Prof. (Mrs.)

AYO-JOHN Emily Ibitaiyewa 

Google Scholar

Short Profile

I studied at the University of Benin, Benin and I graduated in 1990 with B.Sc. Hons. (Botany). I was admitted into the M.Sc. program in Agricultural Biology (Plant Pathology) at the University of Ibadan in 1991 and graduated in 1992 and PhD (Plant virology) in 2005.
I joined the Department of Crop Protection, FUNAAB in 1999 as Lecturer II and rose to the position of Professor of Plant Virology. Currently the only female Professor of Plant Virology in Nigeria.
I have served as Ag. Head of Department between December 1 2016 and November 30 2018. Visiting Scholar Texas A & M University United States of America under the USDA Faculty Exchange Program between August and December 2009. Visiting Researcher at IITA-Ibadan (September 2017) under the CEADESE Faculty Exchange Program. Associate Scientist FUNAAB Biotech Centre 2005 till date.
I have held several positions as Level Adviser, Undergraduate and Postgraduate Course coordinator, Undergraduate and Postgraduate Seminar coordinator, Member College Board of Studies, College Board, SWEHOMAC, HOUSEPAC, and Treasurer, Nigerian Association of University Women (NAUW) FUNAAB Chapter. Outside the University I have also been invited as Postgraduate Examiner, Reviewer for many local journals. I was elected for a second tenure as Secretary Nigerian Society for Plant Protection (NSPP) to serve between March 2017 and March 2019. I am currently the Secretary, NSPP-Board of Trustees.
My current Research interests include Plant virus Diagnosis and epidemiology of fruit vegetable viruses and Management. I have supervised over 90 undergraduate students, 11 Masters Students and currently have Ph.D. students under my supervision. I have published many foreign and local peer reviewed journals.

B. Sc., M. Sc., Ph. D

(i) Completed Research

  • Development of multiplex primer set for the detection of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) viruses and their management with botanicals
  • Evaluation of three botanicals for bio-efficacy against aphid vector population density and viral diseases of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.)”
  • Effect of intercropping ginger, spring onion and sesame on the vectors, viral diseases and yield of pepper (Capsicum annuum).
  • Sequential arrangement of maize population on the vector, viral diseases and yield of okro (Abelmoschus esculentus Moench).
  • Epidemiological Assessment of pepper veinal mottle virus (PVMV) spread on growth and yield of three pepper (Capsicum annuum) cultivars.
  • Tomato-maize and or tomato-okra intercrop on the vector, viral diseases and yield of tomato cultivars.
  • Neem-oil application on the incidence and severity of Rice yellow mottle virus disease and yield of four rice cultivars.
  • Use of three botanicals for the management of viral diseases and improved yield of pepper.
  • Survey for virus diseases of Cucurbit crops in three states of southwest Nigeria.
  • Incidence and severity of virus symptoms on field-grown Tomato crops in Ogun State.
  • Detection of viruses affecting pepper plants in Ogun state
  • Distribution and Characterization of Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) infecting Musa spp. in Southern Nigeria
  • Field evaluation of local and exotic cucurbit crops to viruses in humid transition zone of southwest Nigeria.
  • Evaluation of Improved cowpea varieties to viruses in a derived savanna agro-ecology.
  • Epidemiology of Tobamoviruses in soils and weeds in two states of southwest Nigeria
  • Evaluation of local and improved tomato cultivars to natural virus infection in a derived savanna zone.
  • Detection of viruses infecting 10 varieties of sweet potatoes grown in Abeokuta.
  • Responses of three tomato cultivars to Tomato mosaic virus in the Screenhouse.
  • Seed-borne viruses associated with field grown cowpea in the arid zone of Northern Nigeria
  • Molecular diversities of Cucumber mosaic virus isolates in Nigeria
  • Molecular characterization of mosaic and viruses infecting pawpaw in home orchards in Ibadan, Nigeria
  • Molecular diversities of Pepper veinal mottle virus isolates in Nigeria
  • Effect of single and mixed virus infections on pepper and tomato
  • Effect of Rice yellow mottle virus infection on four rice cultivars
  • Effect of viruses on the growth and yield of some tomato and pepper varieties

(ii) Research In Progress
a) Molecular characterization of Potyviruses infecting fruit vegetables in southwest Nigeria
b) Evaluation of botanicals for the management of cucurbit viruses
c) Evaluation of Neemforce® for control of tomato viruses
d) Cultural management of Okro viruses in a humid transition zone of southwest Nigeria
e) Epidemiology of Pepper veinal mottle virus.
f) Molecular Characterization of viruses infecting Morinda lucida ‘Eruwo’ and Cnidoscolus aconitifolius ‘Iyano paja’

2013: University international conference grant: 12th International Symposium on Plant Virus Epidemiology holding from January 28 to February 01, 2013 at Arusha Tanzania.

2010: Conference/workshop grant: International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (ICGEB), Italy Conference/workshop grant award to attend training on “Confined Field trials (CFT) for genetically modified crops: A Theoretical and practical course for regulators, applicants, reviewers and inspectors, Ghana.

Conference/workshop grant: Education Trust Fund International Conference grant to attend International Advances in Plant Virology at Arnhem 5-7 September 2010, the Netherlands.

2010: Conference/workshop grant:
International Centre for Genetic Engineering and
Biotechnology (ICGEB),
Italy Conference grant award to attend ‘Field Testing of
Bioengineered Crop Varieties’ Nairobi, Kenya.

2009: Sanitary and Phytosanitary issues and International Trade: United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Faculty Exchange Fellowship August 7-December 13
1997- 2004: Visiting Research Scholarship for Doctoral Studies. International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA).

i. American Society of Microbiology, (ASM)
ii. Biotechnology Society of Nigeria (BSN)
iii. Nigerian Society for Plant Protection (NSPP)

(v)                   Edited Conference proceeding

  1. Dongo E. I. and Ayodele, S.M. (1997). Fungal airspora of some selected localities in Delta State University, Abraka. Bulletin of Science Association of Nigeria 21: 9-14. S.H.O. Egbo (Eds.) Published SAN.
  2. Dede, A. P. O. and Dongo E. I. (2000). Seed-borne fungi and germinability of soya bean Glycine max (L.) Merril. Gender and Science and   Technology Africa regional Conference Proceedings (GASAT). Pp 325-328. Published by GASAT.
  3. 32   Ayo-John, E. I. and Beckley, A. E. (2012). Virus infections associated with seeds of three cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) cultivars grown in Nigeria. Proceeding of the 25th Annual Conference of the Biotechnology Society of Nigeria pp 26-31. V.B. Ogunleke, Olaniyi, O.O., Ogunsipe, A. and Agbu, J-F. (Eds). Published by BSN.
  4. Ayo-John, E. I., O. O. Odedara and P.M. Olorunmaiye. (2012). Incidence and severity of virus symptoms on some field-grown Solanaceous fruit vegetable crops and associated weeds in Southwest Nigeria. Proceeding of the 46th Annual Conference of the Agricultural Society of Nigeria, pp 820-824.  J.M. Jibrin, Hussaini M.A., Auwalu, B.M., Essiet E.U., Muhammad, I.R., Mohammed, S.G., Daneji, M.I., Garba, Y. and Pantami, S.A. (Eds.) Published by ASN.


(i)  Ayo-John, E. I., Akinola, T. O. and Onyeanusi, H. C. (2020). Effects of pepper veinal mottle virus on the growth and yield of five tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) varieties under screenhouse condition. Annual conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection held at the Helemah Arena and Event Centre along Aka Itiam Road, Uyo Akwa Ibom from March 15-19 2020

(ii)  Akanni, O. K., Ayo-John, E. I., Pitan, O. R and Olorunmaiye, P. M (2020). Influence of ambient weather on population densities of virus vectors and disease incidence on okra (Abelmoschus esculentus Moench) grown in Abeokuta, southwest Nigeria. Annual conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection held at the Helemah Arena and Event Centre along Aka Itiam Road, Uyo Akwa Ibom from March 15-19 2020

(iii)  Aremu, E. I., Ayo-John, I., Afolabi, C. G., Oduwaye, O. A. and Utomi, E. D. (2020). Relationships between ambient weather conditions and viral diseases, aphid population density and yield of pepper intercropped with three spicy crops. Annual conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection held at the Helemah Arena and Event Centre along Aka Itiam Road, Uyo Akwa Ibom from March 15-19 2020

(iv)  Mgbor, U. F. and Ayo-John E. I. (2018). Effects of some selected botanicals in the control of aphid transmitted viruses of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum ) on the field. Annual conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection held at the Federal University Oye-Ekiti, April 7-12, 2019.

(v)  Ayo-John, E. I., Onyeanusi, H.C., and Arogundade, O. (2019). Evaluation of three botanicals against aphid vectors and viral diseases of pepper (Caspicum annuum). Annual conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection held at the Federal University Oye-Ekiti, April 7-12, 2019.

(vi)  Ayo-John*, E. I. and Akinola, T. O. (2018). Effects of Pepper veinal mottle virus (Genus: Potyvirus) on the growth and yield of five tomato (Solanum lycopersicum ) cultivars. Annual conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection held at the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, April 22-26

(vii)  Ayo-John, E.I. and Akanni, K.O. (2017)Assessment of yam (Dioscorea spp) setts and on leaves during subsequent growth for carryover viruses and natural infections on the field. Annual conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection held at the Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi, March 12-16, 2017.

(viii)  Ayo-John,I. and Ojeogwu, E. I. (2016). Virus of vegetable crops in selected Local Government Areas in Oyo State. Annual conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection held at the Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, March 20-24, 2016.

(ix)  Ayo-John, E.I. and Akanni, K.O. (2016)Influence of cypermethrin application and varying okro/maize intercrop at varying plant densities on virus diseases, vectors and yield of okra. Annual conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection held at the Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, March 20-24, 2016.

(x)  Ayo-John, E.I., Pitan, O. R. and Akanni, K.O. (2016). Effects of sequential arrangements of okra intercropped with maize and cypermethrin application on virus vectors and diseases ans yield of okra in a sub humid environment. 47th Annual conference of the Nigerian Entomological Society held at the University of Ilorin, Ilorin, October 2016.

(xi)  Ayo-John, E.I., and Oladokun J.O. (2015). Influence of ambient ecology on incidences of vectors and viral diseases in four tomato cropping systems. Annual conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection held at Raw Materials Development Council (RMRDC), Abuja. March 17-20 2015.

(xii)  Ayo-John, E.I. and Oke, E.A. (2015). Virus spread and influence of ambient ecology on incidences of aphid vector and viral disease in two pepper species grown in a derived savanna agro-ecology. Annual conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection held at Raw Materials Development Council (RMRDC), Abuja. March 17-20 2015.

International conferences attended

(xiii)  Ayo-John I., O. O. Odedara (2013). Viruses of Tomato and Pepper in Southwest Nigeria and their Distribution. 12th International symposium on PLANT VIRUS EPIDEMIOLOGY holding from January 28 to February 01, 2013 at Arusha Tanzania.

(xiv)Ayo-John, E.I. and O. Odedara (2010). Incidence and distribution of viruses infecting field-grown tomato crops in Ogun state in Southwest Nigeria. International Advances in Plant Virology at Arnhem 5-7 September   2010, the Netherlands.

(xv)  Ayo-John,I. (2009). Association of Applied Biologists conference on Agricultural modeling, systems and measurements held from June 2-4 Edinburgh, U.K.

Ph.D Thesis
Dongo, E. I. (2005). Characterization and distribution of Cucumber mosaic virus (genus Cucumovirus) in Musa spp. in Southern Nigeria. Doctoral thesis, Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, University of Ibadan, Ibadan 160p

Masters Thesis

Dongo, E. I. (1992). The production and Bioassay of toxic metabolites of Cercospora henningsii on Cassava, Manihot esculenta.

B.Sc Project Report

Dongo, E. I. (1990). Seed-borne fungi and germinability ratio of Soya Beans Glycine max (L, Merr.)

(i)    Journal articles in Print

  1. Ayo-John I. (2006). Detection of Cucumber mosaic virus isolates by ELISA and RT-PCR from naturally infected Musa spp. Nigerian Journal of Biotechnology 17: 69-78. Published by the Biotechnology Society of Nigeria. Nigeria.
  2. Ayo-John I. and Ekpo, E.J.A. (2006). Survey for the Incidence and Distribution of Cucumber mosaic virus Genus Cucumovirus and Banana streak badna virus in Musa spp. in South-Eastern Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Plant Protection 23: 27-39. Published by the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection. Nigeria.
  3. Odedara, O.O., Hughes, J. d’A., Soyinka, S. A. and Ayo-John E. I. (2007). Diagnosis, Occurrence and Seed transmission studies of viruses affecting four Centrocema species in Nigeria. Tropical Science 47(4): 244-252 Published by Wiley interScience U.K. DOI: 10.1002/ts.218.
  4. Ayo-John, E. I., d’ A.J. Hughes and Ekpo, E. J.A. (2008). Survey for CMV in field samples of Musa spp. in southern Nigeria International Journal of Pest Management 54 (2): 167-172. Published by Taylor and Francis U.K. DOI: 10.1080/09670870701875235.
  5. Ayo-John E. I., Hughes, J. d’A. Ekpo, E.J.A. and Soyinka, S. A. (2008). A survey in southern Nigeria reveals the presence of Cucumber mosaic virus subgroup I Musa cropsFruits 62 (3): 1-9.  Published by Agricultural Research for Development CIRAD France. DOI: 10.1051/fruits:2008003.
  6. Ayo-John, E.I., Ekpo, Odedara, O.O. and Hughes d’A. (2011). Virus symptom expressions on Musa landraces in 1999, 2000 and 2004 in southern Nigeria: Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) disease incidence and subgroup differentiation Archives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection  44 (6): 547-557. Published by Taylor and Francis U.K.
  7. Enikuomehin, O.A., Jimoh, M. Olowe, V.I.O., Ayo-John, E.I., Akintokun, P.O. (2011). Effect of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) population density in a sesame/maize (Zea mays L.) intercrop on the incidence and severity of foliar diseases of sesameArchives of Phytopathology and Plant Protection  44 (2):168-178. Published by Taylor and Francis U.K.
  8. Odedara, O.O., Ayo-John, E. I., Bankole, M.T., Tinuala, B.G., Odetayo, O.D., Adebulehin, T.I., Adesomoju O.D and Imaku, E.O. (2011). Distribution of viruses on okra plants in Southwestern Nigeria. Academic Journal of Plant Science 4 (1): 19-21. Published by International Digital Organization for Scientific Information (IDOSI) Deira, Dubai, UAE.
  9. Ayo-John, E.I., Odedara, O.O., Yekini, B., Raheem, N. and Oladokun J. (2011). Occurrence of viruses infecting field-grown tomato in Ogun state Southwest Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Horticultural Science 16: 1-8. Published by the Published by the Horticultural society of Nigeria. Nigeria
  10. Popoola, A.R., Ganiyu, S.A. Babalola, O.A. and Ayo-John, E. I. (2011). Effect of tillage methods on bacterial leaf spot, speck and fruit yield of two tomato varieties. Nigerian Journal of Plant Protection 25 (1): 127-138. Published by the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection. Nigeria.
  11. Odedara, O.O., Ayo-John, E.I., Gbuyiro, M.M., Falade, F.O. and Agbebi, S.E. (2012). Serological detection of yam viruses on farmer’s fields in Ogun State, Nigeria. Archives Of Phytopathology And Plant Protection 45(7) 840-845. Published by Taylor and Francis U.K.
  12. Ayo-John E. I., Ekpo, E.J.A. and Hughes, J. d’A. (2012). Characterization of three Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) isolates genus Cucumovirus infecting host crops in Nigeria. Tropical Agriculture (Trinidad) 89 (3): 151-160. Published by the University of the West Indies St. Augustine, Trinidad. 0041-3216/2012/030151-10.
  13. Ayo-John I., Odedara, O.O. Oni, O.P., Daniel, O., Liadi, A.O. and Akpogume, E. (2012). Relative abundance of viruses causing diseases of field-grown pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) in a derived savannah zone of Nigeria (2012). Nigerian Journal of Plant Protection 23; 1-9. Published by the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection, Nigeria.
  14. Ayo-JohnI, Ekpo, E. J. A. and Hughes, J. d’ A. (2012). Serological Properties and Aphid transmission of Cucumber mosaic virus genus (Cucumovirus) isolated from Musa spp. crops in Southern Nigeria. Nigerian Annals of Science 11: 45-53. Published by the Faculty of Science, Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma. Nigeria.
  15. Ayo-John E. I. and Olaniyi O. O. (2012). Reactions of Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) cultivars to African Cassava Mosaic Disease. Production Agriculture and Technology Journal 8 (2): 117-126 Publication of Nasarawa State University, Keffi.
  16. Ayo-JohnI, and Hughes, J. d’ A. (2014). Identification of Cucumber mosaic virus isolates infecting Musa spp. in and Vegetable crops on Southern Nigeria. International Journal of Virology 10 (3): 204-210. Published by Academic Journals Inc. USA. DOI 10.3923/ijv.2014.204.210.
  17. Ayo-JohnI, Mohammed, W.A. and Oyagbinrin, S.T. (2014). Virus symptoms and viruses associated with two cucurbit crops grown in a derived savannah agro-ecology in Nigeria. Albanian Journal of Agricultural Science 13 (2): 125-130. Published by Agricultural University of Tirana.
  18. Ayo-John E. I., Hughes, J. d’A. and Ekpo, E.J.A. (2013). Occurrence of Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) in home garden vegetables in southern Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Horticultural Science 18: 85-92. Published by the Horticultural Society of Nigeria.
  19. Ayo-John, E. I., Olorunmaiye, P.M., Odedara, O. O., Dada, O. B., Abiola, K.O. and Oladokun, J.O. (2014).  Assessment of Field-Grown Cucurbit Crops and Weeds within Farms in South-West Nigeria for Viral Diseases. Notulae Scientia Biologicae 6(3): 321-325. Published by AcademicPres on behalf of Horticulture and Forestry Society from Transylvania (SHST).
  20. Lawal R.O., Atungwu, J. J. Ayo-John, E. I. and Kehinde, O. B. (2014). Variability of    nematode community structure and grain yield in organic fertilizer amended soya bean field. Nigerian Journal of Nematology 2:33-47. Published by the Nigerian Society of Nematology. Nigeria.
  21. Ayo-John E. I., J. Osho, J. Omotayo, A. Osiname, and V. Odeleye (2015). Responses of three tomato (Solanum lycopersicon L.) cultivars to mechanical inoculation with Tomato mosaic virus under screenhouse condition. Nigerian Journal of Plant Protection 29(1): 103-11.  Published by Nigerian Society for Plant Protection, Nigeria.
  22. Popoola, A.R Ganiyu, S.A., Babalola,O.A., Ayo-John, E.I., Fajinmi, A.A., Kehinde, I.A. and  Adegboye, T.H. (2015).  Impact of soil amendments and weather factors on bacterial wilt and yield of two tomato cultivars in Abeokuta, Nigeria. South African Journal of Plant and Soil. 31 (4): 195-20.1 Published by Taylor and Francis U.K.
  23. Ayo-John, E.I., Odedara , O.O., Loko, E.V.,Aworinde, F.D., Tella, A.C., Ogundare, I. G.. Kelani., A.M., Hassan, J.O., Oladokun, J.O and Afolayan, O. B. (2016). Distribution of virus symptoms and viruses infecting field-grown cucurbit crops under natural tropical conditions within a humid rainforest transition agro-ecology in Nigeria. Annals of Tropical Research 38[1]:10-18. Published by Visayas State University, Philippines.
  24. Odedara, O.O., Ademolu, K.O. and Ayo-John, E.I. (2016). Prevalence of Rice Yellow Mottle Virus (RYMV) on Rice Plants Grown in Selected Farms in Ogun State: Preliminary Results. Nigerian Journal of Biotechnology 31: 96 –102. Published by the Biotechnology Society of Nigeria. Nigeria. DOI:
  25. Ayo-John, E. I., Oke E. A. and Odeyemi, I. S. (2017). Prevailing ambient conditions on the aphid population density and temporal virus disease spread in three (Capsicum spp. L.) cultivars grown in humid transition zone of Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Agriculture, Food and Environment 13(2): 20-30. Published by the University of Uyo, Nigeria.
  26. Ayo-John E. I. and Odedara, O. O. (2017). Serological detection of viruses affecting      Tomato and Pepper in Southwest Nigeria and their Distribution. Nigerian Journal of Biotechnology 33: Published by the Biotechnology Society of Nigeria. Nigeria.
  27. Ayo-John, E. I., M. O. Kazeem, A. H. Balogun, K. A. Oyebamiji, F. Y. Awoyungbo, O. I. Opanuga, G. A. Jowa and E. I. Ojeogwu (2017). Virus diseases of fruit vegetables crops in farms under fadama II project in Oyo State southwest Nigeria. Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 16(12): 115-120. Published by the University of Benin, Benin City Nigeria.
  28. Ayo-John, E. I., Akangbe B. O. Salako, S. A., Otusanya, M. O. and Odedara O. O. (2017). Virus occurrence in yam (Dioscorea spp) tubers and field leaf samples in a humid transition zone of Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Agriculture, Food and Environment 13(2): 73-77. Published by University of Uyo, Nigeria.
  29. Oladokun, J. O., Ayo-John E.I. and Odedara O. O. (2017). Influence of ambient ecology and and cypermethrin insecticide on aphid population, virus disease and yield of two tomato (Solanum lycopersicon L.) cultivars. Nigerian Journal of Plant Protection 31: Published by the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection.
  30. Arogundade, O., O. I. Aderonmu, J. O. Matthew, and E.-I. Ayo-John (2018). First Report of Tomato mosaic virus Isolated from Solanum macrocarpon in Nigeria. Plant disease. 102 (2): 458

 (iii)                  Books


(vi)                  Book Article or Chapter


(v)                   Edited Conference proceeding

  1. Dongo E. I. and Ayodele, S.M. (1997). Fungal airspora of some selected localities in Delta State University, Abraka. Bulletin of Science Association of Nigeria 21: 9-14. S.H.O. Egbo (Eds.) Published SAN.
  2. Dede, A. P. O. and Dongo E. I. (2000). Seed-borne fungi and germinability of soya bean Glycine max (L.) Merril. Gender and Science and   Technology Africa regional Conference Proceedings (GASAT). Pp 325-328. Published by GASAT.
  3. 32   Ayo-John, E. I. and Beckley, A. E. (2012). Virus infections associated with seeds of three cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp.) cultivars grown in Nigeria. Proceeding of the 25th Annual Conference of the Biotechnology Society of Nigeria pp 26-31. V.B. Ogunleke, Olaniyi, O.O., Ogunsipe, A. and Agbu, J-F. (Eds). Published by BSN.
  4. Ayo-John, E. I., O. O. Odedara and P.M. Olorunmaiye. (2012). Incidence and severity of virus symptoms on some field-grown Solanaceous fruit vegetable crops and associated weeds in Southwest Nigeria. Proceeding of the 46th Annual Conference of the Agricultural Society of Nigeria, pp 820-824.  J.M. Jibrin, Hussaini M.A., Auwalu, B.M., Essiet E.U., Muhammad, I.R., Mohammed, S.G., Daneji, M.I., Garba, Y. and Pantami, S.A. (Eds.) Published by ASN.


(i)  Ayo-John, E. I., Akinola, T. O. and Onyeanusi, H. C. (2020). Effects of pepper veinal mottle virus on the growth and yield of five tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) varieties under screenhouse condition. Annual conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection held at the Helemah Arena and Event Centre along Aka Itiam Road, Uyo Akwa Ibom from March 15-19 2020

(ii)  Akanni, O. K., Ayo-John, E. I., Pitan, O. R and Olorunmaiye, P. M (2020). Influence of ambient weather on population densities of virus vectors and disease incidence on okra (Abelmoschus esculentus Moench) grown in Abeokuta, southwest Nigeria. Annual conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection held at the Helemah Arena and Event Centre along Aka Itiam Road, Uyo Akwa Ibom from March 15-19 2020

(iii)  Aremu, E. I., Ayo-John, I., Afolabi, C. G., Oduwaye, O. A. and Utomi, E. D. (2020). Relationships between ambient weather conditions and viral diseases, aphid population density and yield of pepper intercropped with three spicy crops. Annual conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection held at the Helemah Arena and Event Centre along Aka Itiam Road, Uyo Akwa Ibom from March 15-19 2020

(iv)  Mgbor, U. F. and Ayo-John E. I. (2018). Effects of some selected botanicals in the control of aphid transmitted viruses of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum ) on the field. Annual conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection held at the Federal University Oye-Ekiti, April 7-12, 2019.

(v)  Ayo-John, E. I., Onyeanusi, H.C., and Arogundade, O. (2019). Evaluation of three botanicals against aphid vectors and viral diseases of pepper (Caspicum annuum). Annual conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection held at the Federal University Oye-Ekiti, April 7-12, 2019.

(vi)  Ayo-John*, E. I. and Akinola, T. O. (2018). Effects of Pepper veinal mottle virus (Genus: Potyvirus) on the growth and yield of five tomato (Solanum lycopersicum ) cultivars. Annual conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection held at the University of Ibadan, Ibadan, April 22-26

(vii)  Ayo-John, E.I. and Akanni, K.O. (2017)Assessment of yam (Dioscorea spp) setts and on leaves during subsequent growth for carryover viruses and natural infections on the field. Annual conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection held at the Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi, March 12-16, 2017.

(viii)  Ayo-John,I. and Ojeogwu, E. I. (2016). Virus of vegetable crops in selected Local Government Areas in Oyo State. Annual conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection held at the Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, March 20-24, 2016.

(ix)  Ayo-John, E.I. and Akanni, K.O. (2016)Influence of cypermethrin application and varying okro/maize intercrop at varying plant densities on virus diseases, vectors and yield of okra. Annual conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection held at the Ahmadu Bello University Zaria, March 20-24, 2016.

(x)  Ayo-John, E.I., Pitan, O. R. and Akanni, K.O. (2016). Effects of sequential arrangements of okra intercropped with maize and cypermethrin application on virus vectors and diseases ans yield of okra in a sub humid environment. 47th Annual conference of the Nigerian Entomological Society held at the University of Ilorin, Ilorin, October 2016.

(xi)  Ayo-John, E.I., and Oladokun J.O. (2015). Influence of ambient ecology on incidences of vectors and viral diseases in four tomato cropping systems. Annual conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection held at Raw Materials Development Council (RMRDC), Abuja. March 17-20 2015.

(xii)  Ayo-John, E.I. and Oke, E.A. (2015). Virus spread and influence of ambient ecology on incidences of aphid vector and viral disease in two pepper species grown in a derived savanna agro-ecology. Annual conference of the Nigerian Society for Plant Protection held at Raw Materials Development Council (RMRDC), Abuja. March 17-20 2015.

International conferences attended

(xiii)  Ayo-John I., O. O. Odedara (2013). Viruses of Tomato and Pepper in Southwest Nigeria and their Distribution. 12th International symposium on PLANT VIRUS EPIDEMIOLOGY holding from January 28 to February 01, 2013 at Arusha Tanzania.

(xiv)Ayo-John, E.I. and O. Odedara (2010). Incidence and distribution of viruses infecting field-grown tomato crops in Ogun state in Southwest Nigeria. International Advances in Plant Virology at Arnhem 5-7 September   2010, the Netherlands.

(xv)  Ayo-John,I. (2009). Association of Applied Biologists conference on Agricultural modeling, systems and measurements held from June 2-4 Edinburgh, U.K.

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rANKING OF UniversitIES of Agriculture


30th Convocation Ceremonies

Award of First Degree to deserving graduands
