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Department of Animal Breeding & Genetics


The Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics was established in 1988 as an entirely new concept in the Nigerian University System at the inception of University of Agriculture, Abeokuta. It constitutes one of the five Departments currently run by the College of Animal Science and Livestock Production (COLANIM) and offers sound and accredited programme leading to the award of the degree of Bachelor of Animal Science. The Department also runs Postgraduate programmes leading to the award of Master of Science and Doctoral degrees in Animal Breeding and Genetics and in Animal Biotechnology.

The goal of the Department is to develop manpower to offset the dearth of personnel in Animal Breeding and Genetics and to produce graduates that will be self-employed and employers of labour. The Department therefore offers theoretical, on-farm and laboratory experience including the basic aspects of Biotechnology Applied to Livestock Production as components of the Bachelor of Animal Science Programme of the University.

Philosophy and Objectives

The primary philosophy that guides the training of students in the Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics is the production of skilled manpower that is adequately furnished with comprehensive information required for the breeding and improvement of existing livestock in an environment endowed with large populations of different livestock species. Such professional manpower has to be produced in an atmosphere with the widest possible human and material resources through the adoption of effective techniques of instruction and exposure to the actual practice of animal breeding and improvement techniques. Consequently, there are opportunities for formal training at the Undergraduate and Postgraduate levels for the acquisition of basic and higher degrees respectively. The Department mounts programmes through classroom instructions, laboratory practical, field demonstration and workshop practices.

The major objectives of the Department are as follows:

  1. To assist in the attainment of self-sufficiency in the production of livestock breeds and products.
  2. To enhance the rural employment opportunities and the attendant improvement of the quality of rural life.
  3. To contribute to the production of raw materials to support the growth of several industries.
  4. To enhance the production and processing of livestock as export products.
  5. To develop new patterns of livestock structures and government policies which clearly demonstrate that livestock production is an important part of our national economy.
  6. To provide a sound experimental design and basis for good statistical inference for all animal experimentation.

Departmental Staff

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30th Convocation Ceremonies

Award of First Degree to deserving graduands
