Department of Horticulture


Established in 1992, the Department of Horticulture remains the only full-fledged Department of Horticulture in Higher Education Institutions in the country to date. It was established to train both undergraduate and postgraduate students in the production, improvement, storage, handling and marketing of fruits, vegetables and ornamentals in addition to landscape gardening.
The establishment of the Department is in the recognition of the significant role horticultural crops play in agricultural and economic growth in Nigeria. Horticulture is a wide field, running parallel with agriculture. Postgraduate training in Horticulture began in the 1993/94 session.
The Department of Horticulture aspires to be the Centre of Excellence in Horticultural Sciences among the Higher Educational Institutions in the West African sub-region; the cynosure of the Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta and the choice of applicants seeking professional training in Horticulture at the Postgraduate level. The Department aspires to be the most sought after Department in public-private partnerships which optimize the potentials of the diverse spheres of Horticulture in the West African sub-region (food and nutritional security, health and recreation, mitigation of climate change and environmental beautification).
Working in partnership with other stakeholders, the Department of Horticulture will increase employability of its graduates by imparting knowledge and cutting-edge market-driven skills.
Horticulture can make significant contributions to national development and accelerate the attainment of the Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDGs). To optimize this potential and enhance its competitiveness globally, the Department reiteratively reconfigures its training curriculum to effectively respond to emerging demands of the markets and industries. The Department is set to produce graduates who blend cutting-edge science with entrepreneurial skills to make them outstanding in service delivery. Our graduates shall be Employers and job-creators rather than job-seekers.
Objectives of the Programme
The objectives of the Horticulture programme in FUNAAB include:
1. To improve the public perception of horticulture as a profession to be desired than despised.
2. To produce proficient graduates who are employable and able to create jobs in all specializations of Horticulture: Pomology (Fruit Science), Olericulture (Vegetable Science) and Ornamental Horticulture (floriculture, landscaping and landscape architecture).
3. To generate demand-driven adoptable technologies that create more jobs, add value to horticultural produce and enhance the development of the horticultural industry.
4. To expand the frontiers of knowledge in cross-border applications of horticulture in food nutrition and health, climate change, sports and environmental beautification.
5. Through ad hoc training locally and overseas, the Department of Horticulture is determined to improve the capacity of teaching and support staff to deliver the objectives above.
6. Besides, the postgraduate programmes in the Department is to provide an advanced training / knowledge in the areas of theories, practical and research, and in modern application of Horticulture to resource utilization and development in Nigeria in particular, and the whole world in general.
7. Students shall become professionals in the chosen discipline of Horticultural Sciences: Olericulture (vegetable and spice crops production and processing), Pomology (fruit and industrial tree-crops production and processing), Floriculture (cultivation and management of ornamentals, flowering and shade plants) and Landscape Horticulture (design and management of ornamental gardens, turf grounds, tourist centres, recreational centres, fishponds, roundabout, lawns, etc.).
8. The Department shall train the students against future challenges in the areas of all Horticultural Sciences.
9. In addition, soft and hard landscape architecture is offered to students who are particularly interested in beautification of indoor and out-door environments.
10. Career opportunities in Horticulture shall include protected cultivation, handling and processing technology of Horticultural crops and extension aspects of Horticulture.

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