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No fewer than 50 capital projects under the 2010 financial year of the University are steadily nearing completion, in readiness for a grand commissioning exercise by early next year.

The University Vice-Chancellor, Professor Oluwafemi Olaiya Balogun, disclosed this fact when conducting members of the University’s Governing Council, led by the Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of Council, Chief Lawrence Osayemi, on an inspection tour.

In an exercise that lasted the whole day, the Governing Council members were conducted round the sites of projects spanning the entire expanse of the University. The projects include the construction of the Zoological Garden, International Scholars and Exchange Programme Centre, Students Hostels, Academic and Administrative Buildings, as well as the construction of the Postgraduate School, Colleges of Environmental Resources Management and that of the Food Science and Human Ecology.

Other project sites visited included the Agro-Market, Livestock Processing buildings, Ceremonial Road, the Farm Centre, separate 2500 and 2000-Seater auditoria, several social and recreational facilities, Erosion Control, Paved Walkways, among numerous others.

The Vice-Chancellor said the pace of work of most of the projects was satisfactory and that he was confident that the stipulated completion time would be realized by the various contractors.

Professor Balogun assured that the quality attribute of the projects would not be compromised, given the supervisory mechanism built into each. He however warned that subsequent administrators and users should ensure adequate maintenance culture for the projects to last for a longer time.

According to him, “there cannot be delay on any of the projects as no contractor can say we owe”. Stressing on maintenance, the Vice-Chancellor said, “While we (his administration) shall ensure that quality was maintained on each project, it is up to those after us and users to ensure they put up appropriate maintenance culture”.

Most of the contractors met on site exuded confidence that the projects would be delivered on time as they were not experiencing any threatening challenges, but commended the level of support and supervision by Management.

In the words of the contractor handling the 2500-Seater auditorium, Engr. Davis Olowoniran, “the Vice-Chancellor is usually the first person to get to the site and always the last person to leave, in order to ensure that no detail was spared”.

The Pro-Chancellor, Chief Osayemi, enjoined all the contractors to ensure that all terms and agreement of their individual projects were complied with and also resist the temptations of compromising standard.

Last Updated on December 23, 2010 by admin


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