Central Laboratory & Biotechnology Centre


Historical Background

The Biotechnology Centre was set up in the year 2000 as part of the Equipment Maintenance Centre in response to the 1st Summer Course on ‘In-vitro recombinant DNA techniques’ held at the University. It was elevated to the status of full-fledged Centre in the year 2001 with the Second Summer Course that started focusing on PCR techniques.


To promote training, research and development in all aspects of modern biotechnology with state-of-the-art facilities backed up by highly skilled human resources for a positive impact on mankind and the environment.


Our mission is to optimize the benefits of biotechnology to FUNAAB, Ogun State and Nigeria by being an excellent and multidisciplinary biotechnology centre that generates and advances the knowledge of modern biotechnology, nationally and internationally.


  1. To develop and provide excellent research tools and capabilities through our human and material resources;
  2. To provide a biotechnology backup towards accomplishing FUNAAB vision and mission;
  3. To catalyze and encourage inter-disciplinary research programs in the university;
  4. To train scientists that will address and provide solutions to practical problems of state and national importance;
  5. To source for and facilitate national and international partnership and support for biotechnology service, research, education, and training;
  6. To increase public awareness and understanding of biotechnology and its impacts;
  7. To coordinate and participate in training activities for students and visiting scientists in biotechnology;
  8. To become a resource center for biotechnology information and education;
  9. To facilitate the process by which new research results are transferred to farmers and corporate bodies for economic development;
  10. To sensitize the young ones in secondary schools to the benefits and applications of biotechnology;
  11. To engage the undergraduates in intellectual inter-collegiate quiz competition on biotechnology-related themes;
  12. To provide expertise for the formulation and evaluation of policies on biosafety.
  13. To generate revenue for the university

The Laboratories in the Biotechnology Centre

The Central Laboratory and Biotechnology Centre has a number of specialized laboratories and these include:

  1. Animal Biotechnology Laboratory
  2. Plant Biotechnology Laboratory
  3. Food/Microbiology Biotechnology Laboratory
  4. Bioinformatics Laboratory
  5. Tissue Culture Laboratory

The other supporting laboratories attached to the centre are

  1. Chemical Analytical Laboratory
  2. Instrumentation Laboratory


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