Senior Non-Teaching Staff Establishment Unit

The Senior Non-Teaching Staff Establishment Unit replaced the Directorate of (Senior staff) Establishment and Human Resources in the year 2017. The Office is in charge of Senior Non-Teaching Staff Personnel of the University.

This Unit assists the Registrar in the day-to-day administration of the University as regards:

  1. Conduct of interview for short-listed applicants;
  2. Appointments and promotions of Senior Non-Teaching as well as confirmation of appointment;
  3. Processing of staff leaves including sabbatical leave, study leave, maternity leave and entitlements etc. e.g. passages;
  4. Handling staff disciplinary matters;
  5. Preparing staff nominal roll for general administration;
  6. Interpretation of the rules and regulations of the University to guide Management in taking decision on diverse matters;
  7. Processing of retirement paper for all Senior Staff;
  8. Processing and issuance of Staff Identity Cards; and
  9. Implementing Management decisions as they relate to all Senior Non-Teaching staff.

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