Academic Staff Establishment Unit

The Academic Staff Establishment Unit replaced the Directorate of (Senior Staff) Establishment and Human Resources in the year 2017. The Office is in charge of Academic Staff Personnel of the University.

This Unit assists the Registrar in the day-to-day administration of the University as regards:

  1. Conduct of interview for short-listed applicants;
  2. Appointments and promotions of Academic staff as well as confirmation of appointment;
  3. Processing of staff leaves including sabbatical leave, study leave, maternity leave and entitlements etc. e.g. passages;
  4. Handling staff disciplinary matters;
  5. Preparing staff nominal roll for general administration;
  6. Interpretation of the rules and regulations of the University to guide Management in taking decision on diverse matters;
  7. Processing of retirement papers for all Academic Staff;
  8. Processing and issuance of Academic Staff Identity Cards and;
  9. Implementing Management decisions as they relate to all members of Academic staff.

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