to have firsthand
experience of Higher Education and Doctoral trainings across the continent. The
participants, numbered 174 Doctoral Supervisors from different parts of Africa,
shared their experiences and made suggestions on how to have uniform Doctoral
training in African Universities.
Though born in Ibadan on January 5, 1964, I hail from Odole Quarters in Ijebu-Itele,
Ijebu East LGA of Ogun State, Nigeria. I had my higher education at the University
of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria, where I obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in 1984, and
Master’s Degree in 1987. I got a Postgraduate Diploma (PDG) in Journalism in 1989
from the Nigerian Institute of Journalism. And I had the opportunity, before
completing my PhD in 2000 from the University of Ibadan, to attend the University of
Birmingham in 1992-1993 for a Master’s Degree in Teaching English as a
Second/Foreign Language (TESL/TEFL) sponsored by the British Government
under the Overseas Development Authority (ODA) Award administered by the British
Council in Nigeria.
Apart from academics and higher education administration, I have a great passion
for grooming young women for the future and have worked corporately and
personally towards encouraging young girls to achieve their hidden potentials. I have
contributed immensely to radio and television programmes, civil meetings and
seminars focused on women empowerment, children protection and girl-child
education. In 2019, I had presented my thoughts in two publications titled ‘The
Importance of the Girl-Child Education to the Socio-Economic Development of
Egbaland’ and ‘Girl-Child Education: A Tool for Positive Social Change in Egbaland’,
at the 2019 Lisabi Festival, Abeokuta, Nigeria. And on 24 April, 2021, I shared my
thoughts again at the investiture and award ceremony of the Abeokuta Chapter of
the Society of Women Accountant of Nigeria, when I presented a paper titled ‘Global
Gender Imbalance: A Critical Review’.
I have served as an external examiner and assessor to numerous universities in
Nigeria and abroad. I was actively involved in the Communication Skills Project for
Universities of Agriculture and Technology sponsored by the British Council, that
culminated in the formation of the National Association of Teachers and


Researchers of English as a Second Language (NATRESL). Until recently, I was the
Chairperson of the Editorial Collective of the English Language Teaching Today
(ELTT), a journal of NATRESL. In addition, I am a member of the International
Association of World Englishes (IAWE), International Literacy Association (ILA), and
International Reading Association (IRA). I am presently one of the two University
Orators at FUNAAB.

Ph.D., University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. 2000

M.A., University of Birmingham, England. 1993 M.A. (TEFL/TESL)

PGD., Nigerian Institute of Journalism, Lagos 1989 PGD in Journalism

M.A., University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. 1987

B.Agric., University of Ibadan, Ibadan, Nigeria. 1984

a. ‘Pedagogical Adaptive Model and Framework of Blended Learning for Higher
Education Institutions: Any Impact on Employability in Nigeria?’
b. ‘Facework for Mental Health: A Pragma-Linguistic Study of
Community/Medical Social Supports in Dealing with Covid-19 and Other Life

a. Overseas Development Administration (ODA) Training Awards to attend the
various COMSKIPTECH training workshops organized by the National
Universities Commission (NUC) and the British Council in 1989, 1991, twice
in 1992, and 1993.
b. Overseas Development Administration (ODA) Fellowship Award administered
through the British Council in Nigeria to attend a Master Programme at the
University of Birmingham in 1992/93.
c. 2007 Nigeria Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund) Quality Manuscripts
for Publication Grant for the co-authored book titled Studies in English
Language and Literature Abeokuta. Published by Jacob and Lydia Publishers
ISBN: 978-978-49953-6-8 (pp. 223).
d. 2019 Nigeria Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund) National Research
Fund (NRF) Grant. The project is titled ‘Pedagogical Adaptive Model and
Framework of Blended Learning for Higher Education Institutions: Any Impact
on Employability in Nigeria?’
e. 2020 Nigeria Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund) National Research
Fund (NRF) Grant. The project is ongoing and titled ‘Facework for Mental
Health: A Pragma-Linguistic Study of Community/Medical Social Supports in
Dealing with Covid-19 and Other Life Stressors’.

Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academics)

Dean, College of Agricultural Management and Rural Development (COLAMRUD)

Chairperson, Committee of Deans and Directors (CODAD)

HOD, Department of Communication and General Studies.

Editors, FUNAAB Journals

University Orators

Chairperson, Academic Staff Union of Universities’ (FUNAAB Chapter) Multipurpose Cooperative.

Founding Member, Communication Skills Project for Universities of Agriculture and Technology (COMSKIPTECH) Network.

Member, Nigerian Association of Teachers and Researchers of English as a Second Language (NATRESL) Member of its National Executive Committee (2006 till date).

Member, International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL)

Member, International Association of World Englishes (IAWE)

Member, International Literacy Association (ILA)

Member, International Reading Association (IRA)

Nigerian Association of University Women

Graduate Women International

1. The 16 th Annual Conference of the National Association of Teachers and
Researchers in English as a Second Language (NATRESL), Federal University
of Technology, Akure 11th – 12th May, 2023
2. The 1 st Humanising the Sciences Conference (HUSCON) Federal University of
Agriculture, Abeokuta, 10th August, 2021
3. The 14 th Annual Conference of the National Association of Teachers and
Researchers in English as a Second Language (NATRESL), Federal University
of Technology, Akure 25th – 28th June, 2019
4. The 13 th Annual Conference of the National Association of Teachers and
Researchers in English as a Second Language (NATRESL), Federal University
of Agriculture, Abeokuta, 4th – 7th July, 2017
5. The 5 th International Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance
16th – 17th March 2017 at Wits Business School, University of WitWatersrand,
Parktown, Johannesburg, South Africa


6. Ninth Pan-African Literacy for all Conference & 10th RASA National Literacy
Conference 2–5 September 2015, Baxter Theatre, Cape Town, South Africa.
7. Third European Conference on Social Media Research EM Normandie, Caen,
France (2016)
8. The 12 th Annual Conference of the National Association of Teachers and
Researchers in English as a Second Language (NATRESL)/International
Conference on English Teaching and Learning 6th – 9th October, 2015 Benson
Idahosa University, Benin, Nigeria
9. The 9th Pan-African Literacy for All Conference and 12th RASA National
Literacy Conference 2nd – 5th September, 2015 Cape Town, South Africa
10. The 2015 SOLSTICE eLearning Conference Edge Hill University, UK 4th – 5th
June, 2015
11. The Ife Humanities Conference, Obafemi Awolowo University 23rd – 26th
March, 2015
12. The 7 th Edition of ICT for Language Learning, Florence, Italy 13th – 14th
November, 2014
13. National Association of Teachers and Researchers of English as a Second
Language (NATRESL) Workshop and Conference at the Elizade University,
Ondo State, Nigeria, September, 2013.
14. Seventh Edition of the International Conference on ICT for Language Learning.
Held at Grand Hotel Meditarraneo, Firenze – Italy, between 13 th and 14 th
November, 2014. ed0007
15. The 13th Annual Teaching Professor Conference. Atlanta, GA, US. May 29-31,
16. International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language
(IATEFL), 46 th Annual International IATEFL Conference in Glasgow, UK, in 19th
– 23rd March 2012.
17. Seventh International Conference on ICT for Development, Education and
Training: eLearning Africa, Cotonou, Benin, May 2012.
18. The 9 th Annual Conference of the National Association of Teachers and
Researchers in English as a Second Language (NATRESL) College of
Education, Ikere – Ekiti 26th – 28th September, 2012
19. The 4 th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
Barcelona, Spain 2nd – 4th July, 2012


20. International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language
(IATEFL), Business English Special Interest Group (BESIG) Workshop on
Teaching Business English with Digital Technologies at the University of Central
Lancashire, Preston, UK, 24 -25 June, 2011.
21. The 8 th Annual Conference of the National Association of Teachers and
Researchers in English as a Second Language (NATRESL), Abeokuta 12th –
15th July, 2011
23. The 6 th Annual Conference of the National Association of Teachers and
Researchers in English as a Second Language (NATRESL) Akure, 21st – 24th
October, 2008
24. The 5 th Annual Conference of the National Association of Teachers and
Researchers in English as a Second Language (NATRESL) Owerri 18th – 20th
July, 2007
25. The Eruvbetine Conference on Literature and Humanistic Studies in Africa
Organised by the African Cultural Institute, Lagos, 28th – 30th November, 2006
26. Fourth Annual ELTT (English Language Teaching Today) Conference, held at
the University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria (2006).
27. The 3 rd Annual Conference of the National Association of Teachers and
Researchers in English as a Second Language (NATRESL) Abeokuta 4th – 7th
October, 2005
28. Annual Conference of the Reading Association of Nigeria (RAN), Obafemi
Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Nigeria (1997).
29. First International Conference on Human Development, held at the Covenant
University, Ota, Ogun States, Nigeria (2005).
30. First Annual ELTT (English Language Teaching Today) Conference, held at the
Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria (2003).
31. The English Teaching Improvement Conference organized by LECAPS held at
the University of Jos, Jos, Nigeria (1995).
32. The 27 th International Association Teachers of English as a Foreign Language
(IATEFL) International Conference held at the University College, Swansea,
Wales, U.K. (1993).
33. The 11 th British Association of Lecturers of English for Academic Purposes
(BALEAP) Conference on Course Design and Evaluation in EAP, held at the
University of Birmingham, U.K (1993).
34. First International Training Workshop on Communication Skills Project
(COMSKIPTECH) for Federal Universities of Technology and Agriculture,


organised by the National Universities Commission (NUC) of Nigeria and the
British Council in Nigeria held at the Federal University of Technology, Owerri,
Nigeria (1990).

a) Thesis and Dissertation

i. B.A. Project – Entitled “Phonological Interference of Hausa with English”

ii. M.A Dissertation – entitled “Phonological Interference of Igbo and Yoruba”.

iii. M.A. Dissertation – Entitled “Investigation into the Discourse Organisation of Selected Projects of Undergraduate Students of the Department of Plant Biology”.

iv. PhD Dissertation – Entitled “An Application of the Bernstein Hypothesis to the Study of Yoruba-English Bilingual Acquisition and learning in Selected Secondary Schools in Ogun State.

b) Journal Articles


1. Managing Large Classes: Team Teaching Approach.. English Language Teaching Forum, Vol.36 (1) 50 – 53 at authored with M. M. Alimi& T. Azeez).

2. Team Teaching and Teacher Development.. English Language Teaching Today, Vol. 1 (1) 60-64 (co-authored with M. M. Alimi& T. Azeez).

3. Effect of Radio Farm Broadcasts on Farmers Knowledge of improved Farm Practices.. Journal of Extension Systems Vol. 13(1&2) 121-127.(co- authored with O. J. Ladebo, & O. C. Banjoko)


4. ‘The Discourse Structure of the Cartoon Text.. Lagos Notes and Records Vol. VIII 302-327 (co-authored with M. M. Alimi)

5. Helping Students of Universities of Agriculture and Technology (UNAT) in Nigeria to Communicate: The Journey so far.. Bauchi Liberal Studies Series Vol. 2 25-35 ( co-authored with P. Ede & O. Ogidi)

6. Towards the Improvement of Team Teaching at the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta Nigeria.. Bauchi Liberal Studies Series Vol. 2 47-52

7. A Genre Analysis of the Inaugural Lecture.. Papers in English and Linguistics Vol.4 l l l – 124 (co-authored with M. M. Alimi)

8. ‘Second Language and Academic Performance: A Class Sensitive Case Study. Research in African Languages and Linguistics Vol. 5 (1) 49-62.


9. „Linguistic Dilemma of Second Language Learners: Implications for English Language Teaching. Research in African Languages and Linguistics Vol. 6 67-81 (co-authored with M. M. Alimi).


10. ‘Learner Factors and Performance: The Case of Students in a Science-Based University.. Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics, Vol. 29 (2) 113-124 at indian_journ… (co-authored with M.M. Alimi)


11. A Text-Linguistics Approach to the Teaching of Poetry to Students in a Science-Based University: A Teacher.s Experience.. Gege (Ogun Studies in English Vol. 4 (1) 140-148.

12. An Analysis of Discourse Organisation in Science Undergraduate Projects. English Language Teaching Today Vol.3 (2) 16-25.

13. Collocation in Vocabulary Teaching and Learning.. In English Language Teaching Today, Vol.3 (2) 45-49.


14. Language Teaching Methodology: An Overview of Three Language processing and Producing Approaches.. Gege (Ogun Studies in English) Vol.5 (1) 154-165.

15. Remedying Basic Pronunciation Errors: A Teachers Experience. English Language Teaching Today Vol.4 (1) 51-59.


16. English Language Imperialism and Superimposition Over Nigerian Indigenous Languages. Asset Series C Vol/1 (1) 39-46.

17. The Linguistic Trap: The Issue of Standard English or Nuclear English. Asset Series C Vol. 1 (1) 153-160 at index.php/ Series_C/article/view/595.

18. Social Stratification and Second Language Acquisition among Yoruba-English Bilinguals: A Case Study of Selected Secondary Schools in Ogun State of South-Western Nigeria. Indian Journal of Applied Linguistics, Vol. 32 (1-2) 167-180 at

19. Challenges of Using Concordance in Second Language Vocabulary and Grammar Teaching. Language Forum Vol. 32 (1-2) 45 – 61.

20. Rethinking the Pedagogics of the General Studies English Sub-Programme:
Lessons from UNAAB.. English Language Teaching Today Vol. 5 pp 24 – 34.

21. Enhancing the Communication Skills Programmes in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions:
A Case Study of the University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria.. The Journal of Communicative English Vol.2 pp1 – 16.


22. Good English for What?: A Motivational Perspective on the Declining Learners.
Performance in English Language Acquisition and Use in Nigerian Schools..
Changing English 14 (2) 231 – 245.

23. ‘De-formalising the Teaching of the General Studies English Sub-Programme in Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria. An Experience with UNAAB.. Journal of Educational Improvement Vol. 4 pp 48 – 56.


24. Communicative Competence of Science Students: An Illustration with UNAAB.,
English for Specific Purposes World, Issue 30 Volume 9, 20&%20Akeredolu-Ale.pdf (co-authored with H. A. Bodunde).

25. Agricultural Workers. Perception of information and Communication Technology (ICT) Usage for Agricultural Development in Southwest Nigeria., Journal of Social Development in Africa, Vol. 25. No. 2 pp.147 – 176 (co-authored with O. A. Lawal-Adebowale).


26. “D Gr8 Nu Dijita Teknoloji & Englis languaj lenin.” English Language Teaching Today Vol.9, pp.23-34.


27. The Power of Student.s Involvement: Using Posters as Teaching Tools in Managing Large Classes.. English for Specific Purposes World, Issue 40 Volume 14, English for Specific Purposes World, ISSN 16823257, (co-authored with R. R. Aduradola).


28. Communication Strategies for Resolving Work-Related Conflicts in Selected Tertiary Institutions”. Journal of Sustainable Development 11(1): 119-126, (co-authored with K. G. Adeosun, C. A. Onifade,H. A. Bodunde and O. A. Adebowale-Lawal).

29. Utilising the Digital Age Opportunities for Enriching Classroom Interaction in Higher
Education: A FUNAAB Experiment. Journal of Humanities, Social Sciences and Creative Arts Vol. 9 pp. 14-21, (co-authored with B. S. Sotiloye, R. R. Aduradola & H. A. Bodunde).

30. English and Communication Skills in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions: The State of the Art. in English for Specific Purposes World Issue 50 Vol. 17 pp. 1- 21 Published by ESP World ISSN 1682-3257 (co-authored with Sotiloye, B.S., Bodunde, H.A., Adebiyi, A.A., Aduradola, R.R.)

c) Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings


31. Farm information Management and Poultry Development in Nigeria: A Case Study of Poultry Farmers in (Three Local Government Areas) Ogun State.. Proceedings of the Silver Anniversary Conference of the Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP) and the Inaugural Conference of the West African Society for Animal production (WASAP) 528-529.

32. Ladebo, O. J Information Needs and Sources of Information for Aquaculture Farmers in Nigeria.. Proceedings of the 9th/10th Annual Conference of the Nigerian Association for Aquatic Sciences 45-59. (co-authored with O. J. Ladebo).


33. Overcoming the English„H. problem: The Learner-Friendly Way.. Proceedings of the Annual ELTT (English Language Teaching Today) Conference. Vol.1 175-78.


34. “Impact of the digital age on the Teaching and Learning of English and Communication Skills (ECS): Exploratory Observations from A Nigerian University.” Paper Presented at the 7th Edition of the International Conference on “ICT for Language Learning.” Held at Grand Hotel Meditarraneo, Firenze – Italy, between 13th and 14th November, 2014. http://conference.pixel- (co-authored with B. S. Sotiloye, H. A. Bodunde and R. R. Aduradola).


35. Using Digital Technologies to Enrich Classroom Interactions in Higher Education:
Experimental Observations from FUNAAB Published by SOLSTICE Conference 2015 Edge Hill University, UK…in-HE…FUNAAB.pptx, (co-authored with Fapojuwo, O. E., B. S. Sotiloye, R. R. Aduradola & H. A. Bodunde)


36. “Web 2.0 as an Instructional Tool in Teaching Large Classes at FUNAAB, Nigeria” Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Social Media Research EM Normandie, Caen, France, (co-authored with Emmanuel Akintona, Uche Odozor & O. Fapojuwo)


37. “Feminism and Unity of Opposites: Enhancing Good Leadership and Governance in Nigeria” 5th International Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance, Zanele Ndaba and Thabang Mokoteli (Eds.) Published by Academic Conference and Publishing International Limited, U.K. (co-authored with Emmanuel Akintona, Uche Odozor, Bosede Sotiloye, Remi Aduradola and Helen Bodunde)

38. “A Comparative Analysis of Communication Style of Two Selected Organizations in Nigeria” 5th International Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance, Zanele Ndaba and Thabang Mokoteli (Eds.) Published by Academic Conference and Publishing International Limited, U.K. (co-authored with Bodunde, H.A., Sotiloye, B.S., Aduradola, R.R. and Adebiyi, A. A.)

d) Books


39. Communication Skills in English for Tertiary Institutions. Abeokuta: Department of Communication and General Studies,(co-authored with B. S. Sotiloye, T. Azeez, H. Bodunde, P. Ayebola and R. Aduradola).


40. Communication English Practice Abeokuta: Department of Communication and General Studies, (co-authored with Bodunde, H., P. Ayebola, R. Aduradola, B. Sotiloye & T. Azeez).


41. Communication in English I in PeCOP General Studies Series, Bauchi: PeCOP Resources Nigeria Ltd.

42. Studies in English Language and Literature Abeokuta Published by Jacob and Lydia Publishers ISBN: 978-978-49953-6-8 (pp. 223), (co-authored with H. Bodunde, B. Sotiloye, R.Aduradola, T. Olaifa & A. Adebiyi)

e) Chapters in a Book


43. ESP Methodology.. Developing a Practical EAP Course in Nigeria, (co-authored with M. M. Alimi).


44. Cultural Limitations in English Language Teaching., English Teaching Improvement
Vol.1 Jos: Lecaps, 193 -199, (co-authored with M. M. Alimi).

45. Listening. Chapter Three in E.O.A. Ajayi (ed.) Osiele Study Series: General Studies.
Abeokuta: Research and Publication Committee. Pp. 31-34.


46. Writing Error-Free English for Media Purposes.. Themes in Communication Writing. Standard Mass Concept Company.

47. Applications of Second Language Acquisition Research to Second Language Pedagogy. Festschrift in Honour of Professor Adekunle Adeniran.


48. Rekindling Students. Interest in Poetry.. Chapter Twenty-Four in A. E. Erubetine & U Yakubu (eds.) Re-visioning Humanistic Studies, Lagos: African Cultural Institute,(co-authored with P.A. Ayebola).


49. Perspectives on the Principles of Second Language Learning and Teaching. In Ogunsiji, Ayo, Ayo Kehinde & Akin Odebunmi (eds.) Language, Literature and Discourse: A Festschrift in Honour of Prof. A. L. Olayele. Germany: Lincom GmbH



50. “Acquiring Good Education for What?: Opportunity Structures and Motivational Perspectives on the Declining Standard of Education in Nigeria”, COLAMRUD Seminar Series, 18 October, 2011.


51. “Queen.s English and the March of History: Reflections on the Nigerian Case” FUNAAB Inaugural Lecture Series, 22 February, 2012.


52. “Advanced Learning: Why Has it not Solved Nigeria.s Socio-Economic Problems” Being the paper presented at the Maiden Edition of the Postgraduate Students.
Association.s Annual Week Celebration and Commemoration of the 25th
Anniversary of FUNAAB.


53. Differentiating Formal and Informal English in Writing., presented at the English Language Clinic Lecture Series, University of Ibadan.

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