
KAREEM Damilola Uthman 


Short Profile

Kareem Damilola Uthman graduated in the year 2017 with a First class (Honours) Degree in Animal Nutrition, from the Department of Animal Nutrition, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta and completed his Master’s degree in Monogastric Animal Nutrition from the same institution in the year 2021. He is experienced in poultry nutrition, having worked on "effect of DL or MHA-FA methionine supplementation on blood parameters of ISA Brown pullets" as his undergraduate project and completed research on "response of broiler chickens to diets of varying particle sizes supplemented with graded levels of multienzyme" for his master’s dissertation. Although, he already bagged a Master’s degree in Monogastric Animal Nutrition from the Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta, he got a TETFUND scholarship to study for a Master degree in São Paulo State University, Brazil under the tutelage of Prof. Nilva Sakomura, who works on “modelling in poultry nutrition”, in order for him to have a good grasp and first-hand knowledge of modelling; an area he is so passionate about, due to his love for numbers.

Kareem Damilola has knowledge of statistical analyses such as Analysis of Variance, correlation, linear and non-linear regression, Analysis of Covariance, and still learning. He can make use of Statistical packages such as SPSS, SAS, and knows a little about R. To his credit, he won the MTN Foundation Scholarship under the MTN Foundation Science and Technology Scholarship Scheme in 2012, Senate Annual Prize for Students Graduating with First Class in 2017, Prof. Daisy Eruvbetine Prize (COLANIM) for the Best Student in Animal Nutrition (2017), Senate Annual Prize for the best Graduating Student in College of Animal Science and Livestock Production (2017), amongst others.

His research interests involve application of modelling in poultry nutrition, determination of amino acid efficacy in dose response tests and stable isotopes, feed technology and utilization of alternative feed ingredients. Kareem Damilola Uthman is a member of Nigerian Society for Animal Production (NSAP), British Society of Animal Science (BSAS), Early Career Council of the British Society of Animal Science (ECC) and Animal Science Association of Nigeria (ASAN).

He is currently an Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Animal Nutrition, Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta, and a lover of trap and rap music.

i. Master of Agriculture (Monogastric Animal Nutrition) 2021
ii. Bachelor of Agriculture (Animal Nutrition) 2017
iii. West African Senior School Certificate 2010
iv. Junior Secondary School Certificate 2005
v. First School Leaving Certificate 2002

a.TetFund Scholarship for Academic Staff 2020
b.Scholarship Award; Dr. Oluwole Adesina Educational Foundation, USA 2018
c.Senate Annual Prize for The Best Graduating Student in College of Animal Science and Livestock Production 2015/2016 Session
d.Senate Annual Prize for Students Graduating with First Class 2015/2016 Session
e.Prof. Daisy Eruvbetine Prize (COLANIM); Best Student in Animal Nutrition 2015/2016 Session
f.Best Academic Animal Science Student Award; Nigerian Society for Animal Production 2014/2015 Session
g.Award of Excellence; Successful co-ordination of Farm Practical Year 2014/2015 Session
h.Scholarship Award; MTN Foundation 2013 – 2016

i. Member, British Society of Animal Science; 2021 – Present
ii. Member, Animal Science Association of Nigeria; 2021 – Present
iii. Member, Early Career Council – British Society of Animal Science; 2021 – Present
iv. Member, Nigerian Society for Animal Production; 2020 – Present

a. Project, Dissertation and Thesis
1.Kareem, D.U. (2017). Effect of DL or MHA-FA methionine supplementation on blood parameters of ISA-Brown pullets. A project submitted to the Department of Animal Nutrition, College of Animal Science and Livestock production, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. 87pp
2.Kareem, D.U. (2021). Response of broiler chickens to diets of varying particle sizes supplemented with graded levels of multienzyme. A dissertation submitted to the Department of Animal Nutrition, College of Animal Science and Livestock production, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. 150pp

b.Articles in Learned Journals
1.Amos, A.T., Kareem, D.U., Amos, A.O. and Idowu, O.M.O. (2021). Nutritional evaluation of differently processed cassava-soya blends in the diets of broiler chickens. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production. 48(2): 111 – 127.

2.Amos, A.T., Kareem, D.U., Olukowi, W.O., Odeyemi, G.K., Ajayi, E.O., Adekola, D.O. and Idowu, O.M.O. (2021). Blood profile of broiler chickens fed diets of differently processed cassava-soya blends. Journal of Animal Production Research. 33(1)
c.Articles awaiting publication

1.Amos, A.T., Olowoniyi, J.O., Kareem, D.U., Olukowi, W.O., Odeyemi, G.K., Ajayi, E.O., Adekola, D.O. and Idowu, O.M.O. (In press). Nutritional evaluation of broiler chickens fed diets of differently processed cassava-soya blends. Nigerian Journal of Animal Production

2.Amos, A.T., Kareem, D.U., Amos, A.O., Oyebamiji, B.A. and Idowu, O.M.O. (In press). Carcass characteristics of broiler chickens fed diets of differently processed cassava-soya blends. Journal of Agricultural Science and Environment

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30th Convocation Ceremonies

Award of First Degree to deserving graduands
