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OYEWOLE Oluwatomisin Jesudurotimi 


Short Profile

Oluwatomisin J. Oyewole is a Petroleum and Energy Economist and a graduate of the University of Aberdeen (Scotland, United Kingdom) with a Master’s degree in the field of Petroleum, Energy Economics and Finance. He is a member of the Department of Economics, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta (FUNAAB). He is ranked among Top 25% Research Economists in Nigeria in the last 10 years  (  based  on  the  ranking by Research Papers in Economics (RePEc) Network which archives the largest database of economists in the world. His research and teaching activities revolve around Economics of energy use, Oil price shocks, International Economics, Financial Economics, and Applied time-series econometrics. He has co-authored a number of research papers published in journals and conferences.

M Sc. Petroleum, Energy Economics and Finance

• A Global VAR Examination of Propagation from Energy Prices to Households, and the Financial Sector: How Does Europe Compare to the rest of the World?
• Illustrative Model on the Economics of Integrated returns from investment in Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Returns: A Case Study of the U.K

Centre for Social & Economic Data Analytics (CSEDA) PhD Scholarship at the Heriot Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom (2023)

• Member of the Nigerian Economic Summit Group (NESG)
• Member of the Climate-Economy-Energy Modelling Network (CliEEN)
• Member of the Nigerian Association for Energy Economics (NAEE)

a. WITS Inter-faculty Symposium on Climate, Sustainability, and Inequality: ‘Non- Economic Shocks, Climate Change and Sovereign Risk in South Africa’ (August 23 24, 2023)
b. Biennial Conference of the Economic Society of South Africa (ESSA), Johannesburg, South Africa (14 Sep 2021 – 16 Sep 2021): ’Connection between African Stock Markets and Clean Energy Stocks: Does uncertainty due to Infectious Diseases Matter?’
c. Africa Region Training Workshop (Lusaka, Zambia): Modelling Return and Volatility Spillovers in Global Foreign Exchange Markets

a. Fasanya, and Oyewole, ° J (2023), “On the connection between clean energy stocks and African stock markets: does uncertainty due to infectious diseases matter?”, International Journal of E merging Markets [Pteptint]. doi:10.1108/IJOEM-05-2022-0818. Emerald Publishers.
b. Fasanya, Oyewole, and Dauda, M. (2023) ‘Uncertainty due to infectious diseases and bitcoin-gold nexus: Evidence from a non-patametfic causality-in-quantiles approach’, Resources polio, 82, 103549, Elsevier. doi:10.1016/j.fesoutpo1.2023.103549.
c. Fasanya, I.O., and Oyewole, O.J (2023), “Dynamic spillovers between precious metals and travel &
tourism stocks in South-East Asia: Do infectious disease outbreaks matter?”, Economic Research-
Ekonomska Istrañivanja, Taylor and Francis. DOI: 10.1080/1331677X.2023.2166968
d. Fasanya, I.O, and Oyewole, O.J (2023), “On the connection between international REITs and oil
markets: The role of economic policy uncertainty”, Resources policy, 81, 103335, Elsevier.
e. Dada M.A., Oyewole, O.J, and Fasanya, I.O. (2023), “Output and price volatility spillovers among ECOWAS members: The role of global and regional uncertainties”, S‹:ientific African, 19, e01524. Elsevier.
f. Ohikhuate O., Oyewole O.J, and Adedeji A. (2022) “Public Health Investment, Human Capital
Accumulation, and Labour Productivity: Evidence from West Africa” Zagreb International Rer/rw of Economics Business; 25(2), 139-163, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, Croatia. Fasanya, I.O., Oyewole, O.J, and Oliyide, J.A. (2022), “Investors’ sentiments and the dynamic connectedness between cryptocuttency and precious metals markets”, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 86, 347-364.
h. Fasanya, I.O, Adekoya, O.B, Oyewole, O.J, and Adegboyega, S. (2022), “Investor sentiment and energy
futures predictability: Evidence from Feasible Quasi Generalized Least Squares”, The North American Journal of Economics and Finance, 63, 101830. Elsevier.
1. Oyewole, O.J, Adubiagbe, I.A, and Adekoya, O.B (2022), “Economic policy uncertainty and stock
returns among OPEC members: evidence from feasible quasi-generalized least squares”, Future Business
Journal, 8(12). Springer Open
Fasanya, I.O, Oyewole, O.J, and Raheem, I.D (2022), “Oil Prices and Exchange Rate Dynamics: How Important Is the Role of Asymmetry and Structural Breaks?”, Journal of African Business, 23 (3) 638-657. Taylor and Francis.
k. Fasanya, I.O, Oyewole, O.J, Adekoya, O.B, and Badafu, F.O (2021), “Oil price and stock market
behaviour in GCC countries: Do asymmetries and structural breaks matter?”, Energf Strategy Reriewi, 36,
100682. Elsevier.
l. Fasanya, Oyewole, O.J, and Raheem, I.D (2021), Prices and Exchange Rate Dynamics: How Important Is the Role of Asymmetry and Sttuctutal Breaks?”, Journal of A/rzrom Boi/nrii,22 (4) 1-20. Taylor and Francis.
m. Fasanya, I.O, Oyewole, O.J, and Agbatogun, T. (2021), “How Does Economic Policy Uncertainty Connect with the Volatility Spillovers in Asia-Pacific Markets?” Ai/n Economics letters, 2 (2), 21437.
n. Fasanya, I.O., Oyewole, O.J, and Oliyide, J.A. (2021), “Can uncertainty due to pandemic predict Asia- Pacific Energy Stock Markets?”, Asian Economic L.enters, 2(t), 21223.
O. Fasanya, I.O., Oyewole, O.J, and Odei-Mensah, J. (2021), “Infectious Diseases-Energy Futures Nexus: A
Quartile-on-Quantile Approach”, Ener Msearch 1(4), 18267.

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