
OJEKUNLE, Oluseyi Zaccheaus 


Short Profile

Professor Ojekunle. Olusheyi Zaccheaus joined the services of Federal University of
Agriculture, Abeokuta in the year 2009 fresh from Peoples Republic of China where
he was awarded a Federal Government Scholarship under the auspices of joint
Bilateral Education Agreement (BEA) Between Federal Government of Nigeria
(Federal Scholarship Board) and Chinese Government (Chinese Scholarship Council)
and was later awarded the Distinguished Foreign Students Scholarship for his PhD
Programme all in Tianjin University, Tianjin, P.R. China. He has collaborated and
still collaborating with water works project in China, under One River Three System.
Research / Scholarly Interests
Olusheyi Ojekunle had a first degree honours (Urban and Regional Planning from
OAU. Ile-Ife, Osun State, Nigeria) while his second and third degree was in Water
Resources Planning and Environmental Management (Climate Change) from Tianjin
University, P.R. China
His research and development had been working on the Field of Environmental
Sciences Via Water Resources Planning/Management and Climate Change since the
year 2006 after his MSc and PhD Programme. His core area of research had been in
Water Resources and Climate Change with import to environmental management and
sustainability. He contributed to the Integrated Water Resources Management
(IWRM) Strategy for sustainable development and plan for scarce water resources
with the aid Water Evaluation And Planning System (WEAPs) model both in China
and Nigeria. The application of this WEAPs model was the first novel work in both
China and Nigeria and was sponsored by the Chinese Government under One River
System (2004-2006). He is the first to also make major contribution in modelling
Chinese Economic vis-à-vis climate change variable with the help of Prof Vester
Sensitive Model to predict climate variables and Chinese economic development
which until that time was never use for climate change ably sponsored by Malik
Management Zentrum St. Gallen of Switzerland (2006-2009). He has also worked on
Model forecasting climatic variables (Early warning forecasting model) assisting
farmers in predicting onset and cessation of rainfall and other meteorological variable
important to farming activities sponsored by World bank (2010-2011) His field and
project management experience includes: Nigeria and China. He ia presently
collaborating with various schools in Nigeria and Overseas on research work and
grant project to mention one is the Tetfund Grant on Novel Heterogeneous Catalyst
and Innovation UV-assisted Reactor Design for the Treatment and Re-Use of
Produced Water (PW) from Oil Mining still on going.
Thus, my research interest had been:
- Assessment/Evaluation of Water Resources (Surface and Groundwaters)
- Pollution Assessment and Effects on Water Resources
- Climate Change and Variability Impacts on Economic Development,
Ecosystem Management and Food Security
Assessment/Evaluation of Water Resources (Surface and Groundwaters)
Evaluation of water resources for planning purposes to meet unmet and future demand
in cities and drainage basins in China and Nigeria with the aid of GIS and Water

Evaluation and Planning System (WEAPs) model. The cities are Hengshui (China),
Southwest (Nigeria) while the drainage basin is Ogun River basin (Nigeria). The
application of the model in the evaluation was first of its kind in both China and
Evaluation of public water supply and alternatives to traditional means of water
supply from rivers and groundwater, which has become imperative in order to prevent
water crisis as a result of increasing unmet water demand. Sustainable wastewater
reuse, and utilization of wetlands and Moringa olifera for waste water purification.
He also appraised the seasonal variation and types of surfaces and groundwater
quality and its relative implication to public water supply in Ibadan (Oyo State) and
Abeokuta (Ogun State) Nigeria.
- Groundwater exploration and quality status in different environments. He had
worked extensively on groundwater exploration using geo-electrical,
biostratiligraphical and paleoecological methods in Abeokuta, and
- Assessment of commercial potable water (bottled and sachet water) quality and
effects of storage were he determined the acceptable time lag for storage of
commercial potable water under ideal conditions.
Pollution Assessment and Effects on Water Resources
Surface water quality and pollution. He evaluated the status of, as well as the various
climatic factors and anthropogenic activities responsible for surface water pollution
and quality degradation in different parts of Nigeria and appraised the pattern of
nutrient enrichment and hypoxia threat in urban surface water in Ogun River Basin of
Ogun State, Nigeria. He had contributions on groundwater status and quality as a
result of basement sedimentation and leaching from municipal and industrial
- He was able established the relationship between the fate, distribution and path of
the heavy metal and hazardous pollutants in the environment as well as attempt to
eradicate the persistent organic pollutant in the environment using phycoremediation,
compost and plant technology, while assessing tree leaves as bioindicator of heavy
metal pollution. He work were able to characterized degrading bacteria and algae,
which are very importance in phytoremediation of waste materials and heavy metals
in surface water
- His work also determined the elevated quantities of soil pollutants in many parts of
dumpsites and scrapyards with far reaching implications on water resources and
amendment of these different soils.
- Toxicological risk assessment of trace elements and heavy metals in water, leaves,
drinks and foods were determined with aim at profiling health risk of contaminants in
the environment as part of his research contribution.
Climate Change and Variability Impacts on Economic Development,
Ecosystem Management and Food Security
- He is also worked on climate change and variability impacts on economic
development, ecosystem management, crop yields and food security. One of His work
predicted accurately Chinese economic development using climate change variables
with Prof. Vester Sensitivity Model, which until then, was never used for climate
change evaluation in China and was used to review adaptations to climate change in

developing countries, with a focus on strategies, constraints and development in third
world countries. He also assessed the impact of climate change and weather variation
on livelihood and food security, especially in terms of the growth and yields of
various crops types, such as water melon, maize and cocoa. The need for regulation of
forest activities with direct implication to climate change through carbon
sequestration was examined in other works.

Primary School Leaving Certificate 1986
Senior Secondary School Certificate 1992
B.Sc in Urban and Regional Planning (1st Class Honours) 2001
Diploma in Computer Science 2001
Diploma in China Language (5 Level) 2004
M.Sc. in Engineering in The Field of Environmental Sciences 2006
Ph.D. in Engineering in The Field of Environmental Sciences 2009

i Assessment of Physicochemical Properties/ Quality of Selected Soaps
and Its Environmental and Health Impacts

ii Assessment of Cost Recovery Through Water Pricing in South Western Nigeria 2023
iii Assessment of Mining Activities on Surface and Groundwater Quality in Ijebu
Igbo and Ewekoro, Ogun State

iv Impacts of Dumpsite on Health Status of Scavengers and Residents in
Kurata (Sango-Ota), Ogun State

v Analysis of Household Water Security Status among Rural Farming Households
in South-South, Nigeria

vi The Effect of Rail Construction on the Surrounding Neigbouhood along Lagos
Abeokuta and Ibadan Environ

vii Spatial Distribution of Radionuclides and Heavy Metals in Soil from Quarry
Sites in Ogun State, Nigeria in Using Fuzzy Logic Modeling

viii Health Risk Analysis and Effect of Leachates Along Kurata Dumpsite (Ogun
State) and Olusosun Dumpsite (Lagos State) in Southwest Nigeria.

ix Climate Variability and Vulnerability Impacts on the Incidences of Selected
Diseases in Abeokuta Metropolis, Ogun State, Nigeria


x Evaluation of the Phycoremediation Potentials of Nostoc commune;
Oscillatoria limosa and Chlorella vulgaris in Treatment of Metal Contaminated
Industrial Wastewater


xi Endemicity and Assessment of Onchocerciasis (River Blindness) in Two
Tributaries of Ogun River, Ogun State, Nigeria

xii Impact of Industrialization on Groundwater Quality and Apportionment of
Pollution Sources Using Multivariate Statistics in Agbara and Ota Industrial
Estate, Ogun State.


xiii The Prevalence of Heavy Metals in Groundwater along Sango-Otta and
Ikeja Industrial District

xiv The Effects of Gemstone Exploitation on Public Health and Water Quality in 2016

Ofiki, Atisbo LGA, Oyo State, Nigeria
xv Thermal Comfort Analysis and Environmental Early Warning System for
Common Infectious Diseases Preparedness and Intervention in Ondo State,


xvi The Use of Leaf Index in CO 2 Sequestration in Selected Tree Species at Omo
Forest, Akure Ondo 2013
The use of WEAPs for Evaluating Water Supply and Demand in Ogun Osun 2011
River Basin

i Recipient, Chinese Full Distinguished Foreign Excellent Student Scholarship for Doctoral Degree Studies 2007-2010
ii Recipient, Federal Government Scholarship (A Bilateral Educational Scholarship with Chinese Scholarship Council) 2003-2007
iii Recipient, Honours on Environmental Protection, NYSC CD Group, Abuja 2002-2003
iv First Class Honours, Obafemi Awolowo University Ile-Ife Osun State 2001

a. Departmental Assignments (WMA Department)
i Postgraduate Coordinator 2009-2011
ii Departmental Examination/Result Processing Officer 2010-2011
iii Coordinator 400 Level 2010-2011
iv Departmental Part-Time Coordinator 2010-2011
b. Departmental Assignments (EMT Department)
i Department Examinational/Result Processing Officer 2011-2018
ii Coordinator 200 Level 2012-2018
iii Departmental Part-Time Coordinator 2012-2015
iv Departmental PG Coordinator 2019 to date
c. College Assignments
i Member, College Board 2009-Date
ii Member, College Board of Studies 2009-Date
iii Member, Ad-Hoc Committee on College Beautification 2010-2011
iv Member, Ad-Hoc College Committee on use of Facilities 2010-2011
d. University Assignments
i Member, Postgraduate School Business Committee 2009-2011, 2015-Date
ii Member, Time Table and Examination Committee (TIMTEC) 2012-Date
iii Alternate Chairman (E-Exams) TIMTEC 2014-2018
iv Chairman, Time Table and Examination Committee 2018-Date
v Chairman, FUNAAB Covid 19 Compliance Committee 2021-Date
vi Member, Development of Early Warning System for Agriculture in South Western Nigeria

Member, Nigeria Hydrogeological Society
Member, Nigeria Institute of Town Planner
Member, Nigeria Environmental Society
Member, Nigeria Conservation Foundation
Member, International Water Association (IWA)

i South West Regional Sensitizations Workshop on Climate Change Held on 3rd and 4 th
February, 2020 at Presken Hotel, Maryland, Lagos State. Nigeria. Organized by the
Department of Climate Change, Federal Ministry of Environment, Abuja
Paper Presented: The Challenges of Climate Change in Ogun State on Behalf of Ministry
of Environment, Abeokuta, Ogun State
ii The 2nd International Medical Geolgists Association (IMGA-Nigeria Chapter) Conference.
Held at Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria 24th – 27th September, 2019.
Paper Presented: Profile Distribution of Soil Carbon Stock in Relation to Animal and
Human Health Under Different Land Management Practices in Southwest, Nigeria.
iii The 6 th International Conference and Annual General Meeting of the Nigeria Association of
Hydrological Sciences (NAHS), 11 th to 15 th November, 2015
Paper Presented: Assessment and Characterization of Groundwater Quality in Abeokuta,
Ogun State Using Piper’s Triangle.
iv The 6 th International Conference and Annual General Meeting of the Nigeria Association of
Hydrological Sciences (NAHS), 11 th to 15 th November, 2015
Paper Presented: Determination of Ground Water Resources in Elekuro and Environs,
Abeokuta; Using Geoelectric Method Vertical Electrical Sounding.
v The 3 rd International Conference and Annual General Meeting of the Nigeria Association of
Hydrological Sciences (NAHS), FUNAAB, Abeokuta, Ogun State. 22 nd – 26 th Oct., 2012
Paper Presented: Prediction of Flood Using Climatic Data in Opeki Drainage Basin, South
Western Nigeria.
vi The Environmental Management Conference, Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta,
Ogun 12 th -15 th Sept, 2011
Paper Presented: The Evaluation of Sustainable Water Demand in Coastal Environment
Using WEAP 21 Model.
vii The 47 th Annual Conference of Nigerian Minning and GeoSciences Society. Minna 6 th – 11 th
March 2011
Paper Presented: Assessment of Groundwater Potential Using Geo-Electrical Method in
The Basement Complex of Odeda Local Governement Area of Ogun State
viii Engineering and Sustainability 2009 (Innovation that span Boundaries) Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania. USA. 19 th -21 st April, 2009. Sponsor by Macro Center for Sustainable

Development (University of Pittsburgh) and Steinbrenner Institute for Environmental
Education and Research (Carnegie Mellon University)
Paper Presented: The Empirical Study of Sensitivity Model to China’s Sustainable
Development as its relate to Global Climate Change.
ix The 3 rd International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Houston
USA. 6 th – 9 th August, 2007
Paper Presented: Assessing Hengshui Lake Water Quality.
x The 3 rd International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Houston USA.
6 th – 9 th August, 2007
Paper Presented: A Catchment-Based to Model Land Surface Irrigation Runoff.
xi The 3 rd International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Houston USA.
6 th – 9 th August, 2007
Paper Presented: Global Climate Change: Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies-The
Chinese Effort.
xii The 2 nd International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Houston USA.
14 th – 17 th August, 2006.
Paper Presented: Utilization of WEAP Simulation Model for Water Resources Planning
and City Development.
xiii The 2 nd International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Houston USA.
14 th – 17 th August, 2006.
Paper Presented: Global Climatic Changes: Challenges to Kyoto Protocol.

A. Research Report, Dissertations and Thesis
i Ojekunle, O. Z. (2001): Urban Environmental Poverty, a Case Study of Solid Waste Management Techniques, Abuja-Nigeria. B.Sc. Research Report submitted to the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, Osun State. 107p
ii Ojekunle, O. Z. (2006): Application of WEAP Simulation Model for Water Resources Planning and development. M.Sc Dissertation to Tianjin University. P.R. China. 128p
iii Ojekunle, O. Z. (2009): The Empirical Study of Sensitivity Model to China’s Sustainable Development as its Relate to Global Climate Change. Ph.D Thesis to Tianjin University. P.R. China. 145p

B. Articles in Learned Journals
f1 Ojekunle, O. Z., Zhao, L., Yang, Z., Tan, X. (2007): An Application of WEAP Simulation Model for Hengshui City Water Planning, China. Transaction of Tianjin University Journal, China. 13 (2): 142-146. Published by Tianjin University.P.R. China ISSN 1006-4982
f2 Yun, Q., Zhao, L., Ojekunle O. Z. and Tan, X. (2007): Isolation and Preliminary Characterization of a 3-Chlorobenzoate degrading Bacteria. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 19:332-338. Indexed by Scimago, Scopus, Web of Sciences. Published by Elsevier. Available online at,, ISSN 1001-0742

f3 Ojekunle, O. Z., Zhao, L., Tan, X., Harrer, G., Ogar, M. A., and Bangura, H. (2009): Global Climate Change: The Empirical Study of Sensitivity Model in China’s Sustainable Development, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 31 (19):1777-1789. Indexed by Scimago, Scopus, Web of Sciences, Published by Taylor and Francis Group, London. Available Online ISSN 1556-7036 print/ 1556-7230 online
f4 Ojekunle O. Z., Li R., Zhao L., Tan X., and Bangura, H. (2009): Ameliorating Water Crisis through Sustainable Wastewater Reuse. Journal of America Water Works Association, 101 (10): 71-79. Indexed by Scimago, Web of Sciences. Published John Wiley and Sons Inc, United State of America. Available online at

5 Ojekunle O. Z., Idowu A.O., Dada E.O., Ojekunle R.V. (2011): Multiple Utilizations of Wetlands for Sustainable Food and Water Recycling Production in Nigeria. Journal of The Built Environment JABU. 1. (1) : 25-38. Published by Joseph Ayo Babalola University. ISSN 1796-8112
f6 Eruola A.O. Ufeogbune, G.C, Ojekunle O. Z.. Makinde A.A. Ogunyemi I.O (2011): Analytical Investigation of Pollutants in Lagos Coastal Waters, Nigeria. Advances in Analytical Chemistry: 1 (1): 8-11. Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing. Available online at

f7 Ojekunle O. Z., Ojo O.K., Idowu A.O., Martins O., Oluwansanya G.O. and Ojekunle V.O. (2011): The Evaluation of Water Demand from Surface Water Resources in a Coastal Zone Environment of Ogun River Basin, South Western Nigeria. African Geoscience Review. 18, (4) : 95-103. Published in France by Rock View Ltd. ISSN 1760-9976X/2011
f8 Ufoegbune G.C., Bello N.J., Ojekunle O. Z., Orunkoya A.R., Eruola A.O. and Amori A.A. (2011). Rainfall Erosivity Pattern of Ogun River Basin Area (Nigeria) using Modified Fournier Index. European Water. 35: 23-29. Published by E.W. Publications, European Water Resources Association (EWRA)
f9 Amori A.A., Ojekunle O. Z., and Makinde A. A. (2012): Socio-Economic Factors Occupation and Family Size as Predictors of Public Perception of Water Resources Planning in Oyo State, Nigeria. New York Science Journal 5(1):128-131. Available online at 18 (ISSN: 1554-0200)

f10 Eruola A.O., Ufoegbune G.C., Ojekunle O. Z., Makinde A.A. and Amori A.A. (2012): Qualitative Assessment of the effect of Thunderstorms on Rainwater harvesting from Rooftop Catchments at Oke-Lantoro Community in Abeokuta, Southwest Nigeria. Resources and Environment. Scientific and Academic Publishing. 2(1): 27-32. Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing. Available online at p-ISSN: 2163-2618 e-ISSN: 2163-2634
f 11 Olatunde, K.A., Arowolo, T.A., Bada, B.S., Taiwo, A.M and Ojekunle O. Z. (2013) Distribution and Enrichment of Metals in Sediments of the Ogun within Abeokuta, South-Western Nigeria. African Journal of Aquatic Science, 39:(1), 17-22. Indexed by Scimago, Scopus, Web of Sciences. Published by Taylor & Francis Group London Available online at ISSN 1608-5914 EISSN 1727-9364

12 Idowu, O.A., Martins, O., Ojekunle O. Z. and Igbokoyi, E.O. (2013): Groundwater Prospecting Using Geo-Electrical Method in Abeokuta Metropolis, Southwest Nigeria State. Journal of Nigerian Hydrogeological Society, 2:126-129. Published by Nigerian Association of Hydrological Sciences. ISSN:2315-6686
f13 Ojekunle, O. Z., Fabiyi, A.O., Oresanya., J.O., Oyebamiji, F.F., Olatunde, A.O., Sangowusi, O.R., Amujo, B.T., and Dada, O. E. (2013): Use and Eradication of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Nigeria. The Ecoscan Journal, Special Issue, 4:17-21. Published by the National Environmentalist Association, India. Available online www.theecoscan. ISSN:0974-3076

f14 Olaniyi O.A, Ojekunle O.Z., and Amujo B.T (2013): Review of Climate Change and Its Effect on Nigeria Ecosystem. International Journal of African and Asian Studies 1 :57-65. Published by – An Open Access International Journal. Available online at and

f15 Oyebanji, F.F, Adeofun, C.O, Adedeji, O.H, Ekpo, U.F, Oguntoke, O and Ojekunle O. Z. (2013): Assessment of Respiratory Health of Fuel-Wood Utilization on Exposed Rural Women in Odeda, Southwestern, Nigeria. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research Environment and Earth Science. 13 (4) : 17-24. Published by Open Association of Research Society USA (Global Journals Inc. USA) Online ISSN: 2249-4626 and Print ISSN: 0975-5896
16 Ojekunle O. Z., Amujo B.T, Ojekunle V.O, Dada E.O, Sangowusi R.O, Nasamu R.E and Ojo O. (2013): Adapting to Climate Change in Developing Countries: A review of Strategies, Contraints and Development in Nigeria. Herald Journal of Geography and Regional Planning 2 (2):089-097. Published by Herald International Research Journal. Available online

17 Ojekunle O. Z., Ojekunle O.V, Yan Shuwang, Nasamu R.O and Ojo O.S. (2013): Research on the Influence of the Deep Seated Sinkhole on the Settlement of Roadway. Journal of the Built Environment. JABU. 2. (2) 159-167. Published by Joseph Ayo Babalola University. ISSN: 1796-8112
18 Amujo B.T, Ojekunle O. Z., Dada E.O and Sangowusi O.R (2013) Enforcement and Compliance of Illegal Logging Activities in Ogun State, Nigeria. Journal of the Built Environment. JABU. 2 (2): 168-180. Published by Ayo Babalola University. ISSN: 1796-8112
f19 Olatunji, S. O., Fatoki, S. O., Opeolu, O. B., Ximba, J. B., Ojekunle, O. Z. and Adeniye, N. K. (2014) Nutrient Enrichment and Hypoxia Threat in Urban Surface Water. Clean – Soil, Air, Water, 42 (9999):1–5. Indexed by Scimago, Scopus, Web of Sciences. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim. Germany. Available online at

20 Ojekunle, O. Z., Adeboje, M., Taiwo, A.G., Sangowusi, R.O., Taiwo, A.M. and Ojekunle, V.O. (2014): Tree Leaves as Bioindicator of Heavy Metal Pollution in Mechanic Village, Ogun State. Journal Applied Science Environmental Management (JASEM), 18 (4): 639 – 644. Published by Faculty of Science, University of PortHarcourt. Available online at and ISSN: 1119-8362

21 Okojie, L.O., Oyetunji, D.B., and Ojekunle, O. Z. (2014): Climate Variability and Impact on Rural Farm Income in Oyo State, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Tropical Agriculture, 14:36-46. Published by Federal University of Technology. Yola. ISSN: 1595-5559
f22 Ojekunle O>Z., Oyebamji F. F., Olatunde K. A., Amujo B. T., Ojekunle V. O. and Sangowusi O. R. (2014) Global Climatic Change in Nigeria: A Reality or Mirage. Global Journal of Human-Social Science: B Geography, Geo-Sciences, Environmental Disaster Management 14 (6): 10-17. Published by Open Association of Research Society USA (Global Journals Inc. USA) Online ISSN: 2249-460X and Print ISSN: 0975-587X
f23 Ojekunle O. Z., Ufoegbune G.C., Oyebamiji F.F., Sangowusi R.O., Taiwo A.M., and Ojekunle V.O. (2014): Assessment of the Effect of Commercial Activities on the Surface Water Quality of Ogun River. Merit Research Journal of Environmental Science and Toxicology, 2 (9): 196-204. Published by Merit Research Journals. Available online ISSN:2350-2266

24 Ufoegbune, G.C., Fadipe, O.A., Bello, N.J., Eruola, A.O., Makinde, A.A. and Ojekunle O. Z. (2014): Growth and Development of Watermelon in Response to Seasonal Variation of Rainfall. Journal of Meteorology and Climate Science 12(1): 31-41. Published by Nigerian Meteorological Society,
25 Ojekunle, O. Z., Ojekunle, V.O., Eruola, A.O., Oyebamji, F.F., Olatunde, K.A., Amujo, B.T., Sangowusi, O.R., Adekitan, A.A. and Taiwo, A.G. (2015): The Effects of Storage on Sachet Water Quality in Ogun State, Nigeria, Journal Applied Science Environmental Management (JASEM), 19(2):183-189. Published by Faculty of Science, University of PortHarcourt. Available online at and ISSN: 1119-8362

f26 Ojekunle, O. Z., Oyebanji, F.F., Olatunde, K.A., Sangowusi, R.O., Ojekunle, V.O., Amujo, B.T. and Dada, E.O. (2015): Global Climate Change: The Empirical Study of Sensitivity Model in China’s Sustainable Development’, Part 2. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 37 (8): 861-869. Indexed by Scimago, Scopus, Web of Sciences. Published by Taylor and Francis Group, London. Available Online ISSN 1556-7036 print/1556-7230 online

f27 Ojekunle, O. Z., Rasaki, A.M., Mustapha, D.Z., Ojekunle V.O., Sangowusi, R.O., Oyebanji, F.F., Adekitan, A.A. and Odjegba, E.E. (2015): Assessment of Heavy Metals Leaching in Groundwater of Industrial Areas of Nigeria. Elixir Agriculture, 80(2015):30988-30994. Published by Elixir International Journal. Available online at ISSN: 2229-712X
f28 Ojekunle, O. Z., Ojajuni, K. O., Sangowusi, R.O., Oyebanji, F.F., Ojekunle, V.O., Adekitan, A.A. and Odjegba, E.E. (2015): Evaluation of Soil Contaminant Level at Dumpsites in Nigeria. Elixir Agriculture, 80 (2015): 30995-31001. Published by Elixir International Journal. Available online at ISSN: 2229-712X

29 Okojie, L.O., Oyetunji, D.B. and Ojekunle O. Z. (2015): Effect of Climate Variability and Livelihood Vulnerability on Food Security. Moor Journal of Agriculture Research, 15: 94-111. Published by Agricultural Research Institutes, Obafemi Awolowo University. Ile-Ife. ISSN: 1595-4153
Adekitan A.A., Martins O., Awomeso J.A. and Ojekunle, O. Z. (2015): A comaparative study of Aluminium Hydroxide Chloride in Greywater Treatment in Abeokuta, Ogun State. Journal of Agricultural Science and Environment, 15 (2):115-123. Published by Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Ogun State.
f31 Ojekunle O. Z., Oyebanji F.F, Olatunde K.A, Amujo B.T, Ojekunle V.O, Sangowusi O.R, Eruola O.A & Taiwo A.G (2015): Implication of SD-PAMs In Nigeria. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research (H) 15(3):4-9. Published by Open Association of Research Society USA (Global Journals Inc. USA) Online ISSN: 2249-4629 and Print ISSN: 0975-5896
f32 Ojekunle O. Z., Ubani D. R. and Sangowusi R. O. (2015): Effectiveness of Neem, Cashew, and Mango Trees in the Uptake of Heavy Metals in Mechanic Village. African Journal of Environmental Sciences. 9(2):136-142. Available online at ISSN:1996-0786

33 Eruola A.O, Ojekunle O. Z., Amori A.A., Awomeso J.A., Amole O.E and Anthony D.E (2015): Assessment of Nutrient Concentration in Sokori River, Southwest Nigeria. J. Appl. Sci. Environ. Manage. JASEM Vol. 19 (3): 447-450. Published by University of Portharcourt. Available online at and ISSN: 1119-8362

34 Ufoegbune G.C., Bello N.J., Eruola A.O., Kehinde K.E., Makinde A.A., Ojekunle O. Z., and Amori A.A. (2015): Effect of Climate Variability on the Onset, Cessation and Length of Growing Season of Selected Crop in the Mangrove Savannah and Transition Zone in Nigeria Using Rainfall Potential Evapotranspiration Model. Journal of Meteorology and Climate Science 13(1): 21-27. Published by Nigerian Meteorological Society (N.Met.S)
f35 Ojekunle V.O, Talabi O.H., Ojekunle O. Z., Shanxiong Chen and Adewole A.A (2015): Biostratigraphy and Paleoecology of a Section of Shagamu Quarry (Southwestern Nigeria) Pearl Research Journals Vol 1 (1):1-10. Available on

f36 Ojekunle O. Z., Molade F.B., Ufoegbune G.C., Ojekunle V.O., Sangowusi R.O., Eruola A.O and Makinde A.A (2015): Effect of Climate Change Variables on Food Security (Case Study: Odeda Community, Abeokuta, Ogun State) Accepted by Global Advanced Research Journal of Agricultural Science (GARJAS ISSN: 2315-5094) (Letter of Acceptance March 2, 2015)
f37 Taiwo, A.M., Gbadebo, A.M., Oyedapo, J.A., Ojekunle O. Z., Alo, O.M., Oyeniran, A.A., Onalaja, O.J., Ogunjimi, D. and Taiwo, O.T. (2016): Bioremediation of Industrially Contaminated Soil Using Compost and Plant Technology. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 304(2016):166-172. Indexed by Scimago, Scopus, Web of Sciences. Published by Elsevier. Available online at

f38 Ojekunle, O. Z., Ojekunle, V.O., Adeyemi, A.A., Taiwo, A.G., Sangowusi, R.O., Taiwo, A.M. and Adekitan, A.A. (2016): Evaluation of Surface Water Quality Indices and Ecological Risk Assessment for Heavy Metals in Scrapyard Neighbourhood. Journal SpringerPlus. 5:560 (1-17). Indexed by Scimago, Scopus, Web of Sciences. Published by Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, Germany. DOI 10.1186/s40064-016-2158-9. Available online at

f39 Awomeso, J.A., Taiwo, A.M., Alade-Dauda, O., Ojekunle O. Z., Oyebanji, F.F., Ayantobo, O.O. and Taiwo O.T. (2016): Pollution Sources of Groundwater Quality in the Basement Rocks in Oyo State Using Multivariate Statistics. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 25(7):2284-2291. Indexed by Scimago, Scopus, Web of Sciences. Published by Parlar Scientific Publications. Germany

40 Odjegba E.E., Amori A.A., Ojekunle O. Z., Awomeso J.A., and Adetula B.A. (2016): Water Quality and Socio-Economic Appraisal of Public Water Supply in Abeokuta, South West Nigeria. Gashua Journal of Irrigation and Desertification Studies, Published by Federal University Gashua.1(1) and (2) :193-203
41 Ufoegbune G.C., Atanley P.A., Eruola A.O., Makinde A.A. and Ojekunle O. Z. (2016): Geographic Information System (GIS) Application for Planning and Implementation of Public Water Supply in Ota, Ogun State. Journal of Applied Science and Environmental Management. JASEM 20 (2):1105-1111 Published by University of Portharcourt. Available online at and ISSN: 1119-8362

Ufoegbune G.C., Osunbunmi T. R., Bello N.J., Eruola A. O., Makinde A. A. and Ojekunle O. Z. (2016): Effects of Climate Change and Inter Annual Variation of Climate on Cocoa Production in Cocoa Research Institute (CRIN) Farm, Oluyole Local Government, Ibadan, Nigeria. ADDRI Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences. Ghana. 2, (8) (2) :1-11
Ufoegbune G.C., Bello N.J., Eruola A.O., Nwamini L.O., Makinde A.A., Ojekunle O. Z.,. and Amori A.A. (2016): Effects of Rainfall, Temperture and Soil Moisture on Growth and Yield of Maize (Zea mays L.) in Abeokuta, Nigeria. Archives of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences 1 (1): 50-58
Oyebanji F.F., Oguntoke O., Ojekunle O. Z., Adeofun C.O., Adedeji O.H., Ekpo U.F. and Adekunle M.F. (2016): Seasonal and Spatial Analysis of Air Pollutants Emissions from Fuel-Wood Utilization in Selected Rural Communities within Odeda LGA, Nigeria. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research: H Environmental and Earth Science. 16 (3):36-48. Published by Global journal Inc (USA) Online ISSN 2249-4626 and Print 0975-5896.
Adekitan A.A., Martins O., Awomeso J.A., Ojekunle O. Z., and Taiwo A.M (2016): Effect of Leachates from Municipal Waste Dump Sites on Groundwater in Sango-Otta, Ogun State. Research Journal and Environmental Management. 5(7) :220-228
Adekitan A.A., Martins O., Awomeso J.A., and Ojekunle O. Z. (2016): Effect of Effluent Discharge from Industries on Groundwater in Sango-Otta, Ogun State. Research Journal and Environmental Management. 5(7):229-242
Ojekunle O. Z, (2017): Groundwater Quality Attrition by Mechanic Workshop Activities in Abeokuta Metropolis, Ogun State, Nigeria. Merit Research Journal of Environmental Science and Toxicology. 5 (2):018-024 (ISSN 2350-2266) available on line at

48 Odjegba E.E., Amori A.A., Ojekunle O. Z., Awomeso J.A., and Adetula B.A. (2016): Water Quality and Socio-Economic Appraisal of Public Water Supply in Abeokuta, South West Nigeria. Gashua Journal of Irrigation and Desertification Studies, Published by Federal University Gashua.1(1) and (2) :193-203
49 Ojekunle, O. Z. and Adeleke, J.T. (2017): The Effect of Storage on the Physical, Chemical and Bacteriological Characteristics of Sachet and bottled Water Marketed in Ibadan Metropolis, Oyo State. Nigeria. Journal Applied Science Environmental Management (JASEM), 21(6):1203-1211 Published by University of PortHarcourt. Available online at and ISSN: 1119-8362

50 Eruola, A.O., Makinde, A.A., Eruola, A.O., Ojekunle O. Z., Awemeso, J.A. and Amori, A.A. (2017): Correlation of Climate Variables with Water Quality Indicators of Ogun River, Southwest Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Hydrological Sciences, 5: 33-39. Published by Nigeria Association of Hydrological Sciences (NAHS) ISSN: 2315-6686
51 Ojekunle O.Z. and Lateef S.T. (2017): Environmental Impact of Abattoir Waste Discharge on the Quality of Surface Water and Groundwater in Abeokuta. Journal of Environmental Analytical Toxicology 7:5:1-6 DOI: 10.4172/2161-0525.1000509

f52 Ganiyu, S.A., Badmus, B.S., Olurin, O.T., and Ojekunle, O. Z. (2018): Evaluation of Seasonal Variation of Water Quality Using Multivariate Statistical Analysis and Irrigation Parameter Indices in Ajakanga Area, Ibadan, Nigeria. Applied Water Sciences, 8 (35):1-15. Indexed by Scimago, Scopus, Web of Sciences. Published by Springer online

f53 Ojekunle, O. Z., Jinadu O.O.E., Afolabi T.A. and Taiwo A.M. (2018): Environmental Pollution and related Hazards at Agbara Industrial Area, Ogun State. Scientific Reports, 8:1-8 DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-24810-4. Indexed by Scimago, Scopus, Web of Sciences. Published by Springer Nature, England. Available at
54 Ojekunle, O. Z. (2018): Assessment of Ground Water Quality in Ado Odo/Otta Local Government Area Ogun State. Nigeria. Jabu Journal of Science and Technology, 3(2):10-22. Published by Joseph Ayo Babalola University.
55 Ojekunle O,Z., Fakayode A O., and Bashorun O.P. (2018): Assessment of The Effects of Fish Pond Effluents on Water Quality of River Aawon. Jabu Journal of Science and Technology 3(2):65-72. Published by Joseph Ayo Babalola University.
56 Ojekunle, O. Z., Bada B.S., Ejimkonye O.G, and Oyebanji F.F. (2018): Assessment of Soil Quality of Saje Dumpsite at Abeokuta, Nigeria. Journal of Science Research, 17: 45 – 52. Published by University of Ibadan
57 Olatunde, K.A., Kolawole A. Bada B.S., Ojekunle, O. Z. and Towolani T.A. (2018): Effect of Different Soil Fertility Amendments on Oxalate Accumulation in Cocoyam. Nigerian Journal of Life Science, 8 (1): 97-101. Published by Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Benin
58 Ojekunle, O. Z. (2019): Metal Concentration of Different Water Types and Classification Using Trilinear Triangle in Abeokuta Metropolis, Ogun State, Nigeria. Nigeria Journal of Hydrological Sciences 7:56-71 (ISSN 2315-6686). Published by Nigeria Association of Hydrological Sciences (NAHS)
f59 Taiwo, A.M., Oyeleye O.F., Majekodunmi, B.J., Anuobi V.E., Afolabi S.A., Idowu, O.E., Ojekunle, O. Z. and Taiwo O.T. (2019): Evaluating the Health Risk of Metals (Zn, Cr, Cd, Ni, Pb) in Staple Foods from Lagos and Ogun State, Southwestern. Nigeria Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 191:1-11. Indexed by Scimago, Scopus, Web of Sciences. Published by Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany.
60 Oyebanji, F.F., Ogunyemi I.A., Ojekunle, O. Z., Ogundipe, O., Sosanya, O. and Aroyeun, T.H. (2019): Heavy Metal Concentration and Bacterial Contamination Associated with Selected Leafy Vegetables in Abeokuta Metropolis, Southwest Nigeria. Ife Journal of Sciences 21(1) :109-119. Published by Obafemi Awolowo University available online

61 Makinde, A.A., Eruola, A.O., Ufoegbune, G.C. and Ojekunle, O. Z. (2019): Sensitivity Assessment of Maize (Zea mays L.) Cultivars Growth Parameters to Agrometeorological Indices in Abeokuta, Southwest Nigeria. Agro-Science, 18 (1) :39-44 (ISSN 1119-7455). Published by Journal of Tropical Agriculture, Food, Environment and Extension, University of Nigeria, Usukka. Enugu State
f62 Taiwo, A. M., Aigbodion, C. O., Ojekunle, Z. O. and Akinhanmi, T. F. (2020): Health Risk Assessment of Metals in Selected Drinks from Abeokuta, Southwestern Nigeria. Biological Trace Element Research, 197; 694-707. Indexed by Scimago, Scopus, Web of Sciences. Published by Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany.
f63 Olatunde, K.A., Sosanya, P.A., Bada B.S., Ojekunle O. Z. and Abdussalaam S.A. (2020): Distribution and Ecological Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Soils Around a Major Cement Factory, Ibese, Nigeria. Scientific African, 9:1-9 (e00496). Indexed by Scimago, Scopus, Web of Sciences. Journal homepage: Published by Elsevier BV, Netherlands. Available at ScienceDirect
f64 Ojekunle, O. Z., Adeyemi, A. A, Taiwo, A. M., Ganiyu, S. A., Balogun, M A. (2020): Assessment of Physicochemical Characteristics of Groundwater within Selected Industrial Areas in Ogun State, Nigeria. Environmental Pollutants and Bioavailability, 32 (1): 100-113. Indexed by Scimago, Scopus, Web of Sciences. Journal homepage: Published by Taylor and Francis Group, London. 100-113, DOI: 10.1080/26395940.2020.1780157.
f65 Ojekunle, O. Z., Balogun, M. A., Adeyemi, A. A., Adegoke, K. A., Abdulraheem, O. A., Taiwo, A. M. and Ganiyu, S. A. (2020): Effects of Industrialization on the Groundwater Quality In Shagamu and Ota Industrial Areas of Ogun State, Nigeria. Heliyon, 6: 1-13 (e04353). Indexed by Scimago, Scopus, Web of Sciences. Published by Elsevier (Cell Press), Netherlands BV. Available at Science Direct.
f66 Adeyemi, A.A. and Ojekunle, O. Z. (2020): Concentration and Health risk Assessment of Industrial Heavy Metals Pollution in Groundwater in Ogun State, Nigeria. Scientific African, 11:1-11. (e00666). Indexed by Scimago, Scopus, Web of Sciences. Published by Elsevier BV. Available at ScienceDirect
67 Ojekunle, O. Z., Ufoegbune, G.C., Ojekunle, O. O., Makinde, A.A. and Ojekunle, V. O. (2020): Climate Change: The Empirical Study of the Sensitivity Model in China’s Energy Efficiency and Sustainable Development. Journal of Meteorology and Climate Science (NIMET), 18(1): 49-61. Published by Nigerian Meteorological Society
68 Ojekunle, O. Z., Towolawi, A. T,. Ojekunle, O. O. and Lateef, S. T. (2020): Influences of abattoir discharges on water quality, African Journal of Agriculture, Technology and Environment, 9(2): 24-36. Published by University of Port-Harcourt
69 Sadiq A. Y., Oluwasanya G. O., Eruola O. A., Ojekunle O. Z., Odjegba E. E. and Ahmad S. M. (2020). Assessment and mapping of the spatial trend in groundwater quality in Abeokuta, Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Science and Environment, Vol.18 (2) ………
f70 Taiwo, A. M., Olukayode S., Ojekunle, O. Z. and Awomeso J. A. (2021): The Toxicological Risk Assessment of Trace Elements (Co, Cu, Fe, and Zn) in Snacks from Ijebu Ode, Ogun State, Southwest, Nigeria. Biological Trace Element Research, 199: 4847-4855. Indexed by Scimago, Scopus, Web of Sciences. Published by Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany.
f 71 Atoku, D I., Ojekunle, O. Z., Taiwo, A. M., Shittu, O. B. (2021): Evaluating the efficiency of Nostoc commune, Oscillatoria limosa and Chlorella vulgaris in a phycoremediation of heavy metals contaminated industrial wastewater. Scientific African, 12: 1-8 (e00817). Journal homepage: Published by Elsevier. Available at ScienceDirect

f72 Taiwo, A.M., Olukayode, S., Ojekunle, O.Z., Oyedepo, J.A., Awomeso, J.A. and Gbadebo, A.M. (2022): The Content and Toxicological Risk Assessment of Trace Elemental Impurities (Pb and Cr) in Snacks from Ogun State, Southwestern Nigeria. Biological Trace Element Research. 200: 2519-2527. Indexed by Scimago, Scopus, Web of Sciences. Published by Springer Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, Germany.
73 Olatunde, K.A., Oyebola J.A., Bada, B.S., 1aiwo, A.M., and Ojekunle, O. Z. (2021) Assessment of Heavy Metal Pollution of Wetland Soils in Ijokodo, Oyo State, Nigeria. Journal of Meteorology and Climate Science 19(1): 22-28
f74 Ojekunle, O. Z., Esan, R.T., Balogun M.A., Ademolu, O.K., Adegoke A.K., Taiwo. A.M. (2022) Ecological assessment of Black Fly (Simuliumdamnosum, Sensulato) breeding sites in two tributaries of Ogun river, Ogun State, Nigeria. Environmental Monitoring Assessment 194:220. Published by Springers
f75 Ojekunle, O. Z., Rasaki, A., Taiwo, A.M., Adegoke, K.A., Balogun, M.A., Ojekunle, O. O., Anumah, A,O., Ibrahim, A. O., Adeyemi, A. (2022) Health risk assessment of heavy metals in drinking water leaching through improperly managed dumpsite waste in Kurata, Ijoko, Sango area of Ogun State, Nigeria. Groundwater for Sustainable Development 18 (2022) 100792 journal homepage:

f76 Aborisade, M. A., Feng, A., Zheng, X., Oba, B. T., Kumar, A., Battamo, A. Y., Kavwenje, S., Liu, J., Chen, D., Okimiji, O. P., Ojekunle, O. Z., Yang, Y., Sun, P., Zhao, L. (2022) Carbothermal reduction synthesis of eggshell-biochar modified with nanoscale zerovalent iron/activated carbon for remediation of soil polluted with lead and cadmium, Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring and Management 18:100726, doi: Published by Elsevier. Available at ScienceDirect

f77 Taiwo, A. M., Somade, O. C., Ojekunle O. Z., Adijat O. Atayese, A. O., Obuotor, T. M., Taiwo, O. (2022) Effects of Waste Sanitation Facilities on Water Quality Index and Human Health Risk Assessment of Groundwater Resources in Abeokuta Markets, Southwestern Nigeria Environmental Research DOI:10.21203/ Published by Springer

f78 Ojekunle O.Z., Awolukun S. A., Olatunde K. A., Adegoke K. A., Maxakato N. W., Balogun A. M., Afolabi T.A. (2023) Environmental and Health Hazards of Heavy Metal Concentrations in Ota and Agbara Industrial Areas. Ogun State, Nigeria. Environmental Earth Sciences 82:79. Published by Springers

C. Articles in Edited Conference Proceedings
f79. Li,.R., Zhao L., Lv W., and Ojekunle, Z. O. (2007): Sustainable Wastewater Reuse to Face Water Crisis -A Case Study in Taocheng District of Hengshui (TDH) China. Conference Proceeding Paper, World Environmental and Water Resources Congress. Restoring our Natural Habitat ASCE Publications. Jack S.O., Xiu J.S. and Cathy G. (Eds). Pages 1-10 (doi 10.1061/40927(243)566) Published by ResearchGate. Available online at

f80, Ojekunle, O. Z., Zhao, L., Tan, X., and Ogar, M.A. (2009): The Empirical Study of Sensitivity Model to China’s Sustainable Development as its relate to Global Climate Change. Conference on Engineering and Sustainability 2009 (Innovation that span Boundaries), Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. USA. Eric J. Beckman and David A. Dzombak (Eds). Pages 101-104. Published by University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

81. Ojekunle, Z. O., Ojo, K. O., Idowu, O. A., Martins, O., Oluwasanya, G. O., and Ojekunle, V.O. (2011): Evaluation of Sustainable Water Demand in a Coastal Environment using WEAP Model. Proceedings of the Environmental Management Conference. Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. Martins, O., Meshida, E. A., Arowolo, T. A., Idowu, O. A., and Oluwasanya, G. O. (Eds.). Pages 256-262. Published by University of Federal of Agriculture, Abeokuta. Ogun State. Available online at article/download/289/271

f82. Ojekunle, O. V., Yan, S., Ojekunle, O. Z. (2012): Research on the Influence of the Deep Seated Sinkhole on the Settlement of Roadway. International Conference on Electric Technology and Civil Engineering ICETCE. Tan Xin and Shedreck B.A. (Eds). May, 18-20 2012 in Three Gorges, Hubei, China. 2: 990-993. (ISBN 978-1-45771900-4)

83 Dada, O. E., Awotoye, O. O., Ojekunle, Z. O., Amujo, B. T., Akpan, N. J. (2015): The World of Ecological Crises and The Feminine Gender: Issues, Challenges and Directions. Proceeding of International Conference on Gender, Agriculture, Environment and Technology. Gender in The Post – 2015 Development Agenda. Awotoye, O.O. (Eds) Published by Obafemi Awolowo University. Ile Ife. Pages 11-19.

* 84 Gbadebo A.M., Shasore A.T., Ojekunle O.Z. and Akinhanmi T.F. (2019) Assessment of Chemical Contaminants and Pollution Level of Groundwater in Rural Area of Arimogiya-Okeluse, Ondo State, Nigeria, Proceeding of the 2nd International Medical Geoligists Association (IMGA-Nigeria Chapter) Conference. Olatunji, A.S. and Olajide-Kayode J. (Eds). Held at Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria 24th – 27th September, 2019. Pages 74-76

* 85 Aigbodion C., Taiwo A. M,, Ojekunle O.Z. and Akinhanmi T.F. (2019) Health Risk Assessment of Metals in Selected Drinks from Abeokuta, Southwestern, Nigeria. Proceeding of the 2nd International Medical Geoligists Association (IMGA-Nigeria Chapter) Conference. Olatunji, A.S. and Olajide-Kayode J. (Eds). Held at Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria 24th – 27th September, 2019. Pages 99-103

* 86 Gbadebo A. M., Ojekunle O.Z., Adesodun K. and Adejobi M. (2019) Profile Distribution of Soil Carbon Stock in Relation to Animal and Human Health Under Different Land Management Practices in Southwest, Nigeria. Proceeding of the 2nd International Medical Geoligists Association (IMGA-Nigeria Chapter) Conference. Olatunji, A.S. and Olajide-Kayode J. (Eds). Held at Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria 24th – 27th September, 2019. Pages 113-115

G. Technical Report
1 Ojekunle, O. Z. (2012): The Use of GIS and Remote Sensing for Water Management. Presented at FUNAAB Consult, Abeokuta, Ogun State. 92 Pages

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