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Dr. (Mrs.)

AKINYEMI, Oluwaseun Faith 

Google Scholar

Short Profile

I started my research career during my fourth year as an undergraduate in the area of plant
pathology at the Department of Biological Sciences, College of Natural Science, University of
Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. During this period I learned to isolate fungi from infected fruits
(Orange and African Apple), grow the fungi in culture media, and the technique of obtaining
pure culture of these micro-organisms.
Subsequently, I obtained M.Sc. Plant Taxonomy in the same Department. I learned to collect
accessions of plant specimens from different locations, plant the seeds, study seed germination
performance, identify, collect, observe, describe and record data for both qualitative and
quantitative vegetative, floral, pod (fruit) and seed traits. Pollen and genetic studies were not left
out. The morphological and reproductive characters were used to delimit the species of Senna.
Furthermore, I proceeded for doctoral research in the same Department now recognised as Pure
and Applied Botany, College of Biosciences, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. I
developed expertise and skills in the field of Systematic Botany, Reproductive Biology and
Molecular plant taxonomy. A comprehensive taxonomic reference data base on morphological
characters, reproductive attributes, chemotaxonomic composition and DNA Barcodes Molecular
sequences of Ocimum species studied was developed, as advancement to previous attempts on
the genus. I am delighted to report that my research turned out to be the first time where DNA
Barcoding was used to identify species of OcimumL. in Southwest Nigeria. Phylogenetic study
was done using Molecular Evolutionary Genetic Analysis (MEGA 7.09) while phylogenetic tree
was constructed using Neighbour Joining (NJ) method.
I have the ability to carry out independent research as well to collaborate with other Scientists. I
derive pleasure in working hard to achieve set goals. My values are 1.focus 2. diligence
3.academic integrity and 4. commitment to learning new skills. I have publications in reputable
Journals such as Feddes Repertorium. I am a peer reviewer for Nordic Journal of Botany and Net
Journal of Advancement in Medicinal Plant Research. I participated in the virtual conference
Botany 2020 organised by Botanical Society of America where I presented a paper on
Morphological Characterization on some species of Ocimum L. (Lamiaceae) in Southwest of

Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. Department of Pure and Applied Botany
2011-2019. Ph.D. July, 2019.
University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, N igeria. Department of Biological Sciences 2006-2010.
M.Sc. May 2010.
University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. Department of Biological Sciences 2001-2004.
B.Sc. June 2004.
Federal College of Education, Abeokuta, Nigeria. Department of Integrated science and
Chemistry. NCE 2000

Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. Department of Pure and Applied Botany.
Ph.D. Supervisor: Prof. M. S. Ayodele. Thesis Title: Biosystematics and Reproductive Studies on
some species of Ocimum L. (Lamiaceae) in Southwest States Nigeria.
University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. Department of Biological Sciences. M.Sc.
Supervisor: Prof. M. S. Ayodele. Dissertation Title: Biosystematics and reproductive studies on
some species of Senna (Caesalpinaceae).
University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. Department of Biological Sciences. B.Sc.
Supervisor: Prof. Iyabo A. Kehinde. Dissertation Title: Use of Heat treatment in the control of the
fungal diseases of sweet orange (Citrus spp.) and Chrysophyllum albidum, African star apple.

1. Botanical Society of Nigeria, Member.
2. Botanical Society of America, Member.
3. Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria
4. Science Teachers Association of Nigeria, Member.

Botany Virtual Conference 2020, July 27-31, 2020. Organized by the Botanical Society
of America. Paper Presented: Akinyemi, O. F. (2020) Morphological Characterization
on some species of Ocimum L. (Lamiaceae) in Southwest states of Nigeria.

1. Obadipe, J.A., Samuel, T.A., Odesanmi, O.S., Akinyemi, O.F. and Sulaimon, L.A.
(2021) Cytotoxicity, Genotoxicity and Nutritional Composition of Ethanolic Extract of
Ficus capensis Leaves. The Nigerian Journal of Pharmacy 55(2) : 62-70.
2. Akinyemi, O.F. and Ayodele, M.S. (2020) Seedling Morphology and Molecular
Characterization of some Ocimum L.species (Lamiaceace) in Southwest States of Nigeria.
Feddes RepertoriumJournal of Botanical Taxonomy and Geobotany. 131(4): 213-224.
3. Akinyemi, O.F. and Ayodele, M.S. (2015)Pod/seed attributes and their role in
Taxonomic delimitation on some species of Senna (Caesalpiniaceae). Feddes Repertorium
126, 77–82.
4. Kehinde, I. A., Akinyemi, O. F. and Enikuomehin, O. A. (2007): Effect of Heat
Treatment on Fruit Quality, Surface Structure and Control of Botrydiplodia theobromae
on African Star Apple Fruits (Chrysophyllum albidum G.Don). Nigeria Journal of Plant
Protection. 24: 55-61. Published by Nigerian Society for Plant Protection.

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