Research Interest:
Major research interests are endocrine, paracrine and autocrine control of reproduction in farm animals, embryo physiology, adaptation physiology, incubation biology, developmental biology and gene expression profiling using molecular biology and proteomic methods. Additional interests are in the field of nutrition-reproduction interaction in farm animals.
Research Grants
Published Conference papers
57. Adewunmi, O.F., Ajadi, R.A., Bayode, D., Osinowo, O.A., Onagbesan, O.M. (2009). The effects of Archachatina maginata mucus on cutaneous wound healing in rabbits. Proceedings 34th Annual Confer. Nigerian Society of Animal Production, Uyo. Ed. Umoh et al. p202-205. (Oral presentation).
56. Adewunmi, O.F., Ajadi, R.A., Bayode, D., Osinowo, O.A., Onagbesan, O.M. (2009). Evaluation of the effects of trail mucus of Archachatina marginata on the haematological and organ morphology of Wistar rats. Proceedings 34th Annual Confer. Nigerian Society of Animal Production, Uyo. Ed. Umoh et al. p206-209. (Oral presentation).
55. Abiona, J.A., Akinduti, P.A., Oyekunle, M.O., Osinowo, O.A., Onagbesan, O.M. (2009). Preliminary investigation on the presence of agglutinins in the haemolymph of giant African land snail (Archachatina maginata). Proceedings 34th Annual Confer. Nigerian Society of Animal Production, Uyo. Ed. Umoh et al. p172-175. (Oral presentation).
54. Iyasere, O.S., Osinowo, O.A., Daramola, J.O., Onagbesan, O.M. (2009). Effects of stocking density and ventilation on the behaviour, welfare and performance of broiler chickens in South-Western Nigeria. Proceedings 34th Annual Confer. Nigerian Society of Animal Production, Uyo. Ed. Umoh et al. p435-437. (Oral presentation).
53. Tona, K., Bruggeman, V., Onagbesan, O., Gbeassor, M., Decuypere, E. (2008). Effects of incubation factors in combination with glucocorticoid administration on chicken embryo physiology. Proceedings 9th Intern. Symposium on Avian Endocrinol., Leuven, Belgium. 11-15th July 2008. (Poster presentation).
52. Bruggeman, V., Tona, K., Onagbesan, OM., Decuypere, E. (2007). Hatching egg and chick quality. Proceedings WPSA meeting on ‘Biology of breeding birds’, Edinburgh, Scotland. 23 – 25 July 2007, p 21. (Oral presentation).
51. Bruggeman, V., De Smit, L., Everaert, N., Witters, A., Debonne, M., Willemsen, H., Verhoelst, E., Tona, K., Onagbesan, O.M., De Baerdemaker, J., Arckens, L., Decuypere, E. The chicken embryo as a model for studying effects of differential CO2 concentrations during incubation. International Chick Meeting, Barcelona, 11-14th april, 2007. (Oral presentation).
50. Tona, K, Onagbesan, O., Bruggeman, V., Gbeassor, M., Decuypere, E. 2006. Effects de la non-ventilation pendant l’incubation et du dexamethasone sur les paramètres physiologiques et de production chez les poulets de chair. Les journées scientifiques internationales de Lomé, Togo. 23-27 October 2006. (Communication orale).
49. Tona, K., Agbonon, A., Eklu-Gadegbeku, K., Tounouvi, K.M., Onagbesan, O., Koumaglo, K., Decuypere, E., Gbeassor, M. 2006. Elevage des Poules Pondeuses au Togo : Composantes des Rations Alimentaires et Comparaison entre les Performances de Production des Différentes Races de Poules Pondeuses. Les journées scientifiques internationales de Lomé, Togo. 23-27 October 2006. (Communication orale).
48. E., Decuypere, O., Onagbesan, L., De Smit, K., Tona, N., Everaert, A., Witters, M., Debonne, E., Verhoelst, J., Buyse, M., Hassanzadeh, J., Debaerdemaeker, L., Arckens and V., Bruggeman (2006). Hypoxia and hypercapnia during incubation of chicken eggs on development and subsequent performance. XII European Poultry Conference, Verona, Italy 10 – 14 Sept 2006 (Invited presentation).
47. De Smit, L., Bruggeman, V., Debonne, M., Tona, K., Onagbesan, O, Kamers, B., Arckens, L., De Baerdemaker, J., Decuypere, E. (2005). The effects of a gradual increase of CO2 concentration during the first 10 days of incubation on embryonic growth and hatching. “2nd Combined Workshop of Fundamental Physiology of the European Working Group of Physiology and Perinatal Development in Poultry”. September 23 – 25, 2005, Berlin, Germany. (Oral presentation).
46. Decuypere, E., Onagbesan, O., Swennen, Q., Buyse, J., Bruggeman, V. (2005). The endocrine and metabolic interface of genotype-nutrition interaction in broilers and broiler breeders. European Symposium on Poultry Nutrition, Budapest. September, 2005. (Invited paper).
45. Veerle Bruggeman, Gert Van den Bergh, Stefan Clerens, Linn Dumez, Okanlawon Onagbesan, Lutgarde Arckens, Eddy Decuypere (2005). Analysis of differential protein patterns by fluorescent two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry in liver and ovary of the one-day old chick induced by a single in ovo injection of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD). European Congress of Endocrinology, 3-7th September, Göteborg, Sweden. (Oral presentation).
44. Onagbesan OM, Bruggeman V, Tona K, Decuypere E. (2005). New perspectives for improving reproductive function in heavy broiler breeder females. 1st Nigerian International Poultry Summit (NIPS), 20-25 Feb 2005, Ota-Nigeria. (Oral presentation).
43. Onagbesan OM, Tona K, Decuypere E, Bruggeman V (2005). The effects of breeder age, chick quality and delayed feed access after hatch on broiler performance until 7 days of age. 1st Nigerian International Poultry Summit (NIPS), 20-25 Feb 2005, Ota-Nigeria. (Oral presentation).
42. Bruggeman V, Jego Y, Tona K, Onagbesan OM, Decuypere E (2004). Effects of broiler breeder genotypes on incubation parameters, chick quality and broiler performance. Proceedings of the XXII World Poultry Congress June 8-13, 2004, Istanbul. p 1016(Oral presentation).
41. Picard M, Bruggeman V, Jego Y, Onagbesan OM, Hocking P (2004). Growth and laying performances of two genotypes fed diluted diets ad libitum or restricted. Proceedings of the XXII World Poultry Congress June 8-13, 2004, Istanbul. p 1015. (Oral presentation).
40. Onagbesan OM, Bruggeman V, Van As P, Swennen Q, Decuypere E (2004). Implications of IGFs and BMPs on follicular development in broiler broiler breeder hens. Proceedings of the XXII World Poultry Congress June 8-13, 2004, Istanbul. p 1011. (Oral presentation).
39. Onagbesan OM, Bruggeman V, Duclos MJ, Decuypere E (2004). Systemic hormones variations in broiler breeder hens. Proceedings of the XXII World Poultry Congress June 8-13, 2004, Istanbul. p1008. (Oral presentation).
38. Onagbesan OM, Bruggeman V, Van As P, Swennen Q, Tona K, Decuypere E (2003). Effect of ad libitum or restricted feeding on the expression of bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP) and their receptors (BMPR) in the granulosa cells of chicken ovarian follicles and their role in cell differentiation and proliferation. Proceedings of the IX World Conference on Animal Production, Port Alegre, Brazil, 26-31 October 2003. Pp 214. (Oral presentation).
37. Tona K, Onagbesan OM, Bruggeman V, Decuypere E (2003). Effects of broiler breeder age and egg storage on egg quality, hatchability, chick quality and relative growth to slaughter weight at 42 days. SPSS/SCAD Concurrent meeting of International Poultry Scientific Forum, 20 – 22 Jan 2003, Atlanta – Georgia, USA. Proceedings Abstr 128, p 31 (Oral presentation).
36. Onagbesan OM, Van As P, Bruggeman V, Decuypere E (2003). Expression of mRNA encoding BMP-2, -4, -6, -7 and BMPR-IA, IB and -II in the ovarian follicles of the chicken. SPSS/SCAD Concurrent meeting of International Poultry Scientific Forum, 20 – 22 Jan 2003, Atlanta – Georgia, USA. Proceedings Abstr 50, p 13 (Oral presentation).
35. Van As P, Onagbesan OM, Bruggeman V, Jego Y, Williams J, Decuypere E (2002). Expression of BMPs and BMPRs in pre-hierarchical ovarian follicles of the domestic hen and probable involvement in follicle selection. Society for the Study of Fertility Joint European Conference on Reproduction, Tours, France 20-21 Dec 2002. Reproduction, Abstr Series No 29, Abstr 40, p 16-17 (Poster presentation).
34. Moraes VMB, Malheiros RD, Bruggeman V, Collin A, Tona K, Van As P, Onagbesan OM, Buyse J, Decuypere E, Macari M (2002). Physiological responses to heat stress during early development of broiler embryos. 11th European Poultry Conference, 6 – 10 September 2002, Bremen, Germany (Poster presentation).
33. Moraes VMB, Malheiros RD, Bruggeman V, Collin A, Tona K, Van As P, Onagbesan OM, Buyse J, Decuypere E, Macari M (2002). Effect of heat stress at pre-hatch stage on some physiological responses of broilers. 11th European Poultry Conference, 6 – 10 September 2002, Bremen, Germany (Oral presentation).
32. Tona K, Onagbesan OM, et al (2002). Effects of broiler breeder age and egg storage time on hatching process. 11th European Poultry Conference, 6 – 10 September 2002, Bremen, Germany (Poster presentation).
31. Tona K, Bamelis F, Bruggeman V, Moraes VMB, Onagbesan O, Decuypere E ( 2002). Effect of egg storage time on spread of hatch, chick quality and chick juvenile growth. Incubation and Fertility Group Conference: 12th-13th Sept 2002: Oxford, UK (Oral presentation).
30. Tona K, Malheiros RD, Bruggeman V, De Ketelaere B, Moraes VMB, Onagbesan O, Decuypere E (2002). A model for predicting hatchability as a function of flock age, a reference hatchability, storage time and season. Incubation and Fertility Group Conference: 12th-13th Sept 2002: Oxford, UK (Poster presentation).
29. Hastie PM, Onagbesan OM, Haresign W (2002). Differential expression of mRNA encoding components of the insulin-like growth factor system in ovine corpora lutea at key stages of the oestrous cycle. 6th International Symposium on Reproduction in Domestic Ruminants: 14th -17th August 2002, Scotland, UK (Poster presentation).
28. Van As P, Onagbesan O, Bruggeman V, Decuypere E (2001). Quantification of pituitary-specific transcription factor-1 (pit-1) gene expression in chicken pituitary by quantitative competitive RT-PCR. Abstracts of the 5th European Congress of Endocrinology, Turin, Italy, 9-13 June 2001. (Oral presentation).
27. Van AS P, Beck V, Onagbesan O.M, Bruggeman V, Van der Geyten S, Darras V.M, Decuypere E (2001). Effect of refeeding on growth hormone extra- (GHRe) and intracellular domain (GHRi) gene expression in chicken liver. 4th International Conference of Farm Animal Endocrinology, Parma, Italy, October 2001. (Oral presentation).
26. Van As P, Janssens W, Onagbesan O, Bruggeman V, Decuypere E (2001). Quantification of GH extra- (GHRe) and intra-cellular domain (GHRi) gene expression in chicken liver by quantitative competitive RT-PCR. 5th European Congress of Endocrinology, Turin, 9-13 June, 2001. (Poster presentation)
25. Hastie PM, Hazlerigg DG, Onagbesan OM, Haresign W (2000). Expression of mRNA encoding insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I), IGF-II, IGF-type I receptor, IGF-type II receptor and IGF binding proteins (IGFBP) in ovine ovarian follicles. Journal of Reproduction & Fertility, Abst Series 26, Abstract number 46, p19 (Poster presentation).
24. Dridi S, Williams J, Bruggeman V, Onagbesan M, Raver N, Decuypere E, Djian J, Gertler A, Taouis M (2000). Developpment du dosage radioimmunologique (RIA) specifique pour la leptine de poulet et des oiseaux. Biology of the Cell, 92, 7. (Oral presentation)
23. Williams J, Onagbesan OM, Dridi S, Durand M-T, Taouis M and Decuypere E (2000) Expression of IGF-I and IGF receptor mRNA in granulose and theca tissue in two strains of domestic hen. Journal of Reproduction & Fertility, Abst Series 25, Abstr number 148, p27; (Poster presentation).
22. Decuypere E, Bruggeman V, Onagbesan O, Safi M (1999). Endocrine physiology of reproduction in the female chicken: old wine in new bottles. Proceedings of the International Conference on Avian Reproduction, INRA, Tours, France, 22-25 Sept 1999 (Invited paper: Oral presentation).
21. Van As P, Schaerlaekens T, Buys N, Onagbesan O.M, Decuypere E (1999). CDNA cloning of three Pit-1 transcription factors and expression of Pit-1 during embryogenesis in the chicken pituitary. Poultry Genetics Symposium, 6-8 October 1999, Mariensee, Germany. (Poster presentation).
20. Onagbesan OM, Safi M, Vleugels B, Decuypere E, Williams J (1999). Quantification of growth hormone receptor mRNA by competitive RT-PCR in granulosa and theca layer of the hen. Journal of Reproduction & Fertility, Abstr series 23, Abstr 13, pp 10: (Oral presentation).
19. Decuypere, Bruggeman V, Vermaut S, Safi M & Onagbesan OM. (1998). Growth factors in reproduction; the broiler breeder versus the laying hen or does obesitas impair reproduction ? Proceedings of the avian Reproduction conference, 15-16 May, Sweden (invited paper: Oral presentation).
18. Safi M, Onagbesan OM, Vleugels, Buys N & Decuypere (1998). Regulation of inhibin (subunit mRNA levels in cultured chicken granulosa cells by IGF-I. Proceedings of the 3rd Intern Conference on Farm Animal Endocrinol, Brussels, 6-10 Dec 1998, Abstr rm1, 59 (Poster presentation).
17. Onagbesan OM, Vleugels B, Safi M & Decuypere E (1998). GH, LH, FSH and the IGFs interact to regulate the production of IGF-I and IGF-II by cultured granulosa cells. Proceedings of the 3rd Intern Conference on Farm Animal Endocrinol, Brussels, 6-10 Dec 1998 Abstr r4, 58, (Oral presentation)
16. Onagbesan O.M, Peddie M.J, Woolveridge I, Williams J & Duclos M and IGF-I in granulosa cells during avian(1996). The role of TGF follicular maturation. Poultry & Avian Biology Reviews 6, (4), p292 (Oral presentation).
15. Onagbesan O.M. & Peddie M.J. (1995). Characterization of EGF receptors in cultured chicken granulosa cells: receptor expression and activation. Journal of Endocrinology 145, Supplement, Abstr P75: 186th Meeting of the Soc for Endocrinology (Poster presentation).
14. Peddie M.J. & Onagbesan O.M. (1994). Alterations in calcium and adenylate cyclase activated steroidogenesis during follicular maturation in the chicken. Journal of Reproduction & Fertility Abstract series 13, Abstr 75: (Poster presentation).
13. Onagbesan O.M., Peddie M.J. & Woolveridge I. (1993). Demonstration peptide in ovarian theca cells of the domestic hen. Journalof EGF/TGF of Endocrinology 137, Supplement, Abstr P175 (Poster presentation).
12. Onagbesan O.M., Peddie M.J. & Woolveridge I. (1993). Further evidence that theca cells of the avian ovary produce EGF-like peptides. Journal of Reproduction & Fertility Abstr series 11, Abstr 143: (Poster presentation).
11. Woolveridge I, Onagbesan O.M., & binding to granulosaPeddie M.J. (1993) Alterations in the 125I-TGF and theca cells during follicular maturation in chickens. Journal of Reproduction & Fertility Abstr series 12, abstr No 58: (Poster presentation).
10. Peddie M.J., Onagbesan O.M. & Woolveridge I. (1992) Effects of IGF-1 on progesterone production by chicken granulosa cells. Journal of Endocrinology 135 Suppl. Abstr P3: (Poster presentation).
9. Onagbesan O.M., Peddie M.J. (1992) Comparison of and Theca conditioned medium on estrogenthe effects of EGF, TGF production by cultured avian theca cells. Proceedings of the Vth Intern. Symposium on avian endocrinology, Edinburgh 13-17 Sept 1992 (Oral presentation).
8. Onagbesan O.M, Peddie M.J., Gullick W (1992) Visualization of EGF-receptors, Progesterone receptors and dehydrogenase activity in the ovarian follicles of chickens. Proceedings of the Vth Intern. Symposium on avian endocrinology, Edinburgh 13-17 Sept 1992 (Poster presentation).
7. Woolveridge I., Onagbesan O.M., Peddie M.J. (1992) Effect of cycloheximide on androstenedione secretion by the theca cells of chickens in vitro. Journal of Endocrinology. 132, Suppl. Abstr No 282: (Poster presentation).
6. Onagbesan O.M., Peddie M.J., Williams J.B. on androstenedione production by the(1992) Effect of EGF or TGF theca cells of chickens in vitro. Journal of Endocrinology 132, Suppl. Abstr No. 283: (Poster presentation).
5. Peddie M.J., Onagbesan O.M., Williams J.B. (1991) Effects of EGF and theca conditioned medium on progesterone production by avian granulosa cells in culture. Journal of Reproduction & Fertility Abstr. Series No. 7, Abstr. No. 16: (Oral presentation).
4. Onagbesan O.M., Peddie M.J.., Williams J.B. (1991) Androstenedione secretion by avian theca cells cultured under defined conditions. Journal of Rep roduction & Fertility Abstr. Series No. 7, Abstr. No. 17: (Oral presentation).
3. Onagbesan O.M., Peddie M.J., Williams J.B. (1991) Effects of growth factors, serum, and gonadotrophins on cell morphology and oestrogen production by chicken theca cells cultured in defined medium. Journal of Endocrinology 129, Suppl. (10th Joint Meeting BES, Brighton, U.K., April 1991) Abstr. No. 190: (Poster presentation).
2. Onagbesan O.M., Peddie M.J., Williams J.B. (1990) Chicken theca cells cultured in defined media with or without growth factors. Journal of Reproduction & Fertility Abstr. Series 6, Absrt No. 17 (Oral presentation).
1. Onagbesan O.M., Peddie M.J., Williams J.B. (1990) Progesterone secretion by cultured chicken granulosa cells in defined media: Responses to gonadotrophins and d.b. cyclic AMP. Journal of Endocrinology 127, Suppl. Abstr. 103: (Poster presentation).
(a). GeneBank publications (with EBML Ac. No.)
(c). Contribution in books
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