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OMOTAYO Akinwunmi Moses 

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Short Profile

  • Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich, Chattaham Maritime, UK Jan.-March, 2001
  • Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria 1989-1995
  • Virginia State University, Petersburg, USA 1983 – 1984
  • Virginia State University, Petersburg, USA 1982 ‑ 1983
  • Ahmadu Bello University (Federal College of Education) 1976 – 1979

B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.

  1. Analysis of the impact of animal traction in Katsina State, Nigeria ( PhD thesis- Supported by the International Institute of Environment and Development (IIED))
  2. A survey of the potentials of animal traction in the humid zone of Nigeria 1997 – 1998
  3. Population dynamics and livelihood systems among settled pastoralists in southwestern Nigeria (Sponsored by the Wellcome Trust UK)
  4. Health consequences of population change among settled Fulani pastoralists in southwestern Nigeria (Sponsored by the Wellcome Trust UK)
  5. Mapping of Ofada rice production areas in southwestern Nigeria (Sponsored by PROPCOM/DFID)
  6. Commercial demand for soybeans in Nigeria (Sponsored by PROPCOM/DFID)
  7. The role of the three tiers of government in agricultural development in Nigeria (Sponsored by the International Food Policy Research Institute IFPRI)
  8. Introduction and promotion of improved pepper cultivars from Brazil to farmers in Ekiti state.
  9. Adaptation and promotion of extra-early maize varieties as climate change adaptation strategy by farmers in southwest Nigeria.
  10. Introduction and promotion of improved pepper cultivars from Brazil to farmers in Ekiti state sponsored by African –Brazil Agri–innovation market place Project.
  11. West African, Agricultural Productivity Project Grant to support the Adaptation and promotion of extra -early maize varieties as climate change adaptation strategy by farmers in southwest Nigeria.
  • Federal government of Nigeria overseas scholarship award (To study in the United States of America 1982 -1984)
  • American University Deans List (May, 1983)
  • International Institute of Environment and Development (IIED) Dry Lands Small Grants Fund for thesis writing (For PhD thesis completed 1995)
  • Wellcome Trust Research Grant for population Studies (Awarded January 2000, completed in December, 2002)
  • African Studies Centre, Leiden, the Netherlands, Visiting Fellows Award, April to July 2002
  • Wellcome Trust Research Grant award on Health Consequences of Population Change in Developing countries (2003- August, 2005)
  • Director, IFSERAR
  • Agricultural Extension Society of Nigeria (Life Member)
  • Association for Farming Systems Research and Extension (World wide) (Member)
  • Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education.(Member)
  • Nigeria Participatory Rural Appraisal Network (NIPRANET) (Member)
  • African Association for Farming Systems Research Approach to Research, Extension and Training(AFSRARET) (Member)
  • Nigerian Rural Sociological Association. (Member)
  • International Association for Sustainable Agricultural Development (Executive member)

Chapters in Books and Papers in Edited Proceedings

  1. Omotayo A. M. and Idisi P. O. (1990): Promoting the Adoption of Animal Traction in Nigeria: Some Relevant Issues.  In Lawrence P. R.,Lawrence K., Dijkman J. K., and Starkey, P.H.,(Editors) Research for the Development of Animal Traction in Africa: Proceedings of the 4th Workshop of the West African Animal Traction Network;, Kano, Nigeria.9-13 July, pages 248 to 252.
  2. Omotayo A. M. (1991) The structure, content and conduct of fortnightly training under the T& V extension system In NAERLS ( Editor) Proceedings  of the specialized training workshop on the roles of the Subject Matter Specialist in the Agricultural Development Projects. NAERLS, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria: Pp 28-40
  3. Omotayo A. M. (1994) The expected roles of the human resources development unit in implementing the T & V extension system in Nigeria.  In NAERLS (Editor) Proceedings of the Training workshop on training the trainers in the Agricultural Development Projects in Nigeria. National Agricultural Extension and Research Liaison Services, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria. Pp 1-8.
  4. Omotayo A. M. (1993) “Identifying Economic Ventures for Development of Rural Women” In Akinbode A. I. and Afolami C. A. (Eds) Strategies for mobilising Rural Women for Economic Ventures. UNAAB proceedings No. 4 pages 30 -38.
  5. Omotayo A. M. and Arokoyo J. O. (1994) An Assessment of the use of Contact Farmers in the Training and Visit Extension System in Nigeria: Refereed paper published in the proceedings of the 10th Annual conference of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education (AIAEE) Section I, pages 1 – 8.
  6. Zaria M. B., Arokoyo J. O., Omotayo A. M. and Akpoko, J. G. (1994) “Extension  Issues and Priorities  from     a multi-sectoral perspective” In Issues and Priorities for Nigeria’s Agricultural Extension in the Twenty First Century: Afolayan S.O. and Akinbode A.I.(Editors)Proceedings of the inaugural conference of the Agricultural Extension Society of Nigeria”. Feb 28 – 3rd March, ARMTI, Ilorin; Pages     89 to96.
  7. Omotayo A.M., J. O. Arokoyo, and J. G. Akpoko (1995)” Approaches to technology generation and dissemination in Nigeria: an overview. In Akinbode A. I, (Editor)  Proceedings of the annual conference of the Agricultural Extension Society of Nigeria  Pp 33- 42
  8. Omotayo A. M. and I. D. Erinle (1995) Resource development in Agricultural Extension In. A. A. Jibowo (Editor) Proceedings of the annual conference of the Agricultural Extension society of Nigeria, Obafemi  Awolowo University, Ile Ife.  Pp 150- 159
  9. Omotayo A. M. (1995) Transfer of technology in the production of fruits and vegetables. In NAERLS     (Editor) Vegetable and fruits production. Proceedings of the workshop held at the National Agricultural Extension and Research Liaison Services, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Pp 172-184
  10. Arokoyo J.T.and Omotayo A. M.(1995) Lessons and Experiences From an NGOs Approach to Technology Transfer in Maize Production in the Northern Guinea Savanna of Nigeria. In B. Badu-Apraku, M.O. Akoroda, M.Oudraogo amd F. M. Quin. (Editors) Contributing to Food Self-sufficiency: Maize Research and Development in Africa. Proceedings of a Regional Workshop of the West and Central Africa Maize Collaborative Research Network. 29th May to 2nd June1995 IITA, Coutonou, Benin Republic, Pages 134-139.
  11. Omotayo A. M. (1996) Leadership and group dynamics. In NAERLS (Editor) Proceedings of the NAERLS/NALDA pre-season training workshop. National Agricultural Extension and Research     Liaison Services, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria Pp 56 -67
  12. Zaria, M.B. and A.M. Omotayo(1997) “Improving Every Farmer’s Access to Extension Services in Sub-Sahara Africa: Approaches and Challenges” In R.K. Samanta and S. K. Arora (Editors) Management of Agricultural Extension in Global Perspectives. BRPC Ltd. India, Chapter Six. Pages 67 to 83.
  13. Omotayo A.M. and Musa M.W.(1998) “Land Classification and Management Practices by Farmers in a  Semi-Arid Farming System in Nigeria” In Klaus D. Becker et al (Editors) Soil Fertility Management in West African Land Use Systems. University of Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany. (Published as short communication). P.543
  14. Omotayo A. M. T.K. Atala and S.A. Ogunwale (1998) “Animal Traction Ownership Structure and Utilization in a Semi-Arid Farming System in Nigeria” In Taye Bezuneh, Souleymane Ouegraogo, Joseph Menyonga, Jean-Didier Zongo and Mahama Ouedraogo (Editors) Towards Sustainable Farming Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa. Published by the African Association for Farming Systems Research Approach to Research, Extension and Training, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Pages 443 to 452.
  15. S.T.O. Lagoke, L Aliyu, J. Kling, R. J. Karsky, A. Omotayo, S. K. Kim and J. Shebayan, (2002)         “Integrated management of Striga Hermonthica in Maize in the Northern Guinea Savannah of  Nigeria” In Lagoke S.T.O. and S. S. Mboob (Editors) Integrated Striga Management     Technologies – From Research to Farmers. Proceedings of the Fourth Pan African Striga     Control Network Workshop (PASCON) Bamako, Mali 28th October to 1st November 1996
  16. Omotayo A. M. (2002) Demographic change, agro-pastoral production and the quest for sustainable land use system in south western Nigeria. In Li Dajue (Editor) Proceedings of the Second International Conference on sustainable agriculture for food, energy and industry, held at the Institute of Botany, Chinese academy of Sciences, Beijing, China. September 8 – 13. 2002, Pp. 18-30
  17. Omotayo A. M. (2002) Perspective on rural development in Nigeria. In Oso, Lai (Editor) Communication and Development – A reader: Jedidah Publishers Abeokuta Nigeria. Pp 29 –44
  18. Omotayo A. M. (2003) Population of settled pastoralists in south western Nigeria: Size, structure, distribution and their effects on land use. In J. O. Gefu. (Editor) Land Tenure Systems in Nigeria- Evolving effective land use policy for poverty alleviation. Proceedings of  the Nigeria land Network workshop Held at the Aforestation Programme Coordinating Unit, Kano 11th – 13th February 2002, Pp 79-83
  1. Omotayo A. M. and Arokoyo J.O. (1993): “Issues and Trends in Human Resources Development in Nigerian Agricultural Extension” The Nigerian Journal of Agricultural Extension Vol. 7, No.1 Pp 40 -49.
  2. Chikwendu D. O. and Omotayo A. M. (1993): “ Making Fertiliser Available To Small Scale Farmers: Rural Development Policy Options for Nigeria”. Phillipine Journal of Public Administration; vol. 37: 2, April 1993 Issue. Pp 189 – 199.
  3. Omotayo A. M.; Chikwendu D. O.; Arokoyo J. O. and Ajala K. M.  (1993): “Role Perception and Job     Performance of Village Extension  agents under the Training and Visit Extension System in Nigeria:  A     case study of Kaduna State Agricultural Development Project” Agricultural Systems in Africa, Vol. 3     No 2 Pp. 74 – 83
  4. Chikwendu D.O., C.C.Chinaka and A.M. Omotayo  (1994):”Adoption of Mini-sett Technique of Seed     Yam Production by Farmers in Cross River State of Nigeria” Agricultural Systems in Africa Vol 4     (1) Pp. 59-68.
  5. Omotayo A. M., Akpoko J.G. and Koroma A.S. (1995) “The Performance of Small-Scale Farmers Under Private Extension Agencies: A Case Study of Afcott Nigeria Plc.”  Agricultural Systems in Africa Vol. 5 No 2, Pp. 27 – 34.
  6. Chikwndu D.O., Omotayo A.M. and Iwuanyanwu I.E.J. (1995) “Livestock Co-operative Extension: A Viable Option Under the Unified Training and Visit Extension System in Nigeria”. The Nigerian Journal of Agricultural Extension. Vol. 9 no. 1 Pp103-118
  7. Omotayo A. M., Atala T. K. And Ogunwale S. A.(1996) “ Animal Traction Ownership and Utilisation in Nigeria: Farmers Characteristics are Determinants” Journal of Extension Systems 12  No1 pages 91 – 107
  8. Sanni S. A. and A. M. Omotayo (1996) Economics of animal traction technology in integrated crop-livestock farming systems in Katsina state Nigeria. Nigeria Journal of Rural Economy and Society (1)     2;  Pp 29-38
  9. Omotayo A.M., Chikwendu D.O., and Auta S. J., (1997) “Communicating Agricultural Innovations To     Women Farmers By Radio: A Study of its Effectiveness and Impact in a Village in Nigeria”: Published      in the Journal of Development Communication, Vol. 5 No.2.pages 35 – 48.
  10. Omotayo A., D.O. Chikwendu, M. B. Zaria, J. O. Yusuf and Z. E. Omenesa (1997) “Effectiveness of     Radio in the dissemination of improved farming practices in Nigeria” Journal of Extension Systems     Vol. 13. No. 2. Pp 99 – 120.
  11. Omotayo A. M. D. O.Chikwendu and J.O. Arokoyo (1997) ”Professional role and family role conflict     among WIA agents under the T&V extension system in Nigeria” The Nigerian Journal of Rural     Economy and Society Vol 1 No 3 pages 24 -32
  12. Omotayo A. M.(1998) “The Impact of Animal Traction in a Semi-Arid Farming System in Nigeria” Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture Vol 37 No 2 April – June Pages 116 – 132
  13. Amos T.T., Chikwendu, D. O.and Omotayo A. M. (1998) “ Analysis of growth in area, production and     productivity of groundnut in Nigeria” The Nigerian Journal of Agricultural Extension, 11 (1&2) pp     151-162.
  14. Omotayo A. M. and Musa M. W. (1999) “The Role of Indigenous Land Classification and Management Practices in Sustaining Land Use System in the Semi-Arid Zone of Nigeria” Journal of     Sustainable Agriculture Vol 14 (1) pages 49 – 58
  15. Omotayo A, I.F. Adu and A.B.J. Aina (1999) “The evolving sedentary lifestyle among nomadic pastorlaists in Southwest Nigeria: Implications for land use policy” The International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology”  Vol. 6  pages  1 – 9.
  16. Adu I. F., A. M. Omotayo , A.B. J. Aina and A. O.. Iposu (2000) “The potentials of animal traction in Ogun State” Nigerian Journal of Animal Production Vol.27  No.1    Pages 95  – 98
  17. Chikwendu D. O. , A. M. Omotayo, J. O. Yusuf, and Z. E. Omenesa (2000) Effectiveness of extension     publications in disseminating information on improved farm practices in Nigeria. The Nigerian     Journal of Rural Economy and Society 1 (5): Pp51-56
  18. Omotayo A. M., D. O. Chikwendu and K. Adebayo (2001) “Two decades of World Bank assisted agricultural extension services in Nigeria: Lessons and challenges for the future” Journal of     Agricultural Education and Extension. Vol. No. Pp 143-151
  19. Omotayo A. M. (2002) “A land use system and the challenge of sustainable agro-pastoral production     in South western Nigeria” The International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology     Vol 9. Pp 369-382.
  20. Adebayo, K., Omotayo, A. M., Garforth, C. J. and Awotunde, M. (2002). “Small farmers’ perception of     the charateristics of new farm practices in Ogun State, Nigeria.” Journal of Extension Systems. 18 (December-2002)Pp  79-92.
  21. Omotayo A. M. (2003) “Ecological implications of Fulani pastoralism in south western Nigeria.  Land Degradation and Development (14 ) Pp 445-457…
  22. Omotayo A. M. (2004) “ Fertility and reproductive health among settled pastoral Fulani women in South Western  Nigeria” African Journal of Reproductive Health
  23. Omotayo A. M., U. F. Ekpo  and M. A. Dipeolu (2005) “Prevalence and clinical profile of    malaria among settled pastoral Fulani populations in southwest Nigeria” Tropical Medicine and International Health.…
  24. Uwem F. Ekpo1, Akin M. Omotayo, Morenike. A. Dipeolu (2008) Changing lifestyle and prevalence of malnutrition among settled pastoral Fulani children in southwest Nigeria Annals of Agriculture, Environment and Medicine (15) 187-191
  25. Ekpo, U.F., Omotayo, A.M., Dipeolu, M.A. (2008). Prevalence of malnutrition among settled pastoral Fulani children in southwest Nigeria. BMC Research Notes,         2008, 1:7
  26. Ekpo, U.F., Omotayo, A.M., Dipeolu, M.A (2008). Sedentarization and prevalence of malaria  and anaemia among settled pastoral Fulani in Southwest Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Parasitology 29(2): 125-130.
  27. Ekpo, U.F., Omotayo, A.M., Dipeolu, M.A (2009). Sedentism and malnutrition among nomadic Fulani children in south western Nigeria. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development 9(1): 536-549.
  28. Fabusoro E., Omotayo A.M., Apantaku S. O.and Okuneye P. A. (2010): Forms and  determinants of rural livelihood diversification in Ogun State. Journal of             Sustainable Agriculture 34: 4. 417-438

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