Dr. (Mrs.)

AKINHANMI Temilade Fola 

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Short Profile

B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.

*    PhD Research on relationship between heavy metals and violent crime

*    Lead toxicity and amelioration with antioxidants

*    The blood lead and alcohol levels in commercial (public) and government employed drivers in Abeokuta


Research in Progress

i. The blood lead and alcohol levels in occupationally exposed subjects in   Abeokuta


Research completed but not yet published


i.    PhD Research on relationship between heavy metals and aggressive behaviour

ii. Asssessment of metal content in soils from coastal areas of Ondo State in    Nigeria.

iii. Metal toxicity of some cosmetics in Nigeria.


  1. Member: DTLC Committee, Department of Chemistry, UNAAB. (2004 – 2010).
  2. Member: Entertainment Committee-Local Organising Committee. 2nd International Conference on Science and National Development  (October, 2006).
  3. College Representative – Student Disciplinary Committee    (2000 – 2002).
  4. College Representative – College of Plant Science and Crop Protection (2005 –  Date).
  5. Member: Local Organising Committee. Chemical Society of Nigeria Annual Conference (September, 2010).


Paper in Refereed Conference Proceeding

(i) Yusuf, A. A., Akinhanmi, T. F., Lasisi, A. A., Ayedun, H. (2006). Physicochemical Properties of Khaya grandifolia (Oganwo) Exudate Gum Proceedings of the Second Conference in Science and National Development, 10-13 October, 2006.

(a)     40th Annual Conference of the Science Association of Nigeria, University of Ibadan, Ibadan. Nigeria. (21st- 25th March 2005)
(b)     1st International Conference on Science and National Development, UNAAB        (Oct. 25th – 28th 2004)
(c)      2ND Annual Conference, Nigerian Society for Environmental Management (5th – 8th September, 2005)
(d)     2nd International Conference on Science and National Development, UNAAB (10th-13th October, 2006)
(e)    3rd International Conference on Science and National Development, UNAAB (24th -27th November, 2008)
(f)     Chemical Society of Nigeria Annual Conference, Abeokuta. Nigeria. (September, 2010).

a.    Thesis and dissertation

i.    The Adsorption of Cadmium and Zinc on Peat. (M Sc. Thesis, 1994)

ii.    The Kinetics of the Reaction of 5,5 Dithiobis -2-Nitrobenzoic Acid with

Oxyhaemoglobin A.    (B Sc. Dissertation, 1985)

b.    Papers in learned journals


  1. Atasie, V. N., Akinhanmi, T.F., (2009). Extraction, Compositional Studies and Physicochemical Characteristics of Palm Kernel Oil. Pakistan Journal of Nutrition  8 (6) 800 – 803.
  2. Atasie, V.N., Akinhanmi, T. F., Ojiodu, C.C. (2009). Proximate Analysis and Physicochemical Properties of Groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L). Pakistan Journal of Nutrition  8 (2) 194-197.
  3. T. F. Akinhanmi., L.A Arogundade., M. O. Tiamiyu., E. Oloruntoba, B.J. Osiname (2008). Protein fractions of legumes and cereals consumed in Nigeria. ASSET Journal (Accepted).
  4. Adewuyi, S., Akinhanmi T. F., Taiwo, E. O.,  Adeyemi, A. A. (2008). Chelation of Zinc (II) Metal Ion From Waste Water With Biopolymeric Chitosan Ligand Produced From Snail Shell. J. Chem. Society Nig. 33 (2) 46-49
  5. Akinhanmi, T.F., Atasie, V.N., Akintokun, P.O. (2008). Chemical Composition and Physicochemical Properties of Cashew Nut (Anacardium Occidentale) Oil and Cashew Nut Shell Liquid. Journal of Agricultural, food and Environmental Sciences ISSN566757,  2 (1).
  6. Yusuf, A. A., Akinhanmi, T. F., Lasisi, A. A., Ayedun, H. (2006). Physicochemical Properties of Khaya grandifolia (Oganwo) Exudate Gum Proceedings of the Second Conference in Science and National Development, 10-13 October, 2006.
  7. Folarin, O. M., Akinhanmi, T. F. (2006). Antioxidant activity of essential oils of some aromatic plants. Biosciences, Biotechnology Research Asia 3 (1a), 87-90.
  8. Ademuyiwa, O., Arowolo, T., Ojo, O.O., Odukoya, O. O., Yusuf, A.A.,  Akinhanmi, T.F. (2002); Lead levels in blood and urine of some residents of Abeokuta, Nigeria. Trace Elements and Electrolytes 19(4): 63 -69.

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