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Inter-collegiate: COLANIM, COLPHYS, COLAMRUD Lead

Published On:

December 16, 2019

The College of Animal Science and Livestock Production (COLANIM), has again, emerged the overall winner in the just-concluded 2019 Inter-collegiate Sports/Vice-Chancellor’s Cup tournament after defeating other Colleges on the medals table with a total of 15 Gold, 12 Silver and 14 Bronze medals. Following closely in the second position is the College of Physical Sciences (COLPHYS) with 10 Gold, 3 Silver and 8 Bronze medals; and the College of Agricultural Management and Rural Development (COLAMRUD), which stood in the third position with 5 Gold, 5 Silver and 11 Bronze medals. The College of Management Sciences (COLMAS) won the men’s final football match in the competition. To achieve this feat, COLMAS had to defeat the College of Engineering (COLENG) 4 – 2, during the 90 minutes of play.

Representative of the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Clement Adeofun, addressing spectators at the Intercollegiate Sports/Vice-Chancellor’s Cup tournament.

Speaking at the event, the Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Kolawole Salako commended the Directorate of Sports for successfully kicking-off the competition and ending. The Vice-Chancellor, represented by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Development), Prof. Clement Adeofun, reiterated the commitment of the University towards improving all sporting facilities, stressing that Management had approved the renovation of the campus football pitch while some indoor games facilities had also been rehabilitated.

The Vice-Chancellor added that the University was in the process of hosting the National University Games Association (NUGA), noting that it was one of the things he had wanted to achieve before leaving office. According to him, Management would continue to make great commitments to sporting facilities, with a promise that the students would be supported to make giant strides in fulfilling their ambitions in becoming good students, sports men and women, to be able to compete nationally and internationally. NUGA’s Secretary-General, Pastor Bola Orodele, charged FUNAAB to be strategic and have an action plan, to ensure that its facilities were in good shape to be able to host bigger competitions.

Vice-Chancellor’s representative and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Development)
Vice-Chancellor’s representative and Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Development), Prof. Clement Adeofun (Centre), with staff of FUNAAB Directorate of Sports.

Pastor Orodele disclosed that the Committee of Vice-Chancellors of Nigerian Universities (CVCNU) had agreed that one of the ways of making NUGA effective and functional in discharging its mandate on sports development in the Nigerian universities, was to make it financially-independent. He added that recently, universities charged between N500 and N1,000 as sports fee per student, noting that all that was required was for each University to deduct the sum of N200 per student from whatever was being charged at the University level and remitting same to NUGA account, domiciled at the CVCNU Secretariat. Pastor Orodele assured that the money realised would be used to sponsor students on scholarships and to the World University Championships.

Meanwhile, other standings on the medals table for the 2019 Inter-Collegiate Sports/Vice-Chancellor’s Cup tournament are as follows:

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Last Updated on December 17, 2019 by FUNAAB



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